Swirling Chaos (Naruto)(discontinued)

Chapter 23: Counterattack

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Mikoto and Kushina put their plan into action~


“We should move quickly, Kushina.”

The Fifth Hokage blinks at that, looking back over her shoulder at Mikoto even as the Uchiha Matriarch continues to dip her fingers in and out of her friend’s drooling pussy.


Looking at the vision of debauchery in the Hokage’s Crystal Ball, Mikoto doesn’t back down.

“If the Kyuubi catches on, we’ll be ruined. She’ll have all the time in the world to prepare for us, or even to poison Naruto against us. We need to put her in her place sooner rather than later… we need to make our move tonight.”

That causes a jolt to run through her friend’s body, but Mikoto means every word. When Kurama had decided to recruit Mikoto to seduce Kushina, she’d clearly known what she was doing. She’d clearly known just what sort of woman Mikoto was and how deep her feelings for Kushina ran. So she probably already suspected Mikoto would eventually betray her. It’s what the Uchiha would have expected if she were in the Kyuubi’s shoes, after all.

However, Kurama likely assumed that Mikoto would take some time to betray her. That she would be hesitant and careful in seducing Kushina, so as to not drive her best friend away. After all, Mikoto hadn’t made a move like this for all these years. She’d needed the Nine-Tails to give her this final push. But… what Kurama didn’t know yet was that that push had sent the Uchiha right over the edge into an abyss. She wasn’t holding back anymore. Not with Kushina… and certainly not with Naruto.

“I… I don’t know…”

Humming, Mikoto brings her other hand up to Kushina’s breast, fondling the Fifth Hokage casually as they continue to watch Naruto fuck Kurama and Kurama eat out Hanabi. Then, she leans in and bites Kushina on her shoulder, making the red head yelp from the sudden pain. She doesn’t dig deep enough to draw blood or anything like that and she lets go with her chompers a moment later, but the effect is still the same.

“H-Hey! What was that for?!”

Pulling her mouth away, Mikoto hums into Kushina’s ear.

“A shock to the system. You need to stop hesitating, Ku-shi-na. That’s what the Kyuubi wants. She wants to take things slowly. She wants to bring you into the fold on her terms. And what do we do when the enemy tries to dictate how things are going to go, eh Red-Hot Habanero?”

As Mikoto hoped, invoking Kushina’s old nickname does the trick. The Fifth Hokage straightens up a little and lets out a shuddering breath.

“… We smash their plans to pieces.”

Grinning now, Mikoto nods against Kushina’s back, letting her feel the motion.

“That’s exactly right. There’s no other option, Kushina. Tonight has to be the night… or we’ll be playing into Kurama’s hands just like Hanabi did.”

Kushina slowly nods as well, almost entranced as she stares at the scene taking place in the Crystal Ball. Mikoto will be the first to admit… she feels a little bad that Hanabi was basically their guinea pig. But then to be fair, it wasn’t like she’d forced her apprentice to go after Kurama in this way. They hadn’t spoken about this at all in fact. Rather, that was all Hanabi’s doing… and as much as she’d ultimately failed to do anything to truly put Kurama in her place, her failure had been illuminating all the same.

There was just one small problem.

“… I say that, but I’ll admit… I don’t have a way of bringing Kurama here without alerting Naruto, Kushina.”

That causes Kushina to go still. She turns away from the Crystal Ball then, her brow furrowed as she puts on her thinking cap.

“I might be able to do it.”

When Mikoto raises an eyebrow at that, Kushina grins and shrugs.

“I held the Kyuubi within me for a decade. Our connection… maybe I can do something, yeah. Of course, it might not work. Naruto might feel it, even.”

Mikoto hums and gives a shrug of her own.

“Well, if he does, we can just say that we were trying to contact him in the first place. Easy enough, right?”

For a moment, her friend seems to consider this before slowly nodding again.

“Right. Alright. Let’s do this.”

Luckily, they have the Crystal Ball to continue peeping through. Turning back to it, Mikoto takes up position alongside Kushina this time, watching the threesome taking place back at the Hokage’s Clan Compound as Kushina focuses for a moment. Her eyes closed tight and her face scrunched up in concentration, Kushina herself doesn’t see it… but Mikoto does, her Sharingan spinning as she memorizes every inch of the encounter.

For just a split second… the Nine-Tailed Kitsune jolts. And not just because Naruto is fucking her hard and fast, no this is something else. Something… decidedly unexpected for Kurama. Mikoto licks her lips, also checking her memory of Naruto in that moment… and seeing nothing. He didn’t feel it. Good.

