Temple Guardian (Haremlit Fantasy Adventure)

2-58: Best Laid Plans

<<You bloodied the temple. You killed a guardian. You go too far once again. You are leaving a trail>>

The man looked down at the mess he’d made, and it was a mess indeed. The guardian he had fought had been unable to break free from his spell’s hold. Perhaps he had been a novice, green. The man recalled his battle in the mines all these long months ago and his fists clenched. That guardian too had been young, as had his companion. But somehow they defeated him.

But not this time. He had a part to play, that meddling fool.

<<Are you listening, servant!?>>

“Yes lord, you are right. I will be more careful in the next city.”

<<You had best be. Remember our plan. We want you to get the boy, but if you attract the attention of too many… I cannot protect you. Our power is not yet that great, not until the final ritual is completed>>

The man bowed. “My lord, I will not fail you.”

But even in his deference his mind raced, his thoughts elsewhere. He cared for only one thing.



We made pleasant small talk as Kira got a chance to dig into the food that was arrayed across the table. Hana made a valiant effort to teach her to use a knife and fork. When that failed Hana tried to teach her to use chopsticks. Ultimately the pink-haired girl gave up and let her use her hands to eat the medley in front of her. Kira’s new maid outfit was already sporting cranberry sauce, polka dots and a variety of other stains that could not be so easily identified. Her lips and cheeks were covered in food as she chewed happily, purring. I shook my head.

At least she’s clearly enjoying herself.

As Kira continued to devour plate after plate, conversation around the table turned to small talk. Miku told us about her new promotion at her job and the stresses of management. It made me empathize with how distant she had been lately. The Miku I’d met when I first came to Kitayashi was no more, this new and improved police chief Miku had a lot on her plate. Truly I was proud of her, even though it was hard on me to see so much less of her.

Hana spoke too about her new responsibilities at work. She too, had changed a lot. From the wild manga reading goth-girl who happened to own a store to a fully fledged business woman with a constantly burgeoning clientele. She was constantly exceeding everyone's preconceptions of her. I smiled as I watched her talk. Currently she was explaining the logistics of food transport and the price margins of various canned goods while Miku nodded along. I personally had no freaking idea what any of it meant, but I was just proud. Both of them were capable professional young women and I put aside my jealousy and missing them for a moment and just allowed myself to feel to appreciate all their accomplishments.

After a lull in the conversation, the only sound being Kira happily slurping and munching away, I decided it was time to once again broach the subject of the plan. As much as I was enjoying us having our reunion, we had something important to do and there was no getting around it.

They have all done their responsibilities well. And I’ve failed mine… but I will get her back. I will solve this.

“I know we are of two minds here. Hana you think we should go right away, Miku you think we should wait, go through other avenues. I am more on Hana’s side… I just can’t sit here and do nothing. But maybe we can give it a day, you can put out a notice, Miku, and Hana maybe we can get some rest, try to come up with a plan. What do you think?”

“Sounds good,” Hana replied quickly

Mik, however, had a strange look on her face. And didn’t answer.

“Miku?” I asked.

“I um… I guess I need to tell you something.” She didn’t meet my eyes, looking instead at the tablecloth. “I did ask around already. They saw a man matching the summoner's description. The one we fought last year in the mines. He took a train out two nights ago, and they caught him on CCTV. He was wearing a large jacket with a hood, his face was obscured. But I saw the videos. It was him.”

She paused and I saw her face scrunch up in anger, anxiety. She took a deep breath and continued:

“They wouldn’t have noticed but he was apparently acting suspicious, as though he had never ridden a train before. He frightened several people who tried to sit near him by growling and only stopped when an attendant warned him he would be kicked off. Gave them all quite a fright.”

Him. It was him.

“Where was he headed?” I asked. My mind was already racing.

Miku shook her head at my question and finally raised her eyes. I could see that they were full of worry.

