Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 21: A talk with Bone Daddy.

Artoria: “So like I have stated before this world, and by that I mean the entire universe not just this planet, is under the purview of the Dark Goddess Tearwyn. And as a young Goddess, the Light gods want to take advantage of this by sending agents to her worlds. By doing so they hope to change the Fate of the worlds, making them lean to the Light, and steal said world from Tearwyn. This is, naturally, unacceptable.


And since Divine Law prevents her from coming down herself to deal with these garbage upstarts, I have come in her place. Any questions so far?”


Ainz: “None thusly, no. Well, I have a few, but they can wait for another time.”


Giving a nod, I continue my explanation.


Artoria: “Now, how this affects you is simple. In the first world, as you call it, the Reincarnator had appeared and started to muck around in YGGDRASIL. Are you familiar with a thing called a 'System' in stories about Reincarnators?”


Ainz: “Are you referring to the support and cheat-like existence that appear in some stories and novels? That boosts their host with cheat-like stats and skills?”


Giving a nod I say, “Yes, exactly. This ‘System’ is quite powerful, as it is meant to help the host eventually turn the fate of this world to the Light. As such, it has the power to blind Tearwyn to the events happening in the world. However, it can only block her sight of the world it currently is in. So when they left the first world, and came here, she was able to see what happened in the first world and gleamed some information.


This Reincarnator has plans to convert you to the Light, if at all possible. Or, kill you if all else fails. She has already started to make some moves, as when I arrived in this world I stumbled upon the Black Scripture from the Slane Theocracy meeting with the Blue Roses and Red Drop.”


Ainz: “Oh? The Black Scripture was it? And, what was this meeting about?”


Shrugging my shoulders I say, “No idea. They stopped when they all sensed me. Strong souls for some humans. But the meeting isn’t what I was getting at. All their souls, minus the man from Red Drop, were all stained by the Light.”


All the guardians had a bit of confusion on their faces while Ainz leaned forward slightly in interest.


Ainz: “Stained, you say?”


Nodding, I say, “Yes. Think of it much like corruption, but for Light. It was slowly converting their souls to the Light, and it would eventually have made them agents of the Light. As agents, they would be like the Reincarnator, and start to sway Fate away from the Dark. I killed the Black Scripture, who was responsible for Shalltear by the way, while purging the Light completely from Blue Roses.”


The atmosphere got a bit heavier when I mentioned Shalltear, and Ainz’s eyes flared a bit as he leaned forward even more.


Ainz: “What do you mean the Black Scripture was responsible for Shalltear?”


Artoria: “For her forced betrayal. They used the world item [Downfall of Castle and Country] on her. Interestingly though, she wasn’t actually the main target. They were on their way to use that against the Catastrophe Dragon Lord. But, they got unlucky and ran into her.”


Leaning back into his throne Ainz simply said, “I see… And you killed them, you said?”


Shrugging and giving a nod I say, “Yes. They were rather rude and presumptuous. Their bodies and gear were melted by my Black Water sadly, so nothing you can take or resurrect.”


Ainz: “A shame, truly. But we got side tracked, apologies.”


Waving my hand in dismissal I say, “Not at all, Ainz. You care deeply for the denizens of Nazarick, as you rightly should. There is no fault in that.”


Nodding Ainz said, “Thank you for your understanding.”


Artoria: “As I was saying, I took care of the Black Scripture and Blue Roses. I corrupted the Roses with my Black Water, so there is no hope of them being stained by the Light again. Well, not easily anyway. So just know if you meet a certain little vampire, Evileye by the way, don’t be surprised if she is… much darker than you remember.”


I could almost swear I heard the question go off in Ainz’s head, “Evileye is a vampire?” Chuckling softly inwardly, I turn my head to Albedo and then to Demiurge.


Artoria: “You two might be able to use Blue Roses a lot easier now. Much like the Golden Princess, they will be easier to mould.”


Albedo merely raised an eyebrow while Demiurge adjusted his glasses with a nod. Returning my attention back to Ainz I finally get to the topic of the Reincarnator proper.


Artoria: “Anyway, the Reincarnator has to be killed. And the most surefire way to make sure they stay dead, is to have them take a dip in my Black Waters. And since they are a level 100 or higher High Seraphim Angel, I might need to clip some wings. Metaphorically and literally.”


Ainz: “Wait. A High Seraphim Angel? A woman I take it? If so, then I might know who you hunt, and it’s not great for me… And beyond level 100?”


Artoria: “Yes, a woman. And remember, she has a ‘System’ cheat. She used it a lot to adjust things while in the first world. So to expect her to be like any other normal level 100 player is foolish.”


