Tales of a Seductress

TOAD – Chapter 49

“Mmm… haaah… Mmm…” I moaned, my hand combing through the vampire’s hair. “Bite me hard…”

I had my legs spread open, and the man’s head shoved between my legs. He bit into the side of pussy lips, his sharp teeth piercing into the flesh.

“Ahhhn! Fuck… yeah!” I moaned, cumming right into his mouth.

Of course, by this point, there was little left in his mind. The proud and defiant vampire noble who thought he was above it all was now on his knees servicing me, as everyone should be. As for him biting my pussy, what could I say? I liked it rougher these days. It wasn’t like blood and pain hadn’t come from that area plenty of times, so what did it matter if I bled now? My masochistic tendencies were inflamed, and the pleasure and pain mixed into a satisfying euphoria that took me over the top.

I had the vampire servicing me for so long that his lips were red, not from blood, but from being chapped. As for the monsters who had been lined up as servants, some of them were having issues remaining in their kneeling state for any longer. Perhaps, I was pushing things a bit too far. I finally grabbed a chunk of the vampire’s black hair and pulled him away from me. I looked down at him, as he looked up at me with euphoria in his eyes.

“I won’t turn into a vampire or a ghoul, right?”

I hadn’t thought about it until I felt the pinch of blood. These were demons who just happened to possess the name of vampire and descended from some kind of blood-sucking bat monster. I didn’t expect them to have some kind of blood curse. It was still better to ask. If I was infected, I had a means of restoring myself and fixing all of the damage, but I still needed to know whether I should use it.

He only gave me a confused look, shaking his head even though it caused her hair to pull against my hand. “No one can be turned into a vampire. You are born one, or you are not.”

“I see…” I responded, taking my hand and pushing his head back until he lost balance and fell on his ass.

An arrogant noble lying on the ground, looking up at me in admiration. Wasn’t this far preferable to how things were before? That’s where I had erred with Saris. I let him dominate me. I let him abuse me, molest me, rape me, and torture me. As his toy, I thought I would feel a purpose. After all, hadn’t I been a toy for all of those humans back in Nidia? As much as that point and time had filled me with fear and anger, it had also been exhilarating. I had never felt more alive than I did back then, right before my death.

Now, I could barely feel a thing. Even the pinch of his bite only lasted for a second. I reached down and touched the two holes he had made on the side of my pussy. A trickle of blood had fallen. I rubbed it with my fingers, and then pushed it into me, fingering myself with the lube of my blood. I used three fingers, and then four. I was a sex master, and what did a person understand more than their own body. I could bring myself to climax in less than a minute, and I did that right there, my pussy squirting out juices, which landed on the vampire’s face and clothing.

He looked up at me with an ecstatic expression, absolute joy on his face as liquid rained down on him. When I finished, I finally lowered my legs from where they were propped up on the armrests, crossing them and hiding my pussy which had been out in the open for so long that Da Vinci could have painted a detailed schematic of it.

I didn’t feel satisfaction over humiliating him. I didn’t feel justice for the children they took away from me. I felt neither joy, happiness, or vindication. Instead, the only feeling I truly had was boredom. I had been trapped in this building for over a year now, and I was bored with it. I wasn’t just bored with this place; I was bored with this world.

“My precious babies… kill anyone else remaining.”

With various roars, the monsters and demons disappeared, heading to the room where there were still survivors. I had been bringing them in one at a time, but even if the arrogant noble vampire couldn’t entertain for more than a few hours, what was the point of the rest of them?

Was I evil? Was I a monster? I didn’t even care anymore. How many evil things had these people done to countless women? They didn’t deserve any sympathy.

“You wait…”

The last one to leave the room was the vampire, who I stopped just as he reached the door. He turned back with the same slack-jawed look that all of my minions gave me once I put my hand on them.

“Yes, mistress?” He asked.

“Go to the nearest city. Buy me presents. Clothing, makeup, comforts. Spend whatever you can to make me happy.”

“Y-yes!” His eyes brightened at the prospect before racing out the door.

As I watched him leave, I could hear the screams of the remaining people as they were torn from limb to limb, eaten alive, or whatever else the monsters felt like doing with them. By the time the screams ended, I had changed already changed my mind. I was thinking of staying he and setting up a base. I had been eagerly awaiting the approach of an army aimed at stopping me. Yet, a day had passed, and nothing had happened.

I had even sent some of the monsters and demons out to slaughter the nearby village. I didn’t tell the vampire that. Oh, well, he’d figure it out. My minions seemed to have an instinctive way of knowing each other and they didn’t attack or kill each other with my expressed command.

Yet, after everything, there was no army. If I was going to crash and burn, I wanted it to be like back then with the demon and human armies. I wanted to kill or be killed. I wanted fire and death, and experience. Well, it was the experience I wanted. Once I reach level 90, who would even be able to stop me. A slaughter of high-level soldiers was the quickest way to level rapidly.

