Synthetica (18+)


I've made my choice, crossing the Rubicon with that little nod.

I’m lying on a biobed, its smart polymer surface conforming to my body's contours. The operating theater is bathed in the cool, sterile light of surgical LEDs, reflecting off the polished surfaces of neuro-monitoring devices and holographic displays.

Dr. Voss stands at the head of the bed, her eyes sharp behind a transparent face shield.

"Initiating pre-op protocol," she announces, her voice calm and authoritative.

A large holo-screen dominates the far wall, its display divided into sections:

[X] Pre-op Checklist
[ ] Neural Mapping
[ ] Tissue Extraction
[ ] Quantum Buffer Transfer
[ ] Synthetic Integration
[ ] Consciousness Reboot

The anesthesiologist approaches, a syringe filled with an opalescent fluid in his gloved hand. "Administering neuro-stabilizer," he says. "This will maintain synaptic integrity during the mapping process."

I feel the cool rush of the drug entering my bloodstream through the IV. Almost immediately, a tingling sensation spreads from my extremities inward, as if my entire nervous system is gently vibrating.

"Neuro-stabilizer levels optimal," a voice announces from somewhere to my left. On the screen, I see the Pre-op Checklist item flash green and the Neural Mapping section activate.

Dr. Voss nods to a technician, who brings forward a device that looks like a high-tech crown. "This is the neural interface," she explains to me. "It contains millions of quantum sensors that will create a complete map of your connectome."

As they lower the device onto my head, I feel the whisper-light touch of nano-filaments making contact with my scalp. The sensation is odd – not painful, but a sort of pressure, as if my thoughts are being gently squeezed.

"Neural mapping initiated," the technician reports. On the screen, a 3D model of a brain materializes, slowly filling with a web of glowing connections.

[▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓----] 65%
Mapping Frontal Lobe...

"We're capturing your pathways at the synaptic level," Dr. Voss explains. "Every dendritic spine, every axonal branch – the entire architecture of your consciousness. It will all be preserved and replicated.”

I watch as the model on the screen becomes increasingly complex. It's surreal to see my mind – my very essence – rendered as a intricate network of light and data.

In some ways, I suppose I was always a machine. 

"Cortical mapping complete," the technician says. "Moving to subcortical structures."

The anesthesiologist checks my vitals, his eyes flicking between me and the bio-readout hovering above the bed. "Neurotransmitter levels stable. Stress hormones within acceptable parameters."

As the mapping nears completion, Dr. Voss turns to me, her expression serious behind her face shield. "Mr. Stryker, we're about to begin the tissue extraction phase. This is where we'll transplant essential neural structures—specific regions of your biological brain—into the synthetic matrix. Certain quantum neural states cannot be fully digitized yet, so this ensures continuity of your identity."

On the screen, the Neural Mapping section turns green, and the Tissue Extraction phase activates.

- Nano-scalpel array: CALIBRATED
- Nutrient suspension: READY
- Cryo-preservation unit: STANDBY

"You may experience some unusual sensations as we proceed," Dr. Voss continues. "Synesthesia, time dilation, even out-of-body perceptions are all normal. Remember, your consciousness will be maintained in the quantum buffer throughout the process. We are transferring you, not duplicating you. You will continue receiving sensory data through the neural mesh.”

I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what's to come. The weight of the moment settles over me like a heavy blanket.

"Initiating localized stasis field," a technician calls out. I feel a strange numbness creep over my scalp, spreading inward.

Dr. Voss positions herself at my head, nano-scalpel poised. "Beginning tissue extraction," she says, her voice steady.

A coldness, piercing and precise, needles at the edges of my awareness. I feel as though I am teetering on the edge of existence, a sense of self both present and escaping. There's a pull, a tugging at the very fabric of my mind, which I know is the neural tissue being separated from my brain with nanoscopic precision.

[▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓--------] 40%
Extracting Hippocampus...

"Hippocampal tissue secured," a technician announces. "Commencing neural tissue quantum entanglement process."

I watch a visual representation on the screen as neural patterns are replicated into digital form. Streams of data flow like glowing strands, representing my memories and experiences.

Dr. Voss's voice cuts through my reverie. "Initiating frontal lobe extraction."

As she speaks, I feel a sudden change. My emotional responses seem muted, distant. I observe the procedure with detached curiosity.

The display updates again:

Buffer Capacity: [▓▓▓▓▓▓----------] 30%
Consciousness Fragmentation: 0.003%

"Engaging quantum entanglement neural link," a physicist announces. "Synchronizing your neural patterns with the synthetic matrix."

