Tale of Death

Chapter 15 – Learning

'So where shall i begin, alright, let's start where we stopped our last conversation.' The voice spoke once more in Shi's head, 'Do you remember when I told you that you were a Vampire, which was awakened when you drank your own blood and died.'

While Shi was still talking to the voice in her head, she wasn't foolish enough to not keep an eye gazing around the room in case something were to jump out and attack her, knowing her luck, she didn't believe she would be safe for very long. "Yes, I remember that, how could I forget. But you never explained what a Vampire is, I've heard of them before, but the Village never had any of them, apparently, their Clan's main Kingdom is located in the Mountainous range, which they rarely venture out of. Not to mention, the village was too far from it."

'Well, then I will start by trying to explain whatever I can about what a Vampire is, but don't expect much since this is all information gained through genetics, not actual collected data.'

With a sigh, Shi had no choice but to accept the little information the voice could give her, after all, something was better than nothing, especially if that something pertained to your very being. "That's good enough for now, I just need to know something about myself so I can better adapt to this change, I don't want to lose control as I did before, that was, weird."

'Alright, from what is programmed into the bloodline, you are a special type of Vampire called a Pureblood, it seems that this played a huge role in how you were able to survive this long without drinking blood for 16 years, or even how you can still be fine after so many injuries.'

Shi was listening intently, baffled at the information that she was gaining. While she may have heard mentions of Vampires before, this was the first time she has ever heard of something called a Pureblood, but just from the name, she could tell it was something special. "What is a Pureblood exactly, how does it make me different from a normal Vampire?"

'The information seems to say that you have royal blood running through your veins, but to be more exact, it's more-so saying, the blood of the originals, meaning in your veins are the blood from the first set of Vampires to exist. Seems normal Vampires can only be changed through drinking the blood of a Pureblood and dying, however, the Originals had the ability to pass on their bloodline through birth, giving birth to the Purebloods, which in turn passed on their bloodline further.'

"Wait-" Before Shi could finish her question to the voice, she was interrupted by it speaking again.

'Hold on, I'm not done yet. The information says that Purebloods are extremely rare because while they can give birth, the chance of it happening is minuscule at best, not to mention the fact that they are very low in numbers. It seems your father was a Pureblood, and it passed onto you upon birth.'

Shi finished listening to the voice, as she fell into thought, these new revelations were even more than finding out she was a Vampire, to begin with, now she was some sort of special Vampire, something that was on par with a 'royal' of that race. This couldn't be good. Sure, on one hand, she was stronger than a human, she was special, and she liked the very thought of that, however, with being special, with being rare, came the aspect of being wanted by people. Hunted. She wasn't strong enough to deal with being hunted yet, so she had no intention to reveal her true bloodline for as long as she could.

"I think I'll pretend to be a normal Vampire for now," Shi said aloud, "just until I can get used to my powers and grow stronger."

'Understood, that would be the best course of action. I also suggest trying to find your father to learn more about your bloodline.'

This instantly made Shi shoot up from her resting position, opening her eyes widely, and as a result, causing the wound on her legs to pain from the sudden jolt, though it did seem to be getting better. "Wait, what do you mean to find my father? My father was killed when i was younger, i don't even remember his face."

'That is highly unlikely, Purebloods are said to be extremely difficult to kill, so even if they are seriously injured, as long as they do not die, they can heal with enough time and blood. The chances that he is alive is around 90%.'

Upon hearing this, Shi took a deep breath in, the sound of the air whistling as it slid passed her clenched teeth. This information opened up a whole new can of worms for her, like, where was he if he was alive? Why did he leave, and pretended to be dead? Wait, did her mother even know he was still alive, and lied to her? Was he related to why she was attacked? There were just so many questions, with so few answers, actually, she had no answers at all. She needed to get some.

"Fine, it's just one more thing to add to the list of things i need to do. Either way, i will find out the truth." With a sigh of relief, she calmed her body and mind, returning to questioning the voice in her mind. "Now, tell me what being this race allows me to do, i need something to get out of here."

'I'm sure you may have noticed it already, but you have enhanced speed and strength, your senses are sharpened to fit that of a hunter, and you can regenerate from nearly any wound as long as you have blood. But most importantly in this situation, you have the ability to adapt your eyes to suit the darkness.'

"Why didn't you tell me that from the start, what was the point of ripping my shirt and burning it." Shi frowned her brow in annoyance that she received this piece of information after her clothing was ripped again, revealing more of her body underneath. She wasn't that bothered by it though, it's not like she could change it after all.

'It will take you a while before you can get your eyes to adapt since you're lacking blood so you will need the torch for the time. It also acted as a good learning experience for you to know just how flammable you are.'

"Well i suppose you're right, if i didn't know i was that flammable, i might've lit myself on fire one day accidentally. Now, tell me how do i get my eyes to adjust faster, at least enough to see better in the flickering flames."

'Normally you would just need to drink blood, which would enhance your body and eyes over time, as your body adapted. But seeing as you have no blood on you, and your abilities are still suppressed to an extent, i would suggest trying to focus your eyes on a certain part of the darkness, and allowing it to slowly change to try and perceive it. I suggest against moving, you're still hurt, with a lot of blood missing, your healing may be faster than a human even now, but it's still slower than it should be.'

Well, the voice said a lot just now, it also gave Shi a few suggestions which she found interesting. She had no intention to move now anyways with her injuries, but seeing as the ability to see in the dark would take some time to adapt, she decided to just wait for a while. Staring into the darkness, she placed the torch behind her so as to not disturb her eyes changes. so as to not disturb her eyes changes.

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