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Chapter 31: Fateful Encounter(s) (2)

The next day

"You've gotta be kidding me, even here?" (Riel)

"Well, I guess you could say it's fate." (Liz)

"Then I reject it!!!" (Riel)

"Still, what a coincidence huh? Not only did both of us decide to visit the Ashton Woods, but we also managed to end up in the Hidden Garden." (Liz)

"But how? I thought that only people favored by the forest spirits can find this place." (Riel)

"I guess they like us both," (Liz)

"But I thought it was just a fairy tale!" (Riel)

"I guess not." (Liz)

"Why are you here in the first place?" (Riel)

"Tourism." (Liz)

"By yourself?" (Riel)

"Yup!" (Liz)

"You, you just, sigh, forget about it." (Riel)

"Wouldn't it be funny if we met each other tomorrow?" (Liz)

"I want to say no, but I admit, it would be funny." (Riel)

"Jeez, stop being such a tsundere~" (Liz)

"Who's being a tsundere!" (Riel)

"Sheesh,  just admit it. You like hanging out with me." (Liz)

"You may be the only friend I have in the city, but it doesn't change the fact that every time we meet, you give me a headache." (Riel)

"Fine fine. I'll be patient since I know that Riel will soon be dere-dere." (Liz)

"Sigh, you really just go on your own pace." (Riel)

"It's a personality trait." (Liz)

"It's a defect." (Riel)

This girl really is a handful. And there's no way that I'm a tsundere, right?


Green Hair POV

"Heeeh, there seem to be some new people in here. I'll leave them alone for now, let's let these lovebirds have their alone time. Well, I guess I better get going." (Green Hair)

The next day

"Fine, I accept my fate. I'm just stuck with you I guess." (Riel)

"Yay! Riel is now in his dere-dere phase!" (Liz)

"Oh shut up." (Riel)

"Hehe~Riel is now dere-dere~" (Liz)

"Sigh, God has forsaken me. And why are you even here? I'm pretty sure you said something about visiting the lake up north, so how'd you end up in the southern lake?" (Riel)

"Well, I was planning on riding a carriage that goes to the northern lake." (Liz)

"Mhm." (Riel)

"But when I went to where the carriages were, all of the ones that were heading up north were quickly filling up." (Liz)

"Mhm." (Riel)

"So I panicked and tried to find a carriage with an empty spot since I didn't have enough money for a private carriage." (Liz)

"Mhm." (Riel)

"I then found one that had an empty spot and quickly went in." (Liz)

"But?" (Riel)

"But as it turned out, it was actually heading for the south." (Liz)

"Sigh, you're such an airhead. How did you not even notice that the carriage wasn't heading north?" (Riel)

"Well, all the tension disappeared from my body so I fell asleep in the carriage." (Liz)

"And you didn't bat an eye when the price for the trip down south was cheaper than the ones going north?" (Riel)

"I just thought that it was cool that I got to save some money." (Liz)

"Sigh, you're an actual airhead. What would you do if you didn't know anyone here? And what if a situation like that one time would happen again and I wasn't here?" (Riel)

"Well, it all worked out in the en—ouch!" (Liz)

"For being an idiot, you get a chop to the head." (Riel)

"But I'm not an idio—ouch!" (Liz)

"Only idiots deny being idiots." (Riel)

"That's unfair!" (Liz)

"The world is unfair." (Riel)

"Jeez!" (Liz)

I've said it once, I'll say it again. A pouting Liz sure is cute.


