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Chapter 24: Aftermath, and is that… a side quest?!

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~Moments before Artoria’s attack~


— P.O.V Lilly Lightwell —


As we stepped out of the [Gate] to my guilds base above the ocean, my mind was going a million kilometres a minute.


‘Rose, that was well beyond us. If you had to guess, what would her level be in our system of power?’


I needed to level. Having a Heroic Spirit like that under the sway of such evil just couldn’t stand. If I could overpower her, and free her of this Darkness, the Light would get a very powerful ally.


{Honestly? Well beyond level 1000. It’ll be some time before we are stro-}


Suddenly my skill, [Danger Sense] was going off like crazy. I didn’t even need the skill though, I could feel the danger, the killing intent like a blanket over my skin.


Everyone turned towards the feeling, and the entire horizon was blood red.


Saber: “Such killing intent… Just how much has she raged to be able to produce so much of it that it affects the very world itself like this?”


But then everyone stilled. It was a safe bet we all felt the exact same thing. Danger that was beyond such a simple word. Out of pure terror, I once again instinctively used [Time Stop] and cranked up my [Thought Acceleration] to its highest value.


As the world drained of colour, to my absolute horror I was able to see a black thin line every so slowly making its way towards us.


‘Rose?! What is going on!! That attack is ignoring time itself?!’


{So it would seem, Lilly. I don’t know what that is, but it scares me, Lilly. A lot.}


‘I am right there with you, Rose. But the fact that we can still see it slowly moving when [Thought Acceleration] is going so fast? And it’s ignoring [Time Stop]? Rose, we can’t do anything, can we?’


{I… I am sorry, Lilly. We can not. That crazy amount of Blood Lust she is pushing out, is keeping us in combat. Even at this distance. We can’t even take everyone into the I/D create to escape.}


‘I can’t even say goodbye to everyone around me. My new friends. My children. Even Saber will die because of me. As soon as we stop using [Thought Acceleration] we die… right?’


{We do, Lilly. We do. That attack is travelling faster than light it would seem. Heh… even faster than time itself. That Dark God sure picked his champion well, eh?}


‘He did. I also want to weep for Saber Alter, Rose. She is innocent in all of this. Warped and twisted into that... thing we had to fight. I hope the Gods of Light choose a better champion than me next time, and are able to free her…’


{You’re a wonderful Champion of Light, Lilly! It’s just that damned Dark God. He cheated somehow, as expected of the Darkness. But don’t you think for even a nanosecond that you are a bad Champion of the Light, Lilly!}


I internally smiled at that.


‘Thank you, Rose. Heh, we’re about to die and yet I am having weird thoughts. Sorry.’


{Pfft, you’ve always been weird, Lilly. But that’s what is so great about you. You embrace it! I loved my time with you.}


‘Thanks, Rose. I loved every second with you as well. You are the sister I so desperately wanted in my first life, and no-one can say otherwise. I love you, Rose. Thank you for being with me every step of the way on this, sadly, short adventure!’


{I love you too as well, Lilly. Sisters forever!}


‘Sisters forever! I am going to drop [Thought Acceleration] now, Rose. I will trust the Gods of Light to get my soul back from the Dark God one day. And then we can meet again!’


{Count on it, Lilly!}


— P.O.V. switch System: “Rose” —


As Lilly was about to drop the skill, I just didn’t have the heart to tell her. To tell her there will be no more reincarnation. For either of us. I know what makes up the attack that is heading towards us, after all. It’s NULL. Every system of the Light, and the Gods themselves, know of it. Nothing survives Null. And nothing will be left after NULL.


‘I am sorry, Lilly. But it’s kinder to let you think there will be a sunrise after this setting sun. At least it won’t hurt, we’ll simply stop being.’


And as the skill dropped, I was proven correct. As soon as the black nothingness touched us, we were gone with out a trace.



~Moments after the attack~


— P.O.V switch Ainz Ooal Gown —


I could feel my undead passive wash over me once more to calm me down.


‘What. The. Actual. Fuck was that?!’


Using the remote viewing mirror, I panned the image out to try and get a feel for just how far that last attack of Artoria’s went.


Shalltear: “Oh my. I can now clearly see why Ainz-sama does not want us to antagonise her. That last attack was… well…”


Mare: “Scary!”


Albedo: “Fearsome, indeed.”


As my guardians were talking about that crazy attack, I managed to pull the view back till it was basically in orbit.


‘That attack covered over half the damn planet. What the hell?! I knew she was OP, but that’s just CHEATING OP!!’


Shaking my head as my passive once again calmed me down, I spoke up.


