Tale of an Ordinary Cultivator

Black Rose

Time truly passed faster when one was busy.

Zhao Yunxiao had barely managed to sneak in his daily dose of meditation when the morning sun started to slowly rise above the horizon.

He got off his bed and stretched, casually loosening his nerves as he mentally prepared himself for the long day ahead.

Still, he did not take long to do so.

After double checking the items that he had in his spatial pouch, Zhao Yunxiao quickly left for the canteen.

“Senior Martial Brother Zhao! We’re here!” Lu Zhiying’s familiar voice greeted him the moment he stepped into the canteen.

Zhao Yunxiao looked over to see the beautiful young lady standing up from her seat to wave enthusiastically at him.

It was a real feast for the eyes.

Unfortunately, he could also see just about every single male disciple in the canteen turn their heads at the same time, using their death stares to size him up from head to toe.

There were quite a number of people in the canteen right now, so the simultaneous death stares felt like they could burn a hole straight through his clothes.

Zhao Yunxiao: “...”

He could not help but look over at Gu Qiansi who was seated next to Lu Zhiying, who in turn let out an awkward smile.

It would appear that he was not alone. Gu Qiansi was just as uncomfortable about the current situation.

They really needed to start thinking of other cheap ways to settle their meals, or they might just have to learn to get used to dealing with this attention on a daily basis.

Zhao Yunxiao waved awkwardly in response to Lu Zhiying, and went to collect his food before joining them at their table.

“How did the mission go? All good?” Gu Qiansi asked.

“Yeah, not too bad,” Zhao Yunxiao nodded while digging in. “There were a few hiccups here and there, but everything worked out in the end.”

“Is that all you are going to say, Senior Martial Brother Zhao? Come on, tell us more about it!” Lu Zhiying urged. “What was the demon like? How did you guys take it down?”

“You won’t understand even if I tell you about the specifics. Just know that I had been crucial to the party’s success this time, playing a big part in helping the party take care of everything that came our way!” Zhao Yunxiao shrugged in a smug manner.

“Wow, key player!” Lu Zhiying played along.

“Don’t listen to this Zhao Yunxiao talk big,” Gu Qiansi rolled her eyes. “He was probably being all overly careful as always. While he might have helped a little, it is unlikely for his contributions to be as big of a part as he said.”

“Tch! It’s true this time!” Zhao Yunxiao retorted. “If you don’t believe me, you can go ahead and ask Senior Martial Brother Pu! Or Senior Martial Brother Gui!”

“You are only saying that because you know that I won’t go ask them!” Gu Qiansi argued.

“Just tell me who they are. I can go ask them!” Lu Zhiying immediately volunteered.

“Please don’t,” Zhao Yunxiao felt a potential headache coming.

Pu Feixiang had repeatedly asked Zhao Yunxiao to help arrange a meeting with Lu Zhiying, so who knew what he would end up saying, or doing, if Lu Zhiying were to actually approach him?

“See? I knew you were hiding something!” Gu Qiansi said. “Why else can’t we go ask them about it?”

“I told you that it’s true!” Zhao Yunxiao insisted. “It’s just that there are other reasons why you shouldn’t do that.”

“Excuses,” Gu Qiansi shrugged.

“Whatever you say,” Zhao Yunxiao decided to ignore her this time.

Suddenly, a huge commotion started among the disciples present.

This drew the attention of the trio as well, who looked over to see a group of four beautiful young ladies walking into the canteen.

Even though they were part of the same group, each of them carried a different style, resulting in them giving off auras that were distinctly different from one another.

One wore a fierce look despite her pretty face, making others want to approach her yet fear the repercussions of doing so.

One had a wide smile on her face and had her hair tied up in space buns, looking especially cute as she skipped alongside her companions.

One had eyes that were deep and seductive, seemingly capable of sucking in any careless souls who looked into them for just a minute too long.

The last one looked slightly younger than the others. While the others looked to be in their late teens, she seemed to be only around fourteen years of age. However, her movements were smooth and elegant, suggesting that she was accustomed to the rites of nobility.

Yet despite all their differences, there was one thing they had in common – all of them possessed a countenance that looked absolutely gorgeous.

“Black Rose,” Zhao Yunxiao recognised them with a glance and introduced them to Lu Zhiying. “They are a group of popular female disciples. At least, that’s the case for the first three. I am not too familiar with the last one who entered. But from the looks of it, she is probably a new member of the group.”

Black Rose was extremely famous among the outer disciples as an invitation-only group that had an exceptionally high barrier of entry.

