S*x System in a Reverse Fantasy World

Ch.2 Handsome

“Sorry for the delay sir.” Interrupting them, a cute girl with a ponytail in a waitress uniform stood next to their table with a tray with various plates and a bottle of alcohol in her hand.

“What happened?” Rob asked her, annoyed as she just interrupted him when he was about to brag about his cutest girlfriend.

“O-oh it’s about your order.” She replied with a stutter due to the expression that Rob was making.

“Hey you are making a scared man, also thanks for bringing it here and ignore him as he doesn’t mean any harm,” Jack said with a smile while trying to calm her down as he felt that she was affected pretty heavily by Rob’s annoyance.

“Oh thank you and sorry.” She thanked him and then lowered her head while apologising towards Rob for interrupting them.

“Ugh.” Looking at her, he couldn’t help but feel regret as he didn’t mean to make her act this way but before he could say anything, Jack stood up from his seat.

“Ahh, you look pretty tired holding that, let me help you.” He walked towards her and took the plate from her hand.

Surprised she tried to stop him but he already started putting their orders in front of their seat.

“Oh the food looks pretty good, the chef must be pretty good.” Jack couldn’t help but admire the food as it looked a lot better than most food from the local restaurant they ventured to.

Suddenly he felt a tug towards the back of his shirt and looking back, the girl was looking at him with a somewhat proud face.

“All of it was made by mom, she is the best cook I know.” She said in an excited voice as she started pouring alcohol into their glasses while trying to avoid Rob’s gaze.

“Oh really? But I think one thing is missing.” He said looking towards her as she finished pouring and then looked at him with a confused face.

“It’s your smile.” He said smiling which made the girl blush a bit, and she smiled a bit in embarrassment.

“That’s embarrassing.” She said while covering her face and crouching down to look away from his gaze.

“Well that made it finally complete, and you look a lot cuter when smiling.” He said crouching down to match her eye, which made her blush even more.

“Rebecca.” Suddenly a loud voice was heard the girl stood up instantly and started running towards the kitchen.

“Ahh also thanks, and cya later.” Before she entered the kitchen, she turned around and lightly waved towards him with a smile.

Jack couldn’t help but smile after her departure and turning around after standing up, he could see both of his friends looking at him with a surprised expression.

“You guys wanna ask something.” He asked with a grin, as he went back to his chair and looked at the chicken noodles in front of him.

“Nah we already know the answer, right Mike?” Rob asked Mike with a hurried expression as they don’t wanna hear that shitty answer again.

“Trust me, I will give a serious answer. So ask me?” Jack said while eating the chicken noodles which were so good that he might consider coming here regularly.

“Nah it’s alright.” Rob declined as he knew this guy too much but he couldn’t stop his companion next to him.

“Oh then I will ask, how did you even do that?” Mike asked while pointing towards the door that the waitress girl went into.

“Oh, it’s pretty simple, you…” He stopped eating for a second and then pointed his finger up as Mike's gaze followed the direction.

“Roof.” Mike asked with a confused expression to which Jack just shook his head with a smile then pointed towards himself and said, “Just have to be handsome.”

“This bitch.” He looked at Jake who was laughing after making that joke but he couldn’t refute it though.

As he looked around he could see that many women were sneaking glances towards this guy but his answer still annoyed him.

“Why did you ask him even though you should have known the answer.” Rob shook his head with disappointment as he couldn't believe that he had fallen for such an obvious bait.

“But I thought this guy would answer seriously.” He pointed towards Jake who was back on the chicken noodles.

“I mean I was serious though,” Jack said with a grin while putting his hands up to act all innocent.

“You should stop making fun of him now.” Rob couldn’t help but smile and then looked at his naive friend who kept falling for such bait.

“My bad but it’s too fun,” Jack said while laughing as it was so fun to do these kinds of things with Mike.

“I am not talking to both of you now,” Mike said grumbling while looking away from them which couldn’t help but make both of them smile as they were so used to this situation.

“Oh before getting angry, how about trying the food first,” Jake said as the food was one of the best ways to calm him down and this food was especially good.

“Whatever.” With an uninterested look, he picked up his mac n cheese plate and started to eat but after each bite, his expression started to change.

“Is it that good?” Rob couldn’t help but be surprised as Mike looked so happy right now and almost was close to finishing the food so quickly.

“Yup, try it,” Jake said while pointing towards the plate in front of him containing fried rice which was getting colder.

Rob then tried the fried rice with expectation after seeing both of his friends' reactions and he wasn’t disappointed at all, “Damn, it’s so good.”

And in a few minutes, all three of them finished eating their food and were drinking alcohol with a smile.

“Oh, that reminds me, what were you going to say earlier about anime?” Jake asked with a curious expression as he was still curious about the change in his friend.

“Oh yeah about that…” Rob paused for a bit to increase the suspense and with a smile said, “I got a girlfriend and she loves watching that.”

““Huh”” Both of them couldn’t help but shout with surprised expressions as it was their first time hearing about this.

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