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Side Story 4: A match made in heaven (4)

"Good Morning Shin-nii!" (Lyle)

"Ehh, you're up this early again?" (Shin)

"Of course, I'm the one in charge of cooking." (Lyle)

"Oi Shin, you should be grateful to Lyle. Without him, we would be stuck eating Hina's shitty cooking." (Finn)

"True. Hina's cooking isn't bad but compared to this, it's absolute garbage." (Shin)

"Hey! I'm right here! At least talk shit about me when I'm not there!" (Hina)

"So you'd prefer us talking shit behind your back?" (Shin)

"Er, that's not what I meant." (Hina)

"Geez, it's these kinds of confusing things you say is the reason why you're a spinster." (Shin)

"Hey brat, why don't you come over here so I can teach you why exactly it is that I'm a spinster." (Hina)

"Ah! Fuck! That hurts! Get off me! You're bending my arm the wrong way! Stop!" (Shin)

"Geez, those two are at it again this early in the morning. When will those two ever grow up?" (Oliver)

 "But isn't this fine Oliver-san? After all, I don't think that this would ever get boring." (Lyle)

"You say that, but this happens almost every day." (Oliver)

"And that is why I am grateful to you guys for letting me stay here." (Lyle)

Oliver-san and his party offered to let me stay at their place after learning that I didn't have a place to stay.  It seems that I forgot to arrange for a place to stay because I was too excited. When they gave me the offer to live with them, I immediately accepted it. It was the obvious choice for me to say yes because it meant gaining both shelter and entertainment.  

"It's nothing, but rather I feel like it's us that should be grateful to you. Without you, our party house would be a total mess. At first, I had thought of hiring a maid but thought that it was unnecessary. Turns out that after a year or so of neglecting our chores, the house had unknowingly become a dump." (Oliver)

"It's the least I could do for you guys letting me stay here." (Lyle)

"But why are you so damn good at chores and shit? I mean, I know they said you were a genius, but just how much of a genius are you?" (Finn)

"I have no clue." (Lyle)

"Anyways, what are you gonna do about her?" (Finn)

"Sooner or later, you're gonna have to fix your situation with her." (Oliver)

"I hope you can patch things up with her. I doubt that it would go smoothly considering what you said to her when you guys first met."

"Ahaha..." (Lyle)

The person they were referring to as "her" is the girl who is looking at me with eyes full of caution from the other side of the table. I'm not surprised as a normal person would probably act the same way she would when a stranger proposes to you on the first day that you met. I do admit that I made a big mistake that day. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't make such a mistake. However, it was the first time that I felt such feelings.

As inexperienced I am with such things I do know that it was for sure not love. It would be unreasonable for there to be love between two people who don't know much about each other, let alone a pair of strangers who have only met for the first time. But as much as I try to deny that idea, I keep feeling so attracted to her that I feel as if the world wants us to be with each other. For now, I will dismiss it as an urge brought upon by teenage hormones. With that being said, I still have no idea how to fix the situation that was caused by my mistake back then. 

"Well, I have to get going now. My shift starts in about an hour so I'll see you guys there." (Lyle)

"See you later." (Oliver)

"Have a nice day at work" (Luke)

"See ya!" (Finn)

"Bye Lyle!" (Hina)

"Save me!" (Shin) 

As they sent me off, I left the house and went to the adventurer's guild. When I arrived, the employees had greeted me.

"Good morning Lyle-kun!" (Lilith)

"Good morning Lilith-san." (Lyle)

"You're pretty early again." (Lilith)

"Well, I do like this job." (Lyle)

"Maybe a bit too much." (Lilith)

"Oh Lyle, it seems you're here already." 

"Good morning Drakos-san" (Lyle)

  Drakos-san is a retired adventurer. Back when he was still active, he had made his name as an S-class adventurer. He retired because he lost an eye and a leg during an expedition to the Wasteland. In the middle of the expedition, an unidentified monster suddenly appeared and caught the expedition team off guard. This resulted in numerous casualties and a lot of injuries. Drakos-san who was one of the strongest members had to act as the vanguard which made him the monster's primary target which is why Drakos-san had suffered the most injuries. After the expedition ended, Drakos-san decided to retire. Nowadays, he comes to the guild to hang around and talk with some of the adventurers and receptionists. We all see Drakos-san as a nice old grandpa who gives the younger adventurers some advice from time to time.

