TF Amethyst

TFA1 2.16 – Capture

TFA1 2.16 - Capture

Operations Control Room, Amethyst Merchant HQ.

The heart of Tuscan Region's higher-ups was churning mercilessly, as they saw TF Amethyst's efficiency and effectiveness in producing destruction. Once an area was destroyed, the designated mark in that area immediately disappeared and appeared in the new area, where the concentration of Northern Coalition personnel was very high.

Question mark filled the forehead of Tuscan Region’s higher-ups when Lt. Colonel Slane said, "Targets beyond 7 km will be hit using MLRS and Howitzer, while the closer one will be hit with mortar round."

Then, after they saw how Northern Coalition Camp was destroyed, they soon realized that MLRS and Howitzer were the primary weapons, and the mortar that hit opposing cavalry on the south, east, and north of Magwurt City was the secondary weapon.

'If I don’t see this is a human handiwork, I will have thought that Northern Coalition Camp is being hit by the wrath of the gods,' muttered Viscount Rattel.

'They are not merchants, but conquerors who are on vacation,' muttered Jeve Rattel.

'Damn Khartoum, he must have known TF Amethyst's military capacity but didn't tell me on purpose,' muttered Maine Rattel.

'I thought the Kiowa Warriors were their ultimate weapon. Don't tell me the MLRS and Howitzers aren't their main weapons either,' muttered General Khartoum.

For the first time in their life, Tuscan Region’s higher-ups were sympathizing to their enemy misfortune. 

'The Northern Coalition has not taken a wrong turn, but it has been going the wrong way from the start.'

While Tuscan Region's higher-ups were busy with turmoil in their hearts, Lt. Colonel Slane casually gave instructions to an officer.

"Send Viper and Kiowa to obliterate Northern Coalition outpost beyond the reach of our artillery."


Lt. Colonel Slane then walked over to Viscount Rattel with a cheerful smile. "Ser Rattel, TF Amethyst can provide assistance to defend Fort Cambia. But to operate it, I think Tuscan Guard personnel are more suitable.

TF Amethyst will provide 50 trucks and escorts to shift 1,800 Tuscan Guards to Fort Cambia. At the same time, we will launch a clean-up against the remains of Northern Coalition."

"Understood," Viscount Rattel answered steadily.


Hills on the western tip of Berril Plain, the Borders of Tuscan Region and Kandez Region.

09:37, 2 April 2025

Inside a hole of 0.5 meter deep and covered in a camouflage net, by using a high-power telescope Centurion Ravel scanned the wide plain spread out below him.

Starting from a few days ago, he and his three colleagues had accompanied personnel from Surveillance & Target Acquisition Platoon to monitor the western border. It was a precaution in case Kandez Region decided to participate in the campaign organized by Northern Coalition.

However, until Northern Coalition main force arrived in front of Magwurt City, there was no sign that Kandez Region was going to join the campaign, and this morning he received notification that some of Northern Coalition's elements who were retreating maybe would pass through their position.

Centurion Ravel didn't understand why Northern Coalition main force that just arrived last night suddenly decided to retreat this morning. Moreover, they chose their retreat route through Kandez Region and not head straight north.

When he saw a plume of dust in the distance Centurion Ravel immediately said, "Looks like we have another guest."

Sergeant Leslie, who sat next to Centurion Ravel answered. "Let them pass, our mission is observation."

Centurion Ravel was about to nod, when he realized that among the dozens of incoming horsemen there was one person in a flashy and glamorous outfit.

"Sergeant Leslie, there seems to be a high-value target among our guests this time."

Sergeant Leslie immediately used a long-range digital camera to inspect the incoming guest. The flock was still more than 2.5 km away, but through the long-range digital camera, he could clearly see the face of a middle-aged man in a flashy and glamorous outfit, including the insignia on his left chest and the rank mark on his shoulder.

Sergeant Leslie reflexively grabbed his radio and pressed PTT button. "Wide Raccoon to Miwa Control, come in"

[Miwa Control to Wide Raccoon, go ahead.]

"We have obtained a target-opportunity, highly likely is a Viscount, requesting permission to snatch and grab him, confirm."

[Received and understood, please wait for confirmation from Miwa Godfather.]

