TENSURA: Accelerando Ex Nihilo

-Seven Vehemences Of Retribution-

Waking up to the sounds of birds singing love songs, shuffling leaves, and howling winds with the occasional sounds from other animals apart from just birds and a gentle running stream. "Huh…" I grunted in a low voice.

"Where am I?" I asked myself in utter confusion as I found myself staring up to the bushy and healthy branches of a tree filled with evergreen leaves that swayed to the occasional gales of wind.

"W-what? Wasn't I supposed to be dead? With him?" Countless questions bombarded my mind as I felt my vision become hyper focused and my hearing become too much for me to bear.

I grasped my head as I felt a killer migraine descend upon my psyche as I was bombarded with several differing sensations ranging from the simple touch to the very painful hearing.

"….GRIEF!! ANGER!!...." countless voices shouted in my brain. "….FRUSTRATION!! ANGUISH!!...." various negative emotions swarmed my very being as my vision turned blood red. "….MISERY!! DESPAIR!!... REGRET!!!"

I closed my eyes as the amount of light was hurting them and covered my ears with my hands. "Calm down, focus on shutting down these voices." My face scrunched up at the loud voices.

Slowly, but surely, the voices that seemed to be my own died down until I finally heard nothing inside my head. My tensed-up hands relaxed as I laid them beside me, my back resting against the tree.

"Huff… That was terrifying." The thought of those distorted voices filled with malice evidently laced upon them constantly shouting at you in your head is nightmare fuel.

Even when you cover your ears to block 'em out, you can't: simply scary and traumatizing. "Speaking of ears…" I lifted my hands to touch my ears again, and I was met with the same sensations.

"Ugh…." They're soft, angular, and most of all, fucking sensitive. "Haha, what? Cat ears?" I asked myself in a joking manner. I stood up and walked towards where I heard flowing water from earlier.

As I got nearer, the louder it got. "It wasn't just a small stream after all, it was a full-blown river." I stepped up closer towards the edge of the river and peered into my reflection in the water.

"Great, absolutely great." Wolf ears(?); check,  Silver-Ash-like hair; check, blue eyes with a scar on one of them and swords that look like a protractor and a ruler strapped together along with wolf tail? Check.

"I'm a Lapland copy, ahahaha! Well, well, well!" I spoke with a slightly crazed tone in my voice.  "Ain't that quite neat? Though it's not cat ears, but wolf ears. "Even better!" I chirped with a smile looking at my reflection.

<<Displaying information on target>> A voice suddenly spoke in my head as my left eye felt an itch as I closed both of my eyes immediately at the sudden appearance of text and voices.

As I took a better look at my reflection, floating text suddenly appeared in front of me as I noticed as my left eye suddenly turned red. <<Eyes of Laceration has successfully permanently activated>>

<< Name: (Nameless) | Gender: Female | Height: 167 | LVL: 1 | Titles: Aberration | HP: 2,500 | SP: 2,500 | MP: 34,209,500 >> << Species: Fenrir(2#*^$0%) | Class: Lord of Acceleration | STR: 1,255 | SPD: 1,536 | SNS: 2,132 | DEX: 2,000 | VIT: 250 | INT: 1,368,380 >>

<< Skills: -{Enticement}-, {<Eyes of Laceration>}, -{<-[Accelerando Ex Nihilo/Partially sealed]->}-,  <-{Seven Vehemences of Retribution}-> >>

<< Current Stat/skill points: 10 >>

"….Holy shit!" Doesn't this basically mean that I'm fucking overpowered? "Oh god, what did I do in order to obtain this?" I asked no one as I my eyes traced over the floating text present before my eyes.

"I need to test this as soon as possible." I took up one of the swords– they lack a name. I stared at it for a few seconds before I heard a rustling at the opposite tree line across the river.

It was a huge bear about 4 meters tall standing high on its hind legs. "Well, there's your first prey…" I whispered as the bear launched itself toward me, to which I raised the sword up at it.

"Mā, mā, mā…" I smirked as the bear rushed over the water at immense speed with its jaw fully open, roaring at me. I tilted the sword diagonally towards my right as I jumped towards it.

"Your first meal, Chōetsu!" I shouted as slashed forward at the bear. I saw it; my blade contacted the bear's waist, and it passed through cleanly, blood gently spurting forth as the bear split in two.

Wind pressure followed right after as the bear's bisected body was literally blown off into nowhere. I landed on the water as I made a huge splash immediately as I landed on the river.

