Teen Wolf: Night Shift Hunter

School of Beacon Hills #17

Somewhere in a dark place-

"So it is done?" asked a man

There was a round table, three women and five men were in the dark room, their full faces could not be seen due to the darkness, only their noses and lips.

They had just received news that the Black Dog known as Van Hellsing was killed successfully, they didn't bother to investigate since the plane was above the water so any evidence of his body could be deep under the sea, but so were the hunters they sent, they were supposed to be picked up and then killed but it seems as Black Dog hadn't gone out without a fight and killed everyone.

"The pilot seemed to have survived the explosion but his parachute malfunction and so his body was found floating, his bones were broke into pieces and his chest opened up when it made contact with the water... he is dead"

All of them sighed in relief except for two women and one man, one of the women kept a stoic expression, while the other one did not react but their lips were quivering a little.

The man did not react but his lips went from serious to unhappy. He then spoke "Hmm since we do not have evidence, we will considered him still alive until we checked the whole sea and then the nearest islands, no one will rest until we find his corpse or not find at all, only then I will consider him gone for good"

He smashed his hand at the table "That bastard kidnapped my daughter for a whole month and made my daughter a new person, she won't speak to me and only ask for him!" he snapped

The room fell silent


"I just want him dead" he finished.

"We are having people around to investigate as we speak, so far nothing has been found so we can consider him gone for good" said another of the men.

"How come the pilot's body was the only found?" asked one of the women.

"His parachute was ripped, possible ripped by scraps and his back up didn't work so he fell to certain death, we found him because the parachute was still attached to his backpack and allowed him to not be sank into the deep"

They all nodded "and the black box?" asked one of the man.

"The black box in on the bottom of the sea, we sent people to retrieve it but there is only a certain depth we can go before the pressure of the water becomes unbearable, it is safe to safe that the box if not sank than it's been destroyed by the pressure... also, one of our divers said he witnessed a long snake swimming deep under water though I'm sure he was seeing things"

There was silence again indicating that there was no more questions about this matter.

"Now, let's discuss that guy who came up with the air engine, let's kill him and erase his existence and those around him. He is bad for our business in oil"

Lucien drove to Beacon Hills High School when he received a message, he had bought a new phone since he couldn't keep his old one anymore. it was a picture of Jocelyn naked and blowing him a kiss "All for you, handsome!"

Lucien laughed and put his phone away, he will answer later. He visited her as to not make her worry though she knows he is a werewolf he might have forgotten to mention the Hunter stuff.

He parked his car besides a Porsche who was taking two spots.

Lucien opened the door and hit the Porsche's door "Oops"

He glanced at his door, it looked intact but the Porsche had a big scratch, he shrugged and walked to the building, he was already late, but outside he saw someone he yearned to see for a long time.

"Hey there, you okay?" he asked seeing her rummaging through her bag.

"Great! first day at school and I don't even have a pe-" she whined and answered but upon seeing the young man in front of her she widened her eyes.

She stood up abruptly "Y-you!... d-do I know you?" she asked nervously.

It wasn't a wonder she couldn't remember him, despite sending her letters regularly, Lucien saw she was wearing the necklace he gave her as birthday gift and promise.

"You've forgotten about me dear sister?" he mused seeing her gasp for air and then jump on him excitedly.

"Hyaaaaaaa, LUCI!" She screamed and hugged him like a koala, she started crying on his shoulder.


"W-why d-did you leave me?" she asked in between sobs.

Lucien sighed and was about to explain when a middle age man approached them.

"*Cough* You must be Allison and you must be Lucien, right? if you could follow me to the office, I will give you your schedules and take you to your first class" said the man and turned around to enter the school

Lucien nodded putting down Allison, he smiled at her and wiped her tears away "I love you, no matter what happens I will always love you, Alli. So let's go inside and we'll talk later, okay?"

"Okay!" Allison was happy to hear that and his touches feels so good that she leaned in on them to feel then more.

Lucien chuckled seeing his sister so affectionate, grabbed her hand and pulled her into the school.

After given them the schedule, both were in the same classroom and same classes and so once they were in front of the other students.

Guys looked at Allison who was holding Lucien's hand tightly not caring about what people say, she didn't want him to disappear again.

Girls looked at Lucien with flirty looks which made Allison hold his hand tighter.

"Class, this is Allison and Lucien. I hope you guys are nice to them if you have questions do it after class" said the teacher uninterested in both brother and sister, though he glance at the brother, he could feel the young man had something but he couldn't put his finger on it so he let it be for now.

Allison smiled at the class and pulled Lucien to two empty seats, ignoring the guy who was patting the vacant seat behind him.

They both sat down and Lucien could feel a pair of eyes on him, he looked at the side and saw a Hispanic looking guy with an uneven jawline glaring at him with hate and jealousy.

'Great a newly turned werewolf' thought Lucien before grinning 'this ought to be interesting'

(A/n: If you like add to library and leave a review please and thank you)

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