Traditionally speaking, they only recruited female outer disciples who were blessed with both superior looks and high cultivation talent.

Those who possessed only one of the two traits would not qualify to join, and that was the case no matter how good they were in that particular aspect.

“Oh? What do you know about them, Senior Martial Brother Zhao?” Lu Zhiying asked curiously. “How are the members of the group?”

“How would he know? Someone like Zhao Yunxiao has no chance to even talk to them,” Gu Qiansi shrugged.

“You truly underestimate me,” Zhao Yunxiao shook his head with a smug smile on his face. “It might be true that I have never really had a chance to speak to them, but I do know a thing or two.”

“Please enlighten us with your knowledge, Senior Martial Brother Zhao,” Lu Zhiying egged him on.

“Well, if you ask me like that, it would be wrong of me not to share my knowledge,” Zhao Yunxiao smirked.

Gu Qiansi took a quick glance at Lu Zhiying.

She could not help but feel that Lu Zhiying was getting better and better at handling Zhao Yunxiao.

“Firstly, they only recruit those with high cultivation talent, so all members are basically expected to enter the inner sect sooner or later,” Zhao Yunxiao began. “Because of this, it is not uncommon for them to have regular meetings with inner disciples who do not usually interact much with us outer disciples. This in turn gives them access to better cultivation resources which further increases their cultivation rate, making it even easier for them to actually join the inner sect. All in all, members of Black Rose can be considered to already have one foot in the inner sect. It is inevitable that they command respect and admiration from most outer disciples.”

“Including you, Senior Martial Brother Zhao?” Lu Zhiying asked.

“What do you mean by including me?” Zhao Yunxiao blinked blankly in confusion.

“Do they command respect and admiration from you as well?” Lu Zhiying asked.

“Anyone with resources to spare will command respect from that guy,” Gu Qiansi interjected.

“That’s not true,” Zhao Yunxiao immediately corrected her. “I won’t exactly call that respect or admiration. I am simply trying to make full use of my existing connections.”

“What’s the difference when you are going to suck up to them anyway?” Gu Qiansi rolled her eyes.

“Tch! It is a waste of saliva trying to explain it to you, you anti-social creature,” Zhao Yunxiao clicked his tongue in irritation.

“So that’s the case,” Lu Zhiying rubbed her chin in contemplation. “Anyway, that last member is Junior Martial Sister Ou. She joined the sect at about the same time as me.”

“So that is Ou Fengtian!” Zhao Yunxiao exclaimed.

Zhao Yunxiao might not recognise her in person, but he definitely remembered her name.

After all, Ou Fengtian was one of the two other new joiners who had managed to form true spiritual meridian roots alongside Lu Zhiying!

At this moment, Zhao Yunxiao suddenly realised something strange.

Why would the prestigious Black Rose come to the canteen? It was not like they would care for the free food served here.

As if that was not strange enough, the four beautiful ladies even seemed to be headed towards their table right now...

“Are they coming this way?” Zhao Yunxiao whispered.

“Most probably,” Gu Qiansi nodded. “It won’t be the first time, either. The Black Rose members have spoken to Junior Martial Sister Lu a few days ago as well.”

“They have?” Zhao Yunxiao turned his attention back to the entrance.

On second thought, perhaps this was only to be expected as well.

After all, Black Rose recruited members based on both looks and talent.

And no matter which of the two traits they were talking about, Lu Zhiying was nothing short of exceptional!

Others might not be fully aware of her cultivation talent. But even if she was only mediocre in that aspect, just the fact that she had been publicly praised by Elder Mo Tianfeng would have made up for it anyway!

As expected, the four Black Rose members came straight to their table.

“Good morning, Junior Martial Sister Lu,” the fierce looking girl clasped her fists towards Lu Zhiying. “Have you made your decision? If you ha- Ouch!”

“That’s not how you start a conversation, Guilian!” the girl with seductive eyes playfully smacked her on the shoulder before stepping forward. “Apologies, everyone. Guilian is a little unattuned to social norms, so she might have come off a little too strong. How is breakfast?”

“It is great as always. Anyway, please don’t mind us,” Zhao Yunxiao said, understanding that the Black Rose members were here for Lu Zhiying this time.

Gu Qiansi remained silent as well.

However, Lu Zhiying was not intending to just let them sit out of the conversation.

“You have already met Senior Martial Sister Gu Qiansi, but this is Senior Martial Brother Zhao Yunxiao,” Lu Zhiying introduced before turning the other way. “These are Senior Martial Sisters Tu Shi, Xi Guilian, Shang Zhaoqi, and Junior Martial Sister Ou Fengtian.”

