Tantric Magic: Reborn in a hentai world

Chapter 4 – Big ideas

"GO FARTHER, JUST PAST THE WALL" I am ordering some laborers to build a mana engine to run a new drill to extract ores from the earth. Over the last two years, I didn't have anything to do. So I was creating a myriad of Machines.

The majority of them are just cool one function toys and some other things that have world changing potential.

One of my favorites is the fully functional canning factory, to can food in sheet metal. It was originally just a workshop to work on metal. But I realized that there is a cheap source of soft metal that can be used to can.

It still isnt feasible to bother with exploring the concept any further, as in the price of canning is higher than the value of fresh food, The peasants care more about carnal pleasures than gourmet pleasures. So they are okay with eating bad food.

My magic education hit a Massive bottleneck. I couldn't think of any way to do anymore. The magic books I had were already obsolete. i have to go to a proper academy to go any further.

To combat my intense levels of boredom, I had to explore weird hobbies. including recreating chess. Everyone that tried to play wasn't able to come close to beating me. Some got farther than others, but everyone was still getting used to it.

I even started using it as a crude IQ test. The smartest people were old and with the highest level of tantric energy. The village hermits scored the highest by a landslide, he was the only ugly person I have ever seen in this world. He still looked good. But everyone that I saw was at minimum an 7 out of 10. With many tens if you look for them.

He wasn't one of the few men that has sex with ten women everyday, but he still manages to have sex with the occasional bored housewife. The people of the village seem to exclude him from most things, he acts more like an exile that everyone ignores.

But he has severely impressed me, ignoring the advice of my friends and family. I Decided to get my self a butler.

I used tantric magic to influence him, pulling out one of the sluts that would do anything for me. I told her to seduce him. It didn't even take 5 seconds to work.

"Work for me and many girls will be willing to serve you. But if you don't do exactly as I tell you, then don't think you'll live past the day." I told him my terms of hiring. At the end of this endeavor. I found my most loyal supporter.

He screams at people for me, giving me a Mafia boss level of respect. Threatens uncooperative people and gets stuff done for me. Generally doing any menial thing that needs to be done for me. Its unfortunate that, by the time the royal recruiter comes. I might have to leave him behind.

"master the royal chariot has arrived." A teenage girl in a maid uniform came over. I don't have a libido, but that doesn't mean that I can't appreciate beauty.

"Okay prepare my luggage." I had almost complete dominion over the people of the village. But I don't really care about that. I want to find greener pastures. My birth is valued at 2 million+ death points, if that even means anything. So i am going to do what people at the 2 mill club do.

I walk out of my villa, the servants are mostly my sisters and loyalists. I don't have a lot of money, because there doesnt seem to be alot of money in the village. But I had enough influence to get people to work for me, without paying them or atleast paying them fairly.

The chariot was just a carriage that has just a bunch of children on its back with a couple knights riding next to it on horseback.

"Are you the Darrell Ourtsman." A knight with a mustache rides towards me.

"What makes you think thats me" He looks towards the servants fussing over me.

"Yea thats me" it can't be anyone else "perfect you-"

"Stop that, he doesn't need to go through all that" A Lascivious woman walks out of the carriage. Her clothes are formal and tight fitting. You can feel your mana excite purely from her presence. she seems incredibly strong.

"My goddess, your just the most adorable thing. Hello I am miss Jaina Valtorax. A Cutie like you can call me Ji-ji"

"Miss Valtorax we must test-" "SILENCE MORTAL" Her eyes glow with a golden light, Her hair raises from her shoulders slightly and the mana surrounding her circulates.

The knight shrinks into his own armor, his horse is equally as uncomfortable. He doesn't respond and sheepishly pulls back to the carriage.

"Now where was i, Oh yes. I am the archmage of Portoa academy, I heard-"

"Before we go any further, i would like to know if you are even allowed to skip my testing." I interrupt her, because i am starting to get a bad feeling. The way this conversion is going is worrying. Makes me think that she going to pick me up and run.

"Oh my what authority. I thought that you were going to bite my hand." She pinches my cheeks and distracts me from my point. She crouches next to me, her skirt is angled open in my direction. I can see down to see the color of her underwear, but its to dark to tell.

"I heard a lot about you and it seems like the rumors are true." She pulls me further and pushes my face into her bosom

"Well lets take you to the capital there are many people that are excited to meet you. Prepare what you have and i am going to teleport us right there." she stands up and straightens her clothes.

"I am prepared, this luggage is everything." I was preparing for many years for this trip, there just isnt anything tying me to this place.

"Do you have a servant that you want to bring or something." She looks at my pile of luggage that some of my servants were moving around.

"yea, Him. Hes my butler"I point towards the hermit

"Eww, no. We're going to get you a new one in the capital." she dismisses him completely. He has a constipated look, he seems to have many negative thoughts about her.

"Oh well. Lets leave then." I am unfazed, he was useful up to this phase of my life. But he is easily replaceable and he seems a little petty to me.

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