Tale of Death

Chapter 1 – Shi Fin

It was the break of dawn— the sun had barely started to rise on the distant horizon. Yet the streets of the village were already beginning to be filled with merchants ready to make a day's work. 

From the distance— walking along the old gravel road that ran through the entire village— came the slim frame of a young figure.

This young figure belonged to a girl by the name of Shi Fin— she was no older than the tender age of 16 years of age this year and yet her height could easily match that of a young adult already.

Her long hair the color of dirty silver ran along her shoulders and down her back, reaching all the way down to her waist. The length was a sign of how it was left unkempt for a long time— free to grow as it saw fit.

Her slender frame cast a long shadow along the road she walked— and while she was tall— it was clear to anyone that laid their eyes on her that she had not eaten a lot throughout her lifetime. 

Her eyes the color of faded blood peering to and from as she trudged through the marketplace— immersing herself in the riches that the merchants brought with them.

Riches she would never be able to afford, things she would never be able to own— her old rag clothing swaying in the gentle wind from her chest and hips as a reminder of this as she thought that— fragile and worn they hung on her willowy frame.

She shivered— a chill running up her spine as she tried to remember what it was like to feel the bottom of her feet. The fall had been harsh and unforgiving to many in her little town— her family moreso. 

The leaves hit the ground as they flourished in their autumn orange— but all Shi felt was the cold. This small village where Shi lived— while peaceful— was not rich by any means due to where it was located.

See, Shi lived in a place called Tsuki village— it was a very small place located far northeast ish of the Human Clan's main city of Subete— with one side being covered by thick forest— and the other side large plains. 

One of the many reasons the village wasn't very prosperous was due to the fact that it didn't fall under the jurisdiction of any of the Clans— causing it to be lacking a noble to govern it. 

The reason it didn't belong to a Clan was a much longer story— which Shi didn't want to think about right now— so she didn't.

This was the village Shi was currently living in— wandering around as she tried to live day by day. Currently, she was trying to find a weapon in the market— one that would suit her best— but most of all, one she could afford. 

Her reasoning for looking for a weapon was quite simple— she wanted to hunt; to help her mother survive without having to work as hard as she currently does; so her family wouldn't have to constantly walk the line between life and death whenever the winds got cold.

As these thoughts rushed around in her mind— it was then from the corner of her eye that a marvelous glint of light caught her attention. 

It was a blade— that was being sold by some rather lavish-looking merchant. The blade was ruby red as if already tainted in the blood it has devoured— longer than her entire hand and thin— yet it looked sharp enough to cut through anything. 

The hilt was decorated with a dark cloth that blended just right with the sword's color. It looked like the perfect tool for hunting in the eyes of the young shi.

How could her eyes ignore such a weapon once spotted— it looked just right to her, it even matched her eye color— she just had to have it.

She strolled over to the merchant with a quickened pace. He was setting his table up still it seemed— her eyes gazing at him slightly with a sparkle in her gaze— all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. 

She paid little attention to his appearance— just a glance— taking note that the man seemed rather short with a big build.

She spoke with excitement in her tone yet she was trying to be as respectful as she could with the little manners she was thought or picked up over the years.

"Sir, how much for this one?" She muttered— extended fingers pointed at the sword she fell in love with— awaiting a response with a cherry smile.

Sadly, upon hearing the man speak the sparkle from her eyes soon dimmed till it was no longer there.

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