Ainz just groaned in agreeance.


Ainz: “True. Well, the High Seraphim Angel that you hunt is most likely ‘Lilly’ from the solo guild ‘Lights True Path.’ And now that I know she is actually an agent for the Gods of Light, I find that naming to be a little on the nose.”


No one could see it, but I had such a painful looking deadpan stare on my face right now.


‘Really? “Lights True Path?” Damn, talk about being blatant in who supports you…’


Albedo: “That airheaded harlot is some special agent of the Light?”


Ainz looks a little taken aback (somehow) from Albedo’s outburst, while I merely raise an eyebrow.


Artoria: “You know of her too, Albedo?”


Albedo lost all her elegance, and huffed in anger while crossing her arms over her ample chest.


Albedo: “I do, yes. The Supreme Beings talked about her trying to seduce Ainz-sama all the time. And how she just wouldn’t leave him alone. I knew that bitch had a scheme behind that stupid façade of hers!”


Tilting my head slightly, I look pointedly at Ainz.


Ainz coughed into his fist before speaking up. I didn’t miss the green glow that washed over him though.


Ainz: “Yes, well. She was very, uh. How should I say it? Persistent in wanting my attention, and desperately wanted to join the guild. But her personality towards everyone else was dismissive, so I didn’t feel like she would fit. That, and she didn’t seem to do anything but stay in YGGDRASIL. Dodged a bullet there it would seem.”


Artoria: “I would say so, yes. She most likely would have messed with the NPC settings and lore. Changing everyone drastically.”


Another green glow washed over Ainz before he spoke up.


Ainz: “That is a very real possibility. If she is what you say she is, then she would have 100% changed all of my friends' children! That alone angers me more than her coming after me.”


Floor Guardians: “Ainz-sama…”


‘Fanatical loyalty is scary.’ I think while also ignoring the fact I am more or less the same way towards Tearwyn.


Coughing into his hand again, Ainz moved the conversation along.


Ainz: “Right, so. How exactly do you want to go about hunting Lilly, Artoria-dono?”


Artoria: “Honestly? I want you to not leave Nazarick if possible. The fact that she hasn’t just attacked you, or appeared before you yet is a good sign. Most likely means she is not confident about taking on all of your Guardians at once. Or, she has a plan to get you when you leave. Your Fate is well known to people outside your universe after all.”


Ainz’s eyes seemed to go out when I finished talking.


Ainz: “My Fate… is.. Well known?”


Giving him a sly grin and I nod I say, “Yes, it is. They won’t know everything about you, but will know enough. She was able to hunt you down easily enough in YGGDRASIL, was she not?”


After another wash of green light, Ainz brought his hand up to stroke his chin in thought.


Ainz: “True. But while it is disastrous that I have lost the element of surprise if she knows all, or most of, Nazarick's capabilities it is not hopeless. We can use the fact that she expects me to act a certain way against her.”


Giving a smile I nod and say, “That’s right. She doesn’t know about me yet, but will soon. After all, I did deal with some key people in this world, while removing the Light from them.”


Nodding his head Ainz said, “True. But still, I can make this work possibly. But while she knows a lot about me, I know precocious little about her. And her ‘System,’ which I am going to assume is a total cheat.”


Artoria: “Safe to say so, yes.”


Ainz hummed in thought for a few minutes before speaking up again.


Ainz: “You said most know my Fate. I take it, you do as well?”


I give a nod and say, "And while it IS Fate, it is also not set in stone. Obviously."


Ainz: “Perfect, then we can work off that and create a trap for Lilly. I would have liked to talk to her and maybe even have her join us. Obviously, that is not going to happen now that I know who and what she is.”


Albedo: “Humph!”


Ignoring Albedo, Ainz asked, “You said the best way to assure her destruction was your ‘Black Water?’ Is this the substance that Yuri Alpha reported?”


For an answer, I simply raise my right hand and summon some of my lovely black Water. It started to flow around my hand playfully as everyone watched in interest.


Demiurge: “What a most fascinating substance! You can literally feel the Evil emanating from it!”


I slyly smile inwardly at Demiurge’s excitement.


‘Naturally the Guardian designed around “The Prefect Evil” would be so drawn to my Black Water.’


Ainz: “Indeed, that water gives off a fearsome feeling. But I fail to see how this would take care of Lilly?”


Artoria: “As an agent of the Light, she can’t be corrupted with my Black Water. Instead, her soul reacts violently to it. Her and her system. They will both simply be broken down, and erased when submerged in the waters.”


Shalltear: “Erased?”


Artoria: “Erased. From existence. Well, the system is. The host's soul most likely just gets reset, and sent back into the natural sea of reincarnation.”


