Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 4: Better the Devil you know, right?

— Three days later —


Several people could be seen sitting around a large table, talking about the situation that happened a few days ago.


Superman: “So, how bad is it?”


Batman: “Bad. There are over 20 heroes dead, and 10’s of worker personnel. And several are missing. We are assuming that the attacks that Artoria released vaporised their bodies since you didn’t find any floating in space around the station.


The damage dealt to the station itself is extensive, but we got lucky that it was very localised and none of the major systems were badly damaged.”


Flash: “More like we got lucky she didn’t do more than that. We underestimated her to an alarming degree guys.”


J’onn: “Agreed. The power she displayed is very troubling.”


Wonder Woman: “Yes, the fact that her just her aura alone disabled many of us is frightening. I thought we’ve seen some evil beings before like Darkseid. But the evil coming from her felt on par with his, which is horrifying if I am honest. To be able to hold such darkness at bay? Unbelievable.”


Hawkgirl: “Yea, what the HELL guys?! What happened! She said Superman and Batman caused all of this?”


Superman: “Well… here, so this is what happened...”


Saying that, Superman started to narrate what happened in the meeting between them and Artoria.


Hawkgirl: “She warned you! Several times! And yet you still fought there on the station? Why didn’t you attempt to, oh I don’t know. NOT DO THAT?!”


Shazam: “I am with Hawkgirl on this. You all jumped the gun.”


Superman: “We thought we could handle her easily enough with the people present.”


Hawkgirl: “Yea? Well we have over 20 dead heroes and civilians who clearly say otherwise! She’s not human, has a magical sword, and is not even FROM our universe. What the hell.”


Shazam: “That’s enough Hawkgirl. What’s done is done. What are we going to do moving forward?”


Batman: “We clearly can not fight her in any populated areas. She’s shown she has no issue killing innocents.”


Flash: “Yea, that’s not very kingly of her!”


Wonder Woman: “To play the devil's advocate here, they are not her subjects… and she’s corrupted. Not defending her, just saying. I think we need to bring in some of our more magically inclined members.”


Hawkgirl: “Should have done that from the start.”


Batman: “Enough. We need to start making plans to contain her. Someone should get Dr. Fate and anyone else who might be of help. We have no idea where she is, as no technology can even pick her up. Even the technology that was blessed or modified to pick up the supernatural. She has had several days, she can be anywhere by now planning something that we’ll need to stop.”


All the members nodded, and they continued their meeting about what to do with the new Villainess: Artoria Alter.


— Shifting to Artoria —


Artoria: “I have no idea where the fuck I am…”


I look around me, and all I can see are trees, trees, and more trees!


Artoria: “I AM SO FUCKING LOST!!!”


Having enough of this, I crouched down and prepared to jump high in the sky. Jumping a few seconds later, causing the ground to explode from my take off, I launch myself into the sky.


Looking around, I got lucky and saw a semitruck driving along a road that I couldn’t really make out. Without wasting any time, I pushed off an invisible foothold in the air, and launched myself towards my new ride.


Arriving and landing on the back of the truck that was hauling food or something I laid down.


Looking up at the sky I thought, ‘This’ll take me to some population. Then I can see where the shit I ended up. Honestly, I thought my hair turned green there for a few hours.’


Closing my eyes to see if I could sleep, I quickly found out that I couldn’t. Grunting in annoyance, I instead started to play with the mana in me. Forming random shapes and objects.


This went on for a lot longer than I cared for, but eventually the truck got near a city. A large billboard that said, “Welcome to Los Angeles!”


‘Oh? Hmm.. isn’t this the city where Lucifer is staying in? Is he even in this universe?’


Getting up from the back of the truck and looking towards the city, I started to sink into my shadow. I then stepped out of a shadow in a random alleyway inside the city proper.


‘Alright, now if I remember, his club is named “Lux” of all things. Well, before I even start looking for that, let’s see if I can even find him.’


Spreading my senses out to feel the souls in the city, I quickly found one that absolutely dwarfed anything I have ever felt since coming here.


‘Holy shit. Well, that’s one of the top 10’s for you. He is the Devil after all.’


Stepping back into a shadow, I teleported myself to around 1 kilometre away on top of a roof of a building. Making the rest of the way on foot, I jumped from rooftop to rooftop.


