Systemless Villain

Chapter 232 Passionate Battles

Chapter 232 Passionate Battles

Liu Qian lay on Long Tian's arm, with nothing beneath them except the ground, their bodies covered only by their clothes.

Liu Qian turned to the side, gazing at Long Tian with a teasing expression. "Tell me, who is better, me or Li Yue'er?" she teased.

Long Tian shifted to face her, a playful smile gracing his lips. "Honestly, I don't feel any difference between you two. Maybe if we do it together, I could decide who's better," he said with a smirk.

Hearing this, Liu Qian gave him a sardonic look. "You just want to enjoy yourself, and it's not going to happen! I'm sure Li Yue'er feels the same way," she said firmly.

"Well, that's not entirely true, considering Yue'er asked the same question once, and she wasn't entirely opposed to it. So, I think if you're up for it, we can make it happen," Long Tian responded, his smirk widening.

Liu Qian blushed, but she promptly shook her head. "Regardless, it's never going to happen!" she asserted.

Without awaiting Long Tian's response, she swiftly sat up, initiating the process of dressing herself.

Long Tian, maintaining a calm smile, also rose. He began to dust off his back and proceeded to dress, all while observing Liu Qian with a hint of amusement.


Now, Long Tian and Liu Qian were fully clothed and stood right in front of the portal.

Long Tian reached his hand towards the portal, only to find it as hard as stone, preventing him from entering.

"Looks like we're trapped here," he said.

Liu Qian furrowed her brow. "Let me try it," she said, reaching her hand towards the portal.

Similar to Long Tian's experience, her attempts were futile. The surface of the portal remained as impenetrable as stone.

"There must be another way out," she asserted.

Rubbing his chin, Long Tian recalled Lei Guang's memories regarding the portals in this realm.

According to his recollection, those who entered the portal couldn't exit unless they uncovered the mechanism. Unlike the portal's inhabitants, humans needed to find this mechanism, which could take the form of an artifact, a boss, or an obstacle.

"It seems we need to explore this place first," he suggested.

"We have no other choice, anyway," Liu Qian agreed.

"Alright, let's go," Long Tian said. With that, demon wings appeared on his back, black with red patterns that felt menacing. n

Liu Qian couldn't help but be amazed at the sight. "Are those dragon wings?" she asked.

"No, these are demon wings. Dragon wings have a distinct form. And if you're counting, I possess three forms of wings, each with unique powers," Long Tian responded with a smirk.

"I bet you're quite confused about which one is better," Liu Qian said, smiling playfully.

"Not really. Each wing has its advantages, but I prefer these," Long Tian replied.

Liu Qian nodded. "Alright, let's go slay some monsters," she said with a grin, excitement evident in her voice as she unfurled her Phoenix wings.

Long Tian simply smiled, and with that, they both flew into the sky, heading to different locations inside the portal.


Together in the sky, they soared, hands intertwined. The forceful wind rushed through their hair, creating a mesmerizing flutter.

Amidst their flight, Liu Qian's eyes fixated on a distant towering mountain, its silhouette adorned with various monstrous forms.

"Let's head there, Long Tian," she suggested, pointing towards the location.

Long Tian shifted his gaze to the indicated spot. Undoubtedly, in the distance, hundreds of monsters with different anatomies sprawled around the base of the mountain.

He nodded. "Time to massacre them!" he declared with a sinister grin.

Without hesitation, they descended towards the mountain's foothills. As they approached, the sheer number of monsters became evident.

Long Tian crackled with lightning, and with unparalleled speed, he descended into the midst of the monsters like a celestial projectile.


An explosion, reminiscent of a lightning strike, reverberated, propelling monsters in the impact zone airborne, some reduced to smoldering ashes.

Dust veiled the surroundings, casting confusion upon the remaining monsters.

Within that disarray, glimpses of white lightning flickered amid the dust, darting swiftly from one location to another.

Long Tian moved like a force of nature, deftly carving through the monsters at the mountain's base with his uchigatana.

His blade, shrouded in crackling lightning, effortlessly cleaved through horned, sharp-fanged, muscular, and even colossal creatures.

