Taking stock of the supreme myths, all characters in the world are broken!

Chapter 45

One person’s world

“I didn’t expect that there are Buddhas in the supreme mythology world! It’s unbelievable!”

Zhang Chulan was amazed. The story of Sakyamuni’s enlightenment was too fantastic.

Sakyamuni was not born from his mother’s belly like ordinary people, but from the right rib. He could walk on the ground, with lotus flowers blooming at every step. He also pointed to the sky and the earth and said:”I am the only one who is supreme in heaven and on earth.”

Are you sure that Sakyamuni is not the reincarnation of a god?


Super God World

“Did this Sakyamuni really attain enlightenment from a mortal?”

Kesha looked at all this in disbelief, totally unable to believe it.

Although she was very moved by the good deeds done by Sakyamuni, he gave up his status as a prince to save people and attain enlightenment.

This was undoubtedly a very great thing.

But the process of Sakyamuni from birth to enlightenment was too fantastic.

He did not join any sect or have any adventures, like Ye Tiandi, Huang Tiandi, and Gu Chensha, who gradually became stronger.

And this Sakyamuni seemed to have attained Buddhahood on the spot, and became very powerful in an instant.

He became omnipotent, which was simply incredible.

In that supreme mythological world, is there really a mortal who attains Buddhahood?


Genshin Impact World

“So what if Sakyamuni has attained enlightenment? Can he really change the sufferings of the world? Can he make this so-called world full of happiness?”

The water element in Funina’s eyes was too full and flowed out.

Seeing everything on the screen, she was very surprised and curious about what Sakyamuni meant by saying that all living beings have Buddha nature.

Can all living beings become Buddhas?


Les Miserables

“Can ordinary people also become Buddhas? Can Buddhas gain endless divine power and relieve all troubles?”

Fantine seemed to have grasped the straw that changed her fate, but she didn’t know how to go forward.”Six-eight-zero” didn’t know if there was any hope.

Perhaps everything that was said in the sky was as unrealistic as a dream bubble.

…… a perfect world

“Sakyamuni Buddha… He attained enlightenment in an instant and became a Buddha right away. Can he be free from worries and help sentient beings solve their sufferings?”

Shi Hao was amazed at what Sakyamuni did. He really wanted to know what the so-called Buddha was.

What did it mean that all sentient beings have Buddha nature?


Dragon Talisman World

“This Sakyamuni Buddha is indeed interesting. Could he be the protagonist of that world?”

“It is incredible that a mortal can practice like this, without any adventures, and without dying.”

Gu Chensha found it hard to believe the story of Sakyamuni Buddha’s enlightenment, and it was a little strange, beyond his judgment.

He felt that Sakyamuni Buddha must not be a real mortal. If he was a real mortal, he would have died many times. He must be the reincarnation of a god, just like Taishang Laojun and Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun.


Emperor Domination World

“”I am the only one in the world, how domineering!”

Li Qiye was extremely impressed and surprised.

He did not expect that Sakyamuni was so pretentious and domineering when he was born.

With the demeanor of a king, no wonder he dared to abandon the throne and practice alone in the future.

In the end, he became a Buddha. It was incredible.


Primordial World

“I didn’t expect that there is such a Sakyamuni Buddha in the world of supreme mythology. It’s really surprising.”

Jie Yin and Zhunti were extremely surprised.

Especially when they heard that all living beings have Buddha nature and can become Buddhas, they were very happy.

They were originally Buddhists. Now that they heard the words of Sakyamuni Buddha in the world of supreme mythology, the two Taoists understood the road ahead more clearly.

If they could listen to Sakyamuni Buddha’s teachings, they would definitely find the opportunity to become saints.


Journey to the West

“This is the legend of Sakyamuni Buddha’s enlightenment.”

Tathagata listened with great interest, and many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the audience were also smiling.


All beings in the world were very curious. Was Sakyamuni a mortal who attained enlightenment or was he originally a reincarnated god?

Similarly, everyone wanted to know, when he said that all beings have Buddha nature, did he mean that all beings can attain enlightenment and become Buddhas? Does becoming a Buddha mean becoming a great saint who has attained the highest level of Buddhist practice? Does it mean becoming a top-level powerhouse?

