Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 10: Aftermath.

~A day after Artoria killed Bane~


—P.O.V John Constantine—


Lighting up a fresh cigarette I take a puff and sigh.


‘Well, this is an absolute cluster fuck.’


Growling in frustration and scratching the back of my head I turn down the corridor and make my way to the main meeting room in the Hall of Justice.


I had finally made some headway on where Artoria ended up, but it seems she caused some problems of sorts and Batman has called all a mass meeting.


‘I just know this is going to be painful. And the information I have isn’t much overall, but what I do have is damn scary.’


Coming up to the door to the meeting room, I sigh and lament what is about to happen. No one is going to be happy with this information, and no one is going to want to believe it. Taking another puff of my cigarette, I steel myself for the shit storm and open the doors.


Entering the meeting room, I am able to see a whole lot of heroes.


‘Batman really did call everyone who could attend. Just what did Artoria do?’


Several people all turned to see who entered, and most gave me a nod and went back to talking amongst themselves. One person however didn’t, and instead made their way to me.


Zatanna: “John.”


John: “Zatanna. Big meeting huh?”


Zatanna sighed and responded with some sadness in her voice.


Zatanna: “It got ugly, John. Real ugly. I hope you have some information?”


John: “I do. But it might be as ugly, or worse than whatever she did.”


She hung her head at that.


Zatanna: “Not what I wanted to hear, honestly. Well, let’s get seated John. This is going to be rough.”


Making my way over to the table, I just sat at a random spot. Normally I try to sit away from people, but it doesn't look like that’ll be an option today.


About 20 minutes later, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman all entered the room and headed to the front.


The room was massive, honestly. Could easily fit everyone here and there were at least 50 of us, with room for more still. I could appreciate the open design and how one wall had six giant windows to show outside.


As soon as Batman made it to the front with the other two, he hit a button that closed all the blinds and darkened the room a fair amount. Superman then stepped up to the front and started to address us.


Superman: “Thank you everyone for responding to this emergency meeting. We wanted to have it sooner, but we needed time to sort some things out. Now, the main and only topic of today is the spirit known as Artoria Alter.

Some of you may have read the report from the space station incident. If not, I’ll do a quick summary of what happened."


I tuned out Superman as he was going over what happened while showing a wonky looking recording of the event. Still baffles me why modified tech can not detect her at all.


As Superman finished the recap, several heroes asked a few questions to clear some things up. After he was done with all of that, he moved on to the current reason we were all summoned.


Superman: “As many of you heard, yesterday Bane as well as a slew of other people were killed. Artoria is the prime suspect. Our main reasoning for this suspicion is from several things. First being the CCTV footage and second with how everyone was killed. Please have a look.”


He then pressed a button and the room got even darker and the wall behind him lit up with several angles of a firefight.


Wonder Woman: “Watch this man here first.”


She said as she pointed to a seemingly random goon off to the side. Suddenly, he stopped firing his weapon and looked down. Then he was lifted up and was struggling against something.


As I looked close enough, I could see the outline of a sword from his blood as it ran down the blade.


‘Shouldn’t really be thinking this, but that asshole dyeing to Excalibur is a privilege he shouldn’t get.’


Suddenly, a line appeared on his chest and then his head and arm fell off his body as it crashed down to the pavement.


Flash: “Crazy…”


Shazam: “Yea. If this was a movie and not real life, that’d be really cool.”


Looking at Bane, he seemed to be talking to someone and then reached for a rocket launcher of all things.


‘Really. How the fuck do these shits keep getting that kind of weapon so easily?’


He then shot the rocket at nothing, only for the rocket to stop mid air for seemingly no reason.


Shazam: “She caught it! Why would–”


And then the rocket exploded. Looking at Bane, his body language suggested the attack didn’t go as planned. Which was confirmed when the smoke cleared itself and then he started to bulk up.


‘Still find that shit impressive every time I see it.’


He then charged and after running to where the rocket blew up he, and everyone else in the cameras crashed to the ground.


Shazam: “Wait. What happened?”


Batman: “She stopped holding her power in check. It was at this point everyone within one kilometre died if their souls were weak. There were a lot of innocents who fall into that category.”


Aquaman: “Batman, was that-”


Batman: “Yes. The total death toll of this event was over 1,400 people. Women and Children included.”


‘That leaves a bad taste. And it is only going to get worse…’


The entire room was silent at that, and frowning.


Superman: “Now you know what happened and just what danger Artoria represents. We–”


Interrupting Superman I said, “Sadly, Superman. You don’t.”


Batman: “Explain. I take it you found something?”


John: “Yes. And it’s a whole lot worse than we thought.”


Sighing at what I was about to say, I took a puff of my cigarette and a swig from my canteen.


John: “I got into contact with someone who has been… hanging around Artoria it seems since she left the space station. And what he has said about her… frankly, scared the fucking shit out of me.”


Wonder Woman: “Who is this person?”


John: “Lucifer.”


Zatanna: “Morningstar?”


John: “That’s the one.”


Superman: “The Devil?”


Flash: “You’re joking?”


I just sigh and shrug my shoulders.


John: “I don’t give a fuck if you don’t believe me, but I really suggest you do. Because if his info is solid, and I have no reason to doubt it isn’t, we’re are beyond fucked if we try to fight Artoria.”