“P-Pleased to make your acquaintances,” Zhao Yunxiao hurriedly clasped his fists towards the group.

This was actually the first time that Lu Zhiying was introducing someone to him instead of the other way around.

Then again, he already knew all of their names since they were famous in the outer sect. It was just that they had never officially met each other before.

“Pleased to make your acquaintance,” the group answered perfunctorily.

It was clear that they had no real interest in befriending Zhao Yunxiao, and were simply doing this for Lu Zhiying’s sake.

“Well then, how long has it been since we last spoke, Junior Martial Sister Lu? Has it already been around three days?” Tu Shi turned her seductive gaze back towards Lu Zhiying. “Like Guilian said earlier, have you managed to give it some thought? We would really love to have you join us.”

Zhao Yunxiao and Gu Qiansi could not help but have mixed feelings as they watched from the side.

After all, Lu Zhiying’s life in the outer sect would change completely upon joining Black Rose.

Even though they were all outer disciples, members of Black Rose led a life that was filled with prestige and luxury.

For example, one would never catch members of Black Rose having free meals at the canteen.

Even if they did not have any special meal plans of their own, others would be fighting to treat them to a luxurious meal, be it for the sake of building connections or simply trying to pursue them as potential cultivation partners.

And these people included inner disciples as well!

After Lu Zhiying joined Black Rose, they would probably no longer be able to spend much time together in the future, if any at all.

It was a little disappointing when they thought about that.

But at the same time, they could not help but feel proud of Lu Zhiying.

They had known for a while that someone of Lu Zhiying’s calibre was destined to enter the inner sect.

Joining Black Rose would not only expedite that process, but also allow her to build connections that would come in handy when she eventually did.

This way, she would not have as difficult a time as Liu Murou, who appeared to have had some trouble adjusting back then when she first entered the inner sect.

“Yes, I have thought about it,” Lu Zhiying took a quick glance at Zhao Yunxiao before continuing. “Regarding tha-”

“Wait a minute!” Zhao Yunxiao suddenly interjected upon noticing the look on Lu Zhiying’s face.

For some reason, he suddenly had a premonition that this junior martial sister of his was about to say something strange!

“What is it, Senior Martial Brother Zhao?” Lu Zhiying looked at him in confusion.

It was not just her either.

The members of Black Rose similarly looked at him with strange gazes, as though judging him for his sudden outburst.

“What are you doing all of a sudden?” Gu Qiansi whispered awkwardly.

“I-It’s nothing. I just wanted to remind you to seriously consider the costs and benefits in the long run, Junior Martial Sister Lu,” Zhao Yunxiao said. “Please go ahead.”

“I see...” Tu Shi shot a strange look at Zhao Yunxiao before turning back to Lu Zhiying, “As you were saying, Junior Martial Sister Lu?”

“Regarding that, would it be possible for Senior Martial Brother Zhao and Senior Martial Sister Gu to join along with me?” Lu Zhiying asked without hesitation.

“Them...?” Tu Shi was stumped by the question but quickly recollected herself. “I’m afraid not.”

Their looks might be rather decent, but they were definitely not to the point of being exceptional.

As for their talent, they could only be considered mediocre at best.

No, even if they disregarded all of that, Zhao Yunxiao was a guy as well!

This was simply an impossible request, to say the least!

“Since that is the case... thank you for the invitation, Senior Martial Sister Tu. However, I would have to politely turn down your kind invitation,” Lu Zhiying said with a smile on her face.

Her answer drew audible gasps from many of the disciples around.

While their active members had changed over the years, Black Rose was a group that had existed for a rather long period of time.

Over time, the name Black Rose had earned its spot in everyone’s hearts, becoming just about synonymous to a badge of honour representing the epitome of female outer disciples.

That said, this was actually the first time that they had heard of anyone rejecting an invitation to join the group!

Tu Shi was just as shocked as everyone else, but she did not let her feelings show. Instead, she immediately cast a suspicious glance towards Zhao Yunxiao.

She could not help but feel that there was something wrong with Zhao Yunxiao’s sudden outburst earlier.

Did he truly just want to give Lu Zhiying a friendly reminder?

Or did he have something on Lu Zhiying, using that opportunity to threaten Lu Zhiying not to join Black Rose?

Either way, there was only one way to find out.

“Can I have a private chat with you, Junior Martial Brother Zhao?” Tu Shi asked.

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