Synthesis – A Harem Science Fiction Novel

Book 3 – Chapter 5

07:14, January 1st, 2135

“Shit. Kayden, you have to see this.” Dawn said as she entered their expansive living quarters, handing him a tablet as she did.

He’d just finished taking a shower after having removed his armour, his black hair still damp from the water. When she walked in he was still toweling dry his muscular 190-cm tall frame, his pale skin glowing like a beacon in the dim light of their cabin. He stood between their extra, extra large bed – one that was big enough to accommodate all of them and their nighttime activities – and the row of dressers that housed their clothes.

“Ali told me I needed to cut my shower short.” Kayden replied, reaching out and taking the proffered tablet. “What’s going on?”

“The Queen. She’s not dead.” Dawn replied.

“Her dead body is in our cargo bay.” Kayden countered. “I’m pretty sure even she can’t survive a beheading.”

“I know, it’s just… look at this. It’s a transmission we received a few minutes ago from the Sol system.”

Furrowing his brow Kayden nodded and pressed the ‘play’ button on the tablet’s touchscreen. The blank slate resolved to a picture of the decidedly still alive Queen – one who smirked before beginning to speak.

“Ah, my disloyal subjects. Congratulations on ‘killing’ me. I honestly didn’t think you had it in you, Kayden Reynolds. I’ll be far more prepared for your little tricks the next time we meet – and rest assured, there will be a next time. As you humans are so fond of saying, the rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated.” She paused to flick a stray tentacle-hair backwards before continuing. “I will rule this planet, this system, and this galaxy. Mark my words – I am coming for each and every one of you, and there is nothing you can do to stop me.”

The transmission cut off suddenly, leaving the two of them standing in their cabin dumbfounded. He slowly placed the tablet onto the bed and finished toweling dry as he worked through the problem in silence. Dawn was content to let him think for a moment, placing a reassuring hand on his back as he started to dress.

“I’m guessing the others have seen this? The SCI, the Lokken, and Beth’s independents?”

“It was broadcast on a wide-band signal from Alpha Centauri. There’s no way they could have missed it.” Dawn replied.

“Could it be fake? Maybe an AI-generated image to throw us off?” Kayden suggested.

“That is unlikely.” Ali’s voice chimed in over the intercom, clearly having heard every word. “All ‘fake’ videos contain specific markers. I believe this to be genuine.”

“So… how the hell can she be alive, given that her dead body is in our cargo bay?” Kayden asked, stating the obvious question as he pulled on a pair of pants.

“I don’t know.” Dawn admitted as he threw a black t-shirt on, moving towards him and smoothing out the front. “But I do know you’ll figure it out.”

“Thank you for the vote of confidence.” He said, kissing Dawn deeply before pulling on a pair of boots. “I think I need to take a second look at the body.”

“The Kel science team is already performing an autopsy.” Ali announced. “Elara is waiting by the elevator to take you to them.”

“I guess that’s my next stop then.” Kayden said before looking at Dawn. “Can you manage getting all our friends into one of the mission rooms?”

“You, uh… know that each of them represents a state who has been at war with the others at one point or another, right?” Dawn replied hesitantly. “They may not play nicely with each other.”

“That’s why I’m counting on you to be diplomatic while I go figure out what the hell is going on with the body downstairs.” Kayden responded as they exited their cabin. “If anyone can do it, it’s you – Ms. ‘Used-To-Be-A-Diplomat/Spy’.”

“Fine.” She said, rolling her eyes but grinning. “I’m guessing I should avoid showing them any Kel or Vrul crew members as well?”

“Yes.” Kayden said, stopping next to the elevator where Elara was waiting. “I’ll tell them myself. It’s…probably best that we don’t shock them before we’re ready.”

“I’ll handle it.” Dawn said, stealing one more kiss before turning to Elara. “He’s all yours.”

“Good.” Elara said, hooking her arm underneath Kayden’s and pulling him into the elevator. “Let’s go.”

“Why do I feel like I’m being managed by my women?” Kayden joked as the elevator doors closed.