Just as everyone was discussing this, there was another change in the sky.

【After Shakyamuni Buddha achieved the supreme enlightenment, he began to spread the Dharma with infinite skillful means in order to free sentient beings from suffering and enlighten them to the knowledge and insight of the Buddha.】

【The countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the ten directions also manifested themselves in the Saha world to help promote Buddhism and save sentient beings.】

【The Buddha preached countless sutras, taught students in accordance with their aptitude, enlightened the lost, saved countless people from suffering, and persuaded countless people to seek refuge and receive precepts.】

【Countless sentient beings, due to the Buddha’s teachings, abandoned evil and cultivated good, repented of their sins, developed bodhi minds, and practiced the Dharma.】

【There are countless people who have gained supreme bliss, achieved ultimate liberation, and realized the supreme Bodhi.】

【The nectar of the Buddha’s Dharma is universally available to the three types of people, high, middle and low; it enables all who hear it to transform their afflictions, attain Bodhi, and see their true nature.】

【Legends about the Buddha’s preaching】

【First: Buddha Hunter】

【Outside the city of Rajagriha in Magadha, there were rolling hills, lush forests, and many birds and beasts. So many people took up bows and crossbows and hunted the beasts.】

【In Sakyamuni’s mind, all beings are equal, and there is no difference between humans and animals.】

【One day, I saw a hunter shooting flying geese. A goose was hit by an arrow and fell to the ground with a wail.】

【The Buddha was compassionate and transformed himself into a layman. He embraced the injured goose and advised the hunter:】

【”Wild geese live among rivers, lakes and ponds and never compete with humans. What crime have they committed to deserve your killing?”

【”You should know that if a person kills to save himself, it is a serious sin. If he does not extricate himself, retribution will follow him like a shadow, right now.”】

【After hearing the Buddha’s words, the hunter felt remorseful and hurriedly took medicine to treat the goose’s wounds and released it into the forest.】

【The Buddha enlightened him again:”Be compassionate and don’t hurt others. Love and help others. Blessings will always be with you.”】

【The hunter converted to Buddhism and was willing to take the five precepts to escape suffering.】

【Later, under the guidance of the Buddha, the hunter realized the meaning of Buddhism, became a Buddha on the spot, possessed endless divine power, and found true happiness.】


【The second legend: Taming the drunken elephant】

【Sakyamuni also had a cousin named Devadatta, who also became a monk.】

【He was proud and cruel, jealous of the Buddha, and wanted to seize the leadership of the Sangha and split Buddhism.】

【He seduced Ajatasatru, the prince of Magadha, and killed his father, King Bimbisara, who worshipped Sakyamuni.】

【Later, he tried to harm the Buddha again, but failed three times.】

【They pretended to invite the Buddha into the city, and secretly ambushed a drunk elephant on the roadside, hoping to kill him.】

【Sakyamuni led five hundred disciples to the city. 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【The people were afraid that the Buddha would be harmed by the drunk elephant, so they stood on the top of the city wall and asked the Buddha not to go over. However, the drunk elephant raised its head and swung its trunk, and rushed straight towards the Buddha.】

【Shakyamuni was not afraid at all. He went forward and stretched out his five fingers to roar like a lion. The drunk elephant fell to the ground and accepted the teaching. From then on, it became tamed and dared not harm anyone.】

【Later, King Ajatasatru came to his senses and turned to Buddha to repent.】

【Devadatta’s followers were separated, he was deserted by his friends and relatives, and he became a lonely man with nowhere to go. He died in anger.】


【The third legend: The elephant and the monkey are able to cross the river】

【One day, Sakyamuni was sitting under a Bodhi tree beside the Niranjana River, meditating. A macaque holding a honey fruit and an elephant with a bamboo tube of sweet water knelt quietly in front of him.】

【The Buddha opened his eyes and asked why】

【The monkey replied,”I used to live in the forest at the foot of the mountain. I have hundreds of relatives and I live a carefree life climbing trees and picking fruits every day.”】

【”But the prince went hunting and shot us, and all my companions died. Fortunately, I climbed a tree branch and swung across the stream to escape. Now I am left alone, I pray to the Buddha for help”】