He refrained from using the dark blade due to its slightly larger and heavier build, unlike the uchigatana, which proved nimble and ideal for swift maneuvers.

On the ground, Liu Qian marveled at Long Tian's lightning-fast prowess, his movements effortlessly carving through the hordes of monsters.

A surge of pride swelled within her as she witnessed Long Tian's formidable strength, a proud smile unconsciously gracing her lips.

However, her attention swiftly shifted when a monstrous figure charged toward her—a 5-meter-tall, white-furred gorilla, radiating an aura that marked it as one of the most potent creatures.

Liu Qian swiftly unsheathed her dagger, assuming a combat stance, her gaze razor-sharp as she prepared for the impending assault.

"Grrraawr!" The gorilla roared, accelerating towards her with menacing red eyes.

Liu Qian tightened her grip on the dagger, intensifying her focus.

In a sudden leap, the gorilla soared toward her, hands raised for a strike.

Simultaneously, Liu Qian transformed into a flurry of Phoenix feathers, resembling blue flames, closing in on the gorilla.

Upon reaching its neck, Liu Qian extended her hand and slashed its throat with her dagger, causing the gorilla to land futilely, a visible gash on its neck.

Returning to her original form, Liu Qian landed on the ground. The gorilla, now enraged, turned and roared, pounding its chest.


Without hesitation, it advanced on both legs and hands. Liu Qian sprinted toward the approaching gorilla.

As they closed in, Liu Qian flicked her fingers, causing the previously slashed neck to burst into blue flames. The gorilla lost balance, crashing to the ground.

Liu Qian leaped, delivering a series of slashes and stabs to its neck with her dagger.

"STAB!" The sound echoed repeatedly, making the gorilla roar in pain, helpless against the onslaught.

Blood flowed profusely from its neck, severe wounds accumulating. Yet, Liu Qian persisted.


With another brutal stab, blood surged even more vigorously. However, as she prepared for another, the gorilla erupted in a tantrum, attempting to rise.

Liu Qian swiftly jumped away, flicking her fingers to engulf the gorilla's neck in blue flames once again.

The explosion's force was so immense that the gorilla's head detached from its body.

Liu Qian observed the scene with a satisfied smile. Her mastery over her martial spirit showcased impressive finesse, crafting a technique that proved ruthlessly effective against unsuspecting foes.

Amidst the aftermath, her attention was captivated by a gleaming object near the gorilla, seemingly dropped in its demise.

Approaching cautiously, she examined the item, revealing a dazzling blue crystal.

After a moment's contemplation, she opted to secure it within her spatial ring.

Pivoting around, she caught sight of Long Tian deeply engaged in combat. Her expression, initially incredulous, shifted to sheer shock as the unfolding scene unfurled before her.

In the distance, hundreds of monsters lay lifeless on the ground, forming a grotesque canvas with blood pooling like a malevolent lake. Adding to the brutality, two black dragons soared through the air, ruthlessly exterminating the remnants of the monster horde, while Long Tian stood amongst the carnage like a deity of death.

Liu Qian's countenance was challenging to decipher, unprepared for Long Tian's effortless annihilation of the monstrous throng.

She rushed towards Long Tian, who, realizing a presence approaching, turned to face her.

A mischievous smile adorned Long Tian's face. "Oh, look who's late?" he teased.

Liu Qian, still wearing an expression of disbelief, remarked, "Did you kill all these monsters? Sheesh, Long Tian, I think you're the real monster here."

"Well, for some reason, I was very excited and eager to kill something," Long Tian responded with a smirk.

Liu Qian fell silent at his words, and as she prepared to speak, the roar of two black dragons soaring towards Long Tian interrupted her.

Her expression shifted to panic, only to transform into even greater astonishment as the dragons manifested as tattoos on Long Tian's arms.

"Those dragons... How is that possible?!" she asked incredulously.

"Well, I'll explain everything to you while we head to other monster locations," Long Tian responded, his smirk unwavering.

Liu Qian didn't reply, but she followed Long Tian wherever he went. And so, he explained everything.

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