Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan

Chapter 37: Irene Urzaiz

In the end, he won 15 billion yen.

As expected of the world, which was controlled by money, even the mafia had a lot of money.

However, with such a tremendous amount of money, it was impossible for the casino to let him get away so easily, so they invited him to the room, telling him that he could get his money there with an excuse that the amount of money was too large, so they needed time to get his money, but everyone knew what kind of game that casino was going to play.

Irene was going to rampage now since she knew if he couldn't get his money, she wouldn't get her money!

From all the money he earned, she would receive 0.5% of it.

In other words, she would get 75 million yen!

With that amount of money, it could help ease her debt!

However, her waist was hugged by him, gently like a lover. Her face was hot, and she was extremely embarrassed that she wanted to cover it with anger like a cat whose tail was stepped on, but his voice calmed her down.

"You don't need to follow me."

"Huh? Do you want to die!?"

If she didn't follow him, then he would die!

She didn't doubt this was what the mafia was going to do.

"Calm down." His eyes narrowed as he stared at the group of mafia, which led him to a certain room. "If they don't pay, then let's play it big."


"Do you want to get more money?

Like a whisper of a devil, he could easily tempt her and somehow make her agree on the spot.

When they whispered about their plan, no one could hear what they were talking about. Then when he told her everything, they parted. As he entered the room, she left and continued to gamble, but somehow, she started to criticize and ran amok before unreasonably starting the fight.

Everything happened too suddenly, and all the guests panicked.

The fight got bigger and bigger, and soon, she ran away, running into a place where they had promised to meet.

The mafia also wouldn't let her go, and all of them chased after her. Individually, they might not be able to defeat Irene, but their advantages lie in numbers.

However, it was impossible to chase after her, and she was able to run away, but when she was about to reach her destination, her steps were slowed down as she was hit by doubt.

What if he didn't come?

What if he deceived me?

What if he just used me?

Many thoughts appeared in her mind at this moment since she realized that she had just met him!

She didn't know anything about him except for his handsome appearance.

What if he just ran away after getting the money while leaving her being targeted by the mafia?

Yet, she couldn't be blamed for such a thought since her childhood was harsh.

She was born in a small country in Southern Europe, where the integrated enterprise foundation vied viciously for power, where the political situation was constantly unstable and seemed to sink a little deeper into the mud with each passing day.

She was living in a town that was like an abandoned ruin.

In an age of extreme centralization, when the population was concentrated in the metropolises, people who lived in towns like hers were almost invariably poor.

Under the rule of the integrated enterprise foundations, the system necessitated trapping a certain number of people in poverty. The predicament of the family wasn't uncommon.

A Genestellar child born to such a family was considered a blessing. Although the discrimination against Genestellar was even more pronounced farther from the cities, for the poor, they were a source of money. The best outcome was to be scouted by and perform well for one of the Asterisk schools. But whether working for a private military company, police force, or in the worst case, a crime syndicate, Genestellar was always in demand.

She knew that her parents had high expectations of her, and she didn't mind it since this was the only way for her to change her fate since she wanted her sister to have a better life. However, everything changed when everyone found out about how her sister, Priscilla, was a rare regenerative.

Her sister was Strega, which was a rare existence among the Genestellar, but her healing ability made her an even rarer existence, causing her parents to sell her to the Allekant Academy under the name of "special commitment scholarship," but Irene knew what this academy was going to do to her sister and without a doubt, by then, it would be impossible for her to meet her sister anymore.

Knowing all of this, she made up her decision, and she ran away with her sister since the only person in this world she had affection for was her sister alone.

By then, many things happened, and she sold her service, becoming a hound for a certain someone, following his every order as a fighter like a dog. This was why she needed a lot of money, and it was also why she had a hard time trusting someone, so...

"Hey, you are late! We're going to get caught!"


She was in a daze as she saw his figure.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt or something? Didn't you tell me that you are the third rank? Why are you so weak?"


She was furious, but she couldn't help but laugh in relief since he was there.

He only glanced at her, thinking this girl was a lunatic. "Where are we going?"

Then, her eyes stared at the several massive bags which he carelessly lay on the ground.

"Help me to carry them."

"Leave it to me!" She was full of spirit. "Also, come to my apartment! Let's hide there."

He agreed and followed her.

The two ran next to each other with a lot of money in their hands.


"Excuse me."

He entered her apartment politely. He thought her place would be dirty and messy, but that wasn't the case. Even though her apartment wasn't luxurious, it was clean, neat, and stylish in the residential district.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He felt Irene staring at her.

"No, I didn't expect that you could be polite." Irene shook her head.

"Oh, shut up."

She laughed and then led him inside. "Come in! Come in!"

After locking the door, they entered the living room, then without hesitation, she threw all the money out inside the massive bag in the room.


She was stunned before jumping into the pool of money as she laughed.

"Hey, be careful. You will damage the money."

Hearing those words, she quickly got up, afraid to damage the money, and asked, "How much are they?"

"Unfortunately, there are only three billion yen inside the casino." He let out a helpless sigh.

"Bah! How poor!" She spat and mocked the casino as dirt poor.

He didn't say anything and just sat on her sofa lazily while observing her room.

After feeling satisfied to mock the casino, thinking they were too poor, she took out all the alcohol from her cabin, then sat on his side carelessly.


Did she not notice that he was a man?

More importantly, he knew that she could trigger his system, which made him enter the casino to play. After all, if she didn't enter the casino, why should he go there? The amount of money in the casino was too small to make him interested, and it was dirty money, which was impossible to be used as soon as possible unless he did money laundering.

"Anyway, let's have a party first! Let's drink! Drink!"

She got a lot of money, so her mood was extremely happy. Even if it was only three billion yen, she could still get 15 million yen.

He didn't reject it, and the two drank together as they talked.

Somehow, their conversation led to when she talked to him about her past, why she needed a lot of money, and why she had a lot of debt.

He also comforted her, telling her that everything was to be okay.

During the time when the woman talked about her troubles, they didn't need a solution from their listener. All they needed was companionship and comfort. Everything was alright, even if he didn't say anything and just listened to her since this was what she needed. Moreover, this type of trouble wasn't something that he, a stranger, should get involved in.

Was she going to feel happy if he paid all of her debt? She would probably think that he was easy to use and making someone fall in love with money was kind of weird. Moreover, their relationship would become impure because money was involved. He knew that he was being troublesome, but so what?

Irene wasn't a prostitute, and she was a strong woman, but even so, she needed someone by her side since it was impossible for her to stay strong all the time.

As for their previous money, it was earned by the two of them, so the concept was different.

Yet, because of this, she had given him trust and by now, it was easy for him to enter her heart.

"Everything is going to be alright."


"You are strong, after all. I am sure that you can lead a happy life with your sister."

"Thanks." She grinned as she showed off her two fanged teeth, which was kind of cute.

He patted her shoulder, and she leaned on his shoulder as she talked, but then, somehow, everything led into an ambiguous atmosphere. They stared into each other before he tried to close the distance between them.

She was stunned by his action, and her emotions were far from calm, causing her reddened face to become even redder, but her heart was beating so fast, and she anticipated it.

By moving slowly, he gave her a chance, and she could reject him by moving her head away, but she didn't, so he didn't hesitate.

The two kissed each other's lips and led the night together.

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