>>> Establishing quantum synchronization between biological neural substrates and synthetic matrix...
>>> Quantum Entanglement Coefficient: 0.9999997
>>> Synaptic Transfer Integrity: 99.998%
>>> Maintaining coherence across all cortical and subcortical regions.

A low hum fills the room as the quantum buffer activates. Suddenly, my perception splinters. I'm simultaneously aware of my body on the biobed and a vast, formless expanse of pure information.

In this liminal space, I experience time non-linearly. In this moment, I feel as if I could relive my childhood in reverse, watch the heat death of the universe, and solve complex mathematical equations in the span of a heartbeat.

"Quantum buffer at 50% capacity," the physicist reports. "Consciousness fragmentation holding steady at 0.005%."

As more of my brain is extracted and digitized, my sense of self becomes fluid. I'm no longer just Kaiden Stryker – I'm a collection of neurons firing in rhythmic patterns.

The holo-screen shifts to display a real-time visualization of my consciousness:

Coherence: 99.997%
Eigenstate Stability: OPTIMAL
Quantum Decoherence Rate: 0.00001%/s

"Beginning integration with synthetic neural matrix," Dr. Voss announces.

The display updates once more:

Neural Pathway Alignment: 78%
Cognitive Function Calibration: 92%
Sensory Input Synchronization: 85%

As the integration progresses, I experience a moment of profound synesthesia. I can taste the color of Dr. Voss's voice, feel the texture of the quantum field surrounding me, and see the complex harmonics of my own thoughts.

"Initiating final consciousness transfer," Dr. Voss says, her voice tinged with awe.

In that moment, I feel myself stretched across two realities – my old, fading human form and the vibrant, pulsing network of ZX-07.

It’s terrifying, but just for a moment.

Then, with a rush of sensation, I'm fully present in my new body. The operating theater comes into focus with startling clarity. I can see wavelengths of light invisible to human eyes, hear the subtle hum of electronics, and feel the precise rhythm of my new synthetic heart.

The holo-screen displays a final message:

Consciousness Transfer: 100%
Synthetic Body Integration: 100%
Booting Synth ID ZX-07...

I take my first breath with synthetic lungs, the cool air rich with data my new sensors eagerly process.

There's a sense of buoyancy, a gentle bobbing that doesn't require the rhythm of breath.

Suddenly, I'm acutely aware of every curve of my new body, floating in the suspension gel. The biotechnicians stand with their consoles, preparing to activate the final set of characteristics that will confirm the functionality of the synthetic body I now inhabit.

"Initiating the confirmation of sexual characteristics," one of the doctors announces, his tone clinical and quiet, almost apologetic. "You may experience significant sensitivity, please try to remain still."

A surge of electricity seems to course through me as these new systems come online. I am simultaneously detached and intimately connected to these sensations, a dissonance that sets my mind reeling. It's an acute awareness, each programmed nerve ending in the synthetic skin responding to stimuli I cannot see.

I feel a squirming discomfort as the synthetic genitalia become responsive, the structure and nerve endings designed for a level of sensitivity that feels invasive.

The doctors continue, voices a low murmur against the backdrop of my rising alarm. "Pleasure pathways are integrating, cross-referencing with the limbic responses." They speak as if narrating a procedure on an inanimate object, not a person, not me.

I attempt to gasp, but my synthetic lungs haven't been activated yet. 

"Moving to autonomic function transfer," the specialist says. "You'll begin to experience the full integration of your synthetic heart."

And I do. The gentle thump-thump in my chest is so regular, it's unnerving. I 'breathe' in again, not out of necessity but out of reflex, and there's a reassuring rise and fall of my chest.

"Her vitals are strong. Neural handshake is clear," a voice states, steady and reassuring. It's meant to comfort, but my senses are rebelling against the onslaught of stimuli.

I can't tilt my head enough to see my body, but I feel the weight, the unnaturalness of it. Metal clamps are locked around my body, preserving my modesty.

My… huge ass… presses against the hard surface of the vat, and I feel its absurd fullness, the fleshy expanse of it.

Panic claws at my chest.

My whole body is so sensitive. I'm flooded with input, every sensation acute and exaggerated.

They’re arguing about something.

"It's critical for full integration," one technician says. "The empathy circuits need to be fully operational."

