TalentPlus!: Talent + Effort = Strongest Capture Target!!!

Chapter 25: The mad scientist

9 days pass by and it's time to learn magic. A week after Lime-sensei came to our house and started teaching me, he went back to the capital to bring with him his tools and such so that he could teach me magic. He stayed there for a day and came back the next day. Since he was a bit exhausted from the travel, Mel-nee decided to teach me for a day instead of Lime-sensei and urged him to take a day-off. On one side, I felt a bit salty about just how much he was loved, but on the other hand, I got to know Mel-nee better. At this point, I was convinced that those two would die single if no one would help them out. A day later, Lime-sensei started to teach me magic.

"I assume that you know about the basic principle of innate magical affinity." (Lime)

"Yes, every person has their own magical affinity. Some may be more talented in fire magic while another is superior in wind magic. The biggest factor involved in determining one's affinity would be genetics. A family that is talented in the use of fire magic is more likely to produce a child with said talent. However, this is not always the case. Mutations could occur and the child that is born could very well be talented in using water magic despite being in a family that's known for their fire magic affinity." (Riel)

"Correct. As you have said, mutations could occur but it happens rarely. A well-known example would be the second son of Duke Tempest, Friggus Tempest. The Tempest family is well-known for their affinity for wind magic, but Friggus was born with an affinity for Ice Magic. However, not all children born with mutations face the same fate as Friggus. In some cases, those that were born with mutations were falsely accused to be secret love-children born out of an affair. Thankfully, a paternity test was invented about 23 years ago." (Lime)

"Since it was invented a long time after Friggus was born, was he subject to those suspicions as well?" (Riel)

"Not really. Back then, there were no prominent Ice magic users so the family was convinced that Friggus was a mutation that also possessed the family's talent. What truly cleared the suspicion was when Friggus was recognized as the youngest person to have ever hit the wall of swordsmanship. Since the Tempests were also known for their prowess with the sword, no one could deny the claim that Friggus truly is of Tempest blood." (Lime)

"Are sword skills inheritable too?" (Riel)

"I don't know. The main reason why people were forced to accept Friggus' status as a legitimate child was more or less because denying it would mean that they were spitting on the honor of the Tempest Family." (Lime)

"Oh, I get it. Since Friggus was the youngest person to ever achieve that state, denying it would be saying that the most talented swordsman did not have Tempest blood." (Riel)

"You are correct. Moving on with our actual topic, I have brought with me a tool to measure your affinity. Since there are countless types of magic, not every kind of elemental affinity could be recorded by this magic tool. What this does is measure your affinity for the 5 main elements. As a review, would you mind telling me the 5 main elements and why they are called as such?" (Lime)

"The five main elements are fire, water, wind, earth, and light. These are called the 5 main elements since most of the other elements could be considered variants of these except for the light element. The only reason why light is considered one of the main elements is because of the first king, King Regal. Because it is the royal family's main attribute, the kingdom recognizes the light element as one of the main elements." (Riel)

"It seems that you have studied well. Anyways, other than that tool, I would also be using a tool that will measure the amount of latent mana you have. Latent mana is the amount of mana that a person is born with. From birth to death, if a person does not train his magical abilities, then the amount of mana he has will never change. That is why it is not the biggest problem even if your latent mana is low since your mana capacity will grow the more you train. Generally, one's mana capacity growth rate will slow down the bigger your mana capacity is so even if your latent mana capacity is low,  the size will increase at a fast pace early on. But this doesn't apply to everyone.

In some cases, some people have unnaturally slow growth rates even though they have a small amount of latent mana, but the opposite is also true. The growth rate of one's mana capacity does not depend on the amount of latent mana one has. For example, most of the members of the hero party had both a fast growth rate and high amounts of latent mana. Currently, there are no tools to measure one's mana growth rate so all I can do is measure your latent mana and your mana capacity after a day of training and use the data to get your approximate growth rate. Anyways, are you ready?" (Lime)

"Yes!" (Riel)

"Here we go." (Lime)

As Lime-sensei says that, the magic tool he used on me starts to glow. The light that the magic tool is releasing is very bright and colorful. It's a mixture of red, blue, yellow, white, and golden lights. When I looked at Lime-sensei's face, he had a look of surprise and excitement.

"T-this is amazing! Not only are you able to use all 5 main elements, but your affinity for all of them are really high!" (Lime)

"R-really?" (Riel)

"Yes!!!" (Lime)  

Holy shit! I knew Riel was talented, but this is something I didn't expect! Forget being a master of none, I have the ability to be a master of all! 

"Now it's time to measure your latent mana." (Lime)

"Un." (Riel)

"W-what is this!!! This is abnormal!!! It can't even measure your latent mana? Mwahahahaha!!! With this, I can raise a demon!!!" (Lime)

Ugh... I don't feel so safe now. All of a sudden, Lime-sensei's behaviour had drastically changed as if a switch had been flipped. He used to look a bit scary but now he's on full-on mad scientist mode. 

"Fufufu, I guess I have to fix our schedule now. Hehehe, I can't wait for what's going to happen. Mwahaha—er wait a minute, did you hear all of that?" (Lime)

"Er, no." (Riel)

Since it looked like he was about to explode from the embarrassment, I decided to play dumb and spare him from the pain.

"Er, so you're dismissed for today. It appears that I may have to modify our training schedule since the results are so far away from the norm. For today, you should just rest up in preparation for tomorrow." (Lime)

"Oh, ok. Thank's for today Lime-sensei." (Riel)

I said as I slowly backed away. Somehow, I feel like my sanity is going to take another hit just like last time. 

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