Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 18: A Dark Rose can shine just as well it seems.

All of the Blue Roses team stiffened at my question and their leader, Lakyus, was about to speak up when the short vampire held out her hand to stop her.


Evileye: “We have no quarrel with you, spirit.”


The massive muscle bound woman, Gagaran, widened her eyes a bit at that.


Gagaran: “She’s a spirit? I could tell she wasn’t human, but she’s undead?”


Artoria: “I am not undead, child. Watch your tongue…”


Gagaran: “Oh, uhh. Sorry.”


Looking back to Evileye I say, “Yes, while you have no quarrel with me, I however, have an issue with the Light staining all your souls.”


Lakyus just huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.


Lakyus: “I am a holy maiden, keeper and wielder of Kilineiram the Demonic Sword! Of course I am blessed by the Light!”


I sighed and shook my head.


Artoria: “I said stained. Not blessed, child. But no matter, I will be removing it, and adding a blessing of Darkness of my own instead.”

For some added dramatic flair, I raised my hand and snapped my fingers.


‘No idea how I actually managed to snap my fingers while armoured. But I’ll just say “Anime World” and be done with it, heh.’


After my snap, I started to summon some black water (AWE) slowly beneath my feet.


The entire team gasped when they saw the black water, and started to move away from it slowly.


Azuth: “Oi oi oi. What the hell is that stuff? It is giving off a really bad feeling now…”


Tina and Tia: “Evil Boss?”

Lakyus: “I don’t know! Stay away from it though, like my uncle said that is something horrible. My sword is reacting to it! Like it wants to bathe in it!”


‘I highly doubt it…’ I thought with a deadpan stare no-one could see.


More and more of the black water started to pour out from around me, completely covering the area behind me. Even going up the walls and covering the roof only to drip back down slightly.


As the water touched the corpses of the Black Scripture, they were broken down and dissolved into nothing.


Gagaran: “Oi! It just melted those bodies and their gear like it was nothing! Evileye, teleport us out now!”


Evileye: “On it!”


Artoria: “No no, we can’t have that. Stay awhile, why don’t you?”


Since I didn’t have a spell that could stop teleportation in my arsenal yet, I did the only thing I could think of. I levied enough of my aura against them to disable but not destroy their souls.


Evileye: “[Telepor-] Agh!”


This caused everyone to crash into the ground hard, while interrupting the spell.


Tia: “I… can’t…move…”


Tina: “What… is…?”


Gagaran: “It’s like an… entire mountain… is on me!”


As the black water crept ever closer, their struggle intensified greatly.


Gagaran: “Come... on... Shorty!!”


Evileye: “I am... trying!!!!!”


Artoria: “It’s too late.”


I commanded the black water to surge forward, and it soon covered Blue Roses entirely, bringing them into its loving sombre depths. With them inside the water, I stopped releasing my aura and let Azuth move again.


Artoria: “You. You may leave, you are not stained by the Light and I have no desire to bless a useless and weak playboy with the Dark.”


With that said, I grabbed him with my magic, and tossed him through a wall. I then covered the entire area with black water, plugging the hole.


I was now basically standing in a box of black water, with it dripping down everywhere like rain. I could only smile and bask in the feeling all this All the World's Evil was giving me. I felt at home, safe from All the World’s Good. Tilting my head, I ponder that last feeling.


‘Now there is a thought. I wonder if there is something like All the World’s Good to counter All the World’s Evil? Maybe I can ask Tearwyn, or even Lady Lilith if she stops by again sometime.’


As I was thinking, the Blue Roses team finally finished their Dark Baptism and broke the surface of the black water. As they were all coughing out the waters from their lungs and checking up on each other, I could only smile inwardly.


‘Yes, this is how I honestly like it. They look wonderful with the corrupted look AWE gives one.’


Coughing still, Lakyus managed to sputter out a sentence to her team.


Lakyus: “Is everyone *cough* everyone all right? *cough*”


Tina and Tia: “We're fine.”


Gagaran: “I am also okay.”


Lakyus: “Evileye?”


Evileye: “I feel… great? Whole even?”