"Twins" POV

"Hey hey, Onii-chan. Don't you think those two look like a couple? I bet if we went closer to them, it'd look like a double date." (Sister)

"First of all, what's with the 'Onii-chan'? You're technically older than me. Second of all, they look more like two friends bickering with each other. Third of all, we do not look like a couple!" (Brother)

"I was just kidding~, but are you sure that they're both just friends? I have a feeling that they'd look good as a couple." (Sister)

"They would, but I don't think they're at that stage just yet." (Brother)

The next day




"Who are you and what did you do to my Riel?" (Liz)

"First of all, it's me. Second of all, I am not your Riel." (Riel)

"Well, normally you'd go like 'not this again' or 'why are you even here?' and all that stuff. Wait, don't tell me, you're in your dere-dere phase!" (Liz)

"It's just that I've come to terms with being stuck with an idiot. That and it's too tiring to even try to think about why this is even possible so I just gave up. And no, I'm not in my dere-dere phase cause I'm not a tsundere." (Riel)

 "Don't worry, I understand that you're too embarrassed to admit it. It's fine, I get it." (Liz)

"You're just, nevermind. Anyways, I presume that you didn't make a reservation for the restaurant?" (Riel)

"Hehe~" (Liz)

"Fine. Just come with me. You should be grateful that my uncle and his girlfriend are, once again, too busy with work to make it here." (Riel)

"Yay~" (Liz)

"Hey! It's not a 'Yay' it's a 'Thank you very much!', okay?" (Riel)

"Yes yes. Thank you very much Riel's Uncle." (Liz)

"They aren't even here! Sigh, you really are a handful." (Riel)

"What was that?" (Liz)

"Oh, nothing. Just my inner thoughts leaking out." (Riel)

"Is this what you really think about me?" (Liz)

"One-hundred percent yes." (Riel)

"Jeez! Riel is a meanie!" (Liz)

"Hahaha." (Riel)

"Stop laughing!" (Liz)

She really is cute. Maybe I am a tsundere after all. I hope I get to see her even while school is going on.


Blond Hair POV

"Hmm, those two don't seem like people who can afford eating here. The girl's dress is a bit tattered and the guy's clothes look really cheap. But then again, those two have nice faces so maybe they're just actors or something wearing their costumes. What a shame though. If only that guy wasn't there, I would've invited her over for a meal. What a shame she's taken." (Blond Hair)

"But sir, regardless of their looks, their status is nothing compared to yours. You should be careful with those kinds of things. She might even be a scammer who's only after your wealth." 

"Foolish. Even if she tries to scam me, I'll make sure I get the last laugh. After all, I am too smart to be outwitted." (Blond Hair)

"Ah, I'm sorry for overlooking that fact."

"It's fine. No one still knows of my true capabilities. I will soon show them that I am worthy of being my Father's son." (Blond Hair)

The next day

"Riel~" (Liz)

"What?" (Riel)

"I'm bored~" (Liz)

"And?" (Riel)

"Let's go somewhere~" (Liz)

"Then go by yourself." (Riel)

"Don't wanna~" (Liz)

"Well, I'm still reading so stop bothering me." (Riel)

"But reading is boring and I can't understand anything~" (Liz)

"Didn't I tell you that that book is too hard for you? So why did you read it anyway?" (Riel)

"Cause the cover looked cool!" (Liz)

"Sigh, of course. What did I expect from you? Fine, just wait a bit. I'll be back." (Riel)

I then stood up from my seat and went to find some books. After a few moments of scrolling through the bookshelves, I return to the table with some books in hand.

"What are those?" (Liz)

"Some fairy tales for you to read." (Riel)

"But fairy tales are for kids!" (Liz)

"And your point being?" (Riel)

"Jeez, stop treating me like a kid!" (Liz)

"Hahaha, just try them. They have pictures." (Riel)

"Ugh, fine. But if they're boring, we go somewhere else." (Liz)

I almost spat out the words "If you don't like books, then why did you go to the library?" but kept them in cause I know that she'd respond with something like "I dunno~". And would you look at that, she's instantly hooked. The expressions she makes while reading the stories are so cute. In hindsight, she's pretty fun to hang out with, if you take away the fact that she's headache-inducing. I guess I really do like her. I don't think she sees me as a guy though, so I guess it's an unrequited love then. Not that different from my past life I suppose. Eh, it's better than nothing.

Hopefully, I still get to see her even after class starts. It's a shame that we won't be in the same school. I can't imagine a world where she's part of the nobility.

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