With a pounding heart Sergeant Leslie waited. Every second was precious and if the target he was aiming for went at full throttle, then it would pass his position in a matter of minutes.

Fortunately, when Sergeant Leslie was about to call in the command center in Magwurt City one more time, a radio call came in.

[Miwa Control to Wide Raccoon, comes in.]

"Wide Raccoon to Miwa Control, go ahead.]

[Snatch and grab are green, succeed or fail immediately go to Delta 0-6-0-2, Echo 1-2-6-0, for aerial extract, and good luck.]

"Received and understood, Wide Raccoon, over and out."

Sergeant Leslie immediately gathered his men and gave them a brief briefing. The STA unit he led consisted of four sub-units, each equipped with:

AWM 338 Lapua Magnum with an effective range of 1.58 km, 

HK M110A1 with an effective range of 800 meters, 

HK416 with a grenade launcher for sporadic fire up to 400 meters.

While the STA personnel listened to the briefing with eyes glistening of killing intent, Centurion Ravel and his colleagues could only cry silently.

'Why are they so excited even though they know our opponent is three times bigger? Looks like this fight will become my last.'


Viscount Grakh felt fortunate that he had such a perceptive bodyguard. While he was disoriented after seeing the destruction of Northern Coalition camp from a close range, his bodyguards swiftly took him out of the danger zone, and then escaped by taking an inconspicuous route.

While looking at the hills that formed the boundary between Tuscan Region and Kandez Region, Viscount Grakh smiled from ear to ear. 'Once I enter Kandez Region, I no longer need to worry about the hunting efforts that Tuscan Guard and Amethyst Merchant launched.'

Viscount Grakh had indeed lost more than half of his bodyguards, but as long as he was alive he could easily form a new bodyguard unit. Then, a moment before he and his remaining bodyguards arrived at the foot of the hills, Viscount Grakh proudly said.

"Once we return to Tarai Region, I will make sure you and the families of your fallen comrades are properly rewarded."

An ear-to-ear smile immediately bloomed on Viscount Grakh's bodyguards' lips. They would not only survive the hellish hell that fell out of nowhere, but would also receive a legit reward. So, it was natural that their hearts were filled with overflowing joy.

"That's why, don't be discouraged and keep on---"

Bang!  Bang!  Bang!  Ba-ba-bang!

Without any warning a chain of loud 'Bang!' was heard, followed by the fall of Viscount Grakh's bodyguard to the ground. Within a few breaths, only three bodyguards in the closest position to the Viscount were still alive.

A moment later, while Viscount Grakh and his three bodyguards were flabbergasted, from a shallow hole not far from their position three STA personnel in ghillie suits rose to their feet and approached them.

"Drop your weapons, get down from your horse, then lay down and put your hands behind your head."

Seeing the people with weird clothing dared to command their lord while brandishing a weirdly shaped staff, Viscount Grakh's bodyguards instinctively pulled out their long sabers.

Each bodyguard was not only skilled in close combat, but also adept cavalryman. That's why they didn't see anything to worry about from the three weird people who were approaching them.

And somehow, both Viscount Grakh and his remaining bodyguards forgot that a moment earlier dozens of their comrades had collapsed for reasons that were still unknown. With full confidence, Viscount Grakh's bodyguards galloped their horses towards the approaching STA personnel, and it was a fatal mistake that cost their lives.

Ratatar.  .  .  ratatar!

After a series of short outbursts, the three bodyguards instantly fell to the ground. At the same time, Viscount Grakh's smile evaporated, and while he was still dumbfounded, one of the STA personnel pulled him off the horse until his body fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"I am Viscount Grakh of Tarai Region. If you don't treat me with respect, I will have Viscount Rattel hand over your heads as an apology."

Without heeding Viscount Grakh words, the STA personnel disarmed him before handcuffing his hands and gaging his mouth roughly. At the same time, one of them radioed Sergeant Leslie.

"Top, the target-opportunity is likely to be Viscount Grakh from Tarai Region."

[Understood, I will report it.]

The STA personnel who had just radioed Sergeant Leslie then approached Viscount Grakh. "Don't try to run away or get cranky during the trip, and we won't kill you."

Hearing a warning filled with killing intent, Viscount Grakh swallowed hard before nodding his head repeatedly. It was natural as the Viscount had the impression his captors didn't care whether he was a noble or a street thug.


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