Temple Guardian (Haremlit Fantasy Adventure)

2-60: Together, We Brunch!

The first thing I did when I awoke was listen for any other sounds. I had set a silent alarm and propped my phone up to face me, shining a flashing light in my face but not buzzing or making any noise. I had worked, although it was rough. I had been having an ice dream of floating down a lazy river with all of the girls.

Nope. none of that today.

I went back to listening. Only two sounds, and they were the exact sounds I wanted to hear

Twin choruses of snores. Perfect. They were fast asleep! Everything was going according to plan. I turned off the alarm and checked the time. It was 4:30 am, break of dawn, before even the neighbors hens started crowing. So that was one part down, I was up and they weren't. The next part was trickier. I had to get out of here without either of them noticing. I looked from the ground where I lay towards my suitcase.

Thankfully I was all packed from the night before.

Now I just have to get that thing and get outside. Quickly. And silently.

I rose to my feet and tip-toed over to the case. I had slept in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt purposefully so I would not have to change. I merely slipped on a pair of sandals and picked up the case. Rolling it might alert the two of them. I gave them one last glance. Kira was clinging to Hana, who was star fished, her mouth agape. They looked adorable. For a moment a pang of guilt ran through me, maybe I should stay.


That was selfish thinking. Hana needed to stay and so did Kira. The last battle I had with the summoner Miku had lost her powers and we had both nearly died. No! This time I had to face him alone. I was doing the right thing.

I forced myself not to look back at the girls and instead I pushed the door open with my shoulders. I moved painstakingly slowly so that the old thing would not creak. After I had opened it and carefully lifted the suitcase over the door jam and onto the grass I turned the handle as I slowly let it close. This was to ensure that there was no sound of the lock turning.

I had snuck out of the house my fair share of times as a teenager. Internet cafes, nothing too seedy. I wasn’t that cool.

When I was done I stopped to listen for any more sounds. Anything that might indicate movement from inside. Nada. Nothing. I was surprised by how well everything was going! I felt a lightness wash over me.

This was going to work.

I walked my suitcase to the road, wiping my brow as I did so. I had built up a sweat from the tension of my escape. Now I had one thing left to do! It was just a quick bike ride into town. I had left the girls a note on why I had done what I’d done. It also instructed them on how to take care of the temple without me. I turned and clasped my hands in prayer, saying a final goodbye to the place.

"Haven't you forgotten someone in your goodbyes?" A voice rang out from behind me. A familiar voice.

Shit. How does he always manage to swoop in at the worst possible moment?

It was Ryu. Miku damn her. She must have told him. Whatever I was feeling inside, when I finally turned to face my brother I was all smiles.

"Good morning, big bro. How nice of you to stop by."

Was he going to buy it?


Ryo was driving us into town.

All three of us.

So much for a clean getaway.

After our encounter by the gate Ryo had called my bluff. Instead of letting me escape he escorted me inside, like a very friendly prison warden escorting an attempted escapee back to his cell. Once we had returned to the cabin, Ryo and I made everyone a pot of coffee. I had also, it seems, failed in my attempt to be a ninja and get from the bed to the gates without making any noise. Kira explained that she’d heard something right away and had alerted Hana. They had been just about to go out after me when I entered with Ryo.

We were currently in the back seat. Hana was refusing to talk to me and staring out the window. She looked so defeated and upset when I returned with Ryo. She had, however, accepted the coffee I’d made. Triple cream, triple sugar. I knew how she liked it. Sweet. Far too sweet. Kira, as usual, did not seem in the slightest bit perturbed when I’d come back. Perhaps she did not grasp what I’d attempted. She’d given me a great big hug, her long tail whipping back and forth.

Kira. So like Fenra in some ways, and so different.

Imagining them as ‘siblings’ was strange. But as she had explained it they weren’t true siblings in the sense we thought of them on earth. Still. It was an interesting thought. When I had time I would have to ask Kira about her time in the beyond and being here. As it was her introduction to me and this world had been so rushed. I looked over at her in the car. She was the only one who seemed to be enjoying herself.

