
Chapter 4: Rescue – Part 5.

Something terrible boiled to the surface of Casey’s mind and in the moment Sylvie leapt away, Casey looked up with confidence and hate in her chocolatey eyes then with almost a banshee’s wail screamed, “I don’t belong to ANYONE!” Intercepting the giant vampire by throwing the rock dust in his eyes, Casey felt alive for the first time in days. “Not going to happen again, you bastard!”  While she didn’t have her enhanced strength, Casey still recalled all of the lessons her mistress had taught her the ten months before.  Throwing her entire weight against the stumbled vampire, Casey drove the one stake she had right through the hulking man’s chest.  

Inertia helped Casey and she managed to ram the stake deeper as the two landed on the ground with a thud. “Bastard.”  She muttered and rolled away from the hulking figure. “Why is it always the fucking big ones?”  She kicked the immovable vampire and picked up the second stake then headed back to where his brown eyes looked up at the heavy chested woman. “Yeah, you aren’t the first asshole I have had to kill.”  Digging out a small lighter, she set the stake on fire. “Burn you son-of-a-bitch.  I always keep one of these now.”  She spit on the vampire and shoved the burning stake through his open palm, “Keep your hands to yourself.”  She huffed and kicked Oscar again, “Why the boobs, all the time?  Hands off jerk.”

Thinking that she’d need to help Casey, Sylvie used blood and closed the small set of knife-like streaks that cut across her chest and faced her friend. “Well.  That takes care of that.”  She pointed to the burning stake in the big vampire’s hand, a reminder of the past battle with Brian. “A bit drastic?”  

“Fuck him.”  Casey looked at Oscar again, “I hope it hurts like hell.”

Determining quickly that she’d used a good portion of her blood, Sylvie dropped to her knees and pulled Owen to her mouth and centered on his neck. “We can’t have the police and fire department coming out, the veil has enough issues back home.  Let me drain him and then I will..”  She shook her head seeing small flames coming up from Oscar. “..Drain him too.  Though I am not looking forward to tasting his blood.”

Leaning over and picking up Sylvie’s leather jacket, Casey slipped it over her form the best she could given her large breasts. “Naturally I can’t zip it up.”  She shrugged and pointed to Oscar. “I don’t know what happened..I kinda snapped.”

Wiping her mouth clear of Owen’s blood, Sylvie smiled as the wiry vampire’s remains turned to dust and spread into the wind. “It was impressive, to be completely honest.”  Sylvie knelt down and whispered to Oscar. “I tried to warn you.”  She smacked the big vampire hard and it left a deep slice on Oscar’s cheek. “Should have respected your elders.  I will let Jester know where you..”  Sylvie giggled, “ went wrong, and that you will not be returning to his services.”  Driving her four blood stained fangs into Oscar’s neck, Sylvie drained him within a matter of seconds.  Ashen remains floated away and Sylvie walked to the burning stake and stomped out the flame in near soupy mud. “I wish you didn’t have to see that.”

Flipping up the visor on the helmet, Casey’s brown eyes looked at Sylvie with wonder. “I have seen you feed before, I am rather used to blood at this point.”  Casey sighed and picked up the stake from the ground, stuffing it into the jacket pocket. “I am more concerned that I just kinda..well, how can I put this?  Raged.”  She pointed to the ground where Oscar was. “I just kinda screamed…then it all was a blur.”

Nodding lightly with the things Casey said, Sylvie gently pushed the visor back down to protect her friend’s face. “No need to say anymore right now, Casey.  You honestly repeated yourself.”  Sylvie lifted Casey onto her back, “Oscar was going to kill us both if he could, there is no reason to apologize.”  She looked back into Casey’s chocolate eyes. “Like old times, huh?  Over the fence, to a small store to get you something that fits and within twenty minutes we are on the road.  Just relax.”

“Yes Mistress.  I can certainly get to the house and set up the third bedroom.”  Veronica tried to calmly state over the phone while Alan tried to interrupt the conversation by kissing Veronica’s ear. “N..No, it isn’t a problem.  You left A-Amber in charge.”  Veronica glared at Alan and covered the receiver of the phone, “Stop it, Silly.  I can’t concentrate.”