"Umm, Drakos-san, can I ask for some advice?" (Lyle)

"Hmm? Sure. What can I do for you?" (Drakos)

"It's about Reina-san." (Lyle)

"Oh, I've heard about that one. It seems that it was love at first sight." (Drakos)

"No, it can't be love at first sight. Love at first sight isn't even real. How can feelings of love even bloom when I know next to nothing about her?" (Lyle)

"Well you see Lyle, most men have love compasses that are embedded into their bodies." (Drakos)

"Really? I've never heard about it before. Tell me more." (Lyle)

"Ok, so the so-called love compasses are located in a man's lower bo-" (Drakos)

"Shut up old geezer. You should stop teaching children these obscene things. And Lyle, never, and I repeat, never ask any love related questions to this geezer. What can a 40-year-old virgin teach you about love?" (Lilith)

"Now now Lilith, I am merely lending him the wisdom I have gained from my years of experience." (Drakos)

"Of which you have none concerning love." (Lilith)

"I do have experience. Remember Anna?" (Drakos)

"Oh yeah, you did date someone at one point. So do we count getting dumped on the same day experience?" (Lilith)

"Ugh, I admit defeat." (Drakos)

Watching their banter never fails to amuse me. As that thought entered my head, I started preparing for work as my shift was about to start. My shift lasts from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. with an hour-long lunch break that lasts from 12 P.M. to 1 P.M. which means that I work 10 hours per day. When my coworkers and Oliver-san's party all heard about it, they thought that the Guild master had exploited me. When I told them that I wanted to work till 10 P.M. and that the Guild master rejected me and that the 10-hour shift was actually him compromising, they all looked at me in worry. They asked if I was actually in any financial trouble, but I reassured them saying that the reason I chose to work for a long period of time is that I enjoy working as a receptionist. They looked at me in disbelief, but then they gave up trying to understand it and just said things along the lines of "Geniuses truly are built differently". 

When my shift ends, I go back to the house and start doing the chores. I would normally be greeted by the sight of the party, but that night only Reina-san was present. 

"Er, where is everybody else?" (Lyle)

"U-umm, they're apparently on a mission. They apparently left a letter. I found it laying on the dining table when I arrived." (Reina)

Dear Lyle and Reina,

I apologize for how sudden this is, but the party has taken a mission in a place far away. We'll be back in a month at most. Please take care of the house. Again, I apologize for how sudden this is, but a series of unfortunate events had unfolded which forced us to take this mission. Sorry and thank you.


"I-it seems that it's just us two for a while." (Lyle)

"I-it seems so." (Reina)


This is so awkward.

"S-so I guess I'll be cooking dinner then." (Lyle)

"U-umm, I'll be in my room I guess." (Reina)

After dinner was cooked, we began to eat. I couldn't even properly taste the food due to the severely awkward atmosphere. Neither of us said anything and just ate. I knew that I'd have to fix this problem someday, but I didn't expect the day to come so soon. In the first place, why did I even say? Why is it that I felt that way? I've never felt that way, not even when I was alone with Eirene, so why is it that I feel all these new emotions for the first time when it comes to her? 

I first thought that I had fallen in love, but I dismissed that idea because I know for a fact that love at first sight isn't real, and that any cases of those happening are just hormonal triggers or sexual desire. Maybe that's what this is, just a side effect brought upon by my puberty. This doesn't change the fact that I need to fix the situation as soon as possible. Forget a month, just trying to last a few days with this atmosphere is impossible.

When I woke up the next day, I quickly fixed up some breakfast and quickly escape to the guild. On my way there, I happened to encounter an adventurer with who I'm familiar.

