TalentPlus!: Talent + Effort = Strongest Capture Target!!!

Chapter 17: Family

When I found out about my bloodline's secret, the first thing I thought of was, "What now?". Knowing my standing in the family, I had already given up contending for the title. I also loved both Onii-sama and Onee-sama so I didn't really even have any motivation to even compete. And after finding out that I would gain the support of one of the five great houses, I realized that I was basically set for life. Never before had I, someone who was raised to become a marriage candidate for other nobles, thought that a day would come where my status would be raised to this level. At one point, I thought of entering the same school as Onii-sama but quickly dismissed the idea as I didn't have any real incentive to do so. Without any real goal for my life, 2 years passed by in the blink of an eye.

"I'm so bored. Sasha, is there anything scheduled for today?" (Mel)

"There is nothing scheduled for today Ojou-sama." (Sasha)

When Duchess Harmonia had declared their decision to support the Byron family, our reputation had suddenly risen and thus we became the targets of the opportunists. The other nobles believed that if they got close to us, they would gain a connection to the Harmonia Family. Because of this, our family has received multiple invitations from other families to join parties that they host. For the past two years, our schedule had become quite packed and hectic. At first, we had thought of it as a blessing but then realized that our fame was more troublesome than anything. I had thought of the chance to meet new people to be quite exciting, but when I used my ability, I had found out their true thoughts. It became apparent that as long as I had this title, most people who approach me would be filled with thoughts of greed. Forget finding my true love, even making friends was difficult. 

"Ugh, so boring. Sasha, what do you propose I do today?' (Mel)

"I am sorry Ojou-sama, it would be presumptuous of me to even suggest what Ojou-sama should do. I am but a measly maid." (Sasha)

"Ugh, Sasha! I've already told you, suggesting things for me to do is not a privilege but a duty! I only ask for a recommendation. I will make the final decision of what I am going to do, so do not be reserved when it comes to this!" (Mel)

"Well then Ojou-sama, I would suggest that you skim through some educational materials, Ojou-sama is the star of the Byron family after all. The mere idea that the star of the Byron family is of poor knowledge is unfathomable." (Sasha)

"Ugh, studying. What a chore." (Mel)

"Ojou-sama! Please forgive this lowly servant for even suggesting such a thing!" (Sasha)

"No no, it is fine. It is your duty after all. In fact, studying is still much better than lazing around without anything to do so I might as well do so." (Mel)

I never really had any hobbies so simply doing anything, no matter how bothersome, had become a form of entertainment. As I was studying some reading materials given to me by my private tutor, I had noticed something that was quite out of place. When I took a closer look, I had seen a research paper about Alchemy, the study of producing potions. Out of curiosity, I read through the paper. When I read the paper, I was captivated.  Although I couldn't properly understand the paper due to my lack of knowledge in that area, I found myself more and more fascinated after each word. As if I was bewitched by the mysteries of Alchemy, I had spent the next few days studying the very basics to be able to further understand the paper. The days had turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months turned into years. 

When I turned ten-years-old, I had asked a selfish request for the first time in my life. I had told my family that I wanted to attend Xerxes Academy. I told them that I wanted to become a researcher. As everyone had witnessed my love for Alchemy, they all permitted me to do so. That is, all but one.  


"But why? For what reason do you reject my dreams Onii-sama!" (Mel)


Yes, out of all people, Onii-sama did not allow me. I had always known that Onii-sama's love for me was a tad bit too much, but I was okay with it because I too love my family dearly. But I had never expected it to go this far. I didn't expect that the tiny promise I had made with Onii-sama when I was only a child would be something he would take to his heart. 

"But I want to be a researcher!" (Mel)

"NO MEANS NO!" (Eric)

"But-" (Mel)

"NO BUTS!" (Eric)

Because of his persistence, something inside of me had snapped.


"W-what! No, this can't be real. You aren't serious about that right?" (Eric)


After shouting those words, I quickly ran up to my room and slammed the door shut. I then laid on my bed and didn't go out of my room that night. Out of frustration, I just kept on studying until I fell asleep.

The next day, mother had told me of what had transpired last night after I ran up to my room. After I shouted at Onii-sama, his complexion started to pale as he kept on muttering phrases such as "There's no way she's serious.", "She doesn't hate me, right?", "What if she does hate me?", "That can't be possible!", And "What do I do!". After a few cycles of him repeating those phrases, he started crying and went up to his room. I'm starting to regret making that promise when I was young.

However, no matter how pathetic he is, he is still my Onii-sama. I then go up to his room. When I knock on the door asking to come in, no reply is heard from the other side of the door. Leaving me no choice, I take the key to his room that I got from father and unlock the door. When I enter, I was greeted by the sight of a messy room as if it was left intended for years. I was very surprised because I know that Onii-sama always has his room cleaned regularly by servants. With this realization, I thought to myself "Isn't Onii-sama too pathetic?". I mean, hasn't it only been a night? I get that he feels dejected, but how is it possible to get your room in this state after just a night! 

I then try to find the person in question, only to fail as the person himself can't be seen. When I arrived at the assumption that he had left the mansion, I saw that a pile of his clothes started moving. When I dug through the moving pile, I saw a messy looking man, so messy that he resembles a homeless man suffering from diseases, quietly sobbing while being buried by a mountain of  clothes. I question my sanity as I couldn't believe that Onii-sama, who normally acts like the perfect role model for nobility, looks so pathetic. I then use my ability to confirm his identity. Under normal situations, I wouldn't use my ability on my family members as I felt it was wrong, but after using it on Onii-sama, I immediately regretted not using it on him. If only I knew what he was thinking whenever we were alone together, maybe if I found out his true personality much sooner, I would've asked my parents to disown him.


Name: Eric Fredrickson Byron

Age: 19

Titles: Young Master, Member of Aerith Academy's Five Elites, Ultimate Siscon,...

Ultimate Siscon: Cannot exist without his little sister. Becomes the most worthless human being once relationship with younger sister becomes strained. Lives and dies for younger sister. Must proceed with caution!

Thoughts: "MEEEEEEEEEEL!!!"

I have no words, none at all. I want to have a different brother. 





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