TalentPlus!: Talent + Effort = Strongest Capture Target!!!

Prologue: Oh baby, another Isekai


'Huh, what is that noise? Is this my sister's attempt at a funny joke by changing my alarm? Well jokes on you sis, it's gonna take way more than that to wake me up'


'Actually, on second thought this is pretty annoying, I can't sleep with this stupid sound repeating again and again. Also my determination really doesn't exist huh?'


'I have to admit, this is one hell of an alarm, maybe if I use this every day I won't ever be late to school anymore. On second thought my motivation for life would quickly disappear so I'll pass'


'Fine...I'll wake u-'

As I slowly open my eyes, I see an unfamiliar roof but before being able to question anything I realize that there are also strangers in what was supposed to be my room.


As I am panicking, I try to "calmly" assess the situation... Okay, I admit I am not calm at all but hey I'm trying. Anyways I see that there are two people in the room. One is a child so cute that even I, a non-lolicon would call an outstanding beauty. On the other hand, I see a handsome adult male who is crying. Get out of here I don't want you here, why couldn't you have been an attractive woman instead? And also stop with those gross tears, I'd rather a crying beauty than a man.


'Also what is this annoying alarm! Let me find the damn phone that's constantly taking away more reasons for me to live. Wait a minute, I can't move...I CAN'T MOVE!!!'

As I start panicking even more, I realize that my entire body is being wrapped by some kind of cloth which I do admit, is very comfortable, but that's beside the point. I then realize that the reason why I am unable to move is not because of the cloth but rather my limbs feel very weak as if I was a baby. Speaking of babies, that damn alarm does sound like a baby crying and it isn't helping me calm down at all but rather increasing my stress levels even further. 

'Woah the alarm is starting to grow even more obnoxious. Wait, isn't it getting louder and louder as time is going on? It's as if I'm the one crying...haha no way...'

My thoughts were interrupted by a beautiful voice which I'm sure couldn't have come from the loli or the random teary-eyed supermodel in my room. It was then that  I realized that the voice came from behind me. My body was then slowly being turned 180° to face the person behind me. It was then that I saw the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen in my life. It was then that I heard her beautiful voice.

"My handsome child. Our dear Riel, Riel Lostbelt."

Out of all the things, that one line had to be the one thing that had to be familiar. It couldn't be the room that I'm in, not the crying superstar, not the future beauty, not even the goddess whose voice is heard that line from, no it had to be that line. Haha... It all makes sense now. Not only is that line familiar but so is the situation that I'm in. 

'This is an isekai. A FUCKING ISEKAI!!!'

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