Tang San’s Twin Sister

Chapter 18

The hotel the others led her to was the kind of place Tang Yin wouldn't have set a single step into, even in her former life. Hell, Plaza Hotel and the Sacher were a lousy comparison. Instead, a giant structure of polished stones similar to Carrara marble and glass rose in a blaze of glory into the sky.

The rooftops were glittering faintly coppery gold, and the entrance was guarded by two slender and stone-faced guardians who, as soon as they saw them stepped forward to block their access. With a swipe of the Hand, Yu Hua and Ning Feng handed over two precious-looking tokens and stepped past them. As Damian, Gale, and Tang Yin wanted to enter, too, they were blocked again.

"Your entrance certificate.", one of them said, and Yu Hua snorted at the guards.

"They have none, they are our esteemed guests, and you will treat them as if they are the highest born of nobility, understood.", He said in his haughty tone and raised his head, changing his entire posture to a demanding, threatening young masters, something he usually avoided despite his apparent dislike towards commoners.

"Excuse us, young Noble.", The guard to the right said and stepped back. Then, somewhat startled at their sudden change of attitude, they followed the other two into the entrance saloon. Tang Yin suddenly felt like an intruder into another world of money and riches.
She had never seen anything like it before; it reminded her of old churches decorated all over and finely crafted by the best artists and craftsmen of their Time. The walls were decorated by landscape paintings of enormous sizes, showing the four seasons on each wall; the rooftop was a finely crafted see-through glass wall leaving free sight of the evening sky. Stairs made of glass, carefully crafted stone, and iron led upwards to the various rooms and entertainment possibilities.
People in dresses made of all colors moved around, and even the employees wore clothes made of delicate and beautiful materials that probably cost an arm and a leg.

"We are here for Ning Yue's room.", Damian said at the reception.
The Lady dressed in green, and a dress decorated with beautiful flower stitchings respectfully bowed her head. "May I know who is enquiring?" She asked, and Damian took a relieved breath. Apparently, it was a good thing.

"Certainly, her daughter Ning Feng and company.", he answered, and Ning Feng laid her token on the reception tabletop. Then, somewhat surprised by it, Tang Yin leaned towards Gale.

"Just how much money does the seven treasured glass possess?" she asked, whispering because she faintly remembered that Ning Fengs Mother was supposed to rank in the mid to lower sections of the clan.

"More than anybody else, even the lowest of members have enough money to support a mid-class family for a decade," Gale answered her question as Ning Feng pointed them to follow along with the page that arrived and was to take them to their room. He led us to the elevator, and we went up to the twentieth floor, where he had us enter a room more significant than the dining room at Tang Yin's University. It looked like a living room where three doors had departed.

"Bedroom, Bathroom, and this is the living room.", Damian explained, "It is not always free, but we hide here whenever the second dorm mother or someone else that has a grudge against us remembers our existence."

"What is with the stuff left in the dorm room?" Tang Yin asked, and Gale shrugged his shoulders. "Untouchable for strangers, you are not included since we put you on the nice person list the first day, there is a spell on it, and you need at least level eighty to even think about breaking through it; it's one of my family's originals."

"That is beyond scary, Gale, terrifying; what the hell is your family?" Tang Yin asked him, and he remained silent as he started to make himself comfortable on the Sofa, "Be happy it was free, or else we would be spending the night under the bridge. It best you don't ask Gale about his family. He has never told anyone, but all of us are guessing it must be a pretty important one, my bet is on a clear sky, but honestly, I don't know."
Finally, Damian answered for Gale and let himself drop on the Sofa next to Gale. Ning Feng sat on one of the vast stuffed chairs next to Yu Hua, who remained standing next to her, as Tang Yin dropped on the floor, right into a fluffy colorful carpet, literally screaming money.

Dropping on her back and looking at the ceiling.
"W-What a-are we g-going to d-do now?" Ning Feng asked the others.

"We wait, talk to my brother and his Teach, and get our spirit rings.", Tang Yin said, closing her eyes, "we have a plan, a goal, and all roads prepared now. We just need to go through with it. Or do any of you want to stop now because of difficulties? Because I won't." Facing them, she smiled, "Risking things is a part of life, and I will take risks because I want to protect my family."

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