TalentPlus!: Talent + Effort = Strongest Capture Target!!!

Chapter 19: The Plan

Well, this seems to be an interesting situation. The demon-faced researcher that everyone(including me) seems to fear is apparently a delicate person who wishes for friendship. At the same time, that same researcher was alone in the library in the middle of the night making expressions that no one would have expected from him. 

"Aargh! Why am I like this! Why do I always make such a scary face! At this rate, I'll never have a lab assistant! Sigh, I guess it's just me for a whi-" (Lime)

At that instant, his facial expression went from one denoting frustration and despair to the infamous demon general look-alike face that petrified not just the students, but the staff as well. Out of instinct, I quickly ran for the exit. As I was running, I looked back for a moment out of fear as if I was being chased by a monster. When I looked back, I saw him standing still clenching his fists while he was looking down on the floor and biting his lips. When I thought that he looked as if he was frustrated, I suddenly recall what I saw on his status screen. Right as I was just before the exit, I used my ability once more out of curiosity. What I saw next had shocked me. I tried processing the information in my head, but I was too busy running away that I couldn't think straight.

After exiting the library, I immediately went back to my room. After I entered my room I sat on my bed trying to pull myself together. Once I calmed down I started processing all the information that I had obtained. First of all, Lime Stein truly is an existence greater than us. So far, I haven't seen anyone with those absurd titles, not even the Headmaster. This means that Lime Stein is guaranteed to become an existence far greater than the Headmaster. Well, this does explain how he's able to do such things at such a young age.

Second of all is the shocking piece of information I had gotten from using my ability when I was running away. It was so unbelievable that I started doubting both myself and my powers. However, what I found out made sense. It made perfect sense. It explains so many things that it felt as if I made a breakthrough that was just as significant as Lime Stein's breakthrough about 3 years ago. 

Lime Stein's death stare was a product of social anxiety. To be exact, he has extreme social anxiety and gets very anxious whenever there are people around him. As a result, his face starts to resemble any living man's nightmare. This explanation makes perfect sense once you put the pieces together. This would explain why he only makes that face whenever people are present, yet he never shouts or explicitly scolds anyone. This is also why there are close to no instances of him actually speaking. All of these are because he's too shy to speak to strangers.

The problem is that he's always being misunderstood and because of that, people start running away from him out of fear. And to make matters worse, he's also a very lonely person. When I realize that, I start feeling pity and guilt at the same time. Pity because of how people act around him and treat him as a figure of fear and guilt because I just did the same thing just earlier in the library. Now I feel really bad for him. I really want to apologize to him, but I can't find a good way to go about it. There must be some way to make it up to him. Ah, I have an idea!

The next day

Okay. You can do this. You can look at him straight in the face. Shit, I can't. 

The next day

You can do this, just believe.

The next day

You can do this. This time, you can do this.

The next day

Why can't I do this!

After a week of failed attempts at getting used to his face, I decided to stop for a while so that I can think of a new strategy as I know that my current tactic is failing hard with no progress in sight.

"Darn, what am I doing wrong? I knew it'd be hard, but at this rate, I'll die before even being able to make eye contact. Sigh, what can I even do? There's nothing that's scarier than his face, but why do I have the feeling that that isn't true. Wait, I have an idea! What if I imagine something that's scarier than his face? Maybe, just maybe, I'll become desensitized because I'll have something to compare it to, and then I'll think that his face isn't scary at all! But what in the world could be scarier than that!" (Mel)

And at that moment, I recalled something that gave me nightmares every night for an entire month. That month was my first month in the academy. I forgot about it because my mind instinctively repressed my memories of it. After all, it was too scary. Now that I remember, I feel like crying. I remember...my brother.

When I found out about my brother's severe condition, I initially thought "Hey, maybe it's just a phase" and "Maybe all doting brothers are like this at some point" until I remembered a lot of things that now start to make sense. Those times when some of my underwear goes missing for a while only for them to come back a few days later, those times when my brother insisted that he take a bath with me while he had a suspicious-looking face, and those times when my brother would sometimes "accidentally" stumble into my room while I was changing even though I was pretty sure my doors were locked (which I assume that it was indeed locked and that he just picked the locks), all went from random events to scarring memories. And as I expected, I didn't have a peaceful sleep that night.

The next day

I wake up feeling a bit tired. I regret everything. As I keep thinking of all these negative things, I do my morning routine and then go to the cafeteria for my breakfast. Feeling a bit groggy, I bump into someone near the entrance of the cafeteria. I immediately apologized for bumping into him.

"Ah, I'm sorry for bumping into you." (Mel)


"..." (Mel)

Well, that was weird. I know that I screwed up, but at least respond before turning around and walking away. After that happened, I lined up for the food, and after eating breakfast I go back to my room. After an hour or so, I leave the room in order to attempt to look at Lime Stein's face without backing away in fear.

Just as I exited the room, I bump into another person. Again, I quickly apologize for bumping into him just like I did earlier, only this time I find out who I bumped into.

"Ah, I'm very sorry for bumping into you." (Mel)


Wait a minute, don't tell me this is the same person as earlier.

"Hey! I said I'm sorry, at least respond with something. Yell at me or something, just say something!" (Mel)


What is with this person?

"Uhm, s-sorry for not responding...A-also I d-don't mind the collision. I-it's all fine with me I g-guess." 

Finally! He says something! But now I feel bad. It seems like he's pretty shy. I thought he was just being a snob or something.

"A-ah! No, it's my bad. I guess I was just a bit grumpy today." (Mel)

"I-it's all f-fine. We all have those d-days."

It was then that I looked closely and realized just who I bumped into.

"A-are you by any chance, Lime Stein?" (Mel)

"Y-yes...T-that's me." (Lime)

But he doesn't look scary at all, what happened? Wait, while I'm at it, I might as well proceed with stage 3 of my plan (Stage 2 was being able to talk with him).

"Uhm, I have a request. Could you please hear me out for a while?" (Mel)

"Y-yes?" (Lime)

"Can I please be your lab assistant?" (Mel)


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