S*x System in Classroom of The Elite [Multiverse]

Chapter 22

Inside of Keyaki Mall

Airi was currently stuck in a difficult situation. 

How could he leave her alone with two strangers?


Ichinose Honami, de facto leader of Class B, called out, snapping her from her reverie.

"Uh, yeah, s-sorry." 

"C'mon there's no need to apologise is there." Ichinose waved her hand with a smile. "As I was asking, are you friends with Tatsuya-kun?" 

Airi didn't know how to answer that. She was foolish sure but even she knew it be odd to be going out to eat with Tatsuya if he wasn't her friend

It wasn't like she could even tell Ichinose about what had happened to her... 

"Yes..." She slowly squeaked out and Kanzaki narrowed his eyes. Ichinose ignored his reaction and didn't show any change in expression.

"I guessed so. Tatsuya-kun is really kind, isn't he? I guess Class D is quite lucky to have Hirata-kun and Tatsuya-kun to manage things." 

Airi thought about her words and felt a sense of despair. No one besides her knew about the truth of Tatsuya. 

He was cruel, ruthless, and inhumane. 

How could he treat a classmate like that? Not only did he blackmail her, he did so with joy! 

He was evil!

Looking at Ichinose's smiling face Airi felt her heart calm down. Ichinose was truly kind, she did understand that but she didn't want to face the consequences of trying to tattle on Tatsuya. 

He could act all he wanted, she knew he didn't consider her as a fellow human being. This was what disturbed her heavily.

It was the look of someone playing a game that creeped her out the most.

"Hey, Sakura-san do you have any friends besides Tatsuya-kun?" Hearing Ichinose speak so bluntly Kanzaki raised a brow in surprise. 

Airi herself felt her face stiffen. She stammered a bit before answering her.

"I-I don't." 

The exact moment she said so Ichinose extended her hand and spoke with a bright cheerful smile, "Then can we be friends Sakura-san?" 

"O-Oh—" Airi was a bit surprised and hesitated while staring at Ichinose's extended hand in a complex manner. 

She plucked the courage from her heart and shook Ichinose's hand with a bit of uncertainty. 

Should she warn Ichinose...?

While a new friendship was being born in the restaurant on the other side of Keyaki Mall it was chaotic.


Inside Keyaki Mall there was a certain shop to buy and repair cameras. 

The shop was called 'SIVCameras'.

Inside SIVCameras, students chatted and searched for items of their liking while some students wanted to have their items repaired.

The shop was bustling with noise.

But amongst the crowd, there was a man who stood in front of a certain counter silently.

Behind the counter was a male clerk in his late thirties to early forties who had a common haircut for short-haired men.

"Well fill out the form please." The clerk handed the male student a form.

The male student who came to have his camera fixed started filling out a form with his details. 

Surprisingly both of them failed to notice someone standing beside them. It was as if the man was entirely Invisible.

Nobody paid him any attention.

Tatsuya stared at the clerk silently for a few seconds before he sighed and snapped his fingers. 

The male student who was filling out the form felt as if he had heard a weird sound. It was similar to small firecrackers being lit near his ears.


The student looked up and heard a loud scream. He looked up in horror only to see the clerk in front of him catching a fire. 

The clerk thrashed around in fear and pain.

"Help! Aahhhhhhh Help! Help! Help me!" 

The flames danced on the clerk's clothes, showing no signs of stopping.

Panicking, the male student dropped the form, attracting the attention of nearby shoppers. The sudden realization of the fiery spectacle before them sent a wave of shock through the once-bustling camera store.

"Someone's caught on fire!" 


"Somebody help him!" 

Chaos ensued. 

The clerk tried to run with all his might but he fell to the ground, writhing in agony. His skin was burning away and his face slowly melted like candle wax.

Tatsuya, hidden in the midst of the onlookers, continued to watch with a detached interest. 

Looking at the soon-to-be dead man Tatsuya felt nothing and this was what exactly bugged him. 

No matter how indifferent he was to these people from a certain fiction he read he should've been equally horrified by the sight of a burning body. 

Had he always been like this or was it the power slipping into his head?

He thought he would feel guilt, panic, or maybe even fear before burning someone alive but unfortunately, he felt nothing but anger.

Anger for daring to mess with something that belonged to him. 

In a certain sense, it was pathetic since the power he had didn't even belong to him and Tatsuya acknowledged that.

If it could give him power it could also strip it away at any moment. He knew it was unlikely but he was pessimistic from birth 

He had to do something about this system...

A piercing alarm echoed through the shop, drawing the attention of mall security. 

The mall security rushed into 'SIVCameras,' wielding fire extinguishers to combat the growing inferno. 

Seeing this he narrowed his eyes and ruthlessly snapped his fingers once again.

It was much louder than before.


The clerk who was getting burnt alive was suddenly engulfed by even greater flames, it was as if they had come to life and were enacting vengeance upon him. 

Within a mere second his body was burnt to a crisp and disappeared, only cold grey ash remained.

Tatsuya slipped away from the unfolding pandemonium, leaving behind a shop in disarray and a group of students grappling with the aftermath.

Panic spread among the students.

The once vibrant atmosphere had transformed into a scene of indescribable horror!


New lemon is now out on patreon and it's spicier than before!

Advanced Chapters- Patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy 

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