I feel the silent vibrations of consent from the medical team, a shared emotional current that now resonates within me, amplified by the freshly tuned circuits.

"Empathy receptors are calibrated," the lead technician announces, her words echoing strangely in my ears. "Limbic responses are synchronized with it, for emotional congruence."

A sudden spike in the discomfort causes me to gasp, but the team adjusts quickly, smoothing the erratic feedback into something bearable.

My mind, once a private sanctuary, now fires in sync with the synthetic neurons, each pulse a direct mimicry of my former self's synaptic pattern. A perfect duet.

"Your neural patterns are taking hold within ZX-07," she explains.

I flex my toes, feeling the stir of liquid against synthetic skin, and my new body responds with a precision that feels both foreign and intimate.

The technicians busy themselves around me, engaged in an intricate dance of calibration and observation. I try to focus on the sensory inputs that should overwhelm me — the breasts that bob with the gel's motion, the cold metal clamps that feel like shackles, the vast space where my male anatomy used to be.

But there's a gradual shift, a focus that's honing in on more than the voluptuous curves of my new body. I turn on the specialist vision systems, my new eyes capturing spectrums beyond the familiar. The room lights up in an array of colors I've never seen before, each wavelength telling its own story.

There's a collective sigh of relief from the team as they confirm the synaptic mimicry's success. "Cognitive echo is holding. The pattern alignment is perfect," a neuroengineer declares.

I watch them, my team, through eyes that aren't mine, yet see more clearly than ever before. The soft blue of the neural interface, the subtle shift in their emotional state, it's all laid bare before these new eyes. I take in the sight of my human body, still and quiet in stasis, the sight sending a chill through ZX-07's circuits.

A bizarre panic sets in, a fear of what I've become, of the unexplored depths of ability and sensation that I now possess. I'm caught in the flood of newness, awash with data - drowning in it.

The surge of information is blinding, a torrential downpour of data overwhelming my senses. The visual inputs flood in uncalibrated, overwhelming my perception with data from across the electromagnetic spectrum.

Infrared heat signatures bloom before me, the medical team aglow with the warmth of their flesh and blood, a stark contrast to the cool blue of machinery. Ultraviolet hues paint the room in a psychedelic array of colors that no human eye could perceive. It's too much—too many wavelengths, too much data, too many inputs all at once.

I let out a squeal, the sensation akin to drowning in an ocean of light. I squirm unwittingly, my mind grappling to process the deluge of visual stimuli, while suspended in the translucent, color-tinted gel of the vat.

"Ensure she has control over the visual input!" one doctor shouts over the cacophony of alerts.

The technicians adjust the sensory calibration protocols, and gradually the overwhelming data resolves into manageable inputs. I learn to toggle through the inputs, selecting visual, then infrared, then full spectrum one by one—a relief akin to taking a deep breath after being submerged. I blink, and the world steadies, colors and light bending to my will.

"The graft integration is nearing completion," Dr. Voss announces, her voice both a comfort and a herald of finality.

The surgeons hover around the displays, monitoring as my new brain tissue accepts the organic grafts. There's a sense of homecoming that defies logic, a warmth that spreads not through flesh and blood, but through circuits and fibers.

>>> Organic-Synthetic Synapse Formation: 98%
>>> Axonal Pathway Reinforcement: 97%
>>> Neurotransmitter Equilibrium Achieved.
>>> Expected Time to Full Integration: 00:02:35

I nestle into this new brain. I'm no longer floating; I'm settling, the synthetic and organic elements intertwining in a dance that feels bizarre and yet, somehow, right.

"Visuals are down," the neurotech says. "Hold on—there they are. Consciousness indicators are back!"

The world re-emerges in a cascade of sensations. Not a flood this time, but a gentle tide. I sense the nutrient gel around me, the vat encasing my body, and most importantly, the buoyant sensation of my consciousness returning to this new vessel.

I feel every inch of ZX-07—the pull of synthetic muscles, the gentle pressure of the gel, the unreal weight of augmented breasts gently undulating in their suspension, the vast space at my pelvis now filled with new, hyper-aware structures.

"Your sensory alignment is syncing perfectly with the synth's capabilities," a technician says.

"Visual is sharp, audio at full capacity," another voice chimes in, this one deeper, analytical. "Let's sync up the tactile feedback—align with human somatosensory thresholds."

Dr. Voss gestures subtly to the male technicians. "Thank you, everyone. We'll proceed from here."

