TF Amethyst

TFA1 2.14 – Opening Strike

TFA1 2.14 - Opening Strike

Northern Coalition Camp, 5 km west of Magwurt City.

21:05, 1 April 2025

After a warm bath and a sumptuous dinner, Northern Coalition's leaders then enjoyed a show of several young and alluring women performing a dance.

"It's disappointing. They didn't launch a single ambush even though some logistical convoys moved around without escort. They also didn't try to attack the blockade that we established."

Baron Eslei responded to Baron Mhors' complaint by saying, "Don't spoil the mood, this is the last time we can relax before the battle begins."

"Baron Eslei, what do you mean by battle? Two waves of attacks, and I guaranteed Magwurt City’s walls will collapse." Viscount Grakh smiled broadly before adding, "Besides, we can still relax when the attack to soften Magwurt City defense is launched, and only go to the front lines when the main attack is launched."

Viscount Grakh then grabbed one of the dancers, and placed her on his lap while his hands moved to every corner of the girl's body.

Baron Mhors and Baron Eslei immediately followed in. Not long after that, a repetitive panting was heard from inside the tent, along with the happy laughter of the Northern Coalition's leaders.


South Wall of Fort Cambia.

05:08, 2 April 2025

General Balthor looked at the iron carriages that took up position 1.5 km to the south of Fort Cambia, on a 50-meter high mound with a fairly wide peak. From his position, he saw two people dressed all in green standing beside one of the iron carriages. One observed Fort Cambia using some kind of binoculars, while the other one stood beside the first person enjoying a cup of drink.

"You said they've been there since sunrise?"

Captain Phiere who was standing next to General Balthor answered, "According to the guard who saw them for the first time, it's likely they had been there since before sunrise."

General Balthor frowned before saying, "Send a cavalry squad, kill a few of them and interrogate the rest. Make sure they know the price for spying on Fort--"

Siuuuuu siuuu siuuuu.  .  .  !

General Balthor narrowed his eyes, when a plume of smoke appeared from several iron carriages, along with a whistle that approached in a flash.

Boom!  Boom!  Boom!  Bo-bo-booom!

In an instant, General Balthor's heart stopped beating after a chain of deafening explosions rang out behind him. Not to mention one of the explosions was very close to his position. Luckily, his bodyguards immediately made sure he took cover behind the fort walls.

While his body was shaking, General Balthor looked at the destroyed kitchen, horse stables, and logistic barn.

And before long, the long whistle was heard one more time, followed by an object that fell on one of the logistics warehouses roofs, and a moment later a huge explosion gushed out of the warehouse.

Meanwhile, the alarm bell immediately heard along with the panic that enveloped the entire fortress. Several Centurions managed to gather their squad members and led them towards the defensive wall. However, on the way to the defensive wall, explosion after explosion hit and killed most of them.

At the same time, the attacks on the logistics warehouse, horse stables, and kitchen continued. In an instant, General Balthor realized the opponent's goal and he knew he had to thwart their intentions no matter what the cost, or Northern Coalition’s contingent that attacked Tuscan Region would losing logistical support.

Magwurt City's invasion involved more than 100 thousand personnel, where along the incursion corridor there was not a single agricultural land or settlement that could be looted. Losing logistical support could lead to a disaster worse than defeat, a total wiped out.

Cold sweat flooded General Balthor's back, as he remembered that last night Viscount Grakh had sent a message that Northern Coalition’s contingent had arrived in front of Magwurt City, in full force and was about to launch its first assault this morning.

'Damn, how could this fortress take a fatal blow at such a critical moment?' General Balthor gritted his teeth before shouting out an order, "Send cavalry and Riders right now! Kill them immediately!"

"General, you must take cover to a safe place. I will bring their heads to you."

Captain Phiere said steadfastly before rushing towards the barrack of Tarai Air Corps' 2nd Rider Squadron.


TF Passer, small mound 1.5 km to the south of Fort Cambia.

In the TF Amethyst’s doctrine, in addition to carrying a communications specialist or battalion staff, LAV Command usually also carries a Support Coordinator & Air Officer who was in charge of coordinating mortar firing solutions, or requesting artillery strike and airstrike.

The fire support could be requested manually using radio, digitally by utilizing a net-centric between platforms, or simply by marking the targets using a laser designator carried by LAV Command.

Inside LAV Command, Lieutenant Flores sent target coordinates to the LAV Mortar crew. Early this morning, with assistance from Reaper he managed to identify important targets such as logistics warehouses, kitchens, barracks, wells, armory, and horse stables. Of course, once the attack started he also got additional targets such as the concentration of defenders.