I stood there in full glory as I put the sword– No, Chōetsu, back on my left hip. "Transcendence, fitting name for a sword." I spoke.

I stood there in the knee-deep water for a moment, my hands still on Chōetsu. That was until…"Ugh…! Cringe! It's so fucking cringe!"…the cringe finally hit me full force.

"That was chunni as…" I muttered to myself as I trudged back over the edge of the river. "Well, I ain't embracing the chunni way any time soon." My stomach grumbled loudly just as I said that.

"Haha! Look who's hungry?" I joked to myself as I thought of ways to earn myself some nice food. "I'm literally in a forest, away from civilization. Screw the thought of stealing food over."

I brought my hand under my chin as I thought of more solutions, "Ah! The bear from earlier could be recycled into food…" I immediately stopped my chain of thoughts about that as I didn't see the bear.

"Ah. *Flashbacks* I literally blew the bear away." I put my hand on Chōetsu again. "I might just need to control my strength next time." I chuckled nervously at the thought of blowing everything away again.

"Anyways, got to search some food immediately." I spoke as I crouched over to the ground and sniffed; it was instinctual, without hesitation. "Another bear?" I asked myself at the smell.

It was the exact same scent the bear from earlier, except for some differences. "Guess I'll be having bear meat for lunch." My ears perked up at the thought of grilled bear meat.

I turned my head in the direction of where I smelled the bear and ran towards it. I felt a burst of speed take over as my immense reaction speed and good dynamic vision paired with my dexterity helped me weave through the countless trees.

"If I were to guess, I was moving at the speed of… 1,440 miles per hour?" I spoke as I abruptly stopped as I arrived at my destination, right at the ass of this gigantic bear.

"The hell, it's about 6 meters tall?" I spoke as a crazed smile appeared on my face, and the bear turned almost instantly as it heard me. "What are you looking at? Fat-ass bear."

It seemed enraged…"Roar!"…as it literally roared at my face. "…" I probably deserve all the saliva splattering on my face right now for calling the bear a fat-ass. "Mā, I probably do."

I brandished Chōetsu as held it up with my right hand and slammed it down with about just 20 percent controlled strength with the intent of slicing it in half. And it did as I intended it to.

Thankfully, it only produced minimal wind pressure as I brought up to only 20 percent of my strength and controlled it. "Thought it'd be hard and take me a while?" Am I a genius?

"Not that I would claim myself as one." I spoke to myself as I butchered the bear up. I learned how to butcher wild animals back in my previous life, not that it was useful back then.

"Alright," I spoke as I washed my hands and struck Chōetsu at a nearby tree, "How do I cook this? About grilling it… I could just stab some of the meat on Chōetsu and put it on top of the fire."

"Question is, where do I get fire from?" I put my hand under my shin as I went into deep thought. "My skills?" I look at my left arm with a scrutinizing gaze as the same wall of floating text appeared.

I inspected each and everyone of my skills "<{Seven Vehemences of Retribution}>?" It was basically an elemental skill, composed of seven subskills with their own elemental affinity.

The Zephyr of Grief that can release hurricane upon hurricane, nothing is left unturned. The Inferno of Anger that could melt and burn down even the strongest of materials, nothing is fireproof.

The Thunderbolts of Frustration that unleashes lightnings of destruction, nothing is unreachable. The Tides of Anguish that could swallow everything in waters of unfathomable strength.

The Chains of Misery that could construct nigh indestructible metal, nothing can escape. The Force of Despair that could crash anyone in instant, nothing is salvable. And finally:

The Glaciers of Regret that could freeze anything and everything solid and unmoving: frozen in regret. Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing is not able to be frozen.

I sweat dropped at the descriptions of the various subskills of <{Seven Vehemences of Retribution}>. This skill is literally overpowering! And from my guess, this shouldn't even be the most op!

"…I should just keep this skill under wraps and restraint unless I want to release an apocalyptic event to my surroundings." I spoke as I wryly smiled at the thought of the skill going out of control.

Starting a small fire with [Inferno of Anger] and putting evenly sliced meat on Chōetsu, I started grilling my lunch. "I should better just stick to just basic attacks unless needed, I'm too overpowered."


A/n: The <{Seven Vehemences of Retribution}> can absolutely do as their description, save for those powerful enough to shrug off the attacks from the skill though. I know, I know, the skill is law breaking the restraints a usual unique skill usually has, but wait till you see the descriptions of Accelerando Ex Nihilo at full capacity. Anyways, yay, new chapter.... 1690+ words.... and my back is aching from pain.

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