Swirling Chaos (Naruto)(discontinued)

Chapter 27: Introspection

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

In which Kushina deals with introspection~


Kushina is reeling, even as Naruto pulls out of her and he and Mikoto slowly lay her down in a nearby chair. The room, buried deep in the heart of the Hokage’s Tower, isn’t completely bereft of furniture, but it’s also probably not the best place to be doing this. Not that any of them care. Kushina certainly doesn’t.

It makes sense that she’s reeling, really. Because she just brought the dry spell to end all dry spells to a climatic and satisfying conclusion. Not only that, she’d just been fucked senseless by Naruto and Mikoto, Naruto’s cock driving her wild and thrusting her over the edge multiple times while Mikoto… well, Mikoto had been support more than anything, but she’d still played her part.

And now Kushina’s best friend was going to get her reward.

“Lady Uchiha.”

Naruto’s quiet tone causes both Kushina and Mikoto to jolt as he looks at the Uchiha Matriarch through lidded eyes. His cock twitching but still fully erect, it points damn near unerringly in Mikoto’s direction, clearly ready for action.

Blushing profusely, Mikoto grins playfully and shakes her head.

“Now, now, Naruto. Don’t start with that… or I’ll have to start calling you Lord Uzumaki.”

It takes a second for the implications to hit both Naruto and Kushina. Actually, it takes a moment longer for them to hit Kushina. Only after Naruto blushes himself and shoots her a quick glance does Kushina realize what her friend is implying, which in turn causes Kushina to blush as well. Mikoto… that wasn’t fair. That was hitting below the belt…

“Right… fair enough Mikoto.”

Smiling smugly, Mikoto nods in satisfaction before stepping right up to him and grabbing Naruto’s cock in one hand. The other hand goes to his chest, her fingers gliding along his muscular torso as she strokes his messy shaft up and down.

“Better, Na-ru-to. I don’t want to be treated like a Lady right now. I don’t even want to be treated like a kunoichi, alright? I want to be treated like a woman… YOUR woman. Do what you will with me. Do-mmph!”

Midsentence, Naruto lunges forward. Kushina jumps at his speed, in her fucked silly state she’s clearly got slowed reaction times. But then, Mikoto doesn’t see it coming either. Fortunately, it’s not an attack. Naruto’s hands grasp the Uchiha Matriarch’s ass and his mouth crashes into her mouth, silencing her with a deep, probing, tongue-filled kiss… at least from what Kushina can see.

The red head’s blush only intensifies as Mikoto all but melts into Naruto’s chest. Her hand still stays on his cock, but she presses herself up against him in such a lewd, perverted manner that even Kushina can’t help but see her as Naruto’s woman in that moment. She’s no Clan Head or well-trained kunoichi right now… she’s just a woman in desperate need of love and affection.

Kushina bites her lower lip as she notes how much that applies to her as well. The two of them… they’d wasted so much time in their loneliness, hadn’t they? It was funny to look back and even realize Kushina WAS lonely, all these years. She’d buried herself so much in her work that she hadn’t truly realized the depths of her sorrow until Mikoto all but slapped her in the face with it.

Throwing herself into saving the village that Minato had loved. Becoming the Fifth Hokage to reform and rebuild Konoha in her and her late husband’s image. Raising Naruto, making sure he got everything he needed to succeed, to thrive. And yet, all that time there had been a hole in her heart. An emptiness that could not be fulfilled by any of the things she’d been doing, by any of the people she’d called friend.

That hole could only be filled by true, honest love. And Kushina might never have realized it if Mikoto weren’t suffering from the same affliction. But not in a million years would she have thought that Naruto would be the one to fill it, for both of them.

Fill ‘it’ is right. Kushina refocuses on Naruto and Mikoto only to realize that they’ve gone from just making out to outright fucking, right there on the spot. The Uchiha Matriarch’s leg is hiked up along Naruto’s body now, one of his hands hooked under her thigh in order to hold her in place. As he grips at her flesh tightly, he also has his cock inside of her no doubt sopping cunt and is fucking her with powerful, slow thrusts that are quickly building speed.

In turn, Mikoto has her arms wrapped around Naruto’s neck and is clinging to him for dear life, moaning wantonly between kissing him and being kissed by him in turn. His second hand is on Mikoto’s ass still, providing much needed support to their sexual position as well as additional pleasure as he gropes and squeezes the MILF’s firm ass.

