Teen Wolf: Night Shift Hunter

Lesson Taught and Leaving #4

A week later after their leader was snatched up by the boy, the leader finally came out but when they saw their leader disheveled hair and euphoric expression they glanced at the boy beside her and pointed their spears at him.

The leader seeing this yelled at her female warriors "NO!" she was angry that they pointed their spears at her master, she ought to teach them all a lesson.

Her master had taught her well after using her body as a toy.

The women seeing their leader angry and screaming at them made them flinched, they wondered how their leader changed so much in just one week, they heard everything going on on the other side of the dungeon, they could hear their leader's screams and shrills of pain and pleasure, mostly pleasure in the last days. Something they've never heard before, certainly not from their leader.

They were curious as to what the young wolf had done to their leader but that was something they might regret later.

One year later, Lucien sat on the dessert with his eyes closed enjoying the sun.

"It's been a year, huh, I wonder what my little sis is doing. Probably sleeping on my bed" he chuckled.


Allison who was sleeping on her brother's bed sneezed.

"Luci must be talking about me!" she pouted then a tear ran down her cheek "I miss you, Luci" she said sadly hugging a pillow that still had her brothers smell.

Lucien just laid on the dessert and drank a cold Cola.

"What happens now?" asked the leader of the Skin Walkers.

Lucien has learnt everything they had to offer him and now he wanted to go out and explore the world with his new powers. He didn't want to help people since he isn't a hero, but most of all, he wanted to hunt, hunt for vicious creatures out there, saving people would just be the bonus.

The women in this Skin Walker group became friendly with Lucien, too friendly in fact but Lucien wasn't bothered waking up with naked women rubbing his feet or shoulders.

He enjoyed it actually.

"I will leave" he glanced at the disappointed look on the leader.

Lucien thought for a moment and said "If you can wait, I'll come back in a few years and give you what you want... a child"

The leader widened her eyes, this has been her goal since the beginning but Lucien would not do her despite her approaches and her pack approaches as well.

He ignored them, saying that he was too young and wanted to live without worrying about a baby at such a young age.

"Of course!" said the leader overly excited.

Her name is Sussanah, her skin honey colored just like her taste, beautiful, long dark hair, curvy figure. He named her, Lucien enjoyed teaching this woman the pleasures of teasing her every hole.

(I mean, we didn't get names for these women in Teen Wolf so I just added Susannah from Ridiculous 6  as the leader)

Susannah sat on the young man's lap and twerked her butt a little, arousing Lucien who just laughed and gave her a slap on her ass, she moaned and kissed Lucien wantonly on his lips. She wanted it so bad but she will have to wait.

She didn't know a man bigger than Lucien. She had a long fat snake down there that she loved to calmed down every night and every time she could for the past year, she relished in making this man feel pleasure before going to sleep, but that was only servicing him on oral, there was no dicking for her or any of her pack members sadly.

"I will miss you" she said on his ears.

Lucien bit her earlobe making her shudder "I know" he spanked her tight ass and stood up.

Susannah looked at Lucien longingly "When you come back, my womb will be at its peak from waiting for you so you better be ready for a whole week full of fuck" she dared say in a vulgar tone, something she learned from Lucien.

Lucien widened his eyes "a whole week?" he asked nervous.

Savannah laughed "If not then I guess my man is not strong enough" she knew Lucien could do it, even now as a kid of only 11 years old, he can stay awake for 5 full days servicing her pack and her before going to sleep, besides there was no other kid, no, there was no other man for her than Lucien.


Her pack came to say their goodbyes in their own ways before Lucien left on a bike he stole from a poor guy who died 'not really stealing if he's dead though' after trying to pass by their mountains smuggling drugs.

Lucien had seen him fall on his bike, he could have helped but ever since he turned his personality changed, he only feels for those closest to him. Susannah for example and since she cared for her pack then he also cared for them, but that poor mob who basically left his face on the ground, Lucien didn't feel anything for him.

He might have felt more for that dirt bike than the actual guy, besides, that guy was a drug smuggler so in his book it was okay if he died and if he hadn't died he would have had a nice hunt but luckily for the guy, he died a merciful death.

After going 50 mph on the dessert on his new dirt bike, it was possible for him to go that fast on the dessert since he was leveling the path with his new earth powers so he ran smoothly, suddenly, he felt someone behind him, he turned to glance over his shoulder as he saw a coyote running behind him.

Lucien smirked as he felt the human woman inside that animal. 'Well well, could she be my first prey?' he wondered as he stopped and got off his bike.


The coyote growled at him with her red eyes 'oh, an alpha' mused Lucien.

Lucien crouched down in front of the Coyote and patted her head. The coyote tried to bite his wrist but Lucien was faster and slapped her a few meters away.

The coyote whimpered and lowered her glance but still looked at him with hate, surprise, submission and interest.

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