Lieutenant Flores was engrossed in sending the target coordinates, when he saw a small crowd on top of the south wall.  Seeing that the crowd seemed to be escorting a High Value Target, he immediately aimed at the crowd.

Generally, 120 mm mortar was fired with a formula of 4 mortars round to cover an area up to ​​200 square meters. However, for the target that he aimed, Lieutenant Flores chose to use only one mortar round, and waited until the target was walking between two walls. Therefore, if the target was not killed by the first shock wave and fragmentation, they would still be killed by the second shock wave that was reflected by the wall.

Coordinates were immediately dispatched and a moment later, Lieutenant Flores smiled as his target got hit hard, and stopped moving after their bodies crashed to the ground.

Then, his smile was replaced by a broad grin as he saw a large number of cavalry moving towards the east and west gates. At the same time, dozens of Cloud Hawks took off from one corner of Fort Cambia.

"All Passers, be advised, cavalry is approaching from 10 and 2 o'clock, followed by Riders from 12 o'clock."


"I repeat, cavalry is approaching from 10 and 2 o'clock, followed by riders from 12 o'clock."




Apart from LAV Shorad, all LAVs belonging to the TF Passer are equipped with a Medium Machine Gun M240 7.62 mm. As soon as Lieutenant Flores announced the arrival of the opposing cavalry, the gunners immediately got ready.

At the same time, the LAV Shorad's crew was preparing to welcome Riders that were already visible in the distance.


Barracks of 2nd Rider Squadron, Tarai Air Corps.

Throughout the journey, Captain Phiere kept asking, 'How could the attackers have such strong firepower?'

He knew that 2nd world authorities like Kingdom of Makai had fire trebuchet that could burn their targets, but this was the first time he saw an artillery weapon that could make a building explode from inside and shatter to pieces.

Luckily, from the start he managed to grasp what kind of target that the attacker was aiming for. So he could choose a safe route and arrived at the barrack safely. Then, relief filled Captain Phiere's heart as he saw that Cloud Hawks of 2nd Squadron's still intact and the Riders were ready for battle.

"Captain, we've installed your saddles, and Darpha Riders and Liqua Riders are just taking off."

Captain Phiere nodded slightly without thanking the crew for working so responsively. Right now every second was precious so he had to make the most of it. "Our target is taking up positions 1.5 km to the south of this fort. We still don't know their anti-air capability. So, attack from the maximum height with arrows."

 """ROGER!" ""

The 2nd Riders Squadron answered in unison before climbing onto their Cloud Hawks, and without delay they immediately took off.

Captain Phiere was in no rush to catch up with two squadrons who had preceded him. Instead, he wanted to use them to confirm how the enemy would fight, and before long that wish was full filled.

First, he saw the dotted line showering the cavalry units who coming out of the east and west gate. The vanguard of the two cavalry units immediately collapsed, while the ranks behind them chose to turn around.

"Cowardly bastards, at least drain their fire arrows even if you can't win the fight."

Captain Phiere muttered while a salvo of thicker fire arrows suddenly shot out towards Darpha Riders and Liqua Riders who were approaching from two directions at a very low altitude. Captain Phiere was sure that the fire arrows did not hit Darpha Riders or Liqua Riders, but he vaguely saw small explosions around them. 

Then, several Cloud Hawks took a sharp dive and hit the ground very hard, while the rest were desperately trying to fly away. However, their efforts were fruitless.

Without delay, Captain Phiere gave instructions to the 2nd Squadron members. "Attention, do not fly too close. It seems our opponent uses fire arrows that can explode and scatter deadly splinters."





All 2nd Rider Squadron's personnel replied alternately, and they had just spread out in all directions when in the distance fire spears shot into the air. The fire spears flew straight to their position while leaving a long smoke trail.

'They also have fire spears that 2nd world authorities use.'

Captain Phiere was surprised, but he didn't panic. Fire spears were dangerous, but if their trajectory was known they could be avoided. Moreover, the opponent was shooting it from a too far position and the numbers were too few.

"Evasive maneuvers!"

Captain Phiere's gave the orders calmly, but a moment later his eyes widened as the incoming fire spears changed their flight path and followed his maneuvers.

"Attention, opponent is not using a normal fire spear, but a guided fire spe--"

Boom boom boom bo-bo-boooom!

Of the 20 Riders from 2nd Squadron, 18 were fatally getting hit by incoming fire spears and fell free straight to the ground. The other two Riders survived because somehow, the fire spears missed and flew away before exploding in midair.

The two survivors then flew away at full speed, while cold sweat flooded their backs.


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