Laughing to himself, Alan stood up from the sofa and walked into the kitchen and looked around. “What to do, what to do?”  He opened the refrigerator and spotted a bottle of ‘Crimson Zero’ and smiled. “Would she mind if I..?”  He looked into the living room and saw Veronica with her thumb up and still trying to talk to Sylvie. “Cool.” 

“You said Martin is already on his way?  To the house?”  Veronica rolled her eyes and buttoned up her blouse, covering her one exposed breast. “Mistress, it is alright. I’m not monumentally busy, I assure you.”  Veronica listened to Sylvie for a few more minutes and finally ended the call. “Whew.”  She stood up and straightened her mini skirt, fluffed her short dirty-blonde hair and walked through the attached dining room to the kitchen. “You sir, are impossible.  I am almost one hundred percent certain that she knew we were about to do something.”  Veronica watched Alan drink the cold blood with a smile. “I would graciously offer my own blood, but the mistress already took her fill this evening.”  Veronica walked over and rubbed Alan’s shoulders. “I am glad she shoved us together, Mister Brown.”

Polishing off the contents of the bottle, Alan rinsed it out over the sink and placed the glass in the crate where the other empty bottles were. “I don’t know that it was love at first sight, but I do feel a pull to you, Miss Brown.”  He shook his head, “I just hope we aren’t related somehow.”

Waving her hand to dismiss the thought, Veronica dragged the gentleman vampire out of the kitchen and down the hall to the bedroom across from Sylvie’s. “There are Brown’s all over the place, the likelihood is pretty slim.  I am not even from this area.”  She quickly kissed the taller man on the neck. “I am from Oregon.  I came east because I wanted to try something new and not be in the fucking rain all the time.”  She laughed and sat down on the fluffy bed. “Tell me more about yourself, Alan.  Where did you meet my mistress?”

Coming to the realization that their make-out session was at an end, Alan walked around the bed to a small gray cushioned chair and sat down. “I liked the living room as a better place to discuss such things.”  He politely sighed. “Very well, I can see it in your face that the hint was lost.”

“Not lost.”  Veronica winked, “Just not the right moment.  Depending on when Sylvie left, she could be here in an hour or even forty-five minutes.  Martin will be here before that, if I know him.”  She wiggled her index finger. “Now, come on.  How did you and Sylvie meet?”

Using his left hand, Alan rubbed his chin for a few seconds and laughed, “I guess it was roughly a hundred years ago.  I think last month I celebrated my centennial?”  Shrugging, Alan leaned back and concentrated. “Yeah, that’s it.”  He took a deep breath, “Understand that this entire area looked different back then.  Colonial Heights didn’t exist and Petersburg was a living dream to be in.  Almost no crime, stores everywhere, even the roads were paved.”  He laughed, “Brick pavers.  Day and night the crews worked with sand.”  He snapped his fingers, “You know, like out front of Phantasmagoria.”  He opened his eyes and grinned, “Except for the entire city.  There was a mixture of power and gas lighting at night.  It was a very beautiful town.”

Content to listen to Alan’s soothing voice, Veronica stood up and began looking over the room. “Go on, I am just going to grab some supplies and dust the furniture.”  Veronica left the room for a couple seconds and came back and noticed Alan looking at her hungrily. “Ha, I know that look in a vampire’s eyes.”  She pointed a little rag at the man, “Let me build up more and you can partake of the..”  Veronica winked, “...drink within.”  Veronica sprayed the lemon scented polish on a long mirrored dresser, “Come on.  How did you meet her?  I will trade the blood bunny secret, how’s that?”

“Deal.”  Alan laughed and began again. “Back then, in the twenties..”  He paused, “..the nineteen twenties, not now.”  He winked at Veronica, who then just stuck out her tongue. “I was just making sure you got it.”

Working diligently to clear the dust with her rag, Veronica chuckled. “Yeah, I got it.  I might act silly at times, but I am in my thirties.”  She winked, “I can’t compare to over a hundred years though.”  She tossed the rag and then sat in Alan’s lap, wrapping herself around the tall vampire. “Tell me more.  We can use your fast reflexes to dust.”  Leaning over, She kissed Alan on the cheek. “Sylvie.”

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