“They know his ticket’s destination was two towns over in Okaino… but he could have gone to many places by now. This is why I didn’t want to tell you right away Ryo, I knew you’d want to run off immediately! It's dangerous!

I was angry, furious actually. Several hours had passed. We could have been on the train far earlier. And Miku had prevented that. The logical part of my mind knew this was out of care for me, but the emotional side was taking over.

This is Fenra we are talking about! How can we just wait? We need to go! Now!

I felt a soft touch on the bare skin of my forearm. It was Hana. I felt the wave of anger subside a little.

“Ryo… it's okay. We can go in the morning. I will come too. We will get her back. But Hana is right, we need to be cautious. He is powerful. You barely survived your last fight with him. And she is also right that he could be just about anywhere by now.”

I heard the words and yet it was so hard to accept. I grit my teeth:

“Miku, you should have told me,” I said finally, meeting her gaze with my own.

MIku nodded.

“You just… I’m scared too Ryo, I don’t know how to let you go.”

“You… aren’t coming?”

She shook her head. “I have to stay here. Run the department. I was hoping… to convince you to stay a while as well. I thought maybe we could run the investigation from here and get some more leads.” She paused, wringing out her hands. “But if this is your choice, not to wait, knowing all we know from Kira. I understand. I know how much Fenra means to you. To all of us. So I think you should go. And from here I will help you all I can.”

“DONE!” Kira said, holding her plate aloft, breaking the tension and interrupting our discussion. I heard Hana chuckle and even Miku cracked a smile. I turned to see her, she was an absolute mess. Hana burst out laughing.

“Ok, let's get you cleaned up by the sink Kira. Does that sound good?” Hana offered.

The cat girl nodded, still licking her lips.


I was alone with Miku once again as Hana cleaned up Kira behind us. She told me it might be best if she left early and so I offered to walk her to her car. There was a tense silence between us as we strode the temple grounds. I searched for something to say and failed. Miku sighed and looked up at the stars as we walked. I admired her slender elegant figure as we walked. It was a bright quiet night in Kitayashi but it felt forlorn. There was a lot unsaid between us, I knew that.

We stopped at her car, the boxy old thing that had picked me up on my very first day in the town. When she’d honked at me in the middle of the road, me lugging my suitcases through the dust, I’d thought she might be some scary countryside hillbilly. Instead, a beautiful girl in a summer dress. And then my whole world changed. It was my turn to sigh.

When I finally turned to face Miku she too was looking back at me, her jet black silk hair looked radiant, her eyes were bright, shining in the light of the moon. She was gorgeous. I wondered if she truly knew that.

“You will have your cell phone with you right? When you go? Hana made sure you got national service?” She asked.

I nodded and pulled it out of my pocket and Miku smiled. It was a clunky old thing, one of the first generations of smartphones, but it did its job.

“I kind of miss how we used to have to use that radio for communication between the city and the temple before you got it. It was… fun.” She blushed a little. I wonder if fun was the word she had wanted to use.

“Yes it was fun. I guess you won't be so far away… eh? Just a phone call.” I smiled a little, trying to put a positive spin on the distance that would soon materialize between us.

Miku nodded, trying not to tear up again. “Ryo I’m sorry, for the way this has all turned out. But know that every spare moment I will be looking into this case. Working on a way to help you.”

She reached into her pocket and pulled something out.

“This, this is an old family heirloom. It can be used to detect spiritual power but also to focus it, direct it. Meditate on it, for it is a complex tool that I cannot explain to you in such a short time. But I want you to have it, it is no use to me anymore. It will, I hope, keep you safe. Give you an edge against him. But… Please don’t try to fight him. Especially not alone.If you see him contact me, I will try to send for help.”

I nodded, but truthfully I wondered if that were possible. I pocketed the orb after inspecting it.

“Thankyou, Miku… this is an incredible-”

Before I could even finish the sentence she had wrapped her arms around me. I felt her wet tears on my cheek and I held her thin body tight against my own.

