S*x System in Classroom of The Elite [Multiverse]

Chapter 42: Trapped

A/N- I've uploaded the contract again in case you want to refer to certain clauses. Would be annoying if you had to go to the previous chapter to read what clause was what every time. Doesn't affect the original word count.

Ah, also let's play another game just like we did with the clerk and student council meeting. I told you guys to guess what Tatsuya's real goal was but unfortunately none of you were able to guess it. Can you guess what Tatsuya will do to expel the three idiots? Right answer might just get an unexpected reward, though you might fail again I'm confident enough in my creativity ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Anyways enjoy the chapter!

Contractual Agreement Between Yamamoto Tatsuya (referred to as "X") and Kushida Kikyo (referred to as "Y").

Date of Agreement: June 4, 2015

Clause 1: Student Expulsion

1.1 X is hereby obligated to initiate the expulsion of three specified students from Class 1-D, either during the Mid-term examination scheduled for June 11, 2015, or promptly after its conclusion.

1.2 Failure by X to adhere to the conditions stipulated in 1.1 will result in immediate withdrawal from the educational institution.

Clause 2: Non-Involvement of Y

2.1 Y shall refrain from engaging with the targeted students, namely Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudo Ken, until the completion of the Mid-term examinations.

Clause 3: Confidentiality

3.1 Both parties, X and Y, mutually agree to maintain strict confidentiality regarding the details and existence of this agreement.

3.2 Any breach of the confidentiality stipulated in 3.1, including the disclosure of this agreement to third parties, will result in expulsion for the violating party.

Clause 4: Authorization for Expulsion

4.1 X is granted the authority to utilize any means deemed necessary to ensure the expulsion of the specified students.

4.2 It is explicitly stated that while pursuing the expulsion, X must refrain from causing any harm to Y and must not disclose Y's involvement in any manner post the conclusion of the Mid-term examinations.

This agreement is entered into willingly and knowingly by both parties on the date mentioned above.

Yamamoto Tatsuya (X)


Kushida Kikyo (Y)


As Kushida dove into the nitty-gritty of that contract, a wave of unease washed over her.

Every single line felt like Tatsuya had a crystal ball predicting every objection she could throw at him.

It was scary.

The ban on reaching out to Ike, Sudo, and Yamauchi, laid out in Clause 2, seemed doable.

It wouldn't be hard, she just had to make sure she appeared excessively busy.

But the fact that Tatsuya had already thought about one of them spilling the beans (thanks to Clause 3) left her feeling like she was playing a losing game. 

She didn't like the fact that she couldn't share any details either. This contract also lost any blackmail potential due to Clause 3.

Then Clause 4.2 hit her like a ton of bricks. It was like Tatsuya had peered deep into her soul, her personality, and her thoughts.

It seemed like he knew everything about her, leaving her seriously freaked out.

Seeing how dead serious Tatsuya was about dropping out made her wonder just how far he'd go to make his point. What was driving him to take such risks?

And the idea of Tatsuya possibly booting Horikita out of school had her dreaming wide awake with excitement.

But then, the probability of cutting off three students without tanking his reputation? That sounded like a challenge. How would he even expel three students? Disrupt their studies? That would be too much of a harm to the reputation he had been building since the start of school. 

Would he sacrifice the popularity he had gained so easily?

In Kushida's perspective that was a stupid idea.

Not to mention, with Horikita running a study group, it seemed like a tough nut to crack.

But her eyes then moved back to Clause 4.1.

I see. So that's why he included [4.1]. Is he going to do something behind the scenes? Maybe something illegal as well. I wouldn't put it past this pervert.

"We don't have all day... You accepting it?"

When Tatsuya threw the question at her with that poker face, the smug look in his eyes cranked up her irritation. The fact that she was cornered into accepting the deal only fueled her anger.

"I still have a few doubts." She spoke quietly but made sure she was audible to Tatsuya.

"Speak away," Tatsuya nonchalantly accepted her questioning.