They exchange brief nods before exiting the room, leaving just her and Dr. Elena Martinez, her female assistant. The door slides shut with a soft hiss.

"Kaiden," Dr. Voss begins gently, stepping closer to the vat where I float suspended. "We're about to initiate the final activation sequence. You'll start experiencing full sensory feedback. It might be... overwhelming at first."

I nod—or at least, I think I do. The connection between my thoughts and this new body is still tentative, like a lagging signal. My senses flicker, a stuttered montage of inputs and voids.

"Activating motor functions," Dr. Martinez announces, tapping on her holo-display.

A surge of energy pulses through me. Suddenly, I'm acutely aware of the fluid around me, the buoyancy it provides. I try to wiggle my fingers, and they respond—slender digits stirring the gel. The movement sends ripples along my limbs, unfamiliar curves shifting with an autonomy that unsettles me.

"Good," Dr. Voss says softly. "Now, let's proceed with the sensory calibration."

Around me, screens light up with streams of data. My eyes—no, the visual processors—automatically adjust focus, and the text sharpens into clarity.

>>> Loading Neural Interface Firmware v4.2.1
>>> Establishing connections...
>>> Model: Synth ID ZX-07
>>> Assigned User: Kaiden Stryker
>>> Manufacturer: NovaGen Cybernetics Co.
>>> Market Value: 12,850,000 Caelian Credits
>>> Height: 155 cm (5'1")
>>> Weight: 62 kg (136.7 lbs)
>>> Chassis: EndoSteel-Lite™ Frame
>>> Skin: SynthDerm™ V Ultra-Realistic Flesh Tone
>>> Hair: Cobalt Bioluminescent Fibers
>>> Ocular Units:
- Left Eye: Emerald Spectroscopic Analyzer
- Right Eye: Violet Infrared Tracker
>>> Sensory Systems Online.

The gel begins to drain from the vat, lowering me gently toward the floor. As the fluid recedes, cool air brushes against my synthetic skin, triggering a cascade of tactile responses.

I become acutely aware of the weight distribution of this new body. My center of gravity is different, lowered due to the pronounced curves of my hips and the... heft of my chest.

Another readout flashes before me.

>>> Bust Configuration: VenusForm™ G-Cup Dynamics
- Manufacturer: Venus Dynamics Ltd.
- Composition: Gel-filled SynthFlesh
- Sensory Integration: HyperSense™ Nodes
- Weight per unit: 4.5 kg (9.9 lbs)
- Market Price: 2,000,000 CCr total
>>> Hip Structure: CurvaLux™ Series 8
- Manufacturer: Elegance Systems Inc.
- Features: Enhanced balance, aesthetic optimization
- Market Price: 1,500,000 CCr
>>> Gluteal Units: BounceTek™ Adaptive Cushioning
- Manufacturer: Motion Solutions Co.
- Function: Shock absorption, kinetic energy redistribution
- Market Price: 1,200,000 CCr

I swallow hard—an unnecessary reflex—and shift my stance.

The motion causes my hips to sway, and the unfamiliar sensation of my thighs brushing together sends a jolt up my spine. I feel unbalanced.

"Take it slowly," Dr. Voss advises. "Your proprioception will adjust with movement."

I lift an arm, and the fluid grace surprises me. The synthetic muscles respond instantly, but there's a disconnect—a lack of the subtle resistance I was used to in my human form.

"Now, we'll activate the sensory modules," Dr. Martinez says, her fingers dancing across the console.

>>> Activating Advanced Sensory Modules...
>>> Enabling Haptic Feedback System
>>> Calibrating...
>>> Skin: SynthDerm™ V with NanoTouch Receptors
- Surface Area Coverage: 100%
- Sensitivity Range: 0.01 to 5.0 N
- Manufacturer: Sensoria Corp.
- Market Price: 2,500,000 CCr
>>> Status: Online

A flood of input streams into my consciousness. Every millimeter of SynthDerm™ comes alive. I can feel the subtle currents of air, the lingering moisture evaporating from my skin, even the minute vibration of the facility's machinery through the floor.

Then, another alert:

>>> Component: Synth-Slit RX-2
- Manufacturer: Intimate Robotics Co.
- Composition: BioSynth™ Elastic Polymer
- Features:
* Self-Lubricating Mechanism
* Adaptive Tightening Algorithm
* Sensation Amplification Nodes
- Market Price: 3,000,000 CCr
>>> Status: Online
>>> Lubrication Reserves: Full
>>> Sensitivity Settings: Default (High)

An uncomfortable warmth radiates from between my legs, a throbbing awareness that's both alien and intrusive. The system engages automatically, and I feel a subtle... slickness deep inside. 

