Tentacle Monster Story

Chap 4 – Day 2 – The outside world

I woke up and panicked causing me to fall off the wall, leaving me stunned. After a moment, my memories of yesterday came back. My bottled up emotions of fear, panic, anxiety and such threatening to erupt in a bad manner before I spent some time forcibly beating them back down again when I heard the bat colony getting louder again. It seems that they have woken up, which means it's night time.

I got closer to watch as they fly around seemingly randomly in their part of the cave. After some time spent watching them, they suddenly flew off in one direction, presumably out of the cave. I trailed behind them. Halfway through following them, the cave rapidly transitioned into a flooded cave. I went into the water and swam like how a squid would, I was going decently fast but I was slowly losing the bats. Then I had an idea.

Since I could continuously rotate a tentacle, I made a bone propeller on all eight tips of my tentacles, oriented myself then let it rip! and man did it rip! I zoomed passed the bats in seconds, startling a lot of them in the process. I almost hit the wall with the speed that I'm going at but I turned just in the nick of time, following the water out of the cave.

As I came out, I was blinded by the sunset in front of me causing me to slow down and stop, making me sink under a bit deeper. I noticed that I could see underwater perfectly fine. I guess my new species are both land and water dwellers. I looked around and saw a beautiful underwater environment...only that it's a bit strange looking...I should probably stop looking because the underwater scenery makes me feel a bit unsettled on how familiar and unfamiliar it is...

I stop looking and surfaced where the sunset blinded me again for a moment. I recovered and looked around. The cave I came out of was on a cliff wall facing the sea and sunset. If this was Earth then the sunset would be West. The cliff wall continued South along the sea. The cliff wall also went North a bit before ending with a nice looking beach, with a forest starting a bit inland, further North is...Oh hello there, is that a wall and some boats that I see? Must be a port t--I hear bats, and I immediately dived under again.

After a few minutes staring at the unsettling corral reefs and unfamiliar marine life slightly deeper under me, I surfaced again to see all of the bats headed towards the forest...Hmm, what to do, what to do...I want to go to that port town if only to gather information on this world, but I also want to experiment with that clear liquid that I can secrete and I don't wanna experiment on humans, at least not yet...hmm

I reluctantly chose to go to the forest instead, just because I'm not willing to experiment on humans. I had slightly more violent tendencies than the average person but I wasn't a morally bankrupt person. Instead, I was a morally ambivalent one and if I go down that road, I'll never turn back...Well, at least there are side benefits for going into the forest like combat experience because I wanna how I do in direct combat. So I headed toward the forest...

As I got on shore, I tried crawling on the tips of my tentacles like how a spider would...which didn't work very well since I got confused very quickly. So I thought up a more systematic way of walking on eight limbs. Left 1, 3 and Right 2, 4 move forward then Left 2,4 and Right 1,3 move and repeat. It works decently well, although I have to go slow until I get used to it. Now I look like a less angular spider! I wonder if I should change my colour too... 

Anyway, I've entered the deep inner edge of the forest. I randomly picked a tree, climbed up it with some spikey tentacles, wrapped myself around a branch and waited for test subjects...After a few hours, I got bored staring at the forest, started practising my tentacle shapeshifting and continued waiting...

After another hour or so of waiting, I heard a bush rustle. I stopped practice and mimicked the tree bark, which I forgot to do, and hanged under the branch. After a few seconds, the rustling stopped and out came a trio of wolves, their fur full of brown and green patches of colour. I'll name them forest wolves, a simple and informative name. They were sniffing around, probably for me since I would be an uncommon scent in the forest.

When they drew nearer, I shot a small burst of the mystery liquid under my branch, making noise and startling them. The largest wolf barked at the smallest of the trio and smallest came under my branch to investigate the noise and other new smell.

When it was right under me, I let go of the branch and dropped onto the wolf's back. Apparently, this one gets scarred easily because the moment I hit it's back it started yipping and barking while trying to shake me off like a mad dog. Which I responded by making spikes and holding on tighter. While this was happening, the other two wolves were just growling at me and started circling closer. 

While the wolf I'm on is doing its best trying to shake me off, I extended three tentacles to its mouth. While it was still yipping and barking, I held its upper and lower jaw open with two tentacles and pushed my third tentacle down its throat and started ejecting as much of the mystery liquid as I can. After that's done, I left my limb in there to keep the wolf from puking it back out and making sure it swallows. Oh, I also stopped my camo for the time being.

A couple of minutes later, I let it go and pushed it towards its friends that were getting close. The two wolves jumped back in surprise as their packmate stumbled in their direction then continued to keep growling and snarling at me, the big one prepped to lunge at me. I jump back onto the tree as it did so, only missing each other by a hair. Then I climbed onto a  branch as fast as tentacly possible. When I was securely on the branch, I dangled a tentacle as bait in hopes to keep them around so I can see the liquid's effects on my test subject. They took the bait.

The other two would jump up and try to take a bite out of me, occasionally they succeeded. It didn't do much because after their first success, which would've ripped the rest of my tentacle out but they only got the tip which hurt like absolute hell, I padded out my bait tentacle with bone plating. While this was happening, the test subject was trying to cough out the liquid with little success, after which it joined its buddies in trying to bite me.

After 10 to 20 minutes, the test subject started licking the third wolf's rear which number three responded with growling and snarling. This repeated for ten or so more minutes where only the big one was trying to get me, the subject started trying to hump number three which the presumably-female-wolf responded with even louder growls and snarls...

'I see...so it's an aphrodisiac, huh...' I look at the big, presumably alpha, wolf 'I guess I should return the favour for it being my unwilling test subject'.

As the alpha turned around to see what its packmates were going on about, I jumped, landed right on its head and stabbed a spiral drill needle into it, the tip coming out through the other side, spinning. I then jumped towards the humping test subject's back. I landed held down its snout and aimed a bloody, spinning drill needle at its eye while I do to the female what I did to the test subject. They were staring at their leader's corpse with surprise in their eyes and didn't notice me until I landed on them. Test subject, not looking away from the needle, now had his pointy ears cover his head and his tail between their legs, I hope he didn't deflate from fear of death. 

While the female was struggling to break free but was impeded by test subject still being on top of her. The process lasted a similar amount of time and when I finish, I immediately jumped back to my tree and the alpha's corpse. When I hit the ground, I pointed more drill needles and started threateningly gurgle-screech at them. After a while, they left, one with its tail between its legs. As they were running, I spotted Test Subject's erection. 

'Good, at least he didn't deflate.' I always liked animals so I didn't want to murder them all but I also was getting hungry...

I started emotionlessly dismantling the wolf corpse, tearing the flesh off and putting it in my mouth, avoiding the bones and suppressing all my feelings of disgust as I do this when I thought

'I never did try cooked bone marrow when I was human...Might as well try it now.' So I did hesitantly.

The sounds of crunching sound out through the forest for a minute before stopping, then I swallowed. My human sentiment making me feel disgusted at myself when I thought that it wasn't as bad as I thought, as with the bat flesh...I ignored it the best I can and continued eating.




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