‘This is awesome. I love this!’


Sadly, my parkour fun was over, as I had arrived to where I felt such a powerful soul. Looking down, it was a crime scene with Lucifer talking to a woman.


‘Her name is Chloe Decker if I recall. I am glad this is the Lucifer I am aware of. His show was pretty great, but sadly I didn’t get to finish it. I don’t remember this scene, so it could be beyond what I know, or just one of the cases that was never shown.’


Shrugging my shoulders I just jumped off the rooftop and landed inside the taped off area. Cracking the ground as I landed, it caused everyone to look at my direction.


???: “What the hell? What just happened?”


???: “Did something fall? But where is the thing that cracked the pavement then?”


Ignoring and walking past the officers and Chloe I made my way over to Lucifer.


Lucifer: “Well well, now this is quite interesting. Who might you be? I am Lucifer Morningstar. The Devil. A pleasure.”


When I got near him, he took my hand, and kissed it like knights of old did. Rolling my eyes, I just let him have his fun.


Artoria: “Artoria Alter. Corrupted Heroic Spirit. But, you might know my other name. Arthur Pendragon.”


Lucifer: “If I had known King Arthur was such a fine looking woman, I would have paid more attention in history class. But, this is also a bit of a conundrum. I knew King Arthur. And he was most certainly a man.”


Taking back my hand I cross my arms and say, “Yours was male then, was it? Interesting.”


Lucifer: “Yours? Ahh, you’re not from around here. I wondered why you felt off. Ignoring the absolute crazy amount of evil I feel from you.”


Artoria: “Correct.”


I then started to fill him in on what has happened to me since I arrived, along with the new “history” I had learned from the Lasso of Truth.


Lucifer: “Fascinating. But, why have you come to me? It’s clear you don’t want to return.”


But before I could answer Chloe had returned and looked at Lucifer weirdly.


Chloe: “Lucifer, what are you doing? Why are you talking to no-one? You look like a lunatic. More than usual anyway.”


Artoria: “Huh. You’d think your fated one would have a much stronger soul than that. Pretty pure though, you did good.”


Lucifer just coughed into his hand a bit before responding to Chloe.


Lucifer: “I am merely talking to King Arthur here. Did you know he was actually a she? A very sexy she might I add.”


Artoria: “Sorry handsome. You’re batting on the wrong team for me.”


He raised an eyebrow at that, while Chloe just pinched the bridge of her nose in seemingly exasperation.


Chloe: “Lucifer… Stop. Ghosts are not real. I admit you have a weird power, but it’s not supernatural.”


Artoria: “Wow, really? Does she live under a rock? You have superheroes who use magic for fuck sakes.”


Lucifer: “Yes, I always wondered about that if I am being honest.”


Chloe just crossed her arms and huffed at Lucifer while looking disappointed.


Artoria: “Heh. I got an idea. Got a pen and paper?”


Nodding to me, Lucifer reached in his pocket and pulled out a pen and a small note pad. Taking it from him, I started to write “Hello” on it. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chloe’s eyes widen by a large amount. I gave Lucifer his pen back, and held out the notepad to Chloe.


Chloe: “Wh..what the hell?”


Artoria: “Hah. Anyway, Lucifer. The reason I searched you out was mostly because I was curious if you were in this universe, and to ask a few questions.”


Lucifer: “Oh? Well, I don’t mind answering such a beauty as you. Should we meet at my club?”


Artoria: “Sure. Where is it, and when?”


Lucifer pulls out a business card from his pocket and gives it to me.


Lucifer: “How about in a few hours? I have to help the good detective here for a bit more.”


Artoria: “Yea, that’s fine. I’ll just head there now and wait. Is Mazikeen around?”


Lucifer: “Yes. You know quite a bit about me don’t you?”


Artoria: “A bit, yes. Not as much as I’d like. Anyway, I’ll see you in a few hours then.”


Giving him back his notepad, I started to sink into my shadow and was gone a second later. Appearing near the second strongest soul I could feel in the city, I stepped out of the shadows just outside of his club, Lux.


Artoria: “Well, time to meet a sexy demoness.”


Short chapter~. Sorry, but wasn't feeling up writing a whole lot today, but wanted to at least get something out. Hope you enjoyed it anyway~. See you next time~!

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