Syrilblia: I Reincarnated as a Doomed Noble Villainess Girl, so I Will Seduce my Mother to Survive!

Chapter 4: Chatting With Mom.

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Chapter 4: Chatting With Mom.

(Syrilblia’s POV)

The room was silent as a cemetery. At least, that was the only saying that I could use in this scenario. I have never actually been to a cemetery before, after all.

Marina: “Do you not care for your father anymore, Syrilblia?” She asked.

Syrilblia: “…”

Marina: “Please speak. It is clear that some great change occurred to you. You might think that you’ve done well to act like yourself, but there are many details that you failed to pay attention to.” She urged me to speak.

Damn… I really did slip up, huh? You can’t really blame me in this case. If it was a manga or some mainly visual medium, I might have been able to act properly. But this was a novel world. Many details were left unwritten…

Syrilblia: “…Last night, I had a dream about the future. To call it a dream would be an understatement, though. It was more like I died and returned to this time with my memories somewhat intact.” I explain.

Marina: “And in this future, what did you witness? Speak freely. This room has magic that blocks in all sound. No one can eavesdrop on us.” She asked.

Syrilblia: “My and Martin’s death… Martin had always instilled in me a great superiority over others. And he had done this since I was very young. Even this early, I have done many horrible things that he covered up.” I reply.

Marina: “…”

Syrilblia: “Why should I care for the man who set me up for failure and made me into a monster? And, even though I have come back in time, it is too late. My sins are already many.” I say with a sad tone and expression.

Marina looked to be in thought. Was she considering if I was lying or not? Well, it was technically a lie. Or was it? My memories aren’t all there, but I might have actually lived this life completely unaware that it was depicted in a novel.

When I died, I could have returned in time, but just with my memories of a past life. After all, I have no idea rather this is the case or not. At the moment, I am very limited in the information that I know of.

Marina: “This seems hard to believe, but I do believe you. Almost…” She said with an unsure tone.

Syrilblia: “And what can I do to convince you fully?” I ask.

Marina: “Tell me where the family seal and family ring are located.” She proposed.

Syrilblia: “I have no idea. You remained fully in control over the family, regardless of how many times Martin and I tried to take control over it.” I reply.

Marina: “…”

Syrilblia: “…”

Then Marina started cracking up laughing like crazy. What the heck? Did I end up giving her the right answer? It really wasn’t an answer at all, though? How confusing…

Marina: “That’s the correct answer, Syrilblia. Now, what is it that Martin got caught for?” She asked.

Syrilblia: “To list it all… would take an entire day, Mother. The list of crimes that Martin and I committed is very, very long. Perhaps it could even be an entire novel alone…” I reply with an embarrassed tone and expression.

Marina: “Very well… Help me uncover his current crimes so that we can get rid of him. Once you do, I will ensure that your crimes are covered up completely, and you will be absolved of them.” She said with a serious tone.

Syrilblia: “I don’t mind, but shouldn’t Carna know most of them? She was the one who outed us, after all.” I reply.

Marina: “Maybe you both got too lazy in the future to cover up your crimes properly, or there wasn’t a need for solid evidence. But Carna and I don’t have enough evidence to convict either of you.” She replied.

Syrilblia: “Oh, so you want me to uncover Martin’s actionable crimes?” I reply.

Marina: “Correct. Since he surely still thinks that you’re loyal to him, it won’t be that hard to snoop around.” She said with a nod.

Cool! I don’t have to seduce my mother to survive! Well, I hope that this is the case. Marina is seemingly aware of my crimes, so she might just be tricking me. Whatever the case, I actually have no option in the matter.

Syrilblia: “Can I have Carna’s aid in this matter?” I ask.

Marina: “Carna?… You can have her help you, but why?” She replied.

Syrilblia: “Carna has lost magic that allows her to be invisible. Such a thing will be very useful for investigating Martin. And, if I was to make a guess… Carna is in the room right now.” I explain.

Marina: “…”


Claps came from nowhere, but was soon revealed to be Carna. She undid her invisibility, revealing herself to me. My only question is… how the fuck did she leave and come back? Some questions are better left unanswered…

Carna: “Only Marina and I know of this, Lady Syrilblia. Which would mean that you really have seen the future.” She said with a laugh.

Marina: “That’s right. Which is a far better indicator that you were telling the truth. You should have led with that.” She said with a smile.

Syrilblia: “Hey, that isn’t my fault! Syrilblia was a fucking… I was a complete fool. Even now, it is a struggle to improve this lazy and practically useless brain that I am now left with.” I say with a pout.

This earned me yet another round of laughter from the two women. I wasn’t trying to be funny on purpose, though… Whatever. At least I am not dead yet. Though, I have no idea if I am safe forever.

Marina: “Syrilblia, we skipped lunch due to those documents. Would you like to have dinner with me? We can eat here so that Martin won’t bother us.” She proposed with a smile.

Syrilblia: “Solid evidence or not, I did those things, Mother. Would you really like to have dinner with someone like me?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Marina: “Are you repentant for what you did, now that the wool that Martin placed over your eyes is gone?” She replied.

Syrilblia: “Yes… It is very vexing that I didn’t go back in time further so that I could prevent such things from happening in the first place.” I answer with a confident tone.

Marina: “Then there is no reason to treat you like a criminal. Those crimes you committed… you have already atoned for them in death. As such, I will treat you like a new person and judge you according to your future actions.” She said with a warm tone.

Syrilblia: “That… such a thing is more than I deserve, Mother…” I reply with a remorseful tone.

Marina: “See it as a gift. You can’t deny your parent’s gifts, right?” She suggested.

Syrilblia: “That’s true.” I reply with a laugh.

Soon there was a knock on the door, and food was delivered to us. Two meals were placed on the coffee table that was right in front of me. Marina already ordered for two meals already?

Or… does Carna have telepathic powers to speak with the other maids? Sticking with the wise decision to not press on this matter, as ignorance is bliss, I quietly ate my meal with a smile on my face.

I can’t ignore the fact that, even in this olden dimension, this was the best food I have ever eaten in my life. A shame that I couldn’t use any of that money I had made to enjoy myself at all… Well, that is something in the past that I can no longer change. Eh, back to focusing on eating!

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