TENSURA: Accelerando Ex Nihilo

To escape the shackles of fate, you must be chained again by determination.

I quickly returned to quietly eating my part as noon quickly turned into afternoon. Everyone rushed to clean up the place as just right after everyone went back to constructing the wooden wall and harvesting materials for it.

Anyone else was solving the preparations of weapons and defensive equipment. Soon, a vague silhouette of a 3-meter-tall wooden wall appeared. By the time the sun was falling, it was mostly finished already.

One-foot-thick wooden boards standing tall with various practical gravitational supports present in the back to make sure it doesn't collapse held together by a type of vine presented by the goblins to be better than normal rope.

The sun gently sets in the background as I look back towards the village center and made my way towards the village elder's tent, multiple torches lined up as the goblins ensured there was sufficient lighting.

By instinct, I made a knocking gesture, stopping myself just before I knocked on literal cloth and just set the draping cloth aside. I was met with the goblin elder shivering in the corner. "Village elder, good evening."

I greeted him as I took a seat in front of him. I conjured up a ball of fire set it stationary in the air to light up the place a bit more as the village elder took notice and greeted me back. "Akutagawa-sama, good evening." he spoke.

"You don't need to address me as "elder". I am pretty sure that Akutagawa-sama is far older than me." He continued. "Haha...." I let out a cold, dark, and quite chilling chuckle as I could hear my popping sounds from my balled-up fist.

"Really?" A menacing tone left my mouth as I looked him straight in the eye. "How old are you?" I asked him with bloodlust evidently laced in my voice, yet he was not even an ounce- afraid of my wrath. "I am currently 32." He answered.

"We goblins usually only live up to 30 years, 35, if blessed. But I am already feeling the end of my lifespan. I think I'll only live up to next year." Woah.... that's, quite saddening. That explains why he's like a shriveled-up corpse.

'But... holy shit! He's only 32?!? I'm fucking 37!! I'm literally 5 years older than him!!!' My bloodlust, demeanor, and everything that came with it was instantly gone and replaced by a wry smile on my face. "I'm actually older than you..."

The village elder smiled. "I am humbled, I am the oldest living goblin in this village, and is usually my proudest achievement. But it seems that there would be always someone that is better." He spoke. My eyebrows twitched.

"...You sure are fearless." I commented. "Thank you, Akutagawa-sama." He smiled again. My fingers are fucking itchy, I want to fucking kill someone right now! 'Hold your horses!' I shouted to my ever so slightly twitching hands.

'Control thyself, reign in the raging fire. Control thyself, be as solid and cold as ice.' I chanted in my head all over again as I felt myself gradually going back to normal. I let out a cute huff (by my observation) and relaxed.

"Ah, by the way. The original purpose of my visit here this evening is about the dire-wolves." My ears twitched, ever so slightly. "More specifically, their origins and how frequently do they attack this village." I added.

The village elder was silent for a second, before finally speaking. "Let us firstly start with their origin." He spoke. "They are locals of this forest, and they usually don't dare to attack us because of our god's aura."

"But because recently, about nearly a month ago, the presence of our God disappeared, and thus they became more proactive and harassed us goblins." I nodded. "I have a gist of the situation now, thank you. About..."

"Yes, the dire-wolves had attacked us in a 2–3-day frequency. In the previous battle, we had caused them casualties, and will bring their morale down. So, I will be sure that they'll attack in a three-day-gap."

The village elder looked solemn. "That will be the day of tomorrow." He concluded. Silence stretched for a few seconds before I broke the silence. "I understand." I grasped the hilt of my swords in resolution.

"One last thing before I leave to find rest. Can you tell me the behavioral structure of the dire-wolves hierarchy?" I asked. The village elder nodded. "To put it simply, the dire-wolves follow a strict order with the strongest on top."

"Whoever is the strongest of their kind, or in this matter, pack, is the leader of their entire group and can do anything he or she wishes for the pack. It is simply but a matter of showing overwhelming strength."

I nodded. "That's everything then. I'll take my leave and find rest." Standing up and immediately walking out of the tent after flicking the draping cloth door, I went straight for the village outskirts.

My steps silently echoed in the darkness with the Waxing Gibbous moon hanging in the sky, gently offering wafts of silver moonlight. Halting all to a sudden stop as I reached outside the half-completed walls.

I tensed my lower muscles as I got into a squating position, coiling my body alike that to a familiar yet simple mechanism used almost everywhere: a spring- my body shot towards the sky as the wind hit me.

But it didn't even in the least hinder my speed. I surpassed the clouds mere seconds later, my eyes glinting as the meet the moon's luminating grace. My gaze softened as time immediately slowed down in my perception.

My thoughts running on nanoseconds. I find myself slowly stretching my arm toward the moon as I fell millimeter by millimeter from the sky. My left eye glowed with intense red light for a split microsecond before fading.