Walking up to her, I offer my hand to help her stand up. She hesitated for a few seconds before accepting my hand.


Artoria: “It is because you are a creature of Darkness. And yet, you were somehow stained by the Light. Normally that should have destroyed you, but I am guessing the Garbage I am sent to kill wanted to ‘save’ you.”


Garagan: “Creature of Darkness?”


Turning to the entire team I tilt my head and say, “Surely you noticed? How could you not? This little one here is a Vampire. Well, Vampire princess actually.”


Her entire team widened their eyes and turned to look at her.


Lakyus: “Is she telling the truth, Evileye?”


Evileye just slumped her shoulders and sighed. She pulled down her hood, and took off her mask. For the first time, her team was able to see her full face clearly. Though she looked different because of the black waters, she still had her fangs.


Evileye: “Yes. I am sorry! I just… I just didn’t know how to tell everyone… I didn't. I didn’t want you all to hate me, or worse try to kill me. I know you're a priestess of the Water God Lakyus… and they say all undead must be destroyed…”


Lakyus stood up fully and started to make her way over to Evileye.


Gagaran: “Oi, Lakyus…”


Lakyus held out her hand to stop Gagaran from talking, and then stopped in front of Evileye.


Lakyus: “I am disappointed, Evileye. But, I'm also glad. I am disappointed in myself, because I don’t know how I would have reacted before. I can tell this… water… changed us, more than how we look. I am ashamed to say I may very well have tried to ‘free’ you of this undeath Evileye.


But, I am glad because now you do not need to hide it. After this change, I do not care that you are a vampire. I know you haven't hurt anyone that didn’t deserve it, ever. And more importantly. You are our sister! The Water God be damned, if he thinks I should kill my sister who is clearly still sane, just because she no longer breathes!


Gagaran: “Yea! You’re our friend shorty!”


Tia and Tina: “Our partner.”


Evileye: “Everyone…”


They all started to hug in a big blob of sisterhood.


‘What. The actual fuck? You know what, never mind. Good for them.’


Artoria: “Right. Good for you I guess.”


Blue Roses: “Ah!”


I deadpanned at them and dryly asked, “You forgot about me? How very carefree of you all. Well, no matter. I got other, more important things to attend too. So, you best leave this kingdom.”


Lakyus: “I don’t want to give up on my country men, but we have too. We stand no chance against the Sorcerer King. Where should we go, everyone? I am feeling great after that dip in the water, and want to stretch my legs!”


As they started to talk amongst themselves, once again forgetting about me, I could only shake my head.


‘So carefree. Anyway, let’s go say hello to Bone Daddy now~.’


Deciding to leave the black waters, and the comforts they gave, I sank into the shadows and appeared on the walls of the city. Stepping out of a shadow, I took a quick stock of what was around. And the entire city was surrounded by a rather impressive army of undead.


‘Really doesn’t do anything by halves.’


Nodding my head in approval, I spread my senses out to try and search for strong souls. I note that a vast majority of his undead have no souls tied to them, they are just animated corpses.


‘I wonder if the ones who have souls are the sentient ones? Would make sense to me at least.’


Giving a shrug at my speculation, I jump off the wall with a fair amount of strength causing cracks to appear. As I shoot forward into the sky and closer to the undead army, I keep my eyes open for any of the guardians or Bone Daddy himself.


Luckily, it didn’t take me long to find the little command tent he had set up on a hill. Smiling to myself at the prospect of meeting some of the guardians in real life, I shoot off towards that direction.


Seconds later, and feeling like making a flashy entrance, I crash into the ground in front of them kicking up a dust cloud. Through the cloud, I could sense the souls around me, and all of them are newborns.


‘Right, this was a trap for the dragon dude. So Pandora’s Actor should be the one here pretending to be Ainz.’


Waving my hand to clear the dust away faster, I get a good look at who exactly I am dealing with.


Sitting on a little throne under their tent is Pandora’s Actor, imitating Ainz. To his right is Albedo, the sexy succubus demoness. And to his left are the dark elf twins, Mare and Aura.


