Tang San’s Twin Sister

Chapter 26

The massive Beast growled as Lize let out a vicious eagle shriek, and the five rings around her glowed like beacons of light.
Tang Yin looked it right into the eyes, jumping back on her feet; something faint flashed through its eyes as if it had realized something.


It howled again and jumped to its chained comrade; grabbing the chains, it threw them aside, and before anyone had time to react to its move, both the Beast and the younger wolf vanished into the dense jungle.

"Hell Wolves, lightning hell Wolves." The Grandmaster whispered, "They never move this far from the forest's core." the sheer stupor in his voice was audible.

Tang Yin looked where the wolf leader had vanished and gulped, questioning herself. Were they lucky this time, and had she imagined the flash of recognition, or had it actively decided to leave them be, to not attack?

Spirit Beasts developed, with sufficient age, the same intelligence as humans did; She could be wrong about their age. But, on the other hand, they had been just a hair's breadth away from death; she should not overthink something that may have been an illusion.

"Sis, how are you feeling?" Tang San asked next to her, and she tilted her head.

"Fine, a little beat up. Why?"

"Your hand it's still glowing, and I don't think it's a good sign," Yule said, and Tang Yin finally noticed her hand glowing brightly silver.

"Crap." she cursed and tried to move her fingers, but nothing,
"That can't be good. My hand, it's numb, and I can't move it." Then, finally, tang Yin said, sounding awkward, "Can someone help me put my blade back?" Grandmaster and Tang San shot each other worried glances.

"Sister, can I take a look?" Tang San asked, and she nodded. So he could, she had an awful feeling about this, and help was very much appreciated because her hand did not feel like it would be back in action any time soon.

He slowly removed her fingers from the hilt and took off her iron-scaled leather guards and then the black glove, taking in a sharp breath as he saw the first cracks at the elbow.

Hastily he removed the glove and frowned, touching her arm worried. Tang Yin could not see how bad it was; Tang San's head blocked her view.

"Sis." he raised his head, and Tang Yin had a full view of the extent of the damage. Pieces of her skin had broken away, and the formerly fine lines were spread like a spider net on her arm. She tried to move it, but her hand reacted incredibly slowly.
"This is bad.", she whispered, "real bad."

"Beyond bad.", the Grandmaster whispered and reached out to touch her hand.

"Don't!" she growled, "I don't like others than Tang San touching my right hand."

The Grandmaster stopped.

"Alright, I have an Idea, but if it is a gamble.", He said, and Tang San looked at him with unconcealed anguish, "how?"

"We get her a first spirit ring that pushes her power to level 20 above and immediately a second one to balance it out."

"Grandmaster, why does that sound close to suicidal?" Tang Yin asked skeptically.

"Because it is." The Grandmaster answered, "It is a theory I started working on after seeing your condition. It may ruin you, or it may turn into a blessing."

"S-so will s-she s-survive?" Ning Feng asked, glancing worriedly at Tang Yin, who shrugged her shoulders without much care.

"Right now, Ning Feng, I am alive and kicking," she smiled at her," don't know if it's gonna work, Grandmaster, let's give it a shot. The alternatives look pretty bleak."

"The alternatives are bleak." Yu Hua noticed dryly, "No need to see one of the few peasants imbued with a working intelligence die without trying.", Yu Hua growled.

"Well, whatever crazy is going in with your hand." Lize said and pointed at the sky, "Night camp is more important."

"Then, could I have some homemade watery congee for dinner because I am craving it right now, as if it was Belgian chocolate?" Tang Yin asked the others.

From her peripheral vision, she saw something light green and brilliant move, a rustle in the leaves, but as she turned towards it, there was nothing. Another Imagination.

"Everything okay?" Yule asked, and she shook her head.

"Yeah, I just thought I had seen something move, but it must have been the wind.", still the feeling of being observed did not leave her.

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