【The elephant also said,”There is an evil man near where I live. He is very cruel to my elephants. He traps them and kills them with swords and arrows. I fled here to avoid the disaster. Fortunately, I met the Buddha and prayed for his protection.”】

【After hearing this, Sakyamuni said to the monkey,”Harming others is the first great commandment of Buddhism. Those who abuse others will be punished. If you want to be free from suffering, you must practice diligently.”】

【After that, he drank the sweet spring water and ate the honeyed fruit with the elephant and monkey.】

【The monkey was overjoyed, bowed to the Buddha, followed the Buddha to practice, and finally realized the meaning of Buddhism, escaped from the sea of suffering, and became a Buddha on the spot.】


【The fourth legend…the infinite trillions……】

In the sky, all living beings saw Sakyamuni transformed into countless Buddhas, preaching to all living beings in countless worlds, solving their problems, guiding them out of confusion, saving all living beings, and saving countless lives.

He did not distinguish between high and low, rich and poor, all races, or the six realms of life.

Regardless of whether it was the heavenly realm, the human realm, the Asura realm, the animal realm, the hungry ghost realm, or the hell realm, the Buddha treated all equally and taught them all, regardless of their kind.

In the sky, countless living beings heard the Buddha’s preaching, and they were enlightened in an instant, freed from the cycle of reincarnation, jumped out of the three realms, were no longer in the five elements, and became Buddhas on the spot.

These scenes made all living beings in the world admire, be moved, and envy them very much.

“Oh my god! It seems that I have underestimated Sakyamuni Buddha! Every time I think of how great he is, how he has successfully helped so many people, he is no worse than Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun!”

“Woohoo! I also want to become a Buddha right now. Can Sakyamuni Buddha come and save me? The world is too hard and tiring. I really want to have endless divine power to change this hell-like world.”

“There are countless billions of incarnations of Sakyamuni Buddha, spread across countless universes, so why can’t I meet one? Am I so miserable that I can’t even see the Buddha, who is so bright and shining?”

“I have missed so many gods before, and now I don’t want to miss Sakyamuni Buddha! Please come to our world and have mercy on us? Change our miserable fate and let us escape from the sea of suffering?”

At this moment, there was another change in the sky.

【In Buddhism, there is a saying about the Three Buddhas.】

【The three Buddhas of the past, present and future: Sakyamuni Buddha in the middle (in charge of the central Saha world), Medicine Buddha on the right (in charge of the Eastern Lapis Lazuli Light World), Amitabha Buddha on the left (in charge of the Western Paradise World))】

【Amitabha is the leader of the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and is in charge of the Western Pure Land……..】


The leader of the Western Pure Land?

What is the difference between the Western Pure Land and the Central Pure Land?

All beings in the world have a great curiosity about Amitabha. Everyone knows that in Buddhism, the world where all beings in the heavens and the worlds live is called the Pure Land, which means a world full of suffering.

All beings need to endure infinite suffering in this Pure Land. And the Western Pure Land, just by hearing the name, seems to be a world without suffering.

Therefore, in an instant, it immediately aroused the curiosity of all beings in the heavens and the worlds. Everyone wants to know what kind of Buddha this Amitabha is?

【Amitabha, also known as the Buddha of Infinite Light, the Buddha of Infinite Life, etc.】

【In the distant past, Amitabha Buddha made a great vow to establish the Western Pure Land, save countless sentient beings, and achieve immeasurable and solemn merits. He is widely revered and promoted by Mahayana Buddhism.】

【The main Mahayana Buddhist scriptures include the Infinite Life Sutra》、《Amitabha Sutra》、《Contemplation of the Buddha of Infinite Life Sutra》】

【Immeasurable means ultimate, perfect, and limitless. If it were limited, it would not be able to contain everything. Only immeasurable can contain all merits.】

【Not only is the Buddha’s light and lifespan immeasurable, but his wisdom, vows, and supernatural powers are also immeasurable.】

【Immeasurable refers to all Buddhas, that is, countless Buddhas. Contemplating Amitabha Buddha represents countless Buddhas.】