Ainz: “I see. And, how much of this substance can you create?”


I cross my arms over my chest as the Black Water starts to play around my entire body.


Artoria: “I could eventually cover this entire planet if given enough time. But, honestly, you don’t want that. Not everything will be blessed with the Darkness. If a soul, or body, is too weak they are simply destroyed.”


Demiurge: “Lady Artoria, if I may?”


Nodding my head, he continues, “May I have some of this substance to research?”


Smiling at him I say, “If your master is fine with it, I can create as much as you want.”


Demiurge: “Ainz-sama?”


Ainz: “I am fine with that. Just make sure it is properly contained. I do not want to magically change any of the children of my friends like that.”


Demiurge: “Of course, Ainz-sama. Thank you for granting my selfish desire!”


Ainz just gave a dismissive way and said, “It is no problem Demiurge. I expect great things from your research into this substance. Thank you, Artoria-dono for granting my servant his request.”


Artoria: “Think nothing of it, Ainz. Demiurge, after we are done here, just come and get me whenever you are ready to receive the Black Waters.”


With a slight bow Demiurge thanked me.


Ainz: “Returning to the issue of Lilly. We have a way to destroy her, so now we need a plan of action. And more information on her abilities would also do us well. We should assume she is powerful, and treat her as a serious threat.”


Artoria: “Fine with me. I am in no rush right this second, so I will defer to you in this matter for now. You have more resources than I do to find her. I dislike the idea of just wandering around aimlessly looking for the pigeon.”


Albedo and Shalltear quietly snicker at the insult.


Artoria: “You said she was in a solo guild? Do you know what her base is?”


Ainz: “Ah, that’s right. If I remember, she had a floating city base. What was it called… Ah. Right. The guild base was called, ‘Avalon.’”


My brow twitched a little at that name.


Artoria: “You don’t say…”


Ainz: “Ah. I guess that name would hold more meaning for you.”


Shalltear: “I don’t understand, Ainz-sama?”


Artoria: “Because of my legend. You can ask him later when I am gone. I have long since abandoned the person I was in that legend. Avalon is a false hope. An existence that can not come about to reality with free will. It was a foolish dream and goal of a foolish and naïve king.”


Shalltear: “I see.”


Ainz: “Back to her guild base. Sadly, not much is known about it, as no-one ever managed to find and raid it back in YGGDRASIL. I always thought it was weird, but I am willing to bet her system had a hand in that.”


Artoria: “That is a safe bet, yes. While it couldn’t blatantly break the systems of YGGDRASIL, it could push the boundaries rather far. So the Dev’s never notice and remove her.”


Nodding his head in agreement, Ainz sighed.


Ainz: “Never did I expect to have to deal with a Reincarnator like this.”


Artoria: “Hey, at least it’s not the Spanish Inquisition.”


Ainz, and all his guardians, tilt their heads in confusion.


Artoria: “Never mind. A joke from a long time ago.”


Ainz: “Right… Anyway, in the end we know precious little about Lilly and what she can do. So, we need to change that. But, from how relaxed you’ve been about this whole thing, you are confident you can take her on?”


Artoria: “Oh, yes, yes I am.”


I summon my sword and release a bit of my magical pressure.


Artoria: “Honestly, turning herself into a High Seraphim Angel was a bad move. Corrupted Holy Swords are the perfect counter. And nothing is more powerful than mine.”


Demiurge: “That sword is just as interesting, if not more so, than the Black Water. It gives off a feeling of Holy energy that makes my skin crawl and causes my instincts to scream at me to run as fast and as far as I can. But it also gives off a Darkness that welcomes me into its embrace. Most fascinating indeed!”


Ainz leaned forward in interest, while his eyes flared up in intensity for a second.


Ainz: “Artoria-dono. May I use magic to identify your weapon?”


I pull back in my magical presence, while also absorbing the Black Water that has been playing around me and give him a nod.


Ainz: “[All Appraise Magic Item]”


A few seconds after Ainz had cast his magic, a green glow washed over him.


Ainz: “Well. To be expected of Excalibur. A very powerful sword indeed.”


‘I wonder what he saw exactly with his magic.’


Dismissing my sword, I give a nod.


Artoria: “Yes, it has been my faithful companion for a long, long time.”


Ainz: “Indeed, that is clear. Now, back to Lilly. I would like to make a plan with my floor guardians, and then share such a plan with you, if that is fine Artoria-dono? The first stage will be trying to find and gather information about her.”


Artoria: “Yeah, I am okay with that. I am not overly big on meetings anymore. I’ve had my fill of them since back then.