Ainz: “As you can clearly see, my warning about her was quite valid.”


Shalltear: “I never doubted you Ainz-sama! It was just hard to comprehend something only you seemed to understand without this… visual aid.”


Ainz: “Well, now you know. So, Guardians, make sure to follow that order. That attack didn’t destroy anything it touched. It erased it. Nazarick has nothing to defend against such an assault, understood?”


Guardians: “Yes, Ainz-sama!”


‘Good. Well, she seems reasonable… normally. I was a bit upset she let Demiurge get killed while she was fighting… herself. But I am not bringing that up now. I like my life, thank you very much! At least we got his body, so we should be able to easily resurrect him, if the situation with Shalltear was anything to go by.’


While I was lost in my thoughts, and the guardians were all talking about the attack, a knock was heard on the door to my work room.


Yuri: “Ainz-sama. Lady Artoria has returned, and would like to speak with you.”


Ainz: “Ah. Tell her we’ll meet her in the throne room in 10 minutes.”


Yuri: “At once, Ainz-sama”


‘I swear I can feel her bow through the door…’


Shaking my head a little, I stood up causing all of my guardians to also stand.


Ainz: “Come, to the throne room. It is likely Artoria-dono will be leaving us right after.”


Albedo: “With respect to her… I am glad.”


As I walked past them to the door I said, “I am sure you are not the only one.”



— P.O.V switch Artoria —


As Yuri was leading me up to the throne room, I was kind of giddy to leave. I wanted to hang out with Tearwyn a bit already.


‘Need to refill up on Tearwynium.’


Being brought back to reality with Yuri announcing me, I brought my attention to the room as a whole.


‘Huh, no Demiurge. Did he actually get killed by my Aura?’


Ainz must have noticed me looking around a bit, and spoke up.


Ainz: “If you are looking for Demiurge, he is currently dead. When you were fighting your doppelganger, Lilly was able to easily, much to my dismay, kill him.”


Artoria: “Ahh. If you want, I could most likely cover the cost of resurrecting him for you?”


Ainz’s eyes flashed a little as he leaned forward a tiny bit.


Ainz: “Truly?”


Giving a nod I say, “Yeah. If you can give me 5 of the coins from YGGDRASIL, I might be able to do something crazy for you.”


Nodding his head, Yuri came up to me and handed me 5 gold YGGDRASIL coins. One by one I used the structural analysis spell on them.


‘Well, that is interesting, and technically impossible. But all the better for me.’


Shrugging my shoulders, I looked up at Ainz.


Artoria: “So, it would seem every coin, judging from these, are exactly the same. And I mean, exactly. Down to even where every atom is placed. Which should be impossible, but hey, YGGDRASIL, am I right?”


Nodding his head Ainz said, “Indeed. But for what reason did you want to confirm their make?”


Smirking at him I say, “This reason.”


I turned around and waved my hand and uttered, “Projection.”


‘Little surprise I know this spell. May not be the famous “Trace on” version, but should be more than enough for what I want to do with the gold.’


Within seconds, the entire back half of the throne room was covered in millions of gold pieces.


Ainz: “That is such a cheat…”


‘Heh, broke him so much, he broke character for a second there.’


Turning back to Ainz I give a cheeky smile and say, “There you go. Since this world has no Gaia, or counter-force, those should last indefinitely. But no way to tell, so use them within a few hours to be safe.”


Nodding absent mindedly Ainz said, “Right.”


Suddenly, a very familiar looking portal appeared to my right. Smiling to myself, I nod towards Ainz.


Artoria: “Looks like my ride's here. I wish you luck in forging your Fate, Ainz.”


Ainz: “Ah! Right. Thank you, Artoria-dono. Safe travels, and good luck in your future affairs.”


Giving a lazy wave to everyone, I stepped through the portal. Few seconds of darkness later, I stepped out into the forest that has quickly become my favourite place in existence: Tearwyn’s sakura forest.


Tearwyn: “Artoria!


And there she is! I turned around while dismissing my armour, just in time to catch the little ball of fluff and tails in my arms.


Artoira: “Ahaha, hello Tearwyn! I missed you too!”


I couldn't help myself as I rubbed our cheeks together, causing Tearwyn to giggle.


Tearwyn: “Yes, I missed you! Welcome back!


Hugging Tearwyn a bit longer, I walked over to a nearby tree and sat down. Tearwyn adjusted herself to the side so her tails were to the left. She then used several to wrap around us, and the trees nearby.


‘Her tails really are very long and fluffy. Always slips my mind just how long, fluffy, and numerous they are though.’


