Systemless Villain

Chapter 272 Darkness Vs Gravity

Chapter 272 Darkness Vs Gravity

The clash near the colossal temple was inevitable, where the dark souls confronted two enigmatic white beings.

Despite the numerical advantage of 4 vs 2, the white creatures mounted a formidable defense. Each strike from the dark souls appeared to barely dent the resilience of the white beings.

The pivotal force was undeniably Hou Dian, whose awakened form boasted unparalleled physical prowess and devastating attacks.

Elsewhere, in a different part of the battlefield, the duel between Long Tian and Zhou Yan raged on. Their individual strengths and tactics clashed, intensifying the struggle.


Zhou Yan was struck squarely in the abdomen, triggering a deafening explosion that hurled him into the air.

Utilizing his mastery over gravity, Zhou Yan enveloped himself in gravitational energy, fortifying his defenses and evading lethal blows.

Now suspended in midair, he effortlessly maintained his balance, his expression betraying the seriousness of the situation. He keenly sensed the raw power behind Long Tian's blow, though it failed to inflict pain, it served as a stark reminder of Long Tian's formidable strength.

"You've got some moves, huh?" he retorted, his tone grim.

"Are you planning to linger in the air indefinitely?" Long Tian quipped in response.

"Despite your strength, you lack refinement. I'll show you the difference in our strengths!" Zhou Yan's words dripped with malice.

With a sinister smirk, he drew forth a sword embellished with motifs of swirling clouds and cascading raindrops, its gleaming blade pulsating with latent power.

Clutching the hilt tightly, he executed a deft motion, summoning forth dozens, even hundreds of swords in an instant.

"Behold the extent of my prowess!" he declared ominously.

Observing this, Long Tian could foresee what would come next.

And indeed, shrouded in gravitational energy, the multitude of swords surged forward at speeds surpassing sound, hurtling towards him like an unyielding tempest.

Long Tian swiftly leaped and maneuvered to evade the onslaught of blades.

His precision in anticipating their trajectory was unparalleled, enabling him to evade each strike with impeccable timing.

Yet, the impact of the descending swords was formidable, each one causing tremors that rent the earth beneath.

Despite his deft evasion, Long Tian sensed a mounting heaviness with each movement, as if the burden upon him doubled with every passing second.

It wasn't long before the gravitational force exerted its full influence, impeding his movements progressively.

His countenance grew graver; the relentless pull of gravity proved exceedingly troublesome.

As the deluge of swords persisted, he vaulted skyward, only to be met with an intensified gravitational force that swiftly bore him to the ground.

Subsequently, the hundreds of swords descended upon him, casting a shroud of billowing dust that obscured all visibility.

From dozens to hundreds, the swords continued their merciless onslaught upon Long Tian, his condition obscured within the strom of dust.

Until, approximately ten seconds later, the torrent of swords ceased.

Floated high in the air, a smug grin played on Zhou Yan's lips as he surveyed the swirling dust below.

With that strike, although he wasn't sure if he could kill Long Tian, it was sure to inflict severe injury.

Soon after, the dust cleared, revealing Long Tian lying on the ground, still conscious.

Zhou Yan's expression twisted with disbelief; Long Tian bore no visible wounds from the onslaught of hundreds of swords, not a drop of blood in sight.

His thoughts darted to Long Tian's lineage of dragons.

His countenance darkened. "As expected of the Long family. They possess truly extraordinary physical prowess. But that alone won't suffice," he remarked icily.

Despite enduring the intense gravitational pressure, Long Tian managed to rise, distorting the air around him.

"You really like talking about your superiority huh? I've yet to unleash even half of my power," he declared with a wide grin.

Anger and frustration pulsed through Zhou Yan's veins, visible as bulging veins on his forehead. "Arrogant fool!" he bellowed, causing the purple energy around him to intensify with heightened gravitational force.

Simultaneously, darkness engulfed him, stretching skyward for kilometers. Then, a pair of eyes with purple pupils emerged, fixating on the silent Long Tian.

The gravitational energy emanating from Zhou Yan grew so potent that even trees several hectares away swayed and toppled.

"I rarely reveal my martial spirit. Consider yourself privileged to witness it," he stated coldly.

His martial spirit, none other than S-class: Gargantua. Endowed with the ability to manipulate gravity.

The gravitational pressure mounted, making it increasingly challenging for Long Tian to remain upright.

"By unleashing my martial spirit, the gravitational pressure in this vicinity will surge to over 1000 times its normal level. No matter how strong your physical strength is, even if you're equivalent to a dragon, it will be of no use," Zhou Yan declared, his smirk unyielding.

Long Tian stood in silence, prompting Zhou Yan to continue.

"However, I've had a stroke of brilliance. Though you're the scion of the Long clan, I am the heir to the holy knights' leader. Our statuses could be deemed equivalent. Allow me to propose something intriguing," Zhou Yan said, a grin dancing upon his lips. "Become my subordinate, and I shall ensure the Long family receives favorable treatment. With our two preeminent factions united, the empire shall never stoop beneath anyone."

Zhou Yan's words echoed like thunder, infused with unwavering confidence and pride.

In response, Long Tian's gaze remained fixed upon Zhou Yan, his tone tranquil. "You are truly confident and arrogant, aren't you? I am very well familiar with the sensation of being the foremost genius, backed by formidable allies. It's an addictive feeling, yet poisonous."

Then, darkness spilled forth from his shadow, stretching for miles, eclipsing even Zhou Yan's gravitational domain, cloaking the earth in a shroud of impenetrable darkness.

The oppressive gravitational force appeared to dissipate gradually.

Zhou Yan's expression froze, his eyes widening in disbelief. "Impossible! You've nullified my gravitational pressure?!" he exclaimed incredulously. Long Tian's countenance remained as calm as a tranquil lake as he locked gazes with Zhou Yan. Then, a smirk crept across his features. "I have a better proposal. What if all the holy knights henceforth serve under the banner of the Long family, and you become my slave?" he suggested with a grin.

From astonishment and incredulity, Zhou Yan's expression morphed into one of fury. Veins bulged with unbridled rage upon his forehead.

"You arrogant bastard! Do not presume that neutralizing gravity will ensure your victory. I shall kill you!" he roared mercilessly.

Without hesitation, he lunged from the air toward his adversary, now devoid of a sword in his grasp.

Long Tian's grin remained unabated as they closed in on each other.

Enveloped in a crimson aura, he metamorphosed into a half-

dragon form, sporting razor-sharp, crimson irises, dragon-scale skin, and twin horns atop his head.


Their fists collided, sparking a potent aura that birthed a dazzling yellow lightning and a deep purple gravitational energy.

With the absence of gravitational pressure, Zhou Yan could only assail directly, whereas Long Tian could assail freely without constraint.





The cacophony of their ferocious duel reverberated competitively, each strike accompanied by explosive reverberations.

Both unleashed ferocious assaults, possessing the power to vanquish the other.

Zhou Yan, a scion of the holy knight lineage, honed and disciplined rigorously since infancy, even blessed with the unique ability to awaken his martial spirit at fifteen, manipulating gravity.

Yet, his adversary proved unlike any he had faced before. Long Tian, as the progeny of the Long family's patriarch, wielded the exceptional physical prowess of dragon lineage, impervious even to the keenest of blades, let alone enigmatic dark energies and the summoning of indestructible shadow creatures.

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