“I missed you. I will miss you,” She breathed into my ear.

And just like that all the tension faded, all the anger and upset, between us both. I felt the walls come down and all the pent up energy we had for each other come to the fore. I do not know who made a move first, Miku or me, but I found her soft lips upon mine. At first tender, gentle, then hungry and passionate. I pressed her against the door of the car and felt her thin body pressing back into my own as we kissed passionately, my fingers in her hair, her hands on my back.

When we parted from the kiss we were both panting.

“Well, officer, I didn’t expect that…” I said with a smirk. “It’s been a while.”

Miku was blushing but she gave me a defiant smile back: “It’s chief to you now. And I think you should get in the back of the car, suspect. I want to do a little interrogation.” Her slender fingers moved down my back and gave my ass a playful squeeze.

I jumped a little and she giggled.

“As you command, chief.”

I got in the back and Miku followed, closing the door behind us and pushing me down onto the pleather seats.

Miku straddled me as I lay on my back looking up at her surprisingly sexy uniformed body. The top of it was a light blue button down with a badge pinned on her chest. I was not looking at the badge, I was looking at the way the buttons suddenly seemed ready to pop right off, the way her busty chest stretched out the shirt… the slightly visible outline of a bra inside. Miku was always in great shape, and even in an outfit like this she cut a striking figure. Below her waist she were a tight blue skirt. She smirked a little as she saw me eyeing her.

“You are lucky Ryo, when I pin a guy down wearing this,” She tapped her badge then continued, “I’m usually arresting him.”

I raised my eyebrows. It wasn’t like Miku to be this foreword nor lustful… I liked this side of her. Not just the jokes… but what she was doing. Taking control. I couldn’t resist adding on:

“Well, we could still use handcuffs if you want.”

There was a pause. I wondered if old conservative Miku might come back but she only giggled. I imagined handcuffing her to the seat headrest… spreading her legs… I was getting hard already. Miku must have felt it, close as she was, only her skirt and the thin material of my pants separating us. She ground into me a little and gave a soft sight. My erection grew and I breathed out. I wanted her. Bad.

Miku reached behind her and pulled out a pair of handcuffs, on queue. My eyes widened. So she was into this!? Really? Miku leaned down, pressing her chest against my face. I smelled her perfume, and felt the soft swell of her breasts. I was intoxicated by her.

She kissed my neck and a shiver ran down my spine, then my jaw, then my ear. Her tongue flicked over my earlobe and sucked. My body responded by spasming in involuntary pleasure and movement. I heard her giggle once more then she whispered in my ear: “Hands up above your head, Ryo”

I complied. Before I knew it I heard:

Click, click, shrrrrrrk

What the hell? It took me a moment to realize what Miku had done. She’d cuffed me, my hands above my head! A peal of laughter erupted from above me as she raised her body up once more and looked down on me. I was now totally prone and unable to use my hands.

“Aw Ryo, did you think you were going to get to use the handcuffs on me?”

I nodded dumbly and she smiled, shaking her head, her silken hair moving from side to side.

“No Ryo, this time I’m in full control. Watch and obey. That’s an order!”

“Ye’s ma’am.” She didn’t need to tell me twice. I lay there, staring up at her as the elegant raven haired beauty began to strip for me. I saw a blush return to her cheeks. She unbuttoned her top slowly, exposing her pale white skin to me in the moonlight that filtered into the car. Every inch of it turned me on even more. Finally when she was down she pulled it off completely, tossing it to the front-seat. She covered her chest at first, then revealed it to me, flicking her eyes at mine, trying to gauge a reaction.

My jaw had dropped. How could it not? She looked absolutely stunning in a black lace bra. Her perfect pear shaped breasts barely contained within it. The mesh sides were completely see through. Her taut thin timmy was also bare. I wanted to run my hands up her sides and tear that bra right off.