Tearwyn then summoned a stick of cotton candy and started to nibble on it. I just patiently waited for her to speak up while I indulged in the fluff of her hair and ears as I gave her head pats.


Several minutes later, she spoke up as she dismissed her candy while looking up at me.


Tearwyn: “I have got good news, and annoying news. Which one do you want to hear first, Artoria?


Humming in thought for a second, I just shrugged and asked for the annoying news as I continued to pat her fluffy head.


‘Ahhh. This heals my soul, which is also my body.’


Tearwyn: “I found the last growth type system user, but he or she is in a world that can keep up, or even exceed you.


Tilting my head I say, “Oh?”


Tearwyn: “Yes. It’s a world filled with stupid little deities that fancy themselves gods, dragons, devils, and youkai. And humans, naturally. A world like that, while dangerous to a Reincarnator, can also provide explosive growth to a system user.


From the entities I knew about before the system of the Light cut off my vision of that world, only 2 could just outright kill you. Well, there was a third but he is currently in a deep sleep and won’t be awake for several trillion years. Oh, a fourth as well I guess, but it’s currently sealed. And I don’t think the two of you would come to blows anyway…


‘I think I know what world she is talking about…’


With an annoyed sigh I ask, “Are humans able to use something called “Sacred Gears?”


Nodding her head, Tearwyn showed me an understanding smile.


Tearwyn: “Yes, it’s the world you are thinking of it seems.


Giving another sigh and a nod of my head I say, “Annoying news indeed. Well, I look forward to the fights I can get into, but damn. There are a lot of annoying entities in that universe.”


Tearwyn: “I agree. Honestly! “Breast Dragon Emperor'' or whatever?! Honestly, how disgusting! When you go there, feel free to get rid of him! How could the will of a world choose such a disgusting mortal as its champion?!


Patting her head to calm her down, I nod.


Artoria: “The universe truly is vast and infinite if such a failure like that attains power to save the world… via the power of breasts… Ugh.”


Crossing her arms, she lets out an annoyed huff. Shaking her head, she looks back up at me with renewed vigour and a sparkle in her eyes.


‘Have to admire how she can shift gears so fast, ha ha.’


Tearwyn: “Now, for the good news! It seems that another Dark God is making a move on a Light God’s world. And the Reincarnator the Dark God sent has a summoner system! Very different from the growth system that the Light Reincarnators you’ve been taking care of have.


This is a great opportunity to get back at the Light Gods AND the Dark Gods that abandoned me! I can, with the help of big sister Lilith, hijack one of their summoning attempts and send you. While you’re there, you can wreck as much havoc as you like! And when you’re done, kill the Dark Gods Reincarnator! The perfect plan, right?!


Artoria: “That is a good plan, yes. Do you know which world I’ll be going to?”


Shaking her head, her ears and tails drooped.


Tearwyn: “No, I am sorry. I am not strong enough to look into a world of the Light Gods. Honestly, I only know about this because big sister Lilith said it’d be a good chance to spread my influence out, instead of just defending.


Ruffling up her hair a bit I give her a warm smile.


Artoria: “Hey, hey. It’s fine, Tearwyn! You’re young. Don’t feel bad you can’t do everything that everyone else can yet. You have me to help you, and Lady Lilith!”


Her ears stood back, and she beamed a very deadly and bright smile at me.


Tearwyn: “Thank you, Artoria!


She then hugged me as hard as she could with her tiny little arms.


‘By Lady Lilith, she is so adorable!’


While I was returning the hug, she spoke up again.


Tearwyn: “That’s not all! Big sister Lilith said I can make this a divine quest for you! Have you take over that world, and present it to me. And in return, I can unlock one of your seals! I want to unlock as many as I can, honestly. But big sister Lilith said it’d do more harm than good for you…


Artoria: “It’s fine, Tearwyn. It’s the thought that counts. Lady Lilith knows best after all.”


‘More like she just wants to enjoy my climb to power for longer. But, Lady Lilith can do whatever she wants honestly. Besides, I get to spend time with Tearwyn, so it’s a win in my book, really.’


Ignoring the fact that we were still hugging, and enjoying it I posed a question to Tearwyn.


Artoria: “So, when do I leave to give you a new world?”


Tearwyn: “Hehehehe. Well, in a few days. Until then, do you think we could just hang out together?


Hugging her a little tighter I smile widely.


Artoria: “That would be awesome, Tearwyn. Very awesome.”


Here is chapter 24~. Hope you enjoyed the P.O.V's and to Tearwyn's Divine quest! See you in the next one~.

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