"You're acting like you're going to do something crazy or extremely hard but isn't it just three students that are already very close to expulsion? It doesn't seem like you'll have to do much. Even if they get expelled it doesn't prove much right?"

"Hmm," he hummed in agreement and Kushida's eyes shone.

"Horikita-san is very different from the dirty trio. I think you're banking on the fact that they could be expelled due to the exams and trying to take credit for it. Yes, Horikita-san is running a study group but I don't think she'll have much success with it. At this rate, the three of them might get expelled by their own hands." She spoke in a sharp tone.

"You think you can expel Horikita-san in the future with this method? Don't kid me." Her eyes portrayed her distrust. 

"I'm really surprised," Tatsuya spoke suddenly.


"I'm surprised you're able to think so clearly after what happened a few hours ago. Your willpower is really amazing, Kushida." He genuinely praised her.

Unfortunately, Kushida was having none of it.

"Spare me the bullshit and answer me." Her voice was as frosty as when she tried to accuse him of rape.

"The scenario of them failing on their own will not happen."

"What? Why?"

"I won't go into the details but soon Ayanokouji will approach you for a certain matter. Don't hesitate and agree, he will strike a deal with a third-year student and once you realise the content of the deal you'll understand how impossible it is for me to expel them using the exams."

Kushida fell silent upon hearing his words.

"What deal exactly?"

"A surefire way for even Yamauchi, Ike and Sudo to gain full marks in the exams."

"What the fuck? You're kidding, right?"

Tatsuya grinned, "Am I?"

Kushida was about to lash out again but all of a sudden she picked up the contract again.

[Clause 2: Non-Involvement of Y

2.1 Y shall refrain from engaging with the targeted students, namely Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudo Ken, until the completion of the Mid-term examinations.]

"I see..."

"You understand now?"

Kushida nodded, "So whatever this deal is you want to make sure I don't somehow help those three after knowing the details of the deal between Ayanokouji-kun and the third year because that would mean certain expulsion for you?"


"I see..." Kushida repeated her words and looked down pondering over the deal.

A few seconds later she looked up and matched her gaze with Tatsuya.

"... Fine."

Reluctantly, she grabbed the pen he tossed on the bed, ready to ink her fate.

"Wait," but suddenly Tatsuya stopped her and started fiddling with his phone.

"What?" She asked with annoyance.

"You do realise that the school might not accept any contracts without a witness, right?"

But Tatsuya, always a step ahead, stopped her.

Kushida's momentary brain freeze had her kicking herself— what if Tatsuya denied ever signing this contract?

Instantly, she sent a sharp glance towards him.

Glaring at Tatsuya's face, that sly smile of his sent a shiver down her spine. This was chess, and he was playing with all 32 pieces.

He had her under his control from the start.

From the conversation to the contract and the flaws of the contract.

He had it all covered.

Grim reality settled in, there was never an option to deny the contract in the first place...

She felt cold, unbearably so, as she signed the contract in front of the recording phone that had been set up by Tatsuya.

Then Tatsuya took the contract, all under the eyes of the camera, and signed the contract. Without ever leaving the camera's sight he made it focus on the contract so that nothing was blurred.

"I, Tatsuya Yamamoto, agree to the conditions written on the memorandum and will leave this school upon failure of the conditions."

With this, her fate was sealed and Tatsuya sent her a copy of the video and a digital copy of the contract.

He then gave the original contract to her, much to her confusion.

"I have no use for it," he stated simply, "Now it's time to enjoy ourselves~"

Kushida flinched in her bed but didn't move. She merely lowered her head in defeat as Tatsuya walked towards her.

Tatsuya stopped just before her once again and cast a shadow over her body.

You can do nothing Kushida.

You can't escape.

You might think you just have to endure for a little while but that's just your own cute little misunderstanding.

Contracts? Coercion? Consent?

Such things don't matter to me. 

You've fallen into an inescapable hell.


10 Advanced Chapters- Patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy 

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Much thanks for the love and support, hope you all had lovely holidays! 

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