“… I don’t know if it worked, to be honest.”

Kushina opens her eyes, brow furrowed and lips curled downwards into a frown. In response, Mikoto pulls her best friend into a hug.

“It worked, Kushina. I could tell. Kurama definitely got your message… while Naruto didn’t feel a thing.”

Kushina slumps in relief at that, causing Mikoto to giggle. The Fifth Hokage was so silly. After all, the end goal was still the same. They were still both going to wind up in Naruto’s bed. Still, it was all about how that happened. They would put Kurama in her place first. And then they would join Naruto’s growing harem. Yes… everything was going to go perfectly, Mikoto was sure of it.


What if everything didn’t go according to plan? That was the thought racing through Kushina’s head, even as she found herself alongside Mikoto many hours later, waiting for the Kyuubi’s arrival. They’d both gotten cleaned up and presentable as they waited for the threesome they’d been watching to finally finish. And boy what a threesome that had been.

Kushina’s face is still red just thinking about it. The way Hanabi had tried to take control had been admirable, but in the end it was doomed to fail. Still, Kurama let her think she was still in charge… even as she’d gotten what she wanted, in the end. A long, seemingly endless dicking by Naruto himself. It had taken all this time just for Minato’s son to wind up finally exhausted enough to pass out with Hanabi cuddled in his arms.

Only then had the Kyuubi left their side and come to Kushina and Mikoto. Of course, the dark-skinned kitsune no doubt knew this was a trap. It was Kushina who had reached out to her after all, not Mikoto. That didn’t change anything though in the end. Kurama was overconfident, supremely so… and ultimately, she thought she could spring their trap without consequences. She thought she had all the leverage and power here.

She didn’t. And it was high time that Kushina and Mikoto show her as much.

“Well? You two wanted me and now I’m here. So let’s-mmph!”

The moment Kurama appears before them, Kushina doesn’t hold back. The Fifth Hokage’s signature technique are her Chakra Chains. A technique unique to the Uzumaki Clan, Kushina might be the last practitioner in the entire world. Hell, she might be the last practitioner ever. Though, not if she had anything to say about it. She would pass this technique onto Naruto if it was the last thing she did. In fact, she was excited to teach him it, especially with how immense his Chakra Reserves were.

That was the central conceit of the sealing technique known in some circles as Adamantine Sealing Chains and other circles as Vajra Sealing Chains. Kushina had always just called them her Chakra Chains… because at the end of the day, they were literally produced out of her chakra. It was the sort of technique that required immense chakra reserves, because you were quite literally using your chakra in a way almost no other technique required… expending it to create physical manifestations.

Of course, physical manifestation wasn’t the only way in which it could be used. Kushina herself had used it inwardly for her entire time as the Kyuubi’s Jailer. Her Chakra Chains had bound the Nine-Tails in her subconscious, and she’d never ever lost control of the Kyuubi’s power as a result.

Now… well, binding Kurama’s kitsune form up in Chakra Chains was child’s play. In an instant, they wind around the voluptuous kitsune’s body, wrapping her up nice and tight and locking her arms behind her back in an uncomfortable position while also sliding between her teeth, cutting off her ability to speak.

In a single second, Kurama is bound and gagged, showing Kushina’s power over the Kyuubi has not ceased simply because she’s no longer the Nine-Tails’ host.

Stomping forward as the kitsune struggles but fails to break free, Kushina grabs Kurama by the jaw and growls at her.

“Whatever your plans for Naruto are, I’m not going to let them come to fruition. Your scheming stops now, Kyuubi.”

Kurama goes still, staring at Kushina blankly. Or at least, seemingly blankly. Kushina can see it in the depths of the other woman’s eyes… the defiance. But before she can continue, Mikoto places a hand on her shoulder, pulling her back. With a smile on her face and her Sharingan active, the Uchiha Matriarch hums.

“I know you recruited me hoping things would go your way, Kyuubi, but needless to say… asking me to betray my friend’s trust was a step too far. I’ve told her everything you told me at this point. Needless to say, we don’t trust you. Not with Naruto. Not without… reaching an understanding.”

At that, Kurama lets out a distinctly unimpressed huff. But Mikoto is just getting started.

“And sure, we all know you can leave this place in an instant, retreating to your seal. You can flee from us like a coward if you like. Kushina’s Chakra Chains couldn’t hold you then. But that’d be just fine with us, if you were back where you belonged in your prison.”

Kurama’s eyes narrow but Mikoto still isn’t done.