Then again, if I died, would that be so bad either? I reasoned I had already died once in my previous world when I had fallen down those stairs and hit my head. Either that, or I was lying in a hospital in a coma, and all of this was just one cruel coma dream. Either way, it meant that this life meant nothing. Either I’d die and wake up somewhere else, which had to be better than here, or I was in a coma and I could finally end this torment.

However, with all of the hostages dead, and the army taking too long, to the point not even an adventuring team was sent as a scout, I decided to move instead. If they didn’t come for me, then I would come for them instead. I would go out and flood this world with my power. I would control the minds of hundreds, no, thousands. I would build an army of minions, and I would take over everything. I was a demon queen, right? Shouldn’t I become the thing that this world made me?

As I stood up, a demon who was acting as a scout outside raced in. “Mistress, attack!”

My children didn’t necessarily have the best vocabulary, but they could always get across what they meant. Someone had come after all. See? Even in this, the world was inconvenient. They waited until after I changed my plans to arrive just at the time that I could never have my way. There was no use pouting over it though.

“My minions, come to me, we will fight.”

The monsters and demons formed into an army-like line, and with a gesture, I sent them out to meet our guests. I didn’t know who was coming, and I didn’t care. They could be merchants, or a noble’s house, adventurers, or slavers… they could be demons or men. I would enslave them all equally. I walked followed the lines of monsters and demons, which had grown in the last day as the unindoctrinated were made to serve me too.

As I walked down the hallway, allowing my minions ahead of me, I threw out my hand, creating small fires. Some fires winked out after a few seconds, while others caught and began to quickly spread. The entire place began to burn, the fire licking up the walls and the ceiling. There was no going back now. Before long, this entire place would be ashes. I finally reached the front of the facility where the last of the monsters were piling out, a literal fire growing behind them lighting their asses. To me who had once been burned alive, it felt like nothing

Yet, while I heard them roaring as they came out, silence immediately followed. I frowned. My one weakness was that while I could reach out to all of my minions, I actually couldn’t feel them. I didn’t know where they were or what they were doing. I didn’t know how many I had, and I didn’t know their condition. If they were hurt or dying, I didn’t have any awareness of it.

As the last of them shuffled out the door, the outside was eerily quiet. I came to the entrance and watched. The building was surrounded by a thick forest. Would the fire growing on the building eventually spread to the forest? Well, that would only serve to increase the devastation. It only served my desires. The building was intended to be extremely isolated, with only a small gated trail that led to the town nearby. The forest was so thick that traveling through it was extremely difficult. When one considered the monsters potentially in the forest, it was even more dangerous.

The storm of monsters ran straight into the deep brush of the forest, but no sooner did they disappear than the roars and cries stopped. As the last monster disappeared, so did the noise. The entire place had become quiet except for the whooshing noise and crackling of the growing fire behind me, which had already reached the doorway I was standing in.

At that moment, the entire forest seemed to come alive, and the cracking of sticks and the rattling of bushes could be heard. I waited patiently as demon soldiers began to pour out of the forest. Their movements were extremely destructive, and even the trees fell to the side or forward as if they were chopping a path directly through the forest. The noise rose as more and more men appeared. They were all wearing shiny and clean armor that looked to be wealthy, and I could tell many of them were in second class if not the third.

I had wanted a literal army, and an army had arrived, but it was far more powerful than I could imagine. There didn’t remain a single monster or demon in sight. Behind me was a growing inferno, and in front of me was an unbeatable army. Was this how far I would go? How anticlimactic.

I didn’t react much at all as the group formed a line in front of me. The army suddenly split, and a large palanquin was pulled forward. Sitting on the palanquin was a massive man with red skin and long ram horns. He was at least seven feet tall, and if there was every creature that looked like the devil, it was him. He reminded me quite a bit of the devil that had been in the labyrinth back then. He had the same arrogance and exuded strength. That didn’t stop him from dying though.

“Aria, Fairy of Whitewinter, Mistress of Nyphum, Mother of Monsters.” He spoke in a low voice that seemed to boom through the forest.

“You’ve heard of me?” I responded cockily.

“Yes, I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Well, I don’t have any clue who you are.”

“You may not know who I am, but you have likely heard of me too. I am the Demon King!”

I smiled. “Have you truly come here just for me?”

He stood up and then stepped down off the platform. His men tensed, but he held up his hands and they stopped immediately. He began to walk toward me.

“I have!”

“I’m not so easy to handle,” I responded, nodding back at the inferno behind me.

“I believe that.”

“And still, you’ll try to take me?”

He stopped about five feet from me, his head towering over me. At that moment, he fell to one knee and pulled out a ring.

“Aria… will you be my wife?”




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