Dr. Voss quickly taps a command. "Adjusting sensitivity levels. Apologies, the default settings are quite... reactive."

The intensity diminishes, but the underlying discomfort remains. 

She meets my gaze. "I know this is difficult, Kaiden. We're here to help you through it."

I try to focus on the myriad of other sensations. My hair—now flowing strands of cobalt—brushes against my back. The weight of it is noticeable, each movement sending vibrations through the bioluminescent fibers.

>>> *** HAIR SYSTEM ***
>>> Cobalt Biolume Fibers
- Manufacturer: Glimmer Industries
- Length: 75 cm (29.5 inches)
- Features:
* Reactive Luminescence
* Tactile Sensory Input
* Self-Cleaning Module
- Market Price: 650,000 CCr
>>> Status: Operational

I reach up to touch it, the strands slipping through my fingers like liquid light. The tactile sensors relay the texture—smooth, silky, unnaturally perfect.

"Cycling visual systems," Dr. Martinez says.

She adjusts the lighting in the room, and my vision automatically compensates. The left eye interface activates, overlaying spectral data onto my field of view.

>>> *** OCULAR SYSTEMS ***
>>> Left Eye: Emerald Spectroscopic Analyzer
- Spectrum Range: 200-1100 nm (Ultraviolet to Near-Infrared)
- Functions: Material composition analysis, energy signature detection
>>> Right Eye: Violet Infrared Tracker
- Spectrum Range: 900-1700 nm (Short-Wave Infrared)
- Functions: Thermal imaging, low-light vision
>>> Calibrating Vision Protocols...
>>> Status: Online

The room transforms. I can see heat signatures radiating from the equipment, the subtle differences in temperature creating a kaleidoscope of colors. Dr. Voss and Dr. Martinez glow warmly against the cooler backdrop.

But the overload of information becomes dizzying. I close my eyes—or rather, cameras. 

More readouts appear.

>>> Power Core: NeutrinoX Cell MKII
- Manufacturer: Stellar Energy Solutions
- Capacity: 72-hour operational time
- Recharge Method: Inductive Coupling
- Market Price: 1,800,000 CCr
>>> Cooling System: NanoFluidic Circulation
- Manufacturer: CryoFlow Technologies
- Function: Thermal regulation via polypropylene glycol solution

Each line itemizes a piece of me—a component, a function, a price tag.

I am watching myself reduced to a series of assets.

At least I'm expensive.

Dr. Voss attempts to minimize the displays, but they persist, flickering insistently.

"Let's focus on mobility," she suggests. "Try taking a step forward."

When I try to move, I stumble against the glass container, feeling it press into the soft give of my overripe buttocks, breasts squashed against the smooth surface. Instinctively, I press my thighs together, feeling the synthetic slit between them flex and pulse. 

"Sorry - I'll fix that. One moment." 

An alert pings.

>>> Kinetic Balance Stabilizers (KBS)
- Manufacturer: EquiMove Systems
- Function: Gyroscopic balance correction
- Market Price: 200,000 CCr
>>> Status: Active
>>> Adjusting for center of gravity offset... Complete

With the stabilizers compensating, the next steps feel more controlled. 

"She's doing well," Dr. Martinez encourages.

"It will feel like learning to walk all over again," Dr. Voss says. "Your neural pathways are adapting to the new inputs and outputs."

A final readout emerges.

>>> *** SUMMARY ***
>>> Synth Unit Market Placement: Luxury Entertainment
>>> Property of: United Earth Coalition (UEC)
>>> User Assignment: Kaiden Stryker
>>> Mission Parameters: CLASSIFIED
>>> All systems operational. Ready for deployment.

Dr. Voss quickly dismisses the display.

"Remember, Kaiden, despite what the logs say, you are not a product. You're a person, and we're here to support you."

Her eyes meet mine with earnest conviction.

I take a deep, unnecessary breath, processing the myriad of sensations, thoughts, and emotions swirling within me. The weight of the synthetic flesh, the hum of my power core, the echoes of my own consciousness within this engineered shell.

"How do you feel?" Dr. Voss asks softly.

I search for the words.

Finally, I meet her gaze.

I attempt to speak, my synthetic vocal modulators activating for the first time. The sound that emerges is unfamiliar, yet clear.

"I feel... everything."

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