Had she known what would happen today to dress like this underneath her uniform? Or is she always sexy under there… I don’t think I want to know. I’ll never focus on what an officer tells me again if I think that’s what they are hiding.

Next, blushing an even deeper shade of crimson she reached up and grasped the top of each strap, twisting them between nimble fingers. “Do you want… to see more?” She asked, the authoritative tone replaced for a moment with a bashful one.

“I…really… really do. You look stunning,” I said breathlessly.

Miku smiled showing dazzling white teeth, I could tell she genuinely appreciated it. It occurred to me that in her day job as a tough officer it was unlikely she ever felt like a woman, beautiful and radiant. And she deserved to know just how gorgeous she was.

Miku pulled off her black lace bra and her pert breasts bounced free. I longed to touch the tiny round nipples, take them in my fingers, my mouth, but as it was I was bound and pinned. I merely imagined… desire filling me to a bursting point. She didn’t keep me waiting for long. Miku’s ever moving hands gripped my belt, practically tearing it off then shoved my pants down around my ankles, pulling my boxers along with them and letting my cock spring free. She was suddenly quick, hungry and frantic in her movements, no longer slow and seductive… I saw that desire was now taking over her too.

She wants me. Just as bad as I want her.

Her small white hands found my waiting cock and began to pump me up and down as she looked into my eyes.

“Good?” She asked.

“F-u-ck-ing amazing…” I replied. And it was. Somehow she knew my body so well, her hands gripping and twisting and stroking all at the right speed… gentle when it needed to be gentle…firm when it needed to be firm. She sped up her strokes and I felt my body lifting off the back of the car with each upwards motion, I was already getting close!

Then abruptly she stopped and leaned over, her black hair cascading over my chest like a wall as she lowered her mouth to my waiting cock. She opened wide and I felt but could not see her soft parted lips, her pink tongue as she took me up and down. I heard the slobbering sucking sounds as she blew me and I lost myself in the sensations.

But as abruptly and suddenly as she’d dove down on me, Miku brushed back her hair and let go of me with a plop. I looked down at myself, a mess, coated in saliva. Miku had a long strand of precum dangling from her lips. When she noticed it she wrapped it around a finger then licked it up.

God that's hot.

She winked

“Are you ready, Ryo-san?” She asked mischievously.

I think so? 

Yes,” I replied hesitantly, unsure of what I was agreeing to.

“Yes, chief, you mean?” She said, her confidence returning.

I nodded, “Yes chief.”

To complete the illusion, Miku, giggling, reached over to the back seat cover and pulled out her police officer’s hat and put it on, tucking her hair into it.

“Good boy, now the chief is going to teach you a lesson for giving her a hard time today! Think you can handle that?”

I nodded, but then realized she wasn’t really asking. She was going to do whatever she wanted. And honestly I certainly wasn’t going to argue with that. Whatever lesson she wanted to teach me, I would accept it. Multiple lessons… even.

Miku got up on her knees and reached under her skirt. Somehow she managed to slide off her panties while keeping the tight blue material still wrapped around her tight waist and firm behind.

“God you are sexy-”

She interrupted my words by stuffing my mouth with the panties in question. If it were anyone else, I would have been mortified… but delicate and sensual Miku…

“Quiet, Ryo. This is about your chief. You are going to get her off. And you are going to give her a good goodbye. That’s an order.”

I nodded, only a muffled grunt coming out of my panty filled mouth. I think she still got it that I agreed.

I felt her hand grip my cock, still slick with drool and precum, and watched her lips part, her eyelids flutter as she eased onto me. She was tight but wet, I could not see beneath her skirt, I could only feel her warm wet pussy lips part as she slid slowly down the length of me, her walls gripping me tightly as she did so. Her whole body seemed to shudder as she finally slid down the length of me. She rested her hands on my chest and arched her back, trembling.

“Oh god… you are so deep Ryo-chan.” She breathed.