【Seeing Amitabha Buddha is seeing all the Buddhas in the ten directions; contemplating Amitabha Buddha is contemplating all the Buddhas in the ten directions. Everything is one, and one is everything.】

【Amitabha Buddha symbolizes the wonderful observation wisdom of Vairocana Tathagata, and is also known as the Nectar King.】

【In the Vajra Realm Mandala, he is called the Enjoyment Wisdom Body Tathagata, who resides in the center of the western moon disc, with a golden body, and is in the mudra of concentration. His samaya form is a lotus.】

【In the Garbha-dhatu Mandala, he is called the Tathagata of Infinite Life. He is located in the west of the Eight-petal Courtyard of the Central Platform. His body is white and yellow or golden in color. He sits cross-legged on a precious lotus, in the mudra of concentration. His secret name is Pure Vajra, and his samaya form is a newly opened lotus.

All sentient beings in the world saw Amitabha in the sky, as if they had seen countless Buddhas.

It was incredible and amazing.

Especially when they saw the true appearance of Amitabha, just by seeing it once, all the people in the heavens felt that many troubles had been eliminated, and their bodies and minds were no longer tired.

It was like taking a magic pill, which made some progress in their cultivation, lifespan, and other aspects.

“Is this Amitabha Buddha? Can he guide me to the Western Paradise?”

“Just by looking at Him, all my worries disappeared. It was the first time I felt so relaxed.”

“Is He the representative of all Buddhas? Are all Buddhas Him? Where is this Western Paradise? Can we ordinary people go there?”

Just as everyone was discussing this, a very beautiful and extremely perfect place appeared in the sky, which could not be described in words at all.

This is the Pure Land of Bliss. It is very solemn and majestic.

The land is flat, without rugged mountains; there is no day or night, and it grows in the light; precious trees are lined up, and golden sand covers the ground.

It is full of various immortal treasures.

The enjoyment of material life is extremely rich, and the necessities of life are inexhaustible and can be freely taken.

In the Saha world, people are full of struggles, jealousy and hatred, which cause endless suffering.

3.3 In the Pure Land, the opposite is true. People are equal and happy with each other.

There are no animals at all, and birds are all born through transformation.

All those who are born in the Pure Land are excellent people with great merits, and there are many Bodhisattvas who will become Buddhas in their lifetime. There are countless Bodhisattvas and Arhats; the next are also good people who are wholeheartedly practicing the pure Buddhist path.

Under the encouragement of good teachers and friends, they can continue to improve.

Not only are they happy, but they are also very special.

Those who are born in the Pure Land are all born from lotus. Due to their own vows and the compassionate wishes of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, they are born in lotus without parents.

The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures are all on lotus seats. The lotus is pure because it comes from the mud. Those who are free from all troubles and have a pure body and mind become saints, so the lotus is used as a metaphor for being out of the dust and not stained. Those who practice chanting Buddha and are born in the Pure Land are also born in lotus.

In the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, there is no suffering from old age, sickness, and death.

The general birth of the womb, egg, or wet All beings suffer from the pain of aging and illness when they are born, but there is no such pain when they are born through transformation.

Other beings also suffer from the pain of death.

However, beings in the Pure Land will not die before they attain the dharma of no birth, and once they attain the dharma of no birth, they will no longer feel the pain of death.

Not only are there no physical pains of aging, illness, and death in the Pure Land , there is also no mental pains of greed, anger, and ignorance.

Beings who are newly born in the Pure Land have not yet eliminated their afflictions and habits, but because of the special environment, although they have afflictions, they do not arise without the necessary conditions.

In the Pure Land, material needs can be freely obtained, so greed does not arise; all good people gather together in harmony, so anger does not arise; with correct faith and correct conduct, there is no stupidity such as wrong views.

The conditions for giving rise to afflictions are not met, so there are no afflictions and the body and mind are purified.

When the beings in all realms see the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, they are all envious and yearn for this place.

It’s a pity that they don’t know how to get there.

“This is the Western Pure Land! It is not much different from the heaven! It seems that there are no troubles!”

“Please tell me quickly how to get to this Western Pure Land! I really want to live there forever!”

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