Tantric Magic: Reborn in a hentai world

Chapter 12 – Now Hiring

I stand tall, with a rugged frame from years of tax avoidance. A record recently ruined, by yesterday's events. Yes that's right this is my squalor core phase. From now on we will be saving paper napkins after  using them, No waste. Watering down our shampoo everytime it gets closer to finishing. That's right we are showering with water scented, water based water shampoo. We are going to-

Okay it's not that extreme and if it ever gets that extreme, just kill me. I am actually thinking about spending my money, on more helping hands. Particularly the kind that stops assassins or spies from sneaking in to the house and maybe reading my business ledger. Thats RIGHT i am still hung up on that, how the fuck did that bitch know the exact amount of money I had. At first I was unsure, if that was exactly 90%. But it was, that bitch knew how much I had to the single digit.

"Master that is the adventurer guild." I have been told the strongest people are either already employed or are adventurers that seek out dungeons to train in. Dungeons, as they were explained to me. Are created by an evil god that want to take over the world or something. I kinda toned out the rest of the explanation

"What was the adventurer group you told me about." I am not going there blind, there is a particular group of B ranks that have 2 of the type adventurer I am looking for. A wizard and a scout. Scout is code word for assassin or ranger class. Either are good.

"They are called the Gilded Crow. they are most famous for killing a protodrake". Killed a protodrake. Hmm, that means nothing to me. What the fuck even is a protodrake.  A drake from proto?

Me and my maid go inside the guild, the place is gigantic. Think of a small mall that still hasn't gone out of business. Many strong looking people are shuffling about. Cute receptionists man the stalls and a few adventurer relevant shops are selling their wares.

"Its not like i expects, much grander." The maid gives me a knowing smile. What is this. She never shows any emotions next to me. Is she actually opening up.

"We can ask the information desk on the position of the gilded crow." Thats right, i legally can ask about what missions they last took, where they are and such. Without the need of a warrant. The potential for abuse is something, i hope never befalls me. But i am currently loving it.

"Excuse me, i am trying to find the gilded crow group" I walk to a very cute button nose half elf girl. Before i can flash my badge, to get her to cooperate. She points the bar and tells me they are right there.

Hmm that was simpler than i thought. Me and the maid mosey on over to a group of heavily geared people laughing and clinking beer glasses. They stop laughing as i approach them.

"Can i help you." A thin man with form fitting dark clothes speaks. He must be the scout that i want. The group itself is made up of 5 people. A heavily armored Spellsword, it seems like the runes are heavily based on the fire element. A priestess wearing the traditional skimpy nun clothes. A Berserker in bikini armor, scars all over her body. A fire wizard that seems to be specialized in only fire, Unlike me a generalist that can do everything and the scout that spoke.

"Yes, you can. I am looking to hire some of you as private contractors." The mood shifts, each of them expressing a different emotion. The scout him self expressing the most negative emotions.

"We just got a big break from the dungeon, we dont need the extra coin." The gruff voice of the spellsword. Giving him an even closer look. It turns out that he is a dwarf. A rare sight so far in the sylas kingdom.

"Well if any of you are interested the initial salary is at minimum 5 gold. Any future equipment upgrade will be provided for free or with a discount." Their emotions show their indecisiveness. This offer is better than most would give, but they are skilled enough to make way more if they work hard.

They murmur to each other discussing in shushed whispers. I stand infront of them, waiting patiently as they come to verdict. After a few more heated whispers the spells sword stands up and speaks to me.

"Thank you for the offer sir, but we enjoy our freedom. As tempting the offer, we cant accept it." The emotes of the party is fear and dread. The spellsword himself has grim acceptance as his default. It seems like there is a reputation for court mages to be unreasonable, they are scared reputation. Even though they are way stronger than me, the hand of the law is heavy.

"The offer still stands, if any of you want to accept the offer. You can go to my property, until the end of the week and we will discuss it" I give the party a time limit and private one on one time to discuss the contract.

We part ways, after i finish my piece. They all fall back to heated discussion as i leave the adventurer guild. My maid stands next to me, as we make our way back to the mansion. Now that i think about it. I am a bit of a recluse, havent really explored the lands. Only know it from reports and statistical data.

I should take more walks that was a pleasant experience. Had a cute girl go in a walk with me. Did something productive. What could you not like about that. I continue going on a walk in the gardens next to the mansion. Still restless from the expectations of having a competent helper. Which of them will come i wonder.

It was after two hours playing in the garden, making leafs float and forcefully growing the withering plants. A butler came to report that there is a visitor from the adventurer party. I go to the guest room, they are waiting for me there.

"out of all, i am most happy that you accepted my offer." Sitting down in a luxurious sofa is The berserker, an amazonian woman with defined muscles. I sit down in front of her. One of the kitchen maid was about to offer drink, but i tell her to fetch the expensive wine.

"Well if ya trying to make good impression your succeeding." The maid starts pouring into our glasses. The amazonian takes the glass and downs it in one swig.  I motion for the maid to continue pouring.

"Well could you tell me about your self, why you choose to accept my offer." I try to get her to start talking, get her as comfortable as possible. Which turns out not to be difficult at all.

"Hahaa. Thats some good shit. You drink this all the time, its delicious." She takes another swig

"you can have the bottle, its my gift to you." The maid offers the bottle to her and she grabs and drinks directly from the bottle.

"Well, about your offer. After the last adventure, we were close to dying. So i thought about what to do with my life. If i wanted to continue risking my life or taking it easy. Your proposal came at the prefect time, as if the goddess her self is telling me to take it." She has her legs spread wide, arms leaning on the head rest. Shes in a completely relaxed pose, taking swigs every once in a while.

"Well thats good luck for both of us. A woman of your talents is highly sought after." I butter her up

"Oh your going to make me blush."

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