Indeed, Kira was delighted by every detail about driving in the car and had asked me several times if we could get one. While I had a bit of money now, I certainly didn't have enough for a car and the line of questioning was quickly getting me to the point of frustration. When Ryu had come to stay in Kitayashi with his new girlfriend, who now sat in the front seat... it had been a rekindling of our relationship as brothers, but now things were getting trickier. This was just one example. Ryu had a car, I did not.

Ryu had a medical practice and a perfect partnership. He was already making more money than I was given for tending to the temple. The truth was I had started to resent him again. The worst part of it all was how NICE he was these days. I wanted to be like him, without worries and so focused on a singular goal. In fact that's why I had put my focus so hard on the temple. But it wasn't working, it was like the harder I tried, the further I got from my goals. It just always, always came so fucking easy for Ryu.

"Ryo, RYO, I asked you a question!" My big brother’s sharp voice cut through my thoughts. I guess I had tuned him out.

Who wouldn’t?

"What, what! What is it, Ryu, what do you want?"I snapped back.

"I asked if the three of you wanted to stop for brunch at the cafe beside the police station? We could have Miku join us to say goodbye. It's usually empty at this time... less eyes on your new friend back there." From the mirror I saw Ryu shoot me a bemused look and then nod at Kira.

"Sure, that sounds great." I said sullenly.

It was anything but great. However, I had no choice in the matter now. It seems my plan had failed spectacularly and instead of a clean break it was about to be a series of messy goodbyes. Leave it to me to fuck everything up this bad. Fenra always had my back, but she was nowhere to be found. I sighed. My brother had been very suspicious of Fenra at first Then downright refused to believe the story we told him about how she was a spirit


Ryu was, after all, a man of science... and the idea of spirits was ridiculous to him. But after we let him inspect Fenra’s ears and tail he had to admit, there was no way they could be animatronic (a word Fenra found hilarious) or cosmetic. Then we'd even shown him a little of the magic I possessed. This had really blown him away. Literally speaking. I was a wind magic user, it was how my guardian powers presented themselves. I may have… gone a little bit hard on the demonstration.

Regardless, It had, eventually, convinced Ryu that what was going on was in-fact no illusion. After that we’d shared memories of grandpa and I showed him the book that grandpa had left me. After this I thought that Ryu might want a part of the temple duties. But I was totally wrong. He supported me, and he even believed, but he just didn’t understand. It was like a part of his very being rejected the idea of mysticism. He loved me and grandpa, but he loved medicine and his practice more.

More is the wrong word.

"Ooh what's this, master?" Cooed Kira, her finger pointing towards a blinking red light on the dash. She had somehow wriggled out of her seatbelt and was halfway to the front seat.

"Don't press that!" I yelled. But it was too late, Kira hit the button and the car screeched to a halt. She looked back at me innocently.



The cafe was not to Hana's liking. The eggs, she said, were overdone. The bacon was too crisp and the coffee bitter. Of course it was. They were out of cream. And she had to compensate with extra sugar.

Ryu must have called ahead, anticipating we’d agree with his plan, for Miku was already there when we arrived. She and I shared amused looks as Hana complained about the food and drink. It was an inside joke of ours that one could not take Hana to any restaurant without her wanting to jump into the kitchen herself. Which was fair, as she was an amazing chef. As we teased Hana together I felt some camaraderie returning to us. Even Kira, who had gotten a stern talking to from Ryu after the car incident (so much so that her ears went flat for the remaining ten minutes into town and her tail between her legs) had cheered up again.

Ryu had also been right about the location.The cafe was deserted and the waiter didn't so much as glance at our cat girl. Nor at us, for that matter, when we asked for refills

We settled down to business. Miku was the first to bring it up. She slapped three tickets down on the table.

"A little present. First class. I'm sorry for how I acted. To all of you. You too, Kira." The cat girl cocked her head.

"Me?" she said, surprised.