… MILF. Kushina blushes a little more at the realization that the descriptor for Mikoto had slipped into her thoughts without her even noticing it. Especially because she knows full well that MILF applies to her too. But in Mikoto’s face, it’s especially applicable because… well, she is a mother Kushina would like to fuck. She’s a mother Kushina HAS fucked at this point. Mikoto Uchiha is a total MILF and Kushina just wishes she’d come to realize how much of one the other woman was before now. She just wishes they’d realized years ago that they could rely upon each other for company… of ALL sorts.

… But no, Kushina recognizes how impossible it would have been. In fact, it would take circumstances as insane as these ones for her to get her head out of her ass long enough to realize just how lonely she and Mikoto had become. Before all of this, Kushina would have laughed at anyone who called her depressed, who said that she was missing something in her life.

What could she, the Fifth Hokage, possibly be missing? Yes, her husband was dead. But he’d died valiantly in defense of the village, saving not just Konoha but also her and their son from certain death. Not only that, but she’d achieved her dream of becoming Hokage and then went on to USE that position to improve the village in ways she KNEW Minato would be proud of.

… Yeah, the more she thought about it, the more obvious it was that she had been missing something. Or rather, someone. But she never would have admitted it. Not without the right… push.

“Y-Yes! Harder! Oh FUCK!”

Mikoto’s lewd cries make Kushina blush, but also smile. Her hands finally start to wander as she lounges back in the chair they set her down upon. Experimental fingers dip into her creampied cunt, coming up sticky with Naruto’s seed. Her other hand goes to her bust, squeezing at her chest and playing with her nipples one after the other.

It would have had to be Naruto to push them both out of their faux comfort zones. But even Kushina couldn’t have seen the truth coming. Not in a million years. The world HAD seemed to turn a little on its head of late. Naruto had been so dead set on graduating from the Ninja Academy. Then she’d caught him messing with his seal. Then, he’d agreed to apprentice under her. Then, he’d tried to get Hanabi apprenticed to her as well.

Apparently, Naruto and Hanabi were fucking. No, more than that, Naruto, Hanabi, and Satsuki were all fucking according to Mikoto. Truth be told… Kushina approved as funny as it was. Hanabi was… well, she and Naruto had always had an interesting rivalry, especially from the perspective of an outsider looking in. Naruto had likely thought Hanabi despised him all this time, but Kushina had always known differently. Even before this change, he was a unique sort of person.

Meanwhile, despite their slight difference in age, Kushina had also been aware of how Satsuki felt about Naruto. And she’d approved there too. The life of a shinobi or kunoichi was too short to worry about most of the things that civilians sometimes worried about. If you could find happiness with someone, you should.

So yes, as paradoxical as it might sound, Kushina had been rooting for both Hanabi and Satsuki. She’d expected either Hanabi to finally work up the courage to get Naruto before they both graduated from the Academy, or for Satsuki to snap Naruto up for her first Genin Team and begin working on him from there. Never in a million years would she have thought that he’d somehow manage to bag both of them. Maybe in the very slight off-chance that he and Hanabi wound up on the same Genin Team under Satsuki, but that wasn’t what had happened.

Instead, Naruto was… different. But not in a bad way. Now that she understood what had happened, Kushina was almost grateful in a way. It still curdled her blood to imagine any version of her son in a world alone without her. To think that there were versions of the universe where she AND Minato had died that night… it made her heart hurt.

But her Naruto was safe. Her Naruto wasn’t alone. He was loved… and now, he was also very powerful. She can see it in his movements, Kushina now realizes. Watching him fuck Mikoto, the Fifth Hokage assesses her apprentice and sees that he’s already easily a Jonin-level shinobi. It’s not something she ever would have decided in a vacuum, she doesn’t think. Only because she has preconceived notions of what Naruto’s strength should be.

So even though she’d caught him somehow managing to safely modify Minato’s seal in order to release Kurama, even though he’d suddenly decided to be her apprentice and then gone on to beat Hanabi and Satsuki in respective spars… Kushina doesn’t think she would have caught on that he was suddenly so much stronger than before.