“Because you are. We – your women that is – talked.” Elara said, her blue eyes locking on his. “Like it or not, with that transmission you’ve just become a central figure to the war effort. Your being hurt would damage morale. We need to keep you safe – which means one of us is with you at all times.”

“As much as I enjoy your company, you don’t have to protect me.” Kayden protested. “I can handle myself in a fight. And Ali is always in my head.”

“True, but you know as well as I do that sometimes you need someone to physically watch your back.” She gently placed her hand on his chest to silence his protests. “Please. Let us do this. We care about you. I care about you. It gives us all some peace of mind to know you’re being protected.”

Kayden bit back a retort, seeing the logic. “Fine. But only because it gives me an excuse to spend one-on-one time with each of you.”

She blushed and nodded. “I’d like that.”

Leaning in, he pressed his lips against her pink ones in a deep kiss. She melted into his embrace, any tension leaving her body as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. His hands traced circular patterns down her back as they made out, only stopping when the elevator door opened to the cargo bay.

Taking a deep breath Elara looked at Kayden before nodding. “Let’s pick this up later. For now, we have to go to work.”

“Right.” Kayden said, breaking their embrace and striding out of the elevator.

As they left he could see the Kel science team already hard at work. Based on the fact that several of them were wielding circular saws and plasma cutters, it looked like the autopsy was equal parts surgery and mechanical disassembly. Plastic sheeting was laid across a wide section of the floor, and the Kel crew looked like they were split into two groups: one for the head, and one for the body.

When they neared an older-looking Kel scientist noticed Elara approaching and carefully placed down the jigsaw she was holding before jogging up to them. She wore what looked like a black kevlar nanoweave bodysuit with heavy-duty black protective gloves and a face shield over her blue skin. Her black hair was tied back in a tight bun behind her, and her expression showed a mixture of concern and excitement.

“Base Commander. Asha’dara.” She said, acknowledging them both in Kel before launching into a rapid-fire report. “We just completed the initial pass of the autopsy, and the results are fascinating. The frontal lobe is far denser with neural connections than most brains, by a factor of 5 – and it looks like those connections are facilitated by nanobots. The C3 through C5 vertebrae look like they never existed – the body was grown around the transmitter and neural link. Within the facial structure is enough computing capabilities to run a starship, but it looks like they were wiped as soon as the head was severed from the body. There’s remarkably little genetic degradation for a clone, and-”

Giving up, Kayden waved his hands back and forth to stop the overenthusiastic scientist. “Woah woah woah. You’ve lost me. Let’s start with your name, and go from there.

“Science officer Tsarenya, sir.”

“Give me the summarized, dumbed-down version Science Officer Tsarenya.”

Taking a breath, Tsarenya nodded and started again. “This body is a clone. More specifically, it’s an empty vessel, designed for a personality to be downloaded into it. In other words, she can transfer her consciousness into a new body, retaining all the memories and emotions of the previous body.”

[“Similar to the way I control my android body.”] Ali added mentally for context. [“Though this body appears to have considerably more biological components.”]

That can’t be right. It sounds way too…I don’t know, science-fiction.

[“We live in a spaceship.”] Ali countered.

Right. Kayden ceded the point before nodding towards Tsarenya to continue.

“The body itself appears to provide command and control capabilities for several star systems worth of Voidborn forces. Perhaps even all the troops in our galaxy.”

“That explains their behaviour after you killed her.” Elara interjected. “You disrupted her command over her troops.”

“That implies that she had a new clone up and running in a few hours though.” Kayden reasoned.

“It’s more likely that she has a central location with many clones ready to be activated at a moment’s notice.” Tsarenya clarified. “We detected an entirely unique signal upon this body’s death, coming from your location on the planet. We believe that signal was meant to activate the next clone.”

“Wouldn’t it make sense to have more than one clone active at once?” Kayden asked. “An army of these things would be unstoppable.”

“You’ve met her.” Elara said dryly. “It sounds like her personality is downloaded alongside her memories and abilities. How long do you think it would take before the clones turned on each other? She doesn’t seem like the type who likes to share.”