“As well… you could tell Naruto what’s happening here. You could let him in on all of this. That too would be disastrous for you, because let’s be honest… we would just tell him what you’ve been playing at. And he’d never trust you again. Mutually Assured Destruction.”

There’s a belated pause before Kurama finally tilts her head down. A display of submission, maybe? Kushina doesn’t know. Until Mikoto clears her throat and speaks up.

“Ah, I think she’s asking to be allowed to speak, Kushina.”

Oh, right. The gag. For a moment, Kushina doesn’t want to do it. She doesn’t want to give the bitch a chance to deliver more poisonous words to their ears. But… this won’t work if she can’t talk at all. They’d have to just assume they’ve forced her hand without her verbal capitulation. No… they need her to agree so if she goes back on her agreement, they can use that against her.

With a flick of her wrist, Kushina pulls the Chakra Chain away from Kurama’s lips, though she leaves the rest of the curvaceous kitsune’s body restrained. Letting out a sigh, the Kyuubi works her jaw for a moment before looking between the two of them.

“Cute. Very cute. Still, you’ve laid out your reasons for why I should entertain this foolishness. I’m listening.”

Kushina and Mikoto exchange a look at that before turning their attention back to the Kyuubi. Mikoto steps forward as Kushina maintains her concentration on the Chakra Chains. That was partially why the Uchiha was doing the talking. The other part was that Kushina didn’t trust herself to remain calm.

“Before… back in my office, you told me that a Uchiha forced you to attack Konoha that night.”

Kushina hums at that.

“The masked figure.”

Kurama’s eyes dart between them and she smirks, slowly nodding.

“Yes. Do you wish to know who they are? I could tell you; you know.”

That startles both her and Mikoto and Kushina can tell Mikoto is tempted. But then… that’s the point. Kurama is trying to tempt them. She’s trying to take control of the pace of this conversation. She’s trying to take control of THEM. Kushina growls, snapping Mikoto out of her temptation as she tightens up the Chakra Chains to the point that the kitsune trapped within them cries out in pain.

“Kushina! Enough!”

Kushina scoffs but pulls back, giving Mikoto a nod. This was the crux of their plan. Kushina would be the loose cannon, Mikoto would be the more understanding one. Hopefully, it would force Kurama to give Mikoto’s words more weight. It helped that Kushina really was a loose cannon, especially when it came to the Nine-Tails…

“As much as I’m sure we both wish we could believe you know exactly who controlled you that night… there’s still the matter of trust. And the lack of it between the three of us. That’s what we’ve brought you here to dispel, Kurama. You want us to trust you, yes?”

Kurama sniffs at that.

“I want Naruto to be happy. Your trust means nothing to me.”

But Mikoto shakes her head at that.

“Except we can’t believe that you truly want Naruto to be happy… not without establishing trust. And so long as we can’t trust you, you can’t expect us to just let you run around free. If a Uchiha was able to use the Sharingan to control you the night you attacked Konoha… then that means I can use the Sharingan to control you now and make sure you can’t hurt any of us or our loved ones ever again.”

Kurama goes still at that. Kushina smirks a little bit because it’s obvious this wasn’t in Kurama’s plans at all. The Kyuubi’s eyes narrow as she glares at Mikoto intensely.

“If you knew what it took, you would never ask me that. Suffice to say, you’re not willing to pay the price, Lady Uchiha.”

Mikoto stiffens at that and throws Kushina a glance. Kushina stiffens in turn… because she can tell from the look on her best friend’s face that Kurama isn’t lying. Whatever it costs to be able to control something like the Nine-Tails… it’s too much. Too costly. Kurama believes that with every fiber of her being. Which… well, makes it much harder to figure out what to do next.

“That said, I’m not unwilling to make a deal with you two. Even one that’s lopsided in your favor. It’s all for Naruto in the end… so perhaps we can figure out a way to let bygones be bygones and all get along after all, hm?”

Kurama has moved past her moment of glaring quite quickly, because suddenly she has a lecherous grin on her face and is licking her lips at the two of them. Kushina grits her teeth, wanting to tighten the chains up again. But before she can do so…

“What’s all this then?”

She freezes in horror as the last voice she wanted to hear reaches their ears. Kushina’s only consolation is that both Mikoto and Kurama freeze up as well. They’re just as surprised as she is, even as all three women slowly turn to regard the single man now in the room with them.

Standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and a single eyebrow raised… is one Naruto Uzumaki.

The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Stick with Kushina's POV - 24%

[X] Switch to Naruto's POV - 76%

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