Syrilblia: I Reincarnated as a Doomed Noble Villainess Girl, so I Will Seduce my Mother to Survive!

Chapter 29: A “Problem” at the Very Start…


Chapter 29: A “Problem” at the Very Start…

(Syrilblia’s POV)

If there was an overseer of this world, one that dictates the story of it, I would have called them a hack if the MC showed up in front of me just now.

Luckily, that didn’t happen. For one, the MC shouldn’t be attending the Academy for many months from now. If she did attend, she would either be a reincarnater, or some higher being was messing with me for their entertainment.

Beatrice: “Student, you seem new… As such, I will let you off with a warning.” She said with a stern tone, pushing up her glasses.

This was Beatrice Amphi. One of the MC’s close friends. Beatrice is part of the public morals committee of the Academy. Yeah, didn’t I say that the author was a fool? This place was run like a modern-day high school, public morals committee included.

Looking at her… Beatrice was quite the beauty. If it wasn’t for me meeting her like this, she would still be my first target of seduction. With Beatrice on my side, it would be far easier to get girls alone…

Syrilblia: “…”

But why did she stop me? My uniform was perfect. Carna made sure of that… I glanced over at Velta, and she was also giving off a confused expression.

Syrilblia: “Pardon me, but I fail to grasp why you’ve stopped me today. Let alone you giving me a warning of some kind.” I reply with a confused expression.

Beatrice: “You cannot fool me. Before finding out that I had the blood of Amphi running through my veins, I lived with my mother, who was a prostitute.” She replied with a scoff.

Syrilblia: “Again, I fail to understand your meaning, Miss.” I reply with a sigh.

Velta: “Yes, even I am confused about this matter.” She added.

Beatrice: “Not that long ago, you had kissed someone. I smell it on you.” She clarified with a confident tone.

Velta: “…”

Syrilblia: “…”

Beatrice: “The committee will not stop you from engaging in romantic or sexual relationships. But do not wonder about the campus smelling of sex. Not even slightly.” She added due to our silence.

Who was she exactly?… I did say that I hate exposition, but I need to collect my knowledge on this woman… Ah, that’s right… Beatrice has… an interesting quirk about her.

Prior to being welcomed as the sole heir to the Amphi family, Beatrice lived with her prostitute mother. Even with that, she still needed to scrounge around for trashy, leftover food scraps.

The novel… using a very unscientific reasoning, stated that she had an acute sense of smell. Which she had gained by having to smell the trash food to make sure that it was edible.

On top of this… Eh, I am lying. It didn’t state if she had a smell fetish, such as Marina does. Though, I wouldn’t put it past her. Isn’t this level of smelling prowess kinda inhuman, though?…

Syrilblia: “Ah, I understand now. You see, prior to departing my carriage, my mother had given me a kiss goodbye. And, with us being good friends, her personal maid gave me a kiss as well.” I reply with a smile.

Beatrice: “…That’s a good excuse. Very well, I will not report this.” She said with a tone of defeat.

Walking away, I was somewhat confused by that encounter. Does Beatrice get off on tattling on people? She looked so upset that I had a rock solid excuse…

Velta: “Lady Syrilblia, I shall lead you to your dorm.” She said, gesturing in a specific direction.

Following behind Velta, I admired the Academy. Luckily, it wasn’t a modern-looking school. Instead, it looked medieval, as it should. Though being medieval, it was a very grand and wondrous place.

This Academy, at least, according to the novel, taught magic and how to use weapons in combat/defense. Though, as the author was lazy, really only magic is used for fighting.

As such, I didn’t see anyone wielding swords, spears, etc. Even the guards protecting the Academy did not field weapons. This world was a primarily magic combat one. Why even teach combat if everyone just uses magic?…

I call the author lazy, as they clearly did not know how to properly write a melee fight, and writing a magic fight is far more easy to do. Well… that is my opinion at least. I do not have much ground to stand on, as I have never written a thing in my life.

Actually… besides seducing women, do I really have any other skills? Sure, I got rich. But that was just by pure chance, practically a happy accident. Ah, my self-esteem is at an all-time low right now…

Velta: “My Lady, this is your dorm. If the faculty members aren’t silly liers, then this is the most regal dorm in the entire Academy campus.” She said, gesturing toward a large, expensive and regal-looking building.

Considering how powerful the Sephiranie family was, apparently only being second to the royal family, it would make sense that I will be living in the nicest dorm.

Syrilblia: “Which dorm number is my room, Velta?” I ask with a curious tone after entering the building.

Apart from… maids that came from the estate, the building seemed empty. Was I really allowed to bring so many maids with me? I feel like I am being a rich asshole… And why are only my maids here?…

Velta: “Any dorm that you please, My Lady.” She answered.

Syrilblia: “Huh? What do you mean…” I reply with a confused tone.

Velta: “This dorm is yours, My Lady. After all, you will need a private place to house your harem from time to time. This is just another string that Marina pulled, you see.” She explained.

Syrilblia: “…”

Velta: “Though, I specifically set up dorm 509, on the highest floor, as your room. Everything is ready, and classes do not start until late tomorrow. You should have an early rest today.” She added.

Syrilblia: “I see… thank you.” I reply with a smile.

Velta: “No need to thank me, My Lady. I am just doing my duty. Speaking of which, will you be going after that woman?” She asked with a curious tone.

Syrilblia: “Do you mean Beatrice? If so, yes. Actually, I plan to seduce her first. She has a lot of respect and sway over the Academy, so taking her into our side would be a wise thing to do.” I answer.

Velta: “Was she depicted in the novel?” She replied.

Syrilblia: “She was, yes. But, going from how… Martin, Marina, Carna and… well, how everyone acts, it’s best not to go off on what was said in the novel. This world is real, and so are the people. Her name is Beatrice Amphi.” I explain in reply.

Velta: “Is there a difference?” She replied with a head tilt.

Syrilblia: “There is a world of difference, Velta. Characters in a novel… can only act and think the way that the author writes them to act and think. People, that is, real people, are absolutely unpredictable.” I lecture.

Velta: “Hm… wise words, My Lady. Very well, I shall investigate the Amphi girl to get information to help with you seducing her.” She said with a bow before leaving the dorm.

Now then… she said that my room was on the top floor? Going up the steps, I soon made it to my dorm room. Opening the door, I was greeted with… Good Goddess… this room was huge! How many girls can I sex at the same time in here?…

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