Albedo: “Who dares approach the Sorcerer King so brazenly! Name yourself!”


Turning my head to Albedo, I scoff a little.


Artoria: “Before that, could one of you cast anti-divination and privacy spells. I don’t want anyone listening in.”


Albedo and the others just peered at me for a few seconds before nodding and carrying out my request.


After they are done casting their spells, some with spell scrolls even, I give an answer to Albedo.


Artoria: “To answer your question, my name is Artoria Alter.”


I turn and look at Pandora’s Actor directly.


Artoria: “And I do not stand in front of your master, but merely his son. Hello Pandora’s Actor.”


Everyone's eyes widened greatly at that, and they took combat ready stances. While Pandora tried to keep calm and seated.


Artoria: “Calm down. Firstly, if I wanted any of you dead, you would be. None of you, even all of Nazarick at once, are my match. But, lucky for you all, I am here to help with something you don’t even know is stalking your master.”


Albedo: “How brazen! I-”


Not giving her a chance to finish, I flood the area with a rather generous amount of my aura. While I could have used more, I didn’t want to make them fall to the ground like with Blue Roses.


Artoria: “Silence, Albedo. You provoke something that you really shouldn’t, nor can you afford too. I can apply even more pressure to you all, and force you all down to the dirt you stand on. But I am giving you face, because I respect Nazarick and your master. Do not push me.”


Albedo: “You!”


Pandora: “Enough, Albedo. Vater is willing to talk to her.”


Albedo: “What?! But she's unknown to us! Surely not even Dem-”


Pandora held up his hand, and shook his head.


Pandora: “He has spoken, Albedo.”


He turns his attention to me and says, “Mein Father would love to speak with you Meine Dame Artoria. But he is currently busy with the war right now, and would like to ask you to wait.”


Giving him a nod I say, “That is fine, Pandora. I’ll just wait with all of you if you don’t mind?”


A few seconds later he nods and says, “That is fine.”


Seconds later, a portal opens and Cocytus steps out.


Artoria: “You are as impressive as I heard, Cocytus.”


Cocytus: “You. Know. Me?”


Giving him a nod I say, “Indeed. Created by Warrior Takemikazuchi, a being that embodies the word “Warrior.” I find your creator has done a wonderful job, and has hit the nail on the head with you as his creation.”


Cocytus bows his head slightly and says, “You. Honour. Me. I. Can. Tell. You. Are. A. Warrior. Of. Great. Skill. As. Well.”


Giving him a slight nod back I say, “Well, I would think so. I’ve been fighting in the Holy Grail Wars for over three million years after all.”


Some mist blew out of his face as he exiled.


Cocytus: “Impressive.”


Aura: “Wow! You’re really old aren't you?!”


Giving a soft chuckle I turn to Aura and say, “I am indeed, Aura.”


Mare: “Umm.. that is… Ahh. How, how do you know all our names?”


Artoria: “That is a conversation I would like to hold with your Master and everyone present so I don’t have to repeat myself.”


Albedo: “You can guarantee we’ll be there. You hussy.”


Even though she whispered that last part to herself, I couldn’t help but chuckle.


Artoria: “I am not going to steal your Ainz from you Albedo. And just an FYI, I am a lesbian.”


Albedo: “Oh. Well, we’ll still be there!”


I could tell she still didn’t trust me at all, but the killing intent she was lightly giving off vanished completely.


Shrugging my shoulders I turn back to Cocytus.


Artoria: “You are tasked with taking the castle, right Cocytus?”


Cocytus: “I. Am. I. Will. Be. Leaving. Soon.”


Artoria: “Mind if I join you? I would like to see how you handle things as a fellow warrior.”


Cocytus turned to Pandora’s Actor and when he got a nod back a few seconds later, he gave me a nod.


Cocytus: “I. Would. Be. Honoured. Artoria.”


Artoria: “Alright. I won’t help, I’ll just watch you work.”


Cocytus: “That. Is. Fine. Come. Let. Us. Be. Off.”


And here is Chapter 18 for you all~. Hope you liked it! See you in the next one~. Bedtime for meeee~~~~

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