Tentacle Monster Story

Chap 2 – Day 1 – Bodily Discovery


I woke up again


'So it wasn't a dream...Fuck' At which point, I started freaking out internally and externally.

I started screaming and waving my new limbs around in a panic. I sounded like I was gurgling and screeching at the same time which made me freak out even more in a terrible positive feedback loop. After some time (probably an hour or two I couldn't tell), I calmed down, feeling tired and hurt from my outburst of beating at the rock floor while screaming. 

After resting for a while, I noticed my new tentacles not hurting as much from me bashing at the floor with them. I lifted them up to see that they are regenerating at a slow but visible pace, my bruised and split open skin? healing and closing very slowly. I watched this natural healing process curiously until the end. After it finished, I lifted a tentacle that I didn't use in ground-slapping and compared them. That tentacle being behind me, it felt strange but natural as I lifted it up and looked simultaneously behind and in front of me without getting a headache, comparing the two.

The healed and the normal tentacle both look the same, no identifiable scar tissue or such. I then used my other tentacles to inspect the two compared one closer, only to see no visible difference. When I tried poking at the compared ones with my other tentacles, the focused part of my vision turned dark for a moment as I touched myself. My new skin felt tougher than when I was a human, my healed skin felt not much different, maybe it was a minuscule rougher or maybe it is my imagination. My curiosity sated, I stopped touching myself.

I stopped to think...After a moment, I thought about closing my hand into a fist and saw the tip of a tentacle bulge and turned lumpy and hard, I stopped and it turned to normal. I repeated this a few times until I had an idea. I thought about my hand being clawed and a multitude of small spikes came out of my tentacle.


After some time, more experimenting and many ideas. I found out that I can make a multitude of shapes with my tentacles. Many sharp objects like bone spikes, bone needles, bone blades and even defensive plating! My tentacles can also do flesh related shapeshifting, like hardening and softening the flesh, separating it into multiple smaller tentacle and make a small cavity. I experimented with flesh-shifting by making simple 3D geometric shapes. I also discovered that I can rotate, vibrate, retract and extend my tentacle, or parts of it, at will. My skin has camouflage too!

I did discover some limitations though. I can't fire bone bullets like a gun although I did shoot out some sort of clear liquid instead...I guess I'll leave that for later when I have subjects to experiment on. Oh, and I also can't make the bone any thicker than the original diameter of my tentacle

...Experimenting makes me feel hungry...

Speaking (Thinking) of hunger, what do I eat and where is my mouth? I ignored the first question and focused on the second one. I pointed a tentacle at myself and saw that I was...basically an octopus...without noticeable eyes I mean, I don't have suckers on my tentacles but I think I can make those easily enough...So, I'm basically a better, maybe hopefully magical, land octopus. I looked around for my mouth and found it under me. Unlike an octopus, I don't have a beak but a hole filled with chainsaw teeth rotating very slowly inside when I open my mouth. I also had some tiny dot eyes surrounding my food hole like the rest of my body, allowing me to see below me when I lift myself up.

...Guess I'm mostly carnivorous...Fuck...I wonder if I can still eat plants...I guess I'll try when I see cooked vegetables.

Now then, one last thing to try...


'Menu?'...still nothing...

'Skills? Profile? Self?'...Nothing...


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