It wasn’t until he’d snuck into this room, which should have been inaccessible to anyone save for the Hokage and whoever she invited inside, that Kushina had realized something was truly off. And in the end, Naruto’s explanation… well, it made sense of everything. This other version of him… he was almost as old as Kushina herself from the sound of things. He’d lived an entire life… in fact… if the other Naruto was twice her Naruto’s age, which meant her Naruto was technically older than her now, at least mentally.

Though, from the way he talked, the memories hadn’t overwhelmed him as Kushina might have otherwise feared. They’d simply… supplemented his knowledge. Made him stronger. More worldly. But it was still her Naruto… she was pretty sure. Just better. Faster. Maybe… maybe too good. Too fast. Too strong.

Did he even need her, really? Or was the apprenticeship just an excuse to get out of the Academy early? Was she completely superfluous? Would this entire encounter end with Naruto telling them that now that they knew the truth, he was ready to become a Jonin or something on the spot? Would he-?


Mid-thought, something smacks against Kushina’s leg. She jolts at that. Naruto and Mikoto are still fucking and fucking hard. They’re sort of lost in their own little world. What hit her was… one of the Nine-Tailed Fox’s nine tails. Kushina looks over and realizes that for all that she’d bound Kurama in her Chakra Chains, she’d clearly grown lax because the kitsune has managed to free several of her tails from bondage.

But before Kushina can fix that oversight and rebind Kurama, she notices the look in the bound woman’s eyes. After a moment of hesitation, she pulls back the chain covering Kurama’s mouth. The nine-tailed kitsune works her jaw for a few seconds before snorting at Kushina.

“You’re thinking dumb thoughts, woman.”

Kushina flushes at that. How had she known?

“Probably about whether Naruto even needs you as a mentor anymore, rather than just as his woman. Though let me tell you… you’d enjoy either way~”

Her blush has never truly gone away, but it does become positively bright red again at Kurama’s teasing, suggestive tone. Damn her. Damn this fox. She’s just about ready to gag the kitsune again when something in the atmosphere between them almost tangibly relaxes. Kurama lets out a sigh and shakes her head.

“You’re discounting yourself way too much. No bearer of mine, even a former bearer, should look down on themselves. You were good enough to be my cage. Never forget that.”

Kushina bites her lower lip at that, her eyes drifting over to Naruto for a second before returning to Kurama.

“… But not good enough to be your freedom.”

That takes the Nine-Tails aback. Kurama actually looks surprised for a moment as her eyes widen and she rears back as if struck.

To be fair, it’s not like Kushina thought she’d ever find herself in a romantic relationship with the fox. She’d been pretty Minato-sexual from very early on, when he’d first saved her life from that kidnapping attempt. Even if it maybe took Kushina a few years longer to truly recognize her feelings for the blond knucklehead, she’d been set on a trajectory to wind up with Minato from an early age.

But… could she have had a less antagonistic relationship with the fox? Like Naruto somehow did? Could she have reached out to it, rather than binding it in place and restraining it as its jailor all those years? With her Chakra Chains and the ability to manifest them within her own soul, Kushina had been uniquely suited to be Kurama’s cage, just like the kitsune said. But seeing how Kurama and Naruto interacted now… she couldn’t help but feel like she’d really fucked up. She-

“Don’t beat yourself up over it.”


“In the other world, I tried to consume your son’s soul and possess his body multiple times, you know. I tried to break free of the seal and explode back out into the world at the expense of his life at multiple junctures before the brat hit twenty.”

Kushina’s eyes widen at the frank admission as Kurama snorts derisively.

“I’d probably have done the same in this world eventually. Once you stopped coddling him and sent him out into real danger.”

That makes Kushina bristle, because she’s heard plenty of the old guard call her Academy Reforms ‘coddling’. Never mind that the statistics speak for themselves. Never mind that- no… Kurama is doing this on purpose. She doesn’t want Kushina’s pity so she’s going out of her way to make herself the villain. Oh, Kushina doesn’t doubt that Kurama is telling the truth… but even still.

“Not anymore though. You love him now. You said it yourself. You love Naruto. So… what do you want at this point, Kurama? What do you really want?”

Kurama hesitates for a moment… and then tells her.


The Patreon Vote:
[ ] She wants to eat out Kushina while Naruto fucks her - 20%
[X] She wants Kushina to eat her out while Naruto fucks Kushina - 69%

[ ] She wants Kushina and Mikoto to both watch while she tackles Naruto alone - 10%

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