Syrilblia: I Reincarnated as a Doomed Noble Villainess Girl, so I Will Seduce my Mother to Survive!

Chapter 32: The Drunk.


Chapter 32: The Drunk.

(Syrilblia’s POV)

My family members would get drunk from time to time, which is one of the reasons why I do not touch alcohol. Of course, I don’t have any bad biases against those that drink, mind you.

I also do not think that they’d want to hurt me. Even myself, who is decently self-deprecating, has to praise myself for dealing with my trauma so well.

Beatrice: “Syrilblia… Do you know how hard it was to live with three women?” She said with a hiccup.

Syrilblia: “I would assume that it was a challenge, Beatrice.” I reply with a deadpan expression.

Beatrice: “Each of us were adults, so, of course, we had to relieve our sexual desires. We all did it quietly, and only at night… but I could still smell the fragrance of a pleasured woman, as my sense of smell is very good.” She added.

Syrilblia: “Oh, is that so? That must have made it hard to sleep.” I reply with a giggle.

Beatrice: “Hard to sleep!? It is basically impossible to sleep like that! I am a lesbian!!!” She exclaimed with a pouty tone and teary eyes.

Syrilblia: “…”

Oh, so, despite her position, Beatrice is a person just like anyone else. Of course, it varies between people. Some don’t need to masturbate, but some do.

With her absurd sense of smell, the smells that her roommates let off during their masturbation must have been very arousing for Beatrice to smell. If I was cynical, I would say that the reason she was so strict was just out of spite.


Syrilblia: “…”

Beatrice: “You’re no better…” She said with a pout.

Hold on… taking hold of someone’s hair, and sniffing it, is only something that you should do to your lover. And only if they’re okay with it. Girl… you’re being creepy. Though, I am fine with just blaming it on the alcohol.

Beatrice: “You smell amazing, Syrilblia… I made a good excuse on the spot, but I actually followed your scent to that dorm.” She admitted while playing with my hair.

Girl… I am not sure if there are humanoid dog races in this world, but if there are, you would surely be one of them… I take back my words… Beatrice has a true smell fetish, my wife’s smell fetish doesn’t even compare…

Syrilblia: “Beatrice, do not get so close.” I say with a stern tone.

Beatrice: “Lady Syrilblia… am I not cute enough for you? I smell so many other women on you… Why can’t I be one of those women as well?” She said with a sad, seductive tone.

After saying that, she grabbed my hand, and placed it upon one of her breasts. Beatrice didn’t have big breasts, but they felt nice, even through her uniform. From my hold on one… I think they were close to c-cups, or around that size.

As I took hold of one of her breasts, I was finally aware of her beauty. Beatrice had stark black hair that went down to her shoulders. She was thin, with an hourglass figure. The glasses that she wore only made her look sexier, in my opinion.

Syrilblia: “There are many women in my life, Beatrice. I do not sleep around.” I say with an upset tone, forcefully taking my hand off her breast.

Beatrice: “…Come on… can you just take the plunge? That dorm is the perfect place… We can be as loud as we want to be, and no one will know that you had fucked me silly. You can’t lie to me… I know that you are a lesbian.” She said with a pleading tone and expression.

Syrilblia: “I will admit to being a lesbian as well, Beatrice. But I am not a rapist.” I reply.

Beatrice: “…”

Syrilblia: “Right now, you’re drunk out of your mind. Regardless of if these are your true feelings, I will not be having sex with such an intoxicated woman. It more than goes against my morals.” I say with a stern tone.

Then, much to my and Velta’s surprise, Beatrice fell back onto the seat, and started to pout like a child. It would be cute… if she wasn’t complaining that I would fuck her.

It’s a good thing that we were in a private booth. One that blocks in all sound via magic… If people heard the well-respected Beatrice was here, complaining like a child that I wouldn’t sleep with her, I am sure that her reputation would take a negative turn.

Lots of Childish Pouting Later.


Velta: “…”

Syrilblia: “…”

After letting Beatrice complain her heart out, the girl finally fell asleep. Not to self: Do not let this girl drink alcohol in the future. Seeing such a reaction… I wonder how I would act when intoxicated? Not that I would ever try to find out, though.

Velta: “Why didn’t you accept her?” She asked with a curious tone.

Syrilblia: “…Do I really need to explain that?” I reply with a raised eyebrow.

Velta: “People in this world are aware that alcohol dulls the senses, but people should be able to be aware of their actions.” She replied.

Syrilblia: “That would be very wrong, Velta. When I said that she was intoxicated, I meant it.” I deny.

Velta: “You talk of alcohol as if it is poison…” She replied.

Syrilblia: “That is because it is poison, Velta. Alcohol, the effect it has on your brain is due to it being poison. Unless consumed daily, or in extreme amounts, there shouldn’t be lasting effects to the poison. But it is still poison.” I explain.

Velta: “Ah, so that is why people can die from drinking alcohol?” She asked in reply.

Syrilblia: “Correct. Not only does alcohol dull the senses, it also inhabits your brain from operating properly. Which means that no one should make an important decision while drunk.” I answer.

Wait a minute… surely, the people of this world are aware of the effects of alcohol, right? If that is the case, why am I explaining it to Velta like she is a clueless child?…

Velta: “…Damn.” She said with a click of her tongue.

Syrilblia: “???”

Velta: “That knowledge isn’t rare, but not everyone knows it. I was hoping to be able to convince you to have sex with Beatrice, regardless of her being highly intoxicated.” She admitted.

Syrilblia: “…Velta, I am no rapist. Such a thing should never be considered an option again. I want them to see me as a good friend, a friend that gives them pleasure. With that seed, I am sure that I can rape them into submission. But I will not be doing such a thing, ever.” I say with a scolding tone.

Velta: “Very well. I shall confer this to the other maids as well.” She said with a bow.

With a sigh, I finished up my food, and then started to carry the dead drunk, still sleeping Beatrice, like a pretty princess. A carriage was already prepared, so I just had to carry her out to it.

One Carriage Ride Later.

Once back at the dorm, I carried Beatrice back to her dorm room. I did this for two reasons. One, Beatrice wasn’t drunk enough that she will forget this night. Two, she was more than sober by now, and she was cutely pretending to be asleep.

Beatrice: “…”

As she had no other options but to remain silent, Beatrice didn’t put up a fight while I was stripping her of her uniform. After taking it off, I put a nightgown on her, and then I tucked her into bed before leaving the room.

With this, I had implanted a seed in her mind. An idea that I was a good person that she could trust. One that wouldn’t take advantage of her. I just hope that it will be enough to start a relationship with her…

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