Tang San’s Twin Sister

Chapter 2

Tang Yin and her brother arrived at the bottom of the hill when the sun had already risen quite a bit. Somewhere in the distance, a lone rooster cried. The first villagers were already working out in the fields. Since the hill was on the opposite side of their home, they had to pass through the village to arrive there. 

"Uncle Sally, how are you? How is your Son?" Yin called out to a tall man with flaxen Hair, a crooked nose, and deep, warm brown eyes.

"Little Yin, Tang San, searching for mountain vegetables again?" he asked back and approached them while carrying a basket full of fresh grass for his horse. Uncle Sally was a wealthy man for these parts. Among the villagers, possessing a horse was similar to owning a Ferrari. 


"Nope." Yin popped the p while speaking, "No luck today. The sun rising was just too beautiful." 

"I guess so, little Yin. As for your question, my Son is fine, but next time, please spare his face." He didn't complain about his Son getting beaten by Tang Yin, mainly because, like many, he thought it was shameful that his Son was beaten into a pulp by a girl half his size. It was also the only reason she hadn't gotten into serious trouble by now, and that was that she only attacked if they badmouthed her family. 

"Alright, I can do that.", she agreed, and Tang San grabbed her Hand. 

"Come on, Sis, we need to go," he said, waving Uncle Sally goodbye. Yin was dragged along the dusty main street. Hurried home with her brother. 

"Stop there, you female gorilla!" someone called out, and Tang San stopped in his tracks, turned around, and gave the offender, at least two heads taller, an icy glare that had Tang Yin shiver in fright.

"Repeat that.", he growled. 

"Repeat what, sissy boy?" 

"How you called my sister, repeat it if you dare." the temperature dropped significantly with each of his words. 

"I said you are a sissy boy, your sister a female gorilla, and your mom a bi..."

Tang Yin moved forward and rammed her heel into the offender's chin, making him stumble backward. Then, slowly putting her foot down, she clicked her tongue and gestured for him to bring it on. She was no shrinking violet or a helpless little girl, and no one called her mother a wh*e.

Enraged by her attitude, the boy stormed forward only to run into nothing as she stepped aside, stretched out her food, and made him fall. 


His face greeted the dusty street. 

"And now, meathead?" she asked with a raised eyebrow and a cocky grin, "What now that a little girl two heads smaller kicked your ass?"

"Now I am getting serious. Taste my Soul Weapon.", he cried out, and a sickle appeared in his hands. Tang Yin couldn't help but laugh. She didn't even try to count the number of soul weapons she had to contend against when dealing with the older children. Instead of changing her stance, she relaxed her muscles and straightened her back, slowly approaching him. 

She walked confidently, her shoulder-length black Hair swaying oh so slightly in the breeze and her light blue eyes streaking with violet and silver tendrils mesmerizing her opponent. 

The boy stepped back after seeing her unwavering confidence and hearing the cracking of her fists. 

"You think you are so damn superior, no? Now let me teach you a lesson.", she said, grinning brightly. Stepping forward with blazing speed, her movements so fast they blurred, she pounded her foot into his ribs. Stepping forward, another step for the next strike aimed at his stomach. He swung his sickle, and she ducked under it, grabbing his leg and pulling with all her strength. 

He lost his balance, and she pounded her elbow into his stomach instead, leaving him as a panting, whining mess on the street. 

Then, finally, she bowed to him and whispered, "Run, sissy." 

The boy screamed and couldn't run away fast enough as she waved him goodbye, "Just so you know, better me than my brother.", she shouted after him and turned around. 

"Did I do good?" she asked, and Tang San grabbed her Hand wordlessly, dragging her along. 

"You don't need to fight my battles for me.", he pointed out.

"I know, but it's my job to be the bad girl. No reason for you to get branded the same," she answered. Soon, their little cottage came into sight, bypassing the village elders' house. Again, Yin asked herself if she would be okay one day when her brother got into all that trouble he was destined to be in and if she could still be there. Or would she die once again somewhere in a dusty alley? 

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