Temple Guardian (Haremlit Fantasy Adventure)

2-77: Festival Of The Mountain

By the time we’d made it down the mountain the sun was high in the sky and it was mid afternoon. I tried, once again, to set a fast pace but the two girls were taking their sweet time as always. Once we finally got down the two of them went back to the hotel while I went in search of rental cars to get us out of town for the evening.

The first company I found was closed, as was the second. The third was more of a garage but I gave it a try anyways. The grumpy mechanic behind the counter regarded me with an impassive face as I put my request to him. Finally he told me to come back in the morning, he would have something for me. As this was my last option I had no choice but to accept.

As I walked back to the hotel I mentally apologized to Ryu, another night at the hotel meant another charge on his card. I ran my fingers through my hair. Everything was taking longer than expected on this journey. Everything was more complicated too. I sighed. I knew I needed to be calm, to take it all as it came, to practice the arts of letting go. But it wasn’t easy. Not with everything on the line.

I walked back to the room on autopilot but once I opened the door I was jolted out of my reverie immediately. Two voices yelled at me to get out and I stepped back, closed the door and remained in the hallway. What the hell? The door opened momentarily, but just a crack, “Give us five minutes, okay?” Hana asked with a smile she knew could melt me.

Damn her.

“Five. Max,” I said. “I didn’t get the car tonight. We’ll go first thing tomorrow.”

“Good!” Hana said, “Then we can use them!” She closed the door behind her.

Use them?


When they finally let me into the room I had to admit it was worth the wait. The two girls stood before me, absolutely stunning in their matching traditional yukatas.  Hana wore pink with white flowers, her hair let down across her shoulders. She looked so feminine and soft, it melted my heart. Kira wore white, synched high at the waist under her ample bosom with her hair tied up in a large bun to hide her ears and pinned with a large golden broach that matched her sparkling eyes. They both were beautiful. I must have been staring because Kira giggled and Hana smirked.

“See something you like?” Hana teased.

“Two things,” I answered honestly. The girls laughed. “Well I guess it's your lucky day, we have to stay another evening so this time we can actually go and enjoy the festival. This time we will also look the part!”

I led them, each in one of my arms, out of the hotel into the festival.

Unlike last time we had no need to hurry and I enjoyed indulging the two of them in their excitement. For Kira, everything was a first, and for Hana it seemed like she had not taken a break in a very long time. I tried to tamp down my anxiety about the coming day, I knew there was little I could do. While the two had been putting on the finishing touches of their makeup I’d called Miku and let her know the plan. She let me know she had been in touch with the hunters guild and they would send a force of fighters but they were unsure as to where the summoner was.

I kept my eye out as we walked through stalls and sampled various treats on the street. Hana rubbed my arm as she noticed me eyeing an empty alleyway. She whispered into my ear, “It’s okay, Ryo, really. He isn’t here. You or me or Kira would have sensed it. Try to relax, it may be the last time for a while.” I nodded. I would do my best.

Ryu’s credit card took further beatings as we ate okonomiyaki and deep fried squid, as well as various cakes. The girls were ravenous. Luckily I had some change as well, for those vendors that didn’t take cards, which seemed to be increasingly rare in the market. How things change.

“Master master!” Kira cried, clutching at my sleeves. I looked down at her. She was adorable and was giving me quite the view of her cleavage from below with her arms pressed together. It was hard to deny her. “Can we please, can we?” She pointed behind her to a tent covered in stars. I knew the type. A fortune teller. I began to protest but Hana had already caved, pulling me in. We pushed past the curtains and sat down. An old lady with a knobby nose and tightly curled white hair gave us three a tight lipped smile.

“One at a time,” the old woman said. “Two hundred yen.”

It was a reasonable price so I handed over the money. Kira sat in front of her excitedly, arranging her silken white yukata as she crossed her legs on the pillow. I admired the firm arch of her back, the pale white skin of her exposed neck. Hana shifted beside me and I saw that her eyes too, were on the cat spirit.

The old lady ignored us as she asked for Kira’s palm and began to study the lines. The kitten giggled as the old woman’s calloused fingers traced her palm but did not withdraw. The old woman harrumphed and opened up a large tome, consulting it, scratching her head. Her narrowed eyes widened for a moment and she coughed, closing the book abruptly. “I will give you your money back,” she said, her voice trembling slightly. “Go.”

Kira’s eyes flashed with an intensity I had not seen before, she reached out with pale white fingers and grasped the old lady's wrinkled hands. “Tell me,” she demanded.

The two women were in a standoff. I made a motion to rise but Hana pushed me back, realizing it could just exacerbate the situation. The older woman’s eyes went wide, then rolled back. In a dark voice she began to chant deep dark words that I could not understand but I saw Hana clap a hand over her mouth, then her ears. Kira’s eyes were wide, shining, her lips trembling. When the old woman was done she slumped over the desk, totally unconscious. The three of us all rushed over, reviving her. When she came to, she did not remember a thing that had happened. We tipped her triple the cost of the fortune telling. She would only shake her head and tell us to go when we asked what had happened.

When we left the tent I asked Kira, “What the hell was that?”

Both girls shared a look and huddled in close. “She spoke in an ancient language, I could only understand a little,” Hana said. “But she said that Kira had a choice to make, that a darkness surrounded her, but she would be able to fight it off… if she chose.” Hana turned her eyes to the smaller cat girl who was shivering.

“Wow, usually they just tell me I need to find a girlfriend,” I joked, trying to lighten the mood. It earned me two glares. But at least I had successfully distracted them for a moment. We continued through the fair and though it took a few food and trinket stalls, soon the girls were chattering away again. I, however, was deep in thought. What had the lady meant? I had seen Kira talking to something in the temple. She had come from the spirit world to replace Fenra, she had said they were sisters, but was this true? I sensed her heart, it was pure, and yet darkness seemed to surround her at every turn.


The girls eventually wanted to head back, tired from walking along the cobblestone streets in traditional sandals. I was happy to be out of the crowd, my thoughts heavy. I slept as soon as we arrived, letting the girls relax in the springs. It was a deep dreamless sleep, and for that, I was grateful.

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