As she spoke her walls clenched me once more, sending waves of pleasure through me. I groaned, inhaling the surprisingly delicate fragrant scent of her.

Miku began to rock back and forth upon me, slowly at first, then faster and faster, her hips bucking, her breasts bouncing up and down.The cap fell off her head and onto the floor, her hair spilled out, looking wild as it whipped across her pale body.

“Unh… unh… UNH!” Miku moaned, her voice raising as her movements sped up and her body began to quiver. She was close, already. I felt her wetness pooling around my thighs. Miku reached down and tore the panties out of my mouth, her eyes wild as she leaned down, smooshing her bare breasts against my chest, running her fingers through my hair as she fucked me, humped me, ground against me, her body milking me as she struggled to take every inch of me in and out… over and over. She began fiendishly devouring me from above as well as below. She kissed me, her tongue exploring me as she moaned. I felt her tongue invade my mouth, exploring me, opening me, teasing me.

When the kiss ended she pressed her forehead to mine, sweat dripping down her neck and onto her breasts as her lower half was still writhing on my cock.

“H-how… how does it feel? How does Ryo-chan feel?”

“Fuck it feels so good Mi- I mean… chief…”

“D-do you want to cum?” She asked breathily, “To come inside my pussy? How long have you waited, Ryo-chan? Waited for police chief Miku to take off her clothes and fuck you?”

Well I hadn’t imagined her fucking me, more the other way around… but I liked this just as much… actually more.

“I want to cum… I want it badly chief.”

“Then do it!” It was an order. She raised her body up, reached down and got a pair of silver keys. She unlocked my hands in one fluid motion. Then my sexy commanding officer slid off of me and bent over the center console of the car, presenting her slim white legs and firm ass to me, clothed only in a ruffled blue skirt. I got up and positioned myself behind her, making eye contact with her dark flashing eyes in the rearview, her moist lips were parted and she was panting, her cheeks flushed with desire.

“Do it,” she said. “Fuck me.”

I flipped up her skirt fully, exposing her ass. It was not large but it was perfectly round and firm, no doubt kept in perfect shape from the demands of her job. I gave it a playful slap and she let out another moan, arching her back further and giving me more access. I spread her cheeks apart and slid into her waiting pussy and she convulsed around me.

“M-m-more… please!”

“As you command, chief…” I said with a smile, but knowing that I was in charge now. I grabbed her slim sides for purchase and began to pound into her. Each long and hard thrust increased the level of my pleasure, she was so tight, so wet… so hot. Miku was shuddering, shivering, groaning, her fingers clawing at the dashboard, her back muscles tensing. I could tell she was on the very verge of a massive orgasm. I didn’t stop, I kept pounding, speeding up, my hands slid up her sides to grab her breasts, pinching her nipples and eliciting a shriek of delight.

Next I grabbed her hair, balling it in my fists, it was so long and silken…

“Yes! Oh god yes!” Miku cried as I fucked her hard, the sounds reverberating through the cabin of the tiny car.

I could see in the rearview mirror that she had her eyes closed and her face was contorted as ecstasy tore through her. Without warning she began to cum. I released her, letting her body collapse forward onto the dashboard as waves of pleasure rocked her. Her body was shaking, her walls clenching and unclenching around my cock. The sensations were too much, and my throbbing cock began to erupt.

I felt myself explode like a cannon inside of her as she milked me dry… her gyrations seemed to draw out every last drop of my seed. Gripping her ribcage hard, my whole body tensed as I emptied myself. We remained like that for what seemed like a long time, both of our bodies in the aftershocks of our orgasms.

FInally we separated and Miku joined me in the backseat, laying her sweaty head upon my shoulder while I stroked her now messy hair. We did not speak, enjoying the silence. Finally it was her that broke the reverie:

“We’d better get cleaned up. I have to go to the office.”

“And I have to get back to Hana and Kira.”

Miku gave me a small grin.

“This is our secret, right?”

“Yes chief, yes it is.”

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