"U-umm, Jethro-san, can I talk with you for a moment?" (Lyle)

"Eh, it's Lyle-kun. Umm girls, can I see you guys later? It seems that Lyle-kun needs some help." (Jethro)

"Eeehhh, how lame~"

"Oh, come on~"

"So annoying~"

"Hey, don't be rude to Lyle-kun, he's a good friend of mine." (Jethro)


"You have to make it up to us~"


"Fine fine, I'll buy you girls dinner." (Jethro)

The three girls who normally hang around Jethro-san then leave. They were quite rude to me, but I take no offense because of the circumstances. Jethro-san is a popular A-class adventurer who is famous for his skills, his face, and his charm. To most male adventurers, Jethro-san is someone who they should aim to become.

"So, what can I do for you Lyle-kun?" (Jethro)

"W-well you see..." (Lyle)

Because I know that Jethro-san is good with these kinds of things, I tell him about my circumstances.

"Well, it seems that you fell in love with her" (Jethro)

"B-but, how is it possible for there to be love when I don't know her at all in the slightest?" (Lyle)

"Well, does it really matter? Love itself is irrational, so if you feel it then you feel it." (Jethro)

"But it doesn't sound logical. It just doesn't make sense." (Lyle)

"Love doesn't make sense most of the time. Sometimes people who constantly bicker become one of the warmest couples. Sometimes those of the same gender end up loving each other. Trying to make sense out of something that doesn't make sense will just end up in an answer that's very different from the one you need. In short, just accept the fact that you fell for her. What happens next is all up to what you do." (Jethro)

"Really?" (Lyle)

"Yep. Well, I hope that talk helps you out with your problem." (Jethro)

"Wait. Just one more thing. How do I make up with her?" (Lyle)

"Hmm, It all really depends on the person in question, but the safest way should be with food. Really good food to be exact." (Jethro)

"Like what you did earlier?" (Lyle)

"Er, yeah like what I did." (Jethro)

"Un, got it. Thanks a lot, Jethro-san!" (Lyle)

"No problem!" (Jethro)

After thanking Jethro-san for his advice, I start running towards the adventurer's guild. When I arrived, I immediately went to the Guild master's office.

"What brings you here Lyle-kun?" (Xavier)

"I want an advance!" (Lyle)

"Er, sure. Would you mind telling me why?" (Xavier)

"Secret!" (Lyle)

"Er, umm, ok then. Here's this month's pay then."

"Thanks!" (Lyle)

After leaving the Guil master's office, my shift starts and I start working. 

"Heeeh, Lyle-san seems to be cheerful today."

"He seems a bit more excited today than usual."

"He's actually faster today."

"Did something good happen lately?"

As soon as my shift ended, I ran straight for the market to buy the best ingredients. The ingredients cost about 10 times more than what I usually cook. Tonight's dinner will be the best one yet!

Reina POV

My name is Reina Lostbelt. I turned 16 just a few weeks ago. It has been 3 years since I hit the wall that all swordsmen encounter before becoming a fully-fledged swordmaster. From what I've heard, it seems that I am the youngest swordsman to ever reach that point. When the Guild master found out, he offered to raise my rank to B-class instead of starting at F-class. I rejected that offer as it would be really embarrassing if people started to pay attention to me just because of that. 

I was trained from the age of 5 by my mother who is a swordmaster. My mother was originally from the Eastern Empire but moved to the Hecaron Kingdom because of my father who lives here. My father passed away when I was 10, and my mother let me fend for myself when I hit the wall telling me that I'm now an adult. Because of that, I almost starved to death during my first week in the City of Rand. I didn't know anything about society since my whole childhood was spent on the hellish training that my mother had made me undergo. When I was about to die, Finn-san had found me and gave me a place to stay. 

That place to stay had become my new family. The crude Finn-san, the strict Oliver-san, the kind Luke-san, the caring yet single Hina-san, and the mischievous Shin-nii. One day, the size of the family had increased by one. The new member was Lyle-san, someone who proposed to me on the same day we met. I was very confused and grew very wary of him. I remember what my mother told me about people I should be careful with. 

"Remember, always be careful with good-looking strangers that are too friendly with you. Those kinds of people will deceive you and take advantage of you. They always have ulterior motives."

That is why I was very surprised when they told me that Lyle-san was going to be living with us. I was a bit scared, but when I saw how they treated him, my wariness had decreased. However, my wariness had once again risen when I saw him working. I found out that he was very popular among the female adventurers. They said that they were jealous of me and Hina-san because we got to live with him under the same roof. I then recall what my mother had said about people like those.