Zatanna: “I can confirm Lucifer is indeed real. Why did you seek him out though, John? Normally he doesn’t interfere with mortal affairs at all.”


John: “That’s where Artoria’s tracks led me. To his city. So, I took a guess and asked him. After a deal, which I won’t get into, he told me what she’s up to, how powerful she is and stuff like that.”


Shazam: “And?”


John: “And like I said, we’re fucked. Lucifer made a deal with her as well, and taught her the spells for dimensional and universal travel. And they tested the Dimension hop the other day.”


Taking a swig again, I continue, “They ended up in a world where the Justice League was evil. She killed a lot of them, including their Superman. And practically destroyed their planet in the process.”


Everyone's eyes widened at that, and the room erupted in murmurs.


Flash: “You’re kidding right? First the Devil, now this? Say I believe you for a minute, and the Devil is real. He’s the Devil, he most likely lied to you.”


Zatanna: “Lucifer never lies. He takes pride in that. He often says the truth is more harmful than a lie.”


Nodding my head at that I sigh.


John: “And it gets worse.”


Batman: “How?”


John: “After she killed Bane, something happened to her. It seems she was sealed when she was summoned here. And one of those seals was broken. She is vastly more powerful now. Lucifer said her Aura is now the size of Los Angeles.”


Wonder Woman: “This is most troubling news.”


Shazam: “Selling it a bit low there sister. If she was already powerful enough to kill a version of Superman, and everyone around her in a large radius AND practically destroy a planet? And now she is stronger? I vote that we don’t fight her, and we try to banish her from our reality. And lock her out of it somehow.”


John: “One of the few times I agree with you Shazam. Fighting her is beyond foolish at this point. Need I remind you three, when she was first summoned her Aura disabled everyone but 3 people on the station. Now that it’s stronger, I bet she’ll be able to disable everyone but Superman maybe. And outright kill nearly everyone else.”


Zatanna nodded her head and said, “I agree with John. We can’t fight her.”


Superman: “Then we do what Shazam suggested. We force her out of our reality, and somehow lock it out to her. Problem is, do we know how to do that?”


Fate: “I do. But it will take time to prepare such a spell. And it’s not without its dangers and drawbacks.”


Flash: “Drawbacks?”


Fate: “To lock someone out permanently will take a massive amount of magic. I will most likely die.”


Zatanna: “What?! No! Not happening!”


Fate: “Zatanna, this is our only real option. Lucifer said ‘A’ seal was broken on her. Meaning there are more seals still and she will only get stronger. We can not have such a powerful entity that doesn’t care for the sanctity of life on our planet.”


Zatanna: “But!”


Fate: “Enough. I am sorry, but this has to happen. Superman, the preparations for this spell will take several days.”


Superman gave a grim nod.


Superman: “Okay, we have a plan of action. But Zatanna, in the meantime I want you and anyone who will help you to look for an alternative. I’d prefer not to have to make any sacrifices for this.”


Zatanna gave a hard nod towards Superman, her eyes blazing with determination.


‘Going to be a pain, but well. It’s not so bad I guess.’


Superman: “Okay, now, let’s go over measures to take in the event Artoria shows up before we’re ready.”

~Meanwhile in a hidden base somewhere in the world~


—P.O.V change 3rd—

“— we’re ready.”


A man in a nice white suit then lowered the volume on the projection in the middle of the room and turned his attention to everyone in the room.


Lex: “Well?”


Circe: “I can vouch that the information from Lucifer is going to be valid. I’ve conversed with him a few times, and he indeed never lies. To think those damn heroes have antagonised such a horrible existence so needlessly…”


Grodd: “Humans. What do you expect? In any case, what will we do? I personally am all for staying in the shadows and off the grid until this Artoria is gone. If she can kill a Superman, well. Need I say more?”


Joker: “Ha! I am with the monkey on this one. I am insane, not stupid.”


Circe: “I also agree with that sentiment. For anything to impress Lucifer enough for him to help or make a deal with is enough to keep a wary eye on. And well, a sword like Excalibur can kill a lot of things that are normally unkillable.”


Lex: “Noted. Out of curiosity, if the sword is so powerful why have you not tried to get it Circe?”


Circe: “Oh, I have. Let’s just say the sword can pick who can use it. And when someone it doesn’t like touches it? Well.”


Lex: “I understand. So, we all agree to stay out of this for as long as we can?”


Grodd: “They seem to have a good enough plan of action. Now I am regretting not going with Poison Ivy to the amazon forest. No cameras out there, so it would be quite safe.”


Lex: “Yes, unfortunately for me, I can not go underground as easily as you all. But, I won’t be making any public appearances for now. Silver lining is I have nothing in the works anytime soon, so going under the radar won’t be any trouble for me.”


Circe: “I had something in the works, but I am putting that on hold till that Spirit is gone.”


Grodd: “Agreed.”


Lex: “Alright, I’ll message everyone with the suggestion of laying low. Let’s end it here, and meet up in a week if nothing happens before then. Don’t forget you can attend via hologram.”


Everyone gave a nod to Lex, and got up to leave.


As Lex was leaving he thought to himself, ‘Able to kill Superman huh. Would I be willing to take a risk to make that fight happen…?’


And things are moving along~. Some of them foolish though, eh~? Hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you next time~.

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