TF Amethyst

TFA1 1.3 – Uninvited Guests

TFA1 1.3 - Uninvited Guests

CO Office, 4th Floor of Main Building, Harley Quinn MOA.

23:34, 28 Jan 2025

From one of the windows in his office, General O'Neil watched a convoy of trucks pass the main gate, while inwardly he was thinking about the night drop led by Captain Stark. If the jump went well, MCG's personnel would assess whether the selected location was sufficient to be used as a Forward Operation Camp or a new location must be sought.

If the location was adequate then the next stage could be started. Sending Tamir Air Defense System that would provide air cover, a company of light infantry that would secure the area, followed by MCG's personnel along with materials and equipment they needed. As for heavy equipment that could not be deployed from Hercules, it would be sent by land.

After the FOC was established and the area around it was under control, MCG's personnel would build South High Road to the south as well as to the north, and meet with MCG personnel who started the work from Harley Quinn.

‘The final assessment should have been completed by now.’

General O'Neil muttered while Vex entered the room and walked straight to him.

"The jump in the south is a success without personnel or material losses. The next stage will begin in three hours."

"Finally, we are at starting point." A faint smile appeared in General O'Neil's lips before he continued, "Vex, the other groups also want to start their initial activities. Will the Ground Combat Group and Aviation Combat Group be able to support it?"

"Which group and to what extent they will conduct their initial activity?"

"Nature Environment Group and Mobile Construction Group want to conduct a survey in Southeast Triangle. The Agriculture Development Group wants to start planting Nouel. Meanwhile, Intelligence & Diplomacy Group wants to start relationships with nearest Regions."

Vex immediately massaged his forehead. TF Amethyst had no shortage of personnel, as all the personnel it needed had arrived on Harley Quinn. Unfortunately, not all assets had arrived.

After a deep breath Vex said, "We can provide escort for NEG and MCG. ADG can plant Nouel with a radius up to 5 km from South High Road. 

As for IDG, we should wait until South Highroad and the Focs that protecting it is ready. We can’t forget that diplomatic relation usually comes with a potential for conflict."

"Arrange it accordingly to your suggestion then."


Vex then returned to the Main Operations Control Room.


Main Operations Control Room, 3rd Floor of Main Building, Harley Quinn MOA.

09:20, 31 Jan 2025

Vex was busy studying the route proposed by NEG and MCG when, Lt. Colonel Julius, one of senior officers in the Operations Control Room approached him.

"Sir, you may be interested to examine it."

As Vex looked at the main screen where a group of horsemen herded some people, Lt. Colonel Julius continued.

"Reaper caught their movement thirty minutes ago. Fifty horsemen entered a settlement 9 km west of the OPL. They killed some and then herded the rest to northwest.

According to IDG's officer they are skilled riders, but there is no attribute that indicates they are a cavalry unit from a nearby region."

Vex was pensive for a moment before asking, "Is there any indication they will move to OPL?"

"No, there isn’t."

After he heard Lt. Colonel Julius' answer, Vex immediately nodded in relief. "Then ignore them. We are not a peacekeeping force."

"Sir, in the last month they have captured hundreds of villagers in the west of OPL. We can send a small team to eliminate them, so why don't we do it?"

Vex casually answered, "We're in the middle of a resource-consuming operation. It's best not to attract attention."

"... Sir?"

"Lieutenant Colonel Julius, our presence is still unknown because no one is willing to approach Desolate Land's entrance. This situation must be maintained until we are ready to face anyone who may have interest to exploit our presence."

"Sir." Lt. Colonel Julius gave a small nod before returning to his desk with lowered head.

Vex then heaved a sigh silently while checking his watch. 'Ten minutes before Old Man O'Neil takes my place. Then, I can go to ACG HQ to coordinate the logistical support for the team who will visit Southeast Triangle.'

As Vex went back to studying the map before him, the display on the main screen was replaced by the construction activities of FOC South 860.


Vast Meadow 1 km west of OPL W115

11:47, 31 Jan 2025

"A little more, once we enter the woodland before Desolate Land, we no longer have to worry about Black Eagle that might appear at any time."

Reem then smiled at Rui, her younger brother who was only 8 years old while tightening her grip.

This morning Reem, Rui, and a dozen other kids were playing hide and seek on the outskirts of their village when a group of mounted bandits attacked. Without blinking their eyes, the mounted banidts killed elderly and toddlers before herding the remaining villagers to northwest.

Reem's parents and other villagers were refugees who escaped from choking taxes, never-ending forced labor, negative sentiments from the majority, or other reasons that made them unable to seek protection from local authorities.

Therefore, from an early age the villagers teach their children the skill to survive in the woods, and where to go if disaster strikes their village.

'After arriving at the woodland we must immediately build a foxhole, with a door as small as possible to prevent Gray Wolf from entering.

Tomorrow afternoon, we will return to the village to collect supplies and equipment that were left behind by the mounted bandits, and then stay in the forest for a while. As for the next few weeks mounted bandits will occasionally come to check the village.’

It was a tragic occurrence, for a 12-year-old girl had to lead a dozen younger children and to keep them alive under the threat of dangerous wildlife. Unfortunately, that's the reality.

Actually, Reem was trembling and scared inside. But she realized that if she gave up, her brother and the other children hope to survive would completely gone.

'Don't give up and be strong.' 

Reem repeatedly tried to strengthen her resolve, but tears in the end poured down from her eyes.

"Big Sis, please don't cry. We will help you.”

Rui tried his best to suppoort his sister who was starting to sob, followed by the other children who got closer to Reem. Because right now, she was the only one who could lead them.

"I know, don't worry we'll be fine." Reem wiped her tears. Then, she tried to smile at dozens of children around her.

Reem and other children finally arrived at the edge of the woods before the desolate land, and they almost screamed when a man in green clothes covered in twigs and weeds suddenly rose and stood in front of them.

"Kid, this place is very dangerous and not a place to play. Hurry back to your home."

With a tone as friendly as possible, the man reminded dozens of children who tried to cross the Outer Protection Line guarded by his team. But the children in front of him were just silent, and then some of them began to sob.

Meanwhile, Reem was stunned for a moment before saying, "Mounted bandits came to our village, killed the elderly and toddlers, and then took our parents and other villagers away. Some of them would hide in the village at least until tomorrow morning to wait for villagers who might return from a trip, so we can’t go back now."


The man in green clothes was speechless after hearing the little girl’s explanation. In the protocol he received, there was no procedure that could be used as a guide for the current situation.

"Uncle, let us stay in this forest for a while. We will not disturb you."

'Fuck! Why did a situation like this arise when I was on duty? If I call in Command Center, they would just ask me to kick these poor kids out.' The man in green clothes frowned before asking, "Do you know how to survive in the woods? Trust me, it is not easy even for adults.” 

"We do." Seeing a glimmer of hope, Reem immediately nodded before explaining, "Since we were four years old we have been taught the skill to survive in the woods."

"Sarge, they're not going to survive here." Suddenly, another man in green clothes rose to his feet not far from where Reem and the other children were standing.

However, Reem did not have time to feel the shock in her heart. She was already drowning in worry that she and the other children would be kicked out. If she was not allowed to live in the woodland before the Desolate Land, then she no longer knew where she had to go with the other children. 

"Uncle, we will succeed, believe me, we beg you."

Reem tried to explain further, but the two men in front of her shook their heads slowly before taking a deep breath.

Reem instantly fell into panic, and then started sobbing with the rest of the children.


Ward A2, 1st Floor Medic Quarter, Harley Quinn MOA

12:56, 31 Jan 2025


"It’s so sweet and delicious."

"These must be the milk and biscuits that the nobles enjoy."

Reem and a dozen other children enjoyed the warm milk and biscuits handed out by Medic Quarter's officers, and they were constantly in awe.

Previously, they were invited to ride a four-wheeled iron carriage. The carriage had two doors at the side and one large door at the back, along with two seats at the front and two long benches at the back facing each other.

On either side of the iron carriage there were three small, very clear windows. Strangely, even though there was no horse to pull it, the iron carriage could move very fast.

Reem and the other children had the impression, "Riding the strange iron carriage turned out to be very fun."

After passing through the woodland, they came to a smooth and long road that ended up in a wide area filled with various giant buildings.

Other than some very tall buildings, there were also semi-circular buildings that extend backward, or buildings with roofs but without walls where objects shaped like an arrowhead in white, gray, and with a hint of black were lined up neatly.

There was also a long and smooth path where the object with a shaped like arrowhead shot out and made a loud sound, and then lifted and climbed into the sky.

Reem and the other kids repeatedly rubbed their eyes, and only stopped and were sure there was nothing wrong with their vision after the other three big arrowheads also flew up into the sky.

"U-uwawa... the arrowheads flew without flapping their wings."

In addition, they also saw a row of objects with a shape similar to a cart or dragonfly with four long stalks above it.

While Reem was trying to understand what place she had just entered, the other kids suddenly screamed hysterically.

"Look look. . . the cart can fly too!"

At the same time, they came across an iron carriage that was bigger than the iron carriage they were on.

'They must be the messengers of gods who live in the heavens, and the tallest building on the easternmost field is their main shrine,' Reem murmured while nodding her head.

Reem also remembered that the driver of the two iron carriages were dumbfounded when they met them for the first time. But only for a moment, before they attentively helped the children hopped up onto the iron carriage and with broken accents reminded them to hold on firmly.

The man in green who they met for the first time also muttered non-stop 'Everything will be fine. Everything will be alright…' with a trembling voice while his face was pale.

Initially, Reem and the other children were worried whether they would be okay if they followed the weird uncle in green. But their worries evaporated as soon as they arrived at the building called Medic Quarter.

The men and women in Medic Quarter looked at them dumbfounded at first, but only for a moment before they took the children to a room where dozens of beds neatly lined up, and everything was all white, from mattresses, blankets, pillows, tables, floors, ceiling, to the wall.

The men and women who were called paramedics place their hands on Reem's and other children's wrists before writing something on a small board, and then place something in the children's mouths and stick small metal circles to their chests before writing again on the small board.

The paramedics were very friendly and could speak fluently. Although there were still traces of accents that indicate they were not locals.

Reem braced herself to approach a female paramedic who seemed to hold a high position. If she remembered correctly, the young woman was called "El-tee."

"Miss El-tee, we can work if we are allowed to live here. We are still children, but we are very strong and diligent."

Miss El-tee was dumbfounded for a while before nodding and smiling. "Okay, but for now you and the other children should eat and rest so your bodies recover as quickly as possible."

Reem nodded firmly and was relieved that the strangers they met didn't seem like bad people. They also allowed her and the other children to show that they could be of use. So, they could temporarily stay in the shrine of the divine messengers.


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