‘Back when I was a nobody human in a dead end job I mean…’


Ainz: “Excellent. Then let's end this conversation here for now. Demiurge, do you need some time to plan the containment of the Black Water, or are you already done with that?”


Demiurge: “I need some time to set up the plan I have made, but otherwise I am done Ainz-sama.”


Ainz: “Good. Yuri, escort Artoria-dono back to her chambers for now. Demiurge will come for you when he is ready, Artoria-dono.”


Yuri: “As you say, Ainz-sama.”


Giving a nod to Ainz, I follow Yuri back to my room.


‘Well, we talked about a lot, and not a lot at the same time. Eh, whatever. As long as he helps me find the garbage the gods have sent after Tearwyn, I don’t really care.’


— P.O.V switch Ainz Ooal Gown —


As I watched Artoria leave, I couldn’t help but think back to the information the spell had given me about her sword. What it showed me, honestly terrified me to my core.


Ainz: “Floor Guardians! I know we went over this briefly, but I will say it again. NEVER. And I mean NEVER! Antagonize Artoria.”


Shalltear: “May we know why, Ainz-sama? Even the agent of the Light Gods, Lilly, doesn't want to mess with us directly. What makes Artoria different?”


Raising my hand I say, “This. [Viewing Panel] [Recall] [All Appraise Magic Item]”


In Front of us, a display showed up with the information I got about her weapon.


Ẻ̷̢̛͍͉͊́́̈́x̸̡͓̬̱̩̺̫͙́̎͊̀̍̓̕c̵̛̫̫͙̤̓͛̒̄͆͂͑ȁ̸̢̛̲̗̹͕l̷̦̜̬͕̉͝ĭ̴̛̠͌̉̋͑b̶̨̎̈́̑͛́̄́ṳ̵̢̝͈̫̺̱̽̌͘r̴̡͇̱̳̻̂͗́̋̅̄̕͘ ̶̥̉̿̽̌͂̆͜M̸̈́́̓͋ͅọ̸̢̮̣̰̱̫̇͐̐̃́̕ͅr̴͕̺̄̒̎͆̓͝͠g̶̼͚̱̏̑́͊̆́ǎ̸̡̳̜̭̠͗͋ñ̷̪͚̥̬̳͜

Soul Weapon

Noble Phantasm rank: EX+++

Type: Anti-Existence

Kills: 674,340,235,456


Abilities: Ṉ̸̑͑͊͌̌͒̈́o̴͎̤͈̪̮̤̫͂͒̈̑̒͘͝ͅ ̷̘͓̾́̆́͊͝p̶͚̞̆̀̏̋̀̃e̴͙̻͍̯̺̰̊é̶̯̥͇̒̿̅̾̇͘k̷̢̛͖̞̣͙͎̂̎́͌͆͘̚͜͜i̴̘̭̍͒̅ņ̸̨̰͔̖͙̌̊͊̾̈́̑̋g̴̡̧̍̔̐͆͌̓͑.

Shalltear: “I do not understand most of what is shown, but her kill count is astounding.”


Cocytus: “It. Is. Little. Wonder. She. Had. Such. Killing. Intent. With. A. Count. Like. That. I. Expected. Her. To. Be. A. Fine. Warrior. But. This. Is. Beyond. Anything. I. Could. Even. Think. Of.”


Ainz: “What you all really need to take away from this is that she is beyond our abilities in terms of skill, and power.”


Demiurge: “As much as it pains me, I must agree with Ainz-sama. To have slain so many speaks volumes. And explains why the sword gives off such a presence."


Albedo: “As much as I loathe to agree, I am forced too as well.”


Demiurge: “ I am curious about why the name and abilities are weird though?”


Ainz: “I have a few theories. But I do not want to just make wild baseless guesses for now.”


‘The name is odd, for sure. But it clearly, corrupted or not, states “no peeking” for abilities. Meaning something is stopping my magic. The Goddess Tearwyn maybe? And that rank: EX+++? Was that a thing in the universe she was in? I don't think so. But this just further proves what we've seen in anime can hold little truth in the real world.’


Waving my hand, the display disappears.


Ainz: “For now, we can count her as an ally. And if we stay on her good side, it will most likely stay that way until she leaves our world. So, let’s do that. Nazarick can not afford to make an enemy out of her. Am I understood?”


Guardians: “Yes, Ainz-sama!”


Ainz: “Good. Now, let’s move to the meeting room, and devise a plan for Lilly. She is a threat we have to remove. I refuse to let someone like her run around and threaten Nazarick.”


And here is a chappy for you all~ Happy early Halloween everyone~! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I'll see you in the next one~~

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