"Yes you." Miku said, forcing a small smile.

The cat girl grinned in return and I noticed, for the first time, her two rather pointed incisors. Sometimes Kira seemed to have selective memory, or hearing, or perhaps she just really didn’t know what was going on most of the time. Either way all for the best

"Thank you, Miku, truly." I replied as I reached out and took the tickets. When I did so my fingers brushed the top of her hands and we both lingered, I saw a slight flush in her cheeks. A memory of us both the night before in the car flickered through my head. She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and looked away.

I saw Hana eyeing us ruefully before grabbing her own ticket away. “Yes, thanks sis," She said, elbowing Miku playfully. "But this one..." She shot me a dirty look. "Do you know what he tried to pull this morning?"

I looked for our waiter, it seemed an opportune time to get the check, but he was nowhere to be found. Shit. I guess we are doing this. Ryu raised an eyebrow. "Yes, why don't you tell the story Hana. I think he may just have gotten away with it if I hadn't shown up. Good thing your big bro was in town huh kiddo?" He slapped my back cheerfully and his girlfriend giggled alongside her.

Fuck them. All of them. I buried my face in the steam pouring off of my scalding hot bitter coffee. Maybe it would kill me. That would be nice. Preferable to being dragged through the mud on four hours of sleep.

Calm, Ryo, calm. They love you. They just also love to… tease the hell out of you. Grin. Bear it. You deserve it. Easier said than done.

Everyone had a go at me through their own re-telling of the story and I just sat and bore the brunt of it. It was, I supposed, karma. They were right. Sneaking off was wrong of me to attempt. It was Kira, who was finally the first to be on my side.

"It’s true, when master left I was sad. But maybe, maybe master just wanted to be brave and fight the bad man all by himself! When he found me.. he said he had to protect me. I think that makes him good." She smiled and tilted her head, yellow eyes beaming at me then looking between the other faces at the table. “Doesn’t it?”

Everyone’s eyes were on the cat spirit. It was easy to discount her spacey behavior, she was often distracted and didn’t quite seem to realize what was happening. But perhaps she was sharper than we all gave her credit for.

"What!? Why are you all looking at me? Do I have something on my face again!?" Kira lifted two hands and covered her cheeks, searching for some lost food. Miku laughed warmly

Hana reached over and tussled her hair, causing her pur. " No little one, you are fine. We are just impressed. And you are right, he is brave, your master. Brave and at times very stupid. But admirable nonetheless."

"She's right," Ryu said. "If there is one thing about my little brother, it is that he leads with his heart. I know he just wanted to make sure you are all safe."

"But now it's my turn, to help keep him safe." Hana said.

"And mine!" Kira cut in.

Miku looked at the floor, saying nothing. I knew she felt guilty she could not come.

I looked at her.

"Thank you, Hana and Kira. But I don’t want to forget my brother and Miku. These two have the most important job of all, and it may not be safe either. We need you to take care of the temple and protect it. Miku, any news or leads... you need to let us know."

She nodded, though I could see the stress on her face.

"We also need someone to take care of Hana's store on the weekends, I know she has help but they aren’t full time.."

"I can do that!" Kimiko said, "The weekends are slow."

I blinked. I had forgotten she had been with us, she had been so quiet. I knew she found me and my friends a strange bunch and I was oddly touched she so quickly offered to help.

“Thanks, Kimiko, I appreciate that a lot.

"Looks like we got you bro,' Ryu said with a smile. He checked his new watch and snapped his fingers. "Can we get the bill?" He called out.

Ryu, back to being Ryu. Flashy and in charge. At least we had one nice moment before his personality kicked back in.

The waiter came over immediately. I shook my head. That was Ryu, if he wasn't annoying me, he wouldn't be Ryu. I would miss him, however long or short the journey was. And Miku, I would miss even more. I made a vow, right then and there, that when we returned I would do a better job. Be a better brother, a better partner, and better friend. It shouldn't have taken Fenra's kidnapping for me to realize that.

Next stop. Kitayashi Station!

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