“Okay, fair point.” Kayden ceded. “Let me summarize then: our hypothesis was partially right – taking out the queen disrupts their control. It’s just that there’s more than one queen clone, and they’re being spawned from…somewhere.”

“If you eliminate the cloning facility and the rest of the clones, the Voidborn will gradually revert to their animalistic instincts.” Tsarenya said.

“Any idea where to find it?” Elara asked hopefully.

The scientist shook her head. “No. We tried to track the signal, but we lost it in the Sol System.”

“It can’t be there. Our home system’s been studied extensively. We’d have found it already if it was there. Maybe the signal is being pinged off the array there, but it’s probably originating in Alpha Centauri or something.”

“Maybe we can look into the ancient Kel records and see if they ever tried to track it.” Elara suggested. “That might give us clues as to where it is.”

“Great idea.” Kayden nodded. “Let’s do that.”

[“Kayden. Mirana is awake.”] Ali informed him mentally.

Kayden nodded encouragingly at Tsarenya. “Great job. It sounds like we might have the key to ending this war.” He paused for a moment then nodded to the body behind them. “See if you can figure out any weaknesses she’s got while we still have that thing here. I have a feeling we’re going to be facing her again, and I’d like a few more tricks up my sleeve.”

“Yes, Asha’dara.” Tsarenya said, recognizing the dismissal and returning to her group.

“What’s next?” Elara asked.

“We’re going to visit the Vrul.” Kayden replied, moving back towards the elevator. “Mirana is awake, and I’d like to check on her.”

“I’ll hand you off to Ali then.” Elara replied, typing away on her tablet as they entered the elevator. “As much as Mirana tolerates me, the rest of the Vrul still aren’t completely comfortable having a Kel commander in their living quarters. I don’t want to cause an incident.”

Kayden kissed her one more time before the elevator opened again. “Thank you. I’ll see you on the bridge.”

As he stepped onto the floor housing the crew quarters, he saw that Ali was already there waiting for him. She quickly fell into step behind him as he walked down the hallway, summoning his nanobots as he did. They formed into a fresh set of armour – one that he knew would be sterile enough to enter the section of the ship that his Vrul crewmates had claimed for themselves. Even so, as they passed through a newly-installed set of sliding doors they were quickly showered in a decontaminant spray.

I wonder if there’s any way to reinforce the Vrul immune systems, so they don’t have to live like this. Kayden thought to himself as the doors closed behind him.

[“It may be possible with genetic treatments.”] Ali replied in his mind. [“But that would require Kel help, something that they would be understandably reluctant to accept.”]

There’s an understatement. Kayden ‘said’ in reply. The ancient Kel Xenocompatibility program locked the Vrul out of their cybernetics and forced them to adapt most of their technologies. Unless something drastic changes, I don’t see them accepting any sort of Kel help.

[“You could order some of the Vrul here to do it and use your command codes to force them to say yes.”] Ali offered, referring to the fact that Kayden possessed Vrul ‘executor’ command codes, meaning that he could force any Vrul on his crew to do what he asked. [“However, that would run contrary to your previously stated morals.”]

Yes Ali. It would. Kayden replied simply.

[“We are here. Mirana is in the door to your left. I will remain outside to give you some privacy.”]

Nodding, Kayden stepped inside the tiny room as the door slid smoothly open. He took in the entire thing at a glance – there was a single bed against the wall, with a screen mounted opposite it. At the foot of the bed was a grey foot locker, and in a small alcove beside the bed sat a tablet as well as several closed syringes of greenish liquid.

As the door closed behind him Mirana’s helmeted head tilted up. She moved to get up but he was by her side in a flash, pressing one hand against her as he shook his head.

“Don’t. Just stay down. I’ll sit here.” He said, taking a seat on the floor.

“I’m well enough to go to the mess hall.” She insisted.

“No. Stay down, that’s an order.” Kayden said. “Don’t make me use the command codes.”

