TF Amethyst

TFA 27.3 – Tallmerk Grill

In the east of Makai Royal City, Dovar River laid peacefully. It extended from Harrik Mountains Range in the north to Ursu Canal in the south coast. It had an average width of 2 km and average depth of 300 meter. 

In the west bank of Dovar River, stood military port that connected to a giant military base. Meanwhile, in its east bank stood commercial port called Mons Landing. The warehouse area on this port was the main destination for donkey convoy from Penna Hill.

In the office on one of the warehouses, Lieutenant Reznik talked with owner of biggest timber company in Kingdom of Makai.

“Owner Kipp, you can’t just increase the quota again. You have done it two times in row for the last a few months.” 

“Reznik my boy, I have no choice.” Owner Kipp handed over a piece of parchment to Lieutenant Reznik and continued, “This is a direct request from Makai Guard HQ.”

After reading the content of the parchment, Lieutenant Reznik said, “Previously, it was because Makai Navy lost eight carrier ships for unknown reason. Now, it’s because they want to build a numbers of new warships. Don’t tell me they have had lost a whole fleet.”

“They haven’t lost it. I mean not yet.”

“Not yet?”

After closing the door to his office, Owner Kipp said in low voice, “King Makai XXII decided to attack Kingdom of Buriek. Doesn’t matter we win or lose, a number of warships will be lost in the fight. So, they want to build some replacement beforehand.”

In curious tone Lieutenant Reznik asked, “When they will launch the attack?”

“Dunno, but it’s just a matter of time. The price of food supply is increasing. I’m sure it’s because Makai Guard has pile up provision as many as they could. They also recruits and trains boys above thirteen and place them as reserve force.”

“That’s pretty big war preparation.”

“They also take manpower and supply from other Regions and pile them up in Port of Ursu and Port of Wellmoss.”

“I see.” After slightly nodding his head Lieutenant Reznik said, “My guild will try to meet the new quota, but don’t have too high expectation on us. We are already in our highest capacity.”

“Thank you.” As he handed over a bank note Owner Kipp continued, “Believe me, if I have the power, I will avoid any business with Makai Guard. They pay cheap but put an unreasonable high standard, along with lot of commission cut for person in charge. It’s not healthy relationship.

Elegant furniture made of black pine, especially for dining hall and personal study, that’s where the big money comes from. Unfortunately, I’m just a bastard son from a useless noble. I can only follow the current in to survive.”

“I know.”

After drinking his tea in one gulp, Lieutenant Reznik than took his leave.


While his men unload the semi-processed black pine, Colonel Meyer took his time to look at Dovar River from closer range. After some walks, he found a quiet place to carry his intention.

He had saw aerial footage of Dovar River a few times and knew the detail to some extent. In summary, it had no bridge that connected its bank. Local people would use a small ferry to cross it. 

And with Dovar River’s measurement, San Antonio-class LPD or even America-class LHD would be able to sail on it with ease. Meaning, Marine Expeditionary Brigade could land directly into Makai Royal City along with their heavy equipment. Unfortunately, it would be for a long while before Amphibious Strike Group ready for field action.

As for now, the thing that absorbed Colonel Meyer’s attention was not Dovar River, but dozen groups of kids who hunting crap, shrimp, and clamp in the riverbank where the water was shallow and the riverbed was covered by sand and gravels. From their laughing and cheering, it seemed the kids got a good harvest. 

Unfortunately, in a few weeks a deathly conflict would hit Makai Royal City. Who know how it would affect or change those kids’ life, not to mention it would definitely kill some of them.

As Colonel Meyer heaving a deep sigh, Lieutenant Reznik arrived next to him and said, “The price of food supply is increasing, and it will get worsened as time goes on.

I had read some record. For the last fifty years, food shortage in Makai Royal City always led into a riot and Makai Guard would respond it with public massacre on the rioters without any regard to gender or age.”

“I see.”

After sensing a pinch of gloominess in Colonel Meyer’s tone, Lieutenant Reznik said, “If we care about the innocents in Makai Royal City, we had to end the war as fast as we can.”

Colonel Meyer firmly replied, “Quick victory is our main objective, but war always go into unwanted direction.”

“I know,” Lieutenant Reznik said in low voice.

A moment later, after taking a last glance on the kids in the riverbank, Colonel Meyer and Lieutenant Reznik took their leave.


Half a year ago, a small tavern called Tallmerk Grill was born in a remote corner of commoner district, just behind to the red light district. Three days later, almost all commoner in Makai Royal City knew the newborn tavern.

Tallmerk Grill did not only offer a fragrant grilled meat, but also good beer, delicious bacon, and thick barley soup. Not to mention it also had unusual soft black bread. Most of all, Tallmerk Tavern put affordable price for their menu and opened for 24/7.

From the second floor in Tallmerk Grill, Colonel Meyer observed the inner yard, which somehow was full of kids. The oldest was around 12-13 years old, while the youngest around 4-5 years old. Some of them were gathering next to the well and skillfully cleaning pigeon, hare, mallard, or other small game. 

While in front of the hearth, some kids were happily grilling their catch using bamboo skewer. When their grill was almost done, they would sprinkle it with some seasoning. Even from the second floor, Colonel Meyer could smell the fragrant aroma from the grilled meat.

At the same time, on one corner Tulla repaired a homemade bow while a dozen of youngest kids on the yard sat around him and looked at him with sparkling eyes. It was easy to conclude that Tulla was enjoying the admiration he got from the kids.

After taking a sip of his beer, Colonel Meyer than turned his gaze towards Lieutenant Reznik. “Isn’t that Tulla from settlement 116?”

“Yes,” Lieutenant Reznik calmly replied. “After he graduated from Clandestine Course, Major Petrov brought him here. He has big contribution in the establishment of this tavern, so Major Petrov put him as tavern manager.”

“Does he employ those kids to hunt small game?”

“No, it’s Major Petrov’s idea. Kids under fourteen can trade half of their catch with coins or big bowl of barley soup and two heel of black bread, as long as they clean and grilled. He got this idea from his favorite novel, Game of Throne.”

Colonel Meyer nodded and said, “A big bowl of barley soup and two heel of black bread, that will enough to feed 4-5 kids.”

“Yeah, one hunting group usually is consisting of 4-5 kids.”

“The bow they use, do the kids buy it from Tulla?”

“No, the cheapest hunting bow is around 40 fat mallard or hare. Those orphan kids will not able to afford it.” After taking a bite from a half-cut grilled hare Lieutenant Reznik continued, “Tulla made a dozen of homemade hunting bows and he let the kids to borrow it.”

After pondering for a moment Colonel Meyer asked another question, “The seasoning for the grill, isn’t it an expensive seasoning and will draw unwanted attention?”

“Nope, it’s not expensive at all. It’s just a mix of cheap salt and dried kelp powder. This tavern uses the mix as replacement for MSG.”

“Mix of cheap salt and dried kelp powder?”

“Yes, some sailors from Empire of Mikasa teach fisherman in south coast how to harvest kelp, dry it under the sun, and use it to make seafood stock. This tavern only modifies the dried kelp for another use.”

“I see.”

In casual mood, Colonel Meyer and Lieutenant Reznik then continued their lunch. 


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