Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 611

Episode 229 Guide Girl 4 – Tower of Duels

“Oh, fufufu, I can’t believe my younger brothers are here to protect me.In that case, shall I pull it in now? ”

When he stood up, Valentina turned to the horse-driver.

“Horse-driver, can I ask you a favor?”

“What are you going to do?”

Valentina smiles happily at the horse-driven eyebrows.

“A little finishing.”

Tell her to sing and Valentina returns her heel.

“I won’t let you escape! Let’s go, Abel!”

We can’t let her escape here.Meer runs after Valentina.


Abel looked at his brother with hesitation.Gain said with an ironic smile when he noticed such a gaze.

Abel, stop your sister.

“Niisama, but….”

“With that arm, Gimmimafias’ blow will fly the sword.That’s it. And…. ”

Gain looked at Gimmimafias with his sword in his hand.

“Whether it is the second prince or the royal order, the royal order is more important, but whether it is the first prince or the royal order, which is heavier among you?”


Gain smiles at Gimmimafias, who returns silence.

“Well, at best, I’ll have my teacher do my homework.So go. Make sure you catch him alive and come back.I was exposed to this kind of indifference.If you don’t mock me enough, I won’t feel better. ”

“Niisama… I see. Now, be careful.”

So Abel ran off with Meer.

“Don’t let him go.”

I tried to stop the fire horse driver in front of those two….

“Whoa, you’re underestimated.Pride will be hurt if he thinks he’s the strongest of the Empire. ”

From the side, Dion slashes.


“Niisama! Please put down your sword!”

When did Huima come, she shouted in grief.

“That Dion Aria is your target.It’s that Dion Aria!!They’ll kill you! ”

“No, the princess ordered me not to kill her…”

After a bitter smile, Dion saw the horse driving.

“If it’s not right now, I don’t think there’s a single win, but do you still want to do it?Apparently, your sister has also become a friend of my princess’s, so it would be easier for me if you could hold my sword before I get hurt…. ”

“It’s impossible. I will kill you, I will kill the swordsman of Remno, I will kill Gain Remno, and I will go to the witch princess.Nothing should change what I do. ”

Dear God, he shook his head and Dion shrugged his shoulders.

“Above all else. Then I will kill you in full.”

Behind the sound of the fierce battle, Meer and the others headed towards the tower that stood before them.

“Hmm… maybe there’s a trap. Carefully…..”

“Meer, um… where is she?”

Asked reluctantly, Meer’s feet stopped.

“Yes… I’ve said goodbye.”

Without looking back at Abel, Meer said indifferently.

“I see…..”

Answering that with a firm voice, Abel exhaled deeply…

“Ah, to put it this way… you also had an arrow wound on your shoulder.”

Meer looks at Abel’s arm.And the arrow was folded from the middle, and there was a cloth wrapped around it.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.Is that okay? ”

It was Meer who tried to reach out, but the hand stopped.

I heard Abel’s sad voice…

“… I will avenge you.I’m sorry to bother you, but Valentina’s sister is in my hands….. ”

Well, that’s no good.

So for the first time, Meer saw Abel’s face.I’ll tell Abel in a firm tone with a crying face.

Valentina, your sister-in-law must be brought back.

“Meer, but….”

“We must bring him back alive.There’s a reason for that. ”

Meer said.

Rarely, now… now, only now, Meer knew what she had to do.

That’s what Belle showed me.

“I want you to promise me, Abel.I will bring Valentina back alive. ”

Abel nodded quietly after eating his teeth.

So they reached the top of the tower.

“I’ve cornered you. Valentina, sister-in-law.”

Under the blue sky, Valentina stood quietly.She kept her body on the wall and looked miserable, but as soon as she noticed Meer and the others, she corrected her posture.

“Oh, finally. I can’t wait.”

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting.Once again, it’s Mea Luna Tier Moon. ”

After gently lifting the hem of the skirt, Mea quietly stares at Valentina.

“This is very polite. Empire wisdom.I am Valentina Remno, the first princess of the Kingdom of Remno and sister of Abel there. ”

Valentina laughed brightly at the princess of the leaning country.

Though his body was stained with blood, the beauty of rejection stood out.

“Sister Valentina… Why? Why would you do something like this?”

You couldn’t keep your mouth shut… Abel said.Valentina shrugged her shoulders to ask the bloodthirsty question.

“I wonder if it was triggered by my father’s close proximity?Little by little, I was in the process of reforming the Kingdom of Lemno, so it was quite a shock. ”

That’s how she smiles like trouble.

“The Kingdom of Lemno is wrong. People should be valued for who they are, not who they were born into!I was thinking.It seems paradoxical, but as a person born into the royal family, I had such a bluish conviction that I should be reformed into a form of state management based on abilities, regardless of gender differences or identity differences, but… it was splendidly broken. ”

“That’s why….”

He waved his protesting Abel’s voice.

“Oh, that’s okay.Abel, I agree. That’s why it’s strange to do this.Wrong. Yeah, I think so.I totally agree. So, my frustration was just the trigger, I guess. ”

Then Valentina wandered her hands on her clothes to explore something….

“Ah, I gave the scripture to Mr. Smokewolf.Well, that’s good. ”

Valentina talks in a relaxed tone that feels like a lecture.

“My personal circumstances are trivial after all.I didn’t feel like I was defeated without my fathers pushing me into irrationality.No matter how hard I worked, even if I transformed the Kingdom of Lemno and created an ideal state, I faced the reality that it would be swallowed by a serpent of chaos in less than a hundred years. ”

In the heat, Valentina said.

“The temptation of snakes is powerful.The defeated are approaching.I realized its power and read the book of things crawling through the earth…The ancient witch princess taught me the repeated history of the continent… it’s kind of ridiculous that I’ve worked so hard.No matter how hard you try, people can never escape the curse of snakes because of their nature.Anyway, if you’re just swallowed by the history of snakes… there’s no point in defying them.Instead, I decided to leave it to the flow. ”

The rap sounded like a con artist, and Valentina’s voice echoed.

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