Even through the helmet, Kayden could tell that she was glaring at him. Finally, she relented and laid back down. “I’m sorry I don’t have anywhere for you to sit.”

“It’s okay.” Kayden said. “I know you said you wanted to reorganize this area of the ship into something that more closely resembles a Vrul ship, but damn. I haven’t been in here since you finished the retrofits. You really made some changes.”

“Yes. Human cabins are far too large with far too many amenities. This is better.” She insisted.

“Mirana, if I stretch my arms a little I can touch both walls of the cabin.”

“Yes. So?”

“I just… I’ve seen prison cells bigger than this.”

“This is how Vrul live.”

“I see.” Kayden said, not knowing how to respond.

There was a brief silence before Mirana continued. “Have you come down here for another purpose, other than to mock the way my people live?”

“Mirana, you know that’s not what I meant.”

“Isn’t it?” She pressed, venom in her voice.

He paused for a moment, furrowing his brow. “Mirana, did I do something wrong? You seem upset at me. I was worried about you after what happened on the planet, and I just came down to make sure you were okay.”

“Well, I’m fine.” She said coldly. “The medications should ward off any infection, and Anna’s healing glove closed the wounds. I will be available for missions within a few days.”

“That’s not what I was asking.” Kayden said, shaking his head. “I don’t care about when you’ll be ready to fight. I care about you as a person.”

“So now you don’t want me fighting anymore?” Mirana replied. “You see me as an incapable squad mate?”

“You know what? I don’t think this is a productive conversation.” Kayden said, standing. “We can resume this later. I’m glad you’re okay, and I hope you feel better soon.”

He moved towards the door before he heard her voice again. “I’m changing.”

Pausing, he turned around. “What do you mean?”

“My body. It was exposed to yours when you touched me to staunch the flow of blood. Now my body is changing to… adapt to yours. The Xenocompatibility program is taking its course.”

Kayden replayed the events on the planet in his mind. “Fuck. Mirana, I-”

“Don’t apologize.” She cut him off. “It saved my life. And unless we have sex, it won’t become permanent. It’s just…unexpected. That’s all.”

“I see.” Kayden said, unsure of what to say.

They stayed frozen like that for a moment longer before she shifted in the bed and whispered. “Thank you. For saving my life.”

“You’re on my crew.” Kayden said. “You’re one of us. I’ll always have your back.”

“I’d like to continue this conversation at another time.” She said. “Perhaps when I have fewer antibiotics in me.”

“I’d like that too.” Kayden nodded before opening the door. “Get some sleep Mirana. Come find me when you’re ready.”

He stepped out and closed the door behind him. Ali quickly fell into step behind him as he walked back towards the elevator, his thoughts swirling from the interaction. When they stepped into the elevator he retracted his helmet and looked at Ali.

“Why does it have to be so complicated?” He asked rhetorically.

“She is likely dealing with complex emotions associated with the changes in her body.” Ali replied. “Many beings find their physical bodies to be inexorably tied to their psychological sense of self. A change in the body can result in significant emotional changes. You said you felt something similar when you lost your arm.”

“That’s… surprisingly astute.” Kayden replied, furrowing his brow.

“She’s also likely grappling with her infatuation with you, and the fact that her bodily changes mean that you may now be sexually available to her.”

Kayden blinked several times in surprise before sputtering a response. “I…um…what?”

Before he could form a more coherent response, the elevator door opened to reveal Selina with a concerned look on her face. Deciding that his relationship with Mirana was firmly a later problem, he refocused on the task at hand as he stepped out.

“What’s wrong?”

“Dawn’s got everyone in one of the mission rooms. The bickering started as soon as they arrived, and it turned into an outright shouting match before she read them the riot act. Now they’re all just glaring at each other from across the room.”

“Lovely.” Kayden replied sarcastically as he walked down the hall behind her with Ali in tow, stopping when Selina indicated.

“Ready?” She asked.

“Ready as we’ll ever be.” Kayden said before nodding to Ali. “Let’s hope I can get everyone into a ‘diplomatic’ mood, because we’re going to need all the help that we can get.”

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