What met my eyes where a set of numbers, letters, words, symbols, whatever.  Some in the millions, some in the thousands, some in the dozens. But there was specifically once thing that attracted my gaze.

<< You are a being born out of the light and darkness of the half-moon. A 2#*^$0%-Fenrir, blessed by the darkness, and chosen by the light. Depending on the state of the moon, you will recieve varying blessings; mirrored by curses. >>

'What is a Fenrir?' 'What can a Fenrir do?' 'What exactly am I?' Millions of thoughts raced my mind as I thought of possible answers to all my reckoning. But one question stood above all else. "Who exactly is Fenrir?"

I closed my eyes as I spread my arms, I arked back, facing the groud. Falling freely from an impossible height. "Fenrir, a manifestation of strength strong enough to make nigh-omnipotent gods feel fear."

Winds hustled in my ears as I fell yet I still was inching only ever slower in perception. "Fenrir, a natural calamity born to devour." My outstretched arm balling up to form a fist. "Fenrir, born from darkness..."

I felt the power of moonlight course into my veins. "...died in light." I felt like I was cleansed of impurities, ligtht footed, yet stained, filled with disdain and arrogance. "Fenrir, the one who killed, the one who devoured..."

My thought process accelerated beyond compare, becoming faster and faster, by the nanosecond. "The one who was chained away of his strength, kept away from the light, feared of his sheer strength alone...."

Finally, it exceeded time itself. My eyes burst open as I floated there suspended in the air, yet it didn't stop there. "The one who became the great adversary, the one, the destined to devour the Allfather, the God-King himself."

It even went beyond the concept of time itself. Moonlight shone the brightest as it can as the waxing gibbous, turned into the full moon. My memories flashed before my eyes starting from this very moment to all the way back.

All the way back to my past life where I was born with everything I could possibly ask for. Good parents, wealth, power, friends, you name it. EVERYTHING, but one. The heart of that stubborn and ignorant man.

Yet, the moment my... OUR heartbeats stopped, everything was lost, my connections, my parents, my wealth, my life.... his life. It is all meaningless now. I stand in this life as but someone who is alone, and will stand alone.

Someone who will stand at the peak, standing above where anything else is inferior. Before, I was born with talent. So much talent that I could stand to be at the very peak of everything, yet I forsaked it for something like love.

And the cost for it was everything that I held dear. All of it left my grip the moment my heartbeat simply stopped. This time..." I closed my eyes again as his image flashses before my eyes, "This turn, this life....."

His smile, his jokes, his anger, his sadness..... "I will surely....." the tightly tied knot, the shackles of cold unbending steel, the prison bars that held me back. ".... Forget of him." they were all shredded apart, and I felt...

"...Free. I am finally free." A surge of enlightenment hit me square as my eyes fluttered awake. I saw a future. A future where I am finally free, where I am unrestrained, where I am not entitled, where I am the peak.

"All throughout the heavens...." My perception of time deaccelerated as a smile graced my face. It was not of any other emotion, other than that of excitement. "All thoughout the earth....." A smile built upon unbounded confidence.

I relaxed my body as all the pent up tension left me. "I am....." A surge of strength, comprehension, decisiveness, all built up in body. "ALONE....." I felt that everything that I saw that was below me;

A smile of just pure excitement and anticipation hit me. "AM THE HONOURED!!" Everything, was truly below me. I released it all out. The shackles that restrained my strength, the chains that held me back, all abandoned.

"Become the embodiment of Strength!!" I shouted. I felt my mana steadily increase in unmeasurable speed. "Become the embodiment of Authority!!" My understanding became a sharpened blade beyond compare.

"Become the embodiment of FEAR!!" Adrenaline pulsed in my veins as a rush of exciement hit me pound for pound every beat of my heart. "Become the embodiment of FEARLESSNESS!!" My lungs blew out all the wind it could.

An aura encompassed my body as it ignited like fire. It burned brightly turning my alike a star. For a split second, it exploded out and I felt it, it fucking encapsulated the entire fucking planet. The very world trembled.

The burgeoning aura collapsed as every single bit of my mana returned into my body, and compressed into something akin to a fire, a fire that burned like that of the brightest star. My surroundings simply caved in.

"Inferior." That was simpy the only thing that I could describe to literally everything that I felt in my perception. This very moment, I was reborn. I was no longer of past, but instead, someone of the future.

Not only by concept, but by understanding and wisdom. A melancholic smile dawned upon me as I looked towards my surrounding. Alive, the same, but I felt the abberation. I felt the word itself fear my existence.

"Satorou..." His name left my mouth. "We met for a reason." I felt myself connect to something at a spiritual level. A chain extended out from my wrist towards a huge mountain in the distance. "You're either a blessing, or a lesson."


A/n: Let's fucking go! 1933 words long!! I finally completed the chap!!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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