"Remember, always be careful around popular people. They tend to let the fame get to their head and in turn, they start to become arrogant and do anything they want. They think that just because they have a lot of support, they can get away with doing anything."

Just when I expected him to be lazy and do nothing around the house, he suddenly says that he'll do all the chores that we neglected. The first thought that came to my mind was "Wait, we didn't do chores?". When I thought about it, I realized that I haven't seen anyone do any sort of cleaning and that the rooms were pretty dusty. The second thought that came to my mind was "He's offering to clean?". I thought to myself that he'd give up after a day because I assumed that he either overestimated himself or that he underestimated the accumulated mess. I was very shocked when he did it without a sweat and without complaining for a few days straight. When I ate his cooking for the first time, I looked at him in disbelief as I thought that this heavenly meal couldn't have possibly been made by a mere 16-year-old. What really shocked me was the sight of tonight's dinner. 

"Welcome back!" (Lyle)

"Er, umm, what is this?" (Reina)

"Oh, this? This is premium beef that I bought with my money." (Lyle)

"But isn't that expensive?" (Reina)

"Yup!" (Lyle)

"Don't you see the problem?" (Reina)

"Nope!" (Lyle)

"But why did you buy expensive meat tonight?" (Reina)

"Well, I thought that it would be nice to eat something expensive, even if it's just for tonight. Plus, I wanted to make something special for tonight because it's gonna be just us in the house for a while. Also because I want to get to know you better." (Lyle)

"W-what are you saying?" (Reina)

Is he hitting on me again?

"Well, it is just gonna be the two of us for a while, so I thought it'd be nice if we got along." (Lyle)

"O-oh yeah, umm, sure." (Reina)

"Good. Well, you can go back to your room fr a while. I'll call you when it's cooked." (Lyle)

I went up to my room. After a few minutes, he called for me and I went downstairs to the dining room. When I saw the meat on the plate, I couldn't help but start drooling just from how delicious it looks. I then recalled what my mother said about those kinds of people.

"Remember, when someone is unusually kind and starts doing favours for people, then they must be up to something. Those kinds of people do those things in order to reinforce the idea that they're kind to the people around them. Sooner or later, they'll do something really bad but no one will suspect them because people would think that it would be impossible for them do commit such a crime."

After recalling what my mother had told me, I heard Lyle-san's voice calling out to me.

"Well then, go ahead and take a bite." (Lyle)

"U-un." (Reina)

When I sliced a small piece and put it in my mouth, I felt like I died and went to heaven. It was one of the best food that I had ever tasted. Tears started to drop from my eyes. So. Delicious. I started eating more and more until there was no more. When I glanced at Lyle-san, he had an innocent-looking smile on his face as if he was happy that I liked eating the food so much. When I saw this, I thought to myself that no one who is able to make such food could possibly have such malicious intentions. In hindsight, every time my mother had told me those things, my father would come up to my mother and smack her on the head saying "Oi, you shouldn't be teaching her wrong things".

"So, how did you like it?" (Lyle)

"It was the best." (Reina)

"Really? I'm glad that you think so. Er, so, umm, sorry for that thing I said back then." (Lyle)

"Oh, umm, it wasn't really that bad. I was just a bit surprised." (Reina)

"No, it's my fault. I made you feel uncomfortable, right?" (Lyle)

"Yeah, I guess it's kinda true." (Reina)

"Well, I'm really sorry for that. I just thought that you were very pretty back then, so I guess it slipped out of my mouth I guess." (Lyle)

"What kind of proposal just manages to slip out of someone's mouth?" (Reina)

"Mine I guess." (Lyle)

"You should really fix your mouth then. If not, then you might just stay single for life." (Reina)

"Like Hina-san?" (Lyle)

"Yes, like Hina-san." (Reina)

"Hahaha!" (Lyle)

"Hahaha!" (Reina)

And thus begun our long relationship.


Sorry for the lack of chapters. School decided to ruin my plans. I managed to pump out a long chapter. Since there aren't any new things for me to do tomorrow, expect a chapter that's longer than usual but shorter than this one. Once again, please treat me well.

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