TF Amethyst

TFA1 2.1 – Tuscan Region

TFA1 2.1 - Tuscan Region

Lt. Colonel Slane’s Office, FOC South 860.

09:05, 7 Feb 2025

When viewed from above, South High Road was extended from Harley Quinn to southern coast of Amstell Continent for 1800 km, where in the middle of it stood Forward Operating Camp South 860.

FOC South 860 was built for two reasons. First, so that South High Road construction could be carried out from two starting points at once. Second, it was to support the intention of embracing Tuscan Region which was located 50 km west of the camp.

When Reaper conducted aerial observations to determine the route for South High Road, Tuscan Region's condition was recorded accidentally, and IDG concluded that the Region had a potential to become a good friend in all weather.

As soon as intelligence was obtained, an operation to approach Tuscan Region was drafted. And it would be led and executed by Lt. Colonel Slane, the leader of Amethyst Merchant or to be precise was the economic wing of TF Amethyst.

With great care, Lt. Colonel Slane studies intelligence about Tuscan Region over and over. Like most other regions, Tuscan Region only had one city which became the center of government, along with large and small settlements scattered around it.

Magwurt City or the capital of Tuscan Region had a 10 meters high and 2.5 meters thick outer wall. Of the four entry gates, trucks and other heavy vehicle could enter the city only from east gate. Also, even though Humvee could enter every gate easily, the streets in the city would not be able to withstand its weight. 

As for the layout of Magwurt City, it was divided into commercial districts in the east, high-class districts in the north, military districts in the west, and commoner districts in the south. Meanwhile, in the center of the city stood Castle Magwurt where the nobles live.

Until two decades ago, Tuscan Region was the largest Nouel producer and became one of the richest regions in Amstell Continent. Unfortunately, Nouel's production in Tuscan Region gradually declined until the land could no longer be planted with Nouel or other food crops.

During the last eight years, Tuscan Region had experienced a severe economic decline and food shortages. The population had also decreased drastically from 400 thousand to 80 thousand.

However, based on field confirmation by Agriculture Development Group, 75% of the farmland in Tuscan Region could be replanted with Nouel after being reconditioned for 8 months. The reconditioning took a long time because the farmland had been planted with one type of plant continuously for many years, without pauses or attempts to restore the soil potential.

Also, the farmland in Tuscan Region that could not be planted with Nouel, turned out could directly be planted with sugar cane. Therefore, Lt. Colonel Slane immediately asked so that sugar cane seeds from earth must be brought in immediately. 

As he closed the document before him, Lt. Colonel Slane took a deep breath. "I hope everything goes well."


South High Road km 863, 3 km to the east of FOC South 860.

11:09, 7 Feb 2025

Captain Stark was a little surprised when two days ago, Lt. Colonel Slane arrived with a notice that FOC South 860 would receive additional asset to support the attempt in approaching Tuscan Region.

FOC South 860 was equipped with a helipad, hangar, fuel depot, and maintenance depot, so the upgrades could be made in no time. Four hours after Captain Stark received the notification, 6 units CH-47H Chinook, 4 units AH-1Z Viper, 4 units UH-1Y Venom, and 4 units OH-58N Kiowa Warrior, along with their flight and ground crews arrived in FOC South 860.

Meanwhile, right now he was asked to secure the landing sites of 26 C-130J Super Hercules that carrying other assets, equipment, and various commodities.

South High Road had a width of 21 meters and was built from 8x3 meters concrete blocks. The concrete block was chosen because its maintenance was far easier compare to asphalt, although its smoothness was still a little less.

In addition to have lot of long straight lanes, South High Road also could be landed by Hercules or other TF Amethyst aerial assets. This capability was done so that rapid mobilization to each FOC could be done at rapid pace.

[Control 8-6-0 to Godfather 8-6-0, friendly convoy from the north will arrive in five minutes, please confirm.]

Captain Stark pressed PTT button on his chest before answering, "Godfather 8-6-0 to Control 8-6-0, horizon is clear, over."

[Received and understood, Control 8-6-0, over and out.]

Before long black dots appeared in the north sky, and in a few breaths of time they turned into silhouette of Hercules. Each Hercules then landed one by one, and without turning off the engine, they turned around. As soon as the rear door of each Hercules opened, personnel from Logistics & Support Group immediately started the unloading.

‘The first sortie landed safely, three more sorties to go," Captain Stark muttered before heaving a sigh of relief.


Viscount Rattel's Study, Castle Magwurt

10:00, 10 Feb 2025

Viscount Rattel was pensive while his hands were gripping a small bottle filled with light blue grains. The blue grain in Viscount Rattel's hand was Nouel. A plant that was similar in shape and size to barley, but its stems, leaves, and grain remain green, before turning blue when it was ready to be harvested.

Nouel was a companion food for Dragon, Wyvern, or Firebird which was widely used as an aerial element by the 1st and 2nd world authorities. It was also main ingredient to produce fuel brick. So it could be said that Nouel was a strategic resource.

Two decades ago Nouel was the epitome of glory for Tuscan Region. But now, let alone Nouel, even ordinary food crops could not be produced by Tuscan Region. Therefore, Viscount Rattel did not understand why someone would lease the entire farmland in Tuscan Region for a long period.

"Mr. Slane, have you confirmed the condition of our farmland?"

"Yes, and according to proposal I had submitted, Amethyst Merchant is willing to pay in gold, coins, foodstuffs, health assistance, or other assistance for public infrastructure development."

Seeing the confidence on his guest face, suspicion ran through Viscount Rattel's heart. Yet he truly couldn't let go of the opportunity to free Tuscan Region from a long famine.

After sighed inwardly Viscount Rattel said, "I don’t mind if you want to rent all farmland in Tuscan Region for 50 years and tax-free. I also have no objection to the price you are offering. I’m fully aware I have no basis for haggling.

It just… can the first 25 years of the rent be paid in advance with gold and foodstuffs. As for the remaining 25 years, you can pay it with health assistance and public infrastructure development accordingly to your proposal."

"It can."

Hearing Lt. Colonel Slane replied steadily, Viscount Rattel was flabbergasted, but only for a moment before he stretched out his hand with a broad grin.


The outer boundary of commoner district, southern part of Magwurt City

13:30, 10 Feb 2025

Captain Elliot really didn't know what to do, when two guests he had to guide insisted on visiting the southern part of the city. The two guests did promise to only see from the outermost boundary, but that still could not dispel his anxiety.

Above the surface, the southern side of the city was known as a district for the lower class. However, in reality the area was no more than a slum.

Rickety huts that stand on each side of an unpaved road, women and children with emaciated bodies and shabby clothes sitting in front of their huts with empty stares, and sewers filled with black mud that ironically was used as a source of water by the population. Captain Elliot was embarrassed when the guests he was guiding had to witness all of that, but he could do nothing.

"Just reading the report and seeing it directly give us a very different impression." Lt. Colonel Slane turned his head towards Lieutenant William from Mobile Construction Group before continuing, "Looks like MCG and Medic Quarter will become very busy."

"Don't worry, even if MCG and Medic Quarter personnel aren't in charge of carrying assault rifles, that doesn't mean we're weak."

Lieutenant William answered calmly but firmly, and he was just about to bite his bread when a six-year-old girl with a worn face and clothes approached him.

"... b-read."

Seeing the girl swallowed nonstop while staring at his bread, Lieutenant William immediately tore his bread into two big chunks, and gave the piece he had not yet bitten to the little girl. The girl's face instantly filled with joy, and she immediately ran toward a hut. At the same time Lt. Colonel Slane sighs deeply.

In a sense, Lt. Colonel Slane understood the meaning of poverty and hunger, because he was acquainted with it from a very early age. He then turned his gaze towards Lieutenant William. 

"We've seen what we need to see, so we'd better get back and start the work."


Lt. Colonel Slane and Lieutenant William then hurried back to Amethyst Merchant